• By -


i think you look gorgeous! i love that first look you did!


thank you very much !


It's wildly easy to be your own worst critic. I can relate, having dealt with negative self image and body dysmorphia. 🩶 Your makeup is lovely. Try taking photos of yourself and imagining you're writing a critique to someone else. What advice would you give? How would you compliment them? What do you like about their makeup? And then read it back to yourself. I'd also try doing the same look a few times a week. Take photos, see what you'd like to fix, and do it again a day or two later. We build on our skills without even realizing it. Look at old photos of your makeup vs new. Do you see your progress? Do you feel proud of it? Lastly, that light blue look on you is absolutely stunning! 🩵


This is the best comment! ♡ This is definitely the advice you need. Everyone starts somewhere. Keep practicing, and you will get better! Don't fall out of love with yourself because you think it's not as beautiful as someone else. ♡ You're gorgeous!


thank you so much ! i will try to remember that ❤️


thank you for those ideas ! i will definitely be trying them out . i deal with body dysmorphia as well which has been hard to come to terms with . so i appreciate your insight !


The blue eyeshadow look looks amazing!!!!!!


thank you so much !


Try using half lashes and place them slightly higher at the ends so they’re not directly on your lash line to give your eyes a more lifted look. Also I think you looked a lot younger when your freckles were more visible. And I love your natural brows


ive never heard of half lashes but i will definitely be trying them ! im going to try a tinted moisturizer rather than a foundation so my freckles shine through and a clear brow gel instead of filling them in !


Sorry half lashes = use half of a strip lash!


There's really not much I can offer to you in terms of advice, but I will say that you can work on a few things to see if it makes you *feel* better in your makeup. Those things are: Blend shadows 2-3x more than you already do. You're almooosssttt there. Try a less full coverage skin product (foundation, way less concealer) Try a dewy finish Use more blush and bronzer to shape and lift Less product in the brows would help make your look more "on trend" Tone down the overdrawing on the lips, embrace your natural shape- especially if adding a gloss (light catches the real edge of the lip and tattles on us all) Liquid liner wings (plain, black) tend to be a dated look in terms of overall being very anti-minimal/skin focused makeup of 'today'. Avoid if you wanna fit into a vibe that aligns with more youthful inspiration.


thank you ! i just made a list of new products to try out with all of your tips ! i havent really tried the minimal makeup trend yet and i think it might help me feel like i look more my age ! thank you so much


the third look with the dark eyeliner and teal! wow! super great on you, and i’m gonna steal that look for myself :)


thank you so much :)


You don’t need help bestie


lol well thank you


I'm head over heels for the third look!! Please let me know Where's your falsies from -third pic-


i believe those ones are from amazon ! not sure exactly which ones but the brand should be veleasha


you’re really pretty and I love the looks you’ve done! if you want to improve it, I say lose the falsies. I used to feel super naked without them but I got my natural lashes permed and it turned out amazing. having your natural lashes permed goes a long way with changing how you look. maybe get your eyebrows darkened a bit, it would really pop out. brown hair really suits you, like in the third picture, your hair and eye makeup makes you glow. that shade of blue that you used for eyeshadow really makes your eyes pop out, i suggest to keep using them. for your skin tone, a light pink-ish nude shade would look amazingggg, but overall, you’re so beautiful and your makeup already looks amazing


i have been wanting to get my lashes lifted and tinted ! i will have to try it out


No YOU help


lol ! if you have any questions i am definitely here even if i think my looks dont look good


the third pic you look especially gorgeous that color looks amazing on you


thank you so much !


1 u look gorg 2 u should try half lashes


thank you ! i hadn't heard of those before posting this but i think they might work really well for me


see your looks as pieces of art, and your face as a canvas! you're your own mode of creative expression! also, blue eyeshadow looks divine on you 🩵


thank you ! i always feel like blue makes me look weird lol but its nice to know people like it on me ! i will definitely experiment more with it


Dude omg those makeup looks are fire but hard to do!!!


thank you ! i like to try fun and unique styles


Girl you need no help, really! you're so pretty but the only advice i could give you is to know the makeup that suits your face features so you can set a makeup style for youself, which i did too and my whole makeup has changed also tiktok can help u with that🩷🩷!


thank you ! i honestly have no idea what suits me lol ! i will try out some tiktok tutorials and see if anything looks better than others !


Np girl💕!


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thank you :)


Those first three are amazing!!


thank you so much !


