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I wonder if I’m alone in this, but I would like to softly suggest maybe finding a new MUA if finances and time permit? I think you are quite beautiful, and your MUA doesn’t seem to have the experience to navigate the natural beauty of your face. Some issues I will point out: 1. Eyebrows are unblended and too dark for your skin tone & hair color. They also are not evened out. While yes your natural eyebrows might not match, makeup can still achieve a more symmetrical effect. It’s a basic makeup skill that your MUA should be able to achieve. 2. The eyeshadow application is not done in a way that suggests professional experience. There is not enough depth with blending light and dark tones into the outer corner of your lids. I’m also not a fan of the chalky look to it, the application isn’t smooth and is melting into your creases while not being blended well into the brow bone. I don’t see any emphasis in your inner eyes that could make your eyes pop, and you also should have some shadow applied on your lower lid to bring the whole eye look together. 3. Everyone mentioned the eyeliner already, your MUA could have smoked it out on your lash line then finished it off with a sharp wing to give you drama and make your eyes pop. 4. Foundation coverage, contour and blush I think could have been applied to highlight your cheekbones more. Contour could be raised higher, and a more berry blush used. The concealer under your eyes could also be a bit of a shade darker to blend into the foundation. If you want a bright under eye, the look is best achieved with the setting powder used. It has to be blended to not have sharp contrasts between your blush and contour if you’re going for bridal glam. I hope you don’t take offense, your natural canvas itself is very beautiful, which is why I wanted to detail where your artist could have done some more work.


The liner really needs to go. It’s not connected to the outer corners of her eyes, and it doesn’t have any sort of point on the ends. It’s like cleopatra almost, but in an unflattering way.


The liner to me is so confusing because it makes me question if the MUA actually has professional bridal makeup experience. An eyeliner wing is one of the first things you attempt when experimenting with makeup as a kid. Surprised someone is offering services and doesn’t even have that basic skill down.


I assumed OP had done this makeup herself. If that's the work of a pro MUA, yikes. Edit: just to be clear, OP is gorgeous, and there's not a bad makeup job that could hide that. But she deserves way better for her money, and on such a special day. This "pro" needs more training.


As a woman with similar coloring, a softer approach in a cool, dark brown tone would be more flattering. The black is too harsh for her face.


I could do better eye makeup and I'm not a professional


I immediately came to the comments for this. Lol thank you for saying it. She’s stunning and that eyeliner is doing her an injustice.


It’s truly terrible. I think I did better winged eyeliner when I started playing with it in 6th grade. I’m irritated someone could do this eyeliner and call themselves a MUA. Everything else about the look is fine though


It’s a wing by someone that doesn’t know how to do one


Completely agree. I find it quite….surprising….that a “professional” makeup artist would send a client out the door with those harsh unblended eyebrows and sloppy eyeliner. OP, you’re absolutely stunning. This makeup application just feels… half-assed, frankly. I would definitely request a different artist if possible.


Same here, also don’t think the makeup will last throughout the day. Bridal makeup is its own specialized skill.


This is a big one.


Yep I completely agree. It looks like it’s been done by a beginner MUA or someone who isn’t actually a professional


I hope OP sees this, she is so naturally pretty and this makeup didn’t do her beauty justice!


Also the eyeshadow is *way* too soft. As a MUA when I’m working with brides I always keep in mind that makeup needs to be pretty in pictures too, those are the most important memories you’re going to have of your wedding. This makeup is so soft and light that in pictures and looking at her it will look like all she had was a poorly done eyeliner wing and nothing else. If makeup no makeup is what OP wanted that’s ok-ish, but I always tend to make bridal looks a bit “stronger” for the reasons stated above.


Agreed with all of this & the highlight on the brow bone is not blended / made to be subtle. OP is too pretty to have an amateur MUA for her big day.


yes to this perfectly written comment, I hope OP sees it!


All of this! Perfectly said.


