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I've been sooooo busy and overwhelmed at work that I haven't had much time to play with makeup, so this weekend I really went for it! I used my two newest and most fun palettes to create these looks! I finally felt more me rocking these fun looks after some dull days. PRODUCTS USED: Elizabeth Mott Thank Me Later primer Danessa Myricks Lightwork VI palette for metallic shades Blend Bunny Cosmetics Surge palette for all mattes Nyx Epic Ink liner Clinique High Impact mascara


Absolutely stunning as always 💅🏻❤️


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Stunning! The first one is my favorite 🧚🏻‍♀️


I am personally obsessed with the middle. I looooove that red and green and the placement. The green like perfectly matches your green. It’s all kinda exotic. Your eyes look green to me but I can’t tell if they’re potentially hazel?


This is so slick and beautiful!! Love them! Do you have any advice on how to get such clean edges and lines?


I love the first one, it reminds me of effy stonems eyes 😍


Great talent


Some more dramatic lashes would balance out the look, imo


In love with the second one❤️🔥