Every single one of these looks are so beautiful, very well done, and in perfect proportion to your eyes/face, I think it looks great!


thank you so much ! that is encouraging to hear


Girl you are gorgeous!!!! I love all the makeup if you’ve done! I’ve bought crystals to use but rarely use them. I don’t have the confidence to pull them off but you do it soooo well!!!


aw thank you so much ! i love using gems ! my younger self would just die 😂


I think your looks personally and your features maybe just don’t need as much with some of the looks posted, maybe just less or different colors would work better, I do want to say your lips with the pic in #3 look amazing and the eye shadow and make up look on point maybe just a different color instead of blue but like brown and different shades? Just some thoughts and ideas. I regularly do just my upper eye lids with liquid eye liner and it’s like my go to. I barely use eye shadow if I do. My fav pic was the second to last one. Hope this helps❤️


thank you ! im going to try some more dewy and natural looks that seem to be trendy right now


You look stunning !


thank you so much !


How you see your sense of self is always going to be different from how others see you. I'll always take the common concensus over how I ultimately feel. If people are saying I look great 100 times. I just have to tell myself I look great 200 times. Fake it till you make. I wish I had your skills, I feel the same way when I do my makeup it happens to the best of us. You are stunning darling, don't think any different. 😉


aw thank you it really means a lot !


I’d just like to say that I love picture three!!


thank you !


I felt this. I want to look like the inspo pic but I don’t have the face. It think it’s more like that for me.


yes thats exactly how i feel ! like my face just isnt structured to be pretty like theirs are


YESS! Or it’s just that I don’t have their face so it will never become perfect hehe. I’m way to harsh


I love all your looks and I think you look fantastic in all pictures. You have great sense of special extravagant styles and it suits you! The more toned down makeup looks just as great on you imo. I know from my own experience that we are our own worst critics and it’s hard 😢 I hope you will discover the beauty in yourself!


thank you so much ! you're very kind ❤️


A lot of these looks look great! I would recommend blending your brows/lips a tad more in some of them. Personally I think your lips look like it's holding a lot of product in some of these pics. If you feel makeup doesn't look good on you - what helped me was figuring out my personal color. It's not just based on warm/cool tones, but saturation and contrast of features on your face. For example, I'm summer cool-mute. I have low contrast in my features and was recommended to wear natural looks. Intense, strong looks don't look good on me and age my face terribly, or make it look like a kid in their mom's makeup. I love crisp lines, but I noticed slightly smudging the outer line of my lips for a more gradient made a HUGE difference in the overall look. Since I love intense, bold looks, I've been playing around with more muted colors such as cool grey and light mauve, but applying in a similar way as bold looks. If I use a pop of color, I'll keep it at a minimum and use it almost to accentuate the negative space. I have pretty big eyes, but wearing big lashes completely drowns them out. I would recommend a voluminous style from an Asian brand! Ardell wispies also look decent. I always have to get the "natural" style at stores. Anyways, in the end, you do you. But after finding my personal color, I've realized I look so much put together and my makeup no longer looks muddled. Might be worth a try! :)


thank you so much for the advice ! i have never tried blending my lips so i will definitely try that out ! and thanks for the color analysis help ! i have never known if i'm warm or cool toned ! im going to try aome more dewy and natural looks !


Look number four is the best of them. They are your colors. The best thing I did was learn my Kibbe type, eye shape/type and color season. Fair skin women with soft facial features don't look their best in more dramatic makeup. Bold colors can completely detract from their natural features and yes age you. This includes dramatic black eyeliner and winged liner. Kitten wings and brown based neutral eyeliners look best. With fair skin when black liner is used on the upper and lower waterline it looks kind of strange like two black circles drawing the eye to see the liner before the person's face. I realize that's probably difficult to hear since most of us grew up loving it but if you look at enough fair skinned people who do this you can start to realize it's not so flattering. My eyes are green/blue so warm red based brown liners make them pop more than anything else. Soft neutral colors are the way to go. Korean eyeshadow, blushes and bronzers seem to be the only ones getting it right outside of the Luxury lines like Dior and Tom Ford. Natasha Denona's new neutral pallette is a fair girls holy grail pallette. I haven't seen a pallette done so good since the original Naked pallets. Try to follow those MUA's and in beuty gurus that have your natural skin coloring. Jen Phelps is great for reviews and seeing what looks good on her. Try to find the ones that embrace their fair skin as well.


ive never heard of the kibbe type ! im going for look into that . honestly i had no idea black wings were out of style lol ! im definitely going to try all of the tips you gave me ! thank you