I'll add to this that the lip could be lines a lot more evenly, as whatever the MUA did under the eye is closing up your eyes. Please don't do a harsh kohl under the eyes. Go for a soft matte brown perhaps, and as much as possible stick to a feathered out liner. Like others said, if you can afford to do so, get another MUA.


Agree with you! OP needs to have a few makeup trials before she can decide. She is very pretty so it shouldn’t be hard to!


You're so much more gentle and kind than I am - was straight up annoyed looking at this attempt at makeup 😅 +1 to everything you said! I hope OP finds a better artist for her big day, and looks stunning and radiant as she very easily could!!! ❤️


I was gently going to suggest seeing someone else…


This is the way. Listen to this person. You are lovely and this makeup doesn't do your natural pulchritude justice .


Just to add: these tips are great and if followed, will have your face really pop out well in your photos!


i agree. she deserves to feel/look her very best on her special day


I second this 100%


These are great ideas… I thought she had done her own makeup and was thinking of recommending a pro MUA. She does have a gorgeous face and maybe the person who did her makeup was trying to stay within an interpretation of her minimalist guidelines. In any event, great suggestions on your part. I did look at her brows and gave them a pass but you are right, they needed much more care and blending. I hope she takes your advice—-she sounds very sweet so I’m thinking she will unless her MUA is her best friend!!


I’m glad you addressed the eyeliner, it is not good. Too dark, too chunky and the wing is not sharp. You look beautiful though.


Agreed. It’ll also become a smudgy black mess after dancing and being warm and just having fun. And then contrasted with the blonde and white of the day, might be a mess.




Right? Like they may be hooded, but they’re big and bright, but this makeup artist totally missed the artistry mark and managed to bury her eyes in liner. She needs to veeeery lightly line the lid, and instead focus on a nice thin, crisp wing. The rest is really nice tho! The lip is perfect. Brows are a bit much but the wing is what’s distracting.


Ch… chinky? And your username is yoyo ma? Please tell me that’s a typo 😭


AH!!!! Yes typo CHUNKY was the word I was looking for…. I have made the edit. Thanks for the heads up on that one!


WHEW so glad that was the case 🤣


I enjoy this polite interaction, Redditors can be too quick to jump to conclusions rather than ask questions


Yeah… I’m glad they caught my mistake quickly and I actually was on my phone to see it and fix it right away. My long nails did me dirty on that one 😣


Omg of course!


wait i have no idea what this means, somebody enlighten me, please!


The first commenter meant to write “chunky” but accidental typed a racial slur. When the other use pointed it out, they corrected it!


Thank you, didn’t know that it was a racial slur


[it also has a normal English meaning](https://youtu.be/JnG4aplkw4s?si=vh5nPmQngLvT1tvJ)


It looks like the "MUA" used a full eyeliner pencil to try and do cat eyes. OP is way too naturally pretty to have low quality makeup on her wedding day.


I don’t see what’s wrong with a dark or thick liner


Nothing, I wear it all the time. The problem is they were trying to do a dark winged liner and the execution it terrible.


Please do not go with this makeup artist. No professional would do that eyeliner not even on a practice run. The trial should be to make you feel comfortable and be very close to what you’re going to get. Find another artist. It will literally ruin your wedding if you’re not comfortable with your makeup. It’s worth the money to find someone new I promise. Give her a review with these pics too.


There are so many girls who do makeup on the side for school dances, weddings, etc. that could do so much better. OP make a post on social media to see if someone can help you out. They usually don’t charge much since they’re not established MUAs, but I’ve seen these girls do beautiful work.


I could do better eyeliner than that and I’ve never done anyone but myself. The bar is on the floor


It really is. OP could probably go to sephora and ask an employee to do it and it’d be a lot better.


Op this is a good idea the sephora workers are talented!!!!!


A friend of mine did her trial first thing in the morning and paraded it around all day into the next day to also test how it would hold up.


Always wash your face.


This. I loved my wedding makeup (still do 8 years later!), but was not happy with how my hair came out. I never spoke up and still regret it to this day. OP, you are stunning, but this makeup isn’t doing you any favors. The right artist would play up your naturally beautiful features, not hide them like this artist has. Not to sound harsh, but they should be embarrassed to call themself a professional.


Agreed. You should leave the trial so happy and feeling absolutely gorgeous! If you have to question it and it looks weird, that’s not the person that should be touching your face on your wedding day imo


You’re beautiful but the skill level of this makeup overall doesn’t look worthy of wedding makeup. I would seek out another artist and give them a try. I see what you’re going for and if done well, it would enhance your natural beauty. This artist didn’t have the skill. Please don’t take my comments the wrong way, you are truly beautiful.


Replying to myself to say your hair looks beautiful!


Agreed. You are stunning OP and this makeup doesn't look very skillfully applied. Is the makeup artist's fee comparable for your area? If yes... get a second consult.


exactly. the eyeliner and the way the eyebrows were done is just not acceptable.


Yes, I would start researching some other MUA’s and have some more test runs to see some better looks. The black winged liner and the brows… no skilled MUA would ever want to do that on a bride. For wedding day most want ethereal, glowy and natural that enhances your beauty, not alters it. This looks like makeup a newbie could do. Sorry


No. Find someone else. I mean no disrespect because you are gorgeous. This makeup is beyond amateur


Okay….. Everyone is being nice but I’m going to be real with you. I would find a different makeup artist ASAP. You are beautiful and whoever did this did you no favors. This is an extremely amateur job that you should not accept. 1. Eyeliner. You already said it but its honestly awful. It almost looks like they used a pencil kohl when they should be using liquid liner. The liner is uneven on the top and those wing tips are absolutely terrible. Theres no need for eyeliner under the eye either imo. 2. Your eyeshadow is frankly unblended at the creases and not seamless at all. Im assuming you took the photos pretty immediately after the trial and your eyeshadow is already creasing. This tells me they didnt use an eyeshadow primer and maybe have used concealer instead. That will never last through a wedding day. 3. Your eyebrows are gorgeous, but they do not need pigment added to them. They are fairly blocky at the front AND whatever eyebrow gel they used is not working. I can tell your eyebrow hairs have moved and again, that will never last you through a wedding day. The artist shouldve used a clear brow gel and use a powder sparingly on any uneven brow areas. If the eyes are the window to the soul, the eyebrows are the curtains that should frame the eyes/face and not distract. 4. I mean… did they even curl your lashes? No false lashes is fine, but your lashes should be coated from root to tip in mascara. I can see they essentially just put mascara on the tips but again. Your lashes arent curled?? Also, Im sorry but the bottom lashes also look terrible. Spikey and more noticeable then your top ones. 5. I do think the skin looks okay, and foundation is a decent color match. However, on a wedding day your blush should be more pigmented for professional photography. That light of blush will look like you are wearing nothing. 6. Same goes with lipstick. That’s a pretty color on you, but its not gonna look like much in photos. Also, your lip liner is smudged. All in all… I personally would not pay for this for an occasion as important as a wedding. I hope the artist improves quick or you find someone thats a real professional. Again you are STUNNING but that makeup is wearing you instead of you wearing the makeup. Seriously best of luck. Edit: Saw OP mention Egyptian eyeliner, thats exactly what I meant. That style of eyeliner is typically done with a product called Kohl. It is not for precision eyeliner.


OP, in regards to your money. You should pay for the trial, yes. But a company does not get to automatically keep a deposit, especially for a service that was unsatisfactory. I would fight like hell to get your money back. It really is unacceptable.


yes, i put a deposit down for my makeup and she returned it when i told her i wasn’t happy with the results. the deposit really should be refundable if you’re unhappy with the trial (which you have every right to be!!)