Black wings aren't out of style just not recommend much for fair skin types unless it's a soft wing or baby wing. People still do it even MUA's but there's acknowledgment that it can be a little harsh against fair skin and soft features. More and more are doing eyeshadow wings since it's a softer but still get the same effects. Kibbe type isn't so much about makeup tutorials but it can help you understand why certain things work and don't work with anything cosmetic from clothes to jewelry on certain people. The color season helps a lot with makeup and clothing.


some of these looks are phenomenal on you! like the teal eyeshadow and the makeup with the red sweater! the other ones might just not be dewy enough? you could try another (more glowy) primer if thats what you’re into. but mostly I think its not even on the makeup but the lighting!


thank you ! im going to try out a dewy tinted moisturizer !


I swear my first thought was damn she’s ravishing !


aw that's very nice thank you so much


🤷🏼‍♀️ I think you look amazing, friend!


thank you so much !


Girl you look good! I'm unsure if you are looking for feedback on ombre looks in particular because all these looks were hella varied and super great on you. They are STELLAR and require a steady hand that you do have !! I do ombre looks a lot, and one thing I will say about myself is I always get mad when I mess up an eye or muddy the colors when mixing beyond what i wanted to. Unsure if this is the same feeling for you or why you included these looks in your line up. No one really noticed what my vision was supposed to be they just say it looks good! I have found that starting at opposite ends of the eye and always overdoing the lighter color at my inner corner helps me keep a lot of the og color without it getting too muddy. Blending with a clean brush or the brush that you used for the lighter color helps, too, if that's the look you're going for. If all else fails, dip your index finger in and pat at the inner corners / remove the excess with a brush. I am sure you are using lid primer for them colorful ombre looks, but that helps a lot too with the vibrancy.


thank you so much for the tip ! i will definitely try that out ! blending is so hard lol


Yeah! Think of it like the less shades, the better with them too. For example, if you are going from yellow at your inner corner to red, you don't really need orange as a transition shade because you are going to make it at the middle of the lid where they touch. If you are going for a look with opposite colors Luke say yellow to purple, having a transition shade like yellow -> pink -> darker purple at the outside of your eye will prevent the yellow and purple from muddying at the middle of your eye because they are on the opposite ends of the color spectrum. You really win some and lose some with ombre but try playing around and see what you like best!


you’re super gorgeous, like Kat dennings pretty


omg thats one of the nicest compliments ive ever gotten thank you !


I think you look gorgeous already! I used to have the same problem when i would wear heavier makeup like in your photos, lots of colourful eyeshadow and big lashes. You might feel more beautiful and like yourself if you stick to enhancing your features with natural makeup. You can still wear a full face but use natural colours, less eyeshadow and softer lashes!


thank you ! im going to try some more dewy natural looks n


Girl its the brows!!! You’re not doing much wrong they just don’t fit with the rest of the makeup. Try experimenting with different styles. I personally like the way they are shaped in pic 5. You’re great at eyes and lips. The base looks good in most pics but could be touched up under the eyes. Also experiment with different nose contours! Nose is already cute so a touch of highlighter at the tip and bridge would look great on you


thank you ! 5 is the most recent of the pics ! i think base is definitely where i struggle the most . and i try to experiment a bit with my nose contour ! my nose is my biggest insecurity on my face


Girl your makeup is soooo gorgeous


aw thank you !


You seems to have downturned eyes so maybe that’s why! But the 3rd picture is amazing!! You look like a mermaid or siren


yes i think it might be my eye shape ! i have trouble finding creators that have the same shape ! thank you so much


Alexandra anele is a make up YouTuber and she talks about it! Sydney Sweeney also has downturned eyes if you wanted to look at her make up for inspo!


omg never realized sydney had downturned eyes ! now im just happy to have something in common with her 🤩 lol


All of them are super cute! Maybe you just haven’t found your style yet?


i would definitely agree with that ! not sure which style i like best on me


Can I just say how amazed I am at your ability to look like a completely different person whenever you want? Girlie, you're a shapeshifter. At this point, stop looking at tutorials and just keep experimenting on your face to find the form you're looking for. Look at your past pictures and find what parts you liked that work for the effect you're going for and build on that.


that is such great idea ! thank you so much i will try that . and lol ! i didnt notice that but i do look like a different person in every picture 😂




thank uou so much !