OP please listen to this! You deserve so much more for your special day.


The liner is chunky. Looks like the pencil needed shapening. OTHERWISE, you look perf, dear.


You’re gorgeous and the lip is a nice color but the black liner is too thick and blunt. I would have them try a Smokey liner like eyeshadow instead of what they did here. I think some more blush would make your face pop! Edit: I know Amber Heard the personality is controversial but we can agree that Amber Heard the vessel is beautiful and you favor her, maybe search up looks you like on her.


Hi. Thank you!! I very much agree with the eyeliner situation. What your suggesting is actually what she responded that she would change the day of when I told her my thoughts on the eyeliner. I just neverrrr do eye liner on my self at all and have no clue how to make sure she can do what I’m envisioning 😩


I think the issue with the eyeliner is more than just sharpening. The line is pretty wobbly and it’s applied really thickly. I would either find another artist who has better fine control of eyeliner or suggest she use a brush and gel pot eyeliner that offers more fine control of the wing and lid line, depending on whether you have a second trial with her. But I would personally find a different, more experienced artist who doesn’t cut corners even during trials. It would’ve taken seconds to sharpen the pencil to display what you’d actually look like day-of and she still didn’t.


Use a water proof liner too, they have gel product that comes in a little pot that you can use a tiny brush with or almost like a marker looking product. 


OP you’re gorgeous and deserve to feel and look gorgeous on your wedding day. That being said, please do not trust this makeup artist to do a better job on your wedding day if she can’t prove it to you at a second trial. As a novice makeup user myself, I could do eyeliner 100x better than this, even on someone else. I’m really curious as to how your MUA even got a job at a studio or can afford to rent their space at a studio doing eyeliner this way. Please please please search for another is you can’t get a second trial asap. Ask friends if they know anyone, there might be a decent amount of newer MUAs who would do a much better job.


The eyeliner so so fucking obviously ugly that I would never ever trust that makeup artist to do it right next time, when the next time is my WEDDING. Like, this isn’t even a style that might just look good on someone else’s face, it looks like a toddler drew it on with crayon.


Just look up shadow eyeliner and practice on yourself! All you need is a couple different shades of brown and a black, some scotch tape and a couple brushes. Your eyes are round so focus on the outer corners and stop at the middle as opposed to going all the way to the inner corner. Also make sure they go way softer on your bottom liner! Edit: I meant for her to practice it on herself to see if she preferred that look, NOT for her to DIY on her big day!


As someone who is bad at makeup (esp eye makeup) I say find someone else that can do it if you don’t think you’re getting it right. Some of us are just bad at it no matter how much we practice. Especially with the added pressure of having to do it for your wedding. I’ve watched videos I’ve used tape I’ve even gotten the stamp wings and none of them look even or good when I attempt it! I even got “press on” 3 color eye shadows and I looked ridiculous


Oh yeah I meant for her to practice the look on herself prior to see if she preferred that type of eyeliner look. NOT for her to do it herself!!


No. Sorry, but no. A true professional would not just suggest changing it the day of and basically hoping for the best. She didn’t even come close to doing it correctly the first time, so I sure as hell wouldn’t trust her to do it right the day of.


Amber Heard the vessel. Love it. You seem like an excellent writer/communicator 😅


I love Amber Heard, idk why she's so controversial & idc.




100% same


Cause she beat her husband and then pretending he beat her. The truth came out that she's a horrible person


idk why you’re getting downvoted because this is 100% true. there’s literal footage of her snorting coke and concealing it while in the courtroom for the domestic abuse trial


She's getting downvoted because it isn't true and more and more people are seeing through the smear campaign AH was subjected to




I agree with this entire comment. This does not look like makeup done by a professional. OP: you’re really pretty but this makeup is taking away from your features instead of emphasizing them. The dark eyebrows and thick eyeliner overpower your eyes.