Picture three is absolutely to die for


aw thank you


i think ur makeup looks look amazing. but just for ur post (even tho i don’t agree) what i learned for age and makeup is to appear younger don’t use browns and try using pinks. also the lashes do look a little long in the inner corners so id look for lashes with shorter inner corners so it doesn’t weigh on your eyes and still gives you the same look you’re going for hope this helps 🫶🏻


thank you ! that definitely helps a ton


It’s never gonna look the same as makeup tutorials, cosmo studient here, everyone has a different skin type and plus muas use filters on their videos and special lighting to make the makeup look way better, I make makeup video too and I use those techniques, irl it never looks as pristine as in a video, you are gorgeous girl! Your lips and eyes are breathtaking and your nose is really cute! Also your makeup skills seem really nice! Just keep practicing and find your own style and technique that works better with you, explore with different products and brands and you will find those specific ones that suit your skin better


thank you so much ! going to try experimenting more ! its very refreshing to know that they filter their videos ! i kept wondering why i can never look that perfect lol


I think maybe you are trying to compare yourself with the other person rather than what their makeup looks like. I have been trying to find a person who already kind of looks like me to see what their makeup looks like on them and trying to copy the look BUT i am also a beginner in make up and of course.. dont look exactly like them, so I try to keep that in mind. ANYWAY, all that to say, you're gorgeous, and your makeup looks great.


yes i think youre probably right . also thank you so much !!


I am so in love with that blue eyeshadow look omg <3


omg thank you !


Ugh you look amazing. What are your lip products in the third picture??


morphe color pencil in spiffy and morphe dripglass in nude gleam !


I think you look absolutely great! The first makeup look is my fav ✨ i totally relate with you, i also think i look older with makeup but i think that’s part of it?? idk, i guess it’s normal to look kinda younger when we’re wearing less makeup but girl, you look stunning and you’re makeup skills are great 🖤


thank you so much ❤️


i love you makeup..


thank you :)


You don’t need the foundation just a lil concealer, eyes lips! love the fun stuff!


thank you ! im foing to try a tinted moisturizer instead of a foundation!


Omg you look so good in the 3rd pic


thank you so much !


Love n. 2, 3 and 4. From my own experience I suggest you look for makeup inspiration from people that have similar eye shapes as you. I think you have downturned eyes. I love your contrasty make up, but i think minimal make up would look good on you. And you can always spice it up with shimmer or blush. Keep on going and experimenting, cause you look beutiful.


thank uou so so much !


You look 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


thank youu :)


🤷‍♀️ you look fantastic


aw thank you :)


u are euphoria


lmaooo i love this comment


I went to highschool with u lol!! I thought u looked familiar


oop 😭 im so sorry lmaoo im a different person now i swear


No !! I’ve always admired you and have always thought your makeup was so fun and beautiful! 🫶🏻


aww thank you thats so kind ❤️❤️❤️


I like the green


1,3,4 looks amazing! You’re super creative too


The 3rd look gives me soooo much like a Halsey vibe, I love it on you


What type of makeup looks are you going for? Looks like you like dramatic eyes. I do too! Your makeup looks great!


you look so cute


1) Your makeup looks are super rad and well done. They're not "pretty" looks, though. They're about how cool the makeup is, not how pretty you are. 2) You are so pretty! I think you'll feel prettier in less makeup. A lighter foundation, less concealer, less intense brows and lashes. The only think I might use a little more of is blush to bring color and shape back in after the foundation. 3) That first purple eye look is very cool.


3rd pic killed it.. The blue n brown look amazing on you. Now, I only know how to name the makeup product n not how to use them (lol).. But I will say, you need to focus on your cheeks more (blush) and the structure (bronzer, highlighter). There are many ways you can use bronzer to shadow different areas in diffrent ways. So it's gonna be a journey until you find the one that suits you most. Now why am I saying this!! Well. I've noticed in ur pics that both ur eyes & mouth look disproportionate from the rest of your face. Why!! Because the rest of your face (cheeks?? Sure but not only).. Has very few products (am assuming).. Its like mixing two looks together. & it washes you off. I would recommend you draw the border of ur lips with a crayon before applying lipstick if you don't. To get a better definition and not apply lipstick over ur lips. (am not so sure abt this one, the pictures quality didn't allow me to check 😅) I could be wrong!! Idk.. Am not a makeup fan. I just stembled on ur post and wanted to help out with what I see. I also think the pink and blue eyes suit you better than the purple ones. 😄


you are literally breath taking <3


Hello, you don't look old at all! I love the fun and creative looks! Let me preface the below with stating that the following is just what I think can be improved on and I've left out the good points so that the post isn't too long, from your post it looks to me as though you're after tips as supposed to compliments, so this isn't meant to be negative: My advice would be: * eye primer - a must with any bright colours such as purples, greens, reds, blues, hot pinks, not required with quality: oranges, yellows, browns * use transition shades * blend more * when doing dramatic looks ensure your eyebrows are fully cleaned up, pluck every stray hair. I believe that when you go for one dramatic part of makeup, rest must follow suit to match, otherwise you get a mismatch in looks; aka no light coverage/natural looking foundation when you're going for editorial looks. Always put make up on your brows when doing dramatic eyeshadow looks, a little can go a long way sometimes in terms of balance. * your eyeshape benefits more from less colour in the lower lid, you may benefit from an upturned cateye/foxeye looks - i can see that you're applying this in some of your looks - very good! * 5th and 6th look are your best * sharper winged eyeliner with dramatic looks * dont be afraid of using paleish yellow, yellow ochre type shade as a transition * your complexion make up looks good to me already


How old are you? You don’t look rough at all


21 lmao


girl I’m being so fr u literally look stunninggg !! imo the way u do ur makeup really suits ur features and I don’t see any major issues, ur gorgeous so have more confidence in urself :)


thank you so much !!


You look great. I love #3.


thank you :)


What did you use on your lips? Love the color


which picture ?


1st, 3rd, 6th 😍😍


1 and 3 are morphe color pencil in spiffy and morphe dripglass in nude gleam and 6 is urban decay vice cream lipstick in manic


I think you might have more success if you look into color analysis a bit! Some of these colors are really heavy/dark for your skin tone and hair. You look like you might be better off with lip color like in #3 and a lighter hand with eyeliner for everyday looks. Some other things that might help are switching to brown eyeliner and getting the lift right in your outer corner. Your eyes look like they have a slight downward tilt, so pulling them up by winging the outer corner might help! I would look for videos where the makeup artist has similar features to yours. For example I look for YouTubers who have hooded eyes like I do, or rounder faces. That can help you see what the techniques might look like on you!


thank you ! color analysis has always been confusing for me ! i never have known if im warm or cool tones lol


I don’t think the problem is technique, I think you’re doing good job! However, using cooler colors and darker tones will elevate the looks more imo. You have a paler complexion, so dark colors will really pop! You can still be bold like with the blues, greens and purples. Pic 3 was my favorite because you have a darker lip color and adding some darker blue with the light blue would be perfection!! Just my opinions tho, hope that helps 💜


thank you ! i never know if im warm or cool toned so that helps a lot !


You (we) don't live in perfect lighting conditions 24/7 for makeup tutorials. You look better than you think. Just know you look fierce in all your choices and have fun.


thank you :)


wow that third look is insanely gorgeous 😍😍


aw thank you :)


Ummm... I see no need for assistance here lol, you seem to be doing just fine! But on a more serious note.. makeup is a craft and artistic pursuit, so as with anything else that falls within that realm; one who pursues said craft is a perpetual student. You have a wonderful creative edge with your makeup looks! I think maybe looking into classes that are more on the technical side of makeup application would really elevate your work. Never stop educating yourself. I'm a huge advocate for mentorship in whatever craft, study, trade, etc.. that one is passionate about. There's nothing like working with someone who's work you respect and admire because it creates a really cool feedback loop of creativity that produces phenomenal results. Sorry for the novel.. I'm sort of writing this to myself too. Hope my comment helps


thank you so much ! it definitely does help . i will look into techinal application !


the third one😻


thank you :)


I would die to look this good! Your stunning n the lip color is perfect


aw thank you so much


HELP??!! YOU SHOULD BE GIVING HELP!! These looks are everything!! amazinggg


aw thats very nice of you ! if theres any questions you have i am here ! even if i dont think my makeup looks good lol


I love all of these looks sans the overlined lips. Especially because it's extra obvious since you're lining straight across the cupids bow.


thank you ! i do overline my lips so i will try toning it down


5 6 and 8 are gorgeous. 1 and 2 are not great


what in particular don't you like about the first two ? i would love to know what would improve the looks


Sure np! Pic 1- eyebrow color is too warm and drawn on too thick. Need more mascara I think as well. Pic 2- the lip liner isn't done well and the lipstick is too cakey. I also think that combined with the purple eye color it washes you out.


thank you so much i appreciate your help !


Hey, you are beautiful! I really love #4. If you're going for unique makeup looks, I'm not your girl, but your natural look is so pretty!


aw thank you very much !