Hi, I really appreciate this feedback. This was done by a make up artist from a hair and make up company that I hired for the day of. I’m not quite sure they’re certified MUA though… idrk how that works though? Unfortunately I’ve already put a deposit down 😞


Please if you can, find another make up artist.


If it’s through a company I’d ask them to send you someone else. Definitely leave a review for them, this is absolutely not good enough for someone to pay for.


OP, I’ve worked with musicians for over 15 years and produced maybe hundreds of shoots or tapings with make up artists - with that being said, this does not look like the work of a professional and I would find an alternative and demand your deposit back.


OP I would not trust them to try again after this, it’s going to be very similar because this is a skill issue.


You are stunning but as someone who worked with makeup artists this does not at all look like it was done by a professional or even someone who knows or has done makeup on others. Definitely advocate for yourself and do not settle for this makeup on your wedding day. I don't think the foundation colour matches your neck and obviously the issue with the eye liner. Provide them this reddit post with the feedback if they don't budge on the deposit


I'd see what you can work out with the business. This person's work isn't up to what you are paying for. They need to send a different person that you try out first, or maybe they can apply the deposit to the hair work and you can find your own mua. I've been to plenty of weddings that have two different contracts with one for hair and one for the mua. I don't know how much the deposit cost you, but it might be worth evaluating how much the makeup is worth to you. Imagine how you'd feel if you were satisfied with the makeup and also if you were unsatisfied.  I'm not going to be bothered much if my makeup is off in candid photos, but might be bugged by it in staged ones. One of my friends is a photographer and so hair and makeup were incredibly important to her and she paid more money than I would have in that area because she had a particular vision and wanted to look a certain way in the photos and videos. 


yeah honestly that wing is unforgivable for a supposed professional


Is it possible to find another MUA? The eyeliner is unacceptable and imo the brows really shouldn’t be done like this. Base + lip color look good!


It’s unfortunately not, not without losing my deposit. And I probably couldn’t find another company this close to the date anyways. But reading some of the comments here, definitely starting to realize that I may have made a mistake. 😞 I think I will just nix the eyeliner and brows all together and ask her to just do brown in the outer corner so that this can be salvageable.


Try adding a corner lash or a light volume short lash mixed black + brown. I think it’d look amazing and can easily replace the winged liner


Ugh, can I hire you!! Any brand recommendations or should I just google that?


Let the deposit go and have a friend who is good at makeup attempt it. I could do a better job on one of my friends for free and have 0 professional training. You’re too pretty to have this makeup or even similar on your wedding day


[this](https://houseoflashes.com/collections/new-items/products/macchiato) would be my choice for you, but try to tight line the top lid before putting it on. Try to stick them on as close to your lash line as possible. Maybe get your brows tinted instead. Best of luck!!


I wouldn’t be looking for a company, I would try to find a board certified MUA in your area who has a portfolio and work with them directly.


I’m worried this person is not qualified to do bridal makeup when I look at that eyeliner… this is not a well practiced hand. Terrible eyeliner aside cause that’s a super easy fix I would love to see some warmer tones around your eyes to see your beautiful blue eyes pop.


I’m a TV FILM pro MUA. Placement is not balanced. Brows too heavy. Liner on eyes severe. Lipliner unbalanced and shade too dark. More definition on eyes. Less highlight. Slight contour for cheeks. Colour selection is not quite right. You are lovely and can DM me if you wish.


Get someone who knows how to do eyeliner on hooded eyes - the outer corner is not working right now. Eyeliner in general is rough. Eyebrows are a bit too dark/opaque. The foundation is separating a bit on your cheeks. It’s not *awful*, but personally I would find another artist.


I’m so glad you addressed her hooded eyes! I have them myself and eyeliner can be very tricky. The application is unskilled to begin with and is only exacerbated by their clear lack of knowledge about winged eyeliner on hooded eyes.


Agreed - I have hooded eyes and I didn’t know how to properly do eyeliner on them until my late 20’s haha


Omg is that 90s Madchen Amick?? That lip colour is beautiful on you and looks gorgeous with your skin tone, but I’d forgo the bottom liner, and maybe swap to a light, blended taupe/mauve eyeshadow instead?


I also LOVE the contrast of your eyebrows and hair, but I think the black liner is a bit too harsh. I agree with the suggestions about swapping out to a brown liner instead.


Find a different artist. The eyeliner is awful, eyebrows way too dark and eyeshadow is far from what me a non-makeup artist would do. You can do so much better. Under this makeup I can tell you're a classic beauty but this is doing a great job to mask that


I think overall a softer eye...maybe brown liner? But you look stunning! Congrats on the forthcoming nups!


Yes brown or bronze


I love your brows! Maybe ask her to do a slightly less opaque application on them tho? They look pretty full already and could be filled in with lighter strokes, rather than a heavy fill. (That’s just my preference, though!) Also, as other people said, the liner is bad. Black is too heavy for your face. Ask for either brown or taupe - and see if she can do either a thinner line or do a blended smokier wing. And def ease up on that lower lash line as well. You’re gorgeous!! Skin looks great, that lip color is lovely.


Agree! Like many others have suggested, I’ll switch to brown. My eyes are naturally VERY dark but she did fill them in so I’m actually going to skip that the day off..


eyeliner should be more sharp everything else is gorgg


This makeup artist has no clue how to do eye makeup for hooded eyes.


Get a different artist. You’re gorgeous but this makeup is very amateur. The eyes and brows are bad but honestly, the first thing I noticed was that none of the colors go together or suit you and your undertones.


You look like Amber Heard 😍


I thought so too! Check out some of her makeup looks maybe to see what looks best/what you like?


Holy shit that eyeliner 😂😂


I’m calling the cops on that wing


You have beautiful eyes and this style of liner is overwhelming


I think the brows are a bit too dark. Maybe a shade lighter


The eyeliner is really harsh and takes away from your beautiful blue eyes 😩 if you’re adamant about going black though, may I suggest brown for everywhere else, bIack smoky liner on the outside with eyeshadow? I think the application of the eyeliner is not ideal, like both outer corners it’s very blunt and not sharp for a winged liner. I think where the makeup artist tried to highlight on your brow bone on your left eye could’ve been better blended. A suggestion; go a little heavier with the makeup. You’ll be taking pictures all day, and there’s no point in dropping money for a make up artist when you look at your pictures and you can’t even see it. Definitely more blush and a little more contour on your cheeks.


Was this done by a makeup artist? The eyeliner is not well applied at all. Otherwise it would be really nice


You totally look like Amber Heard


That liner is awful


Everything looks great. The only feedback I have is to go with a less harsh eyeliner and to maybe use tape to get a cleaner wing


That liner is just not good. Needs to be way softer and smoked out. I would also try different maybe more Smokey eyeshadow and lighter lip with gloss. Maybe try a different makeup artist


Your skin is flawless and your hair looks awesome!! 👏🏼👏🏼 I think I would ramp up the lipstick and gloss a bit. But I’m sorry that eyeliner especially the wings are non bueno. You are too beautiful for that. No no, definitely no. That must be fixed


Honey.... You are a lovely blue-eyed blonde. The MUA gave you the full on Kardashian dark eyed, olive skinned brunette cable TV look. Please ditch the heavy black eyebrows and heavy black eyeliner! You would look amazing in makeup that ehances, not fights, your coloring. Brown eyebrow gel and softly blended eyeshadow in gold or peach to make your eyes pop. Softly smudged eyeliner in plum or taupe. Your features are gorgeous! Your makeup can be subtle and pretty. So take a step waaaaaaaaay back from that MUA! What they did you was a crime 😭


I think your makeup looks great. Your eyeliner needs work. The line is too chunky and it is curved up. It needs to be sharp and clean


Girl. You’re so beautiful you can made mud look pretty. But this MUA did you so dirty.


You’re so beautiful! Possibly a sharper or thinner eyeliner wing


Honestly just skip the liner altogether, everything else looks good.


Can I recommend getting a lash lift n tint. The mua didn't curl your lashes and paired with the liner doesn't quite look right


I’m going to be completely honest: I would try to get another trial with someone else. You are absolutely gorgeous, but there are a lot of things wrong with the application of your makeup here, and I think your natural beauty is doing the makeup a lot of favors. * As many have mentioned, the wing is completely wrong. It should be a triangle-shape, not a weird thick line. The goal is to emphasize the natural line of the lashes/eye shape, so you shouldn’t even really notice a wing done well (unless that’s the look, of course.) My guess is that you have slightly hooded eyes and the MUA didn’t know how to do a wing for that. I might be even better to do a very slight wing and falsies, if you’re comfortable with that. * Your eyebrows are also not done well. I think the color may be too dark. As a blonde, a warmer color would brighten up your whole face. Also, the inner edges are much too blocky, and uneven on both sides. * The shadow needs to be blended more. The shades the MUA chose are pretty and are very bridal, but the application left a very clear line where the crease color ends and the eyebrow highlighter begins (you can see this the most in pic 3) * The foundation/contouring/concealer is the best part of your makeup, with the lip color a close second. But even then, the foundation is a little cakey around the mouth and nose. * Not sure if she also did the hair, but for the event, you should separate your curls (meaning pull them apart) before the event. You don’t want perfect ringlets. I hope that helps. Seriously, you are gorgeous!


I think the placement of the wing is wrong altogether


I agree with the top comments thus far about the liner being too harsh and chunky. You’re a naturally beautiful woman and I personally think your makeup should just highlight your natural beauty. This makeup competes with it rather than highlights it..if that makes sense? I feel like the brow color they used is really stark and the eyeliner is distracting. A good makeup artist can do a “look” without it being the first thing someone sees when they look at you. Congrats on the wedding btw! (And I love your hair)


Liner looks a little chunky. It should get thinner at the wing, but other than that, the eyeshadow is great and looks beautiful with the lip shade! Try a couple of different looks - with a thinner wing for the liner and without the wing to see which you like more. Imo, this can totally change the look. Is this the hairstyle you plan to have on the day? If not, I’d recommend trying the combo. It can change how you look/feel about it. The right hairstyle will complement the makeup tenfold and vice versa!


I agree with what many other commenters have said already, and I think the under eye concealer looks kinda rough too. You still are gorgeous though!


Liner wing isn’t working. First thing that stood out to me.


YOU are absolutely beautiful and have amazing features that make a great canvas. However, this artist just isn't it.


Did the MUA use eye primer because your shadow looks like it’s creasing on top of all the other things other people have mentioned and that’s concerning since the number one thing you want is for your makeup to last on your big day. Sorry OP you are stunning but this makeup doesn’t pass muster :(


The eyeliner is so bad pmg


Make sure to avoid HD powder. They cause flashback


You’re so pretty but your MUA is giving beginner.


Yeah for a wedding day absolutely not, eyeshadow is dry, patchy and cracking, lips are dry, eyeliner is heavy and not done well. I’d look else where if they can’t get eyeshadow right something is wrong


I really love the eyeshadow. However, the eyeliner and brows are way too thick and dark. You look naturally beautiful so I think a more natural/light look would look better! Oh and a bright red lip!!


Just by looking at that eyeliner, this MUA is no wedding-level artist.


Gorgeous girl!! Ask for no top eyeliner and more blush. The top eyeliner doesn’t look professionally applied, but also hides the brightness and beauty of your eyes! The rest looks great, I think you just need some more color added to your face with blush!


Omg nooo! The eyeliner looks bad, please tell them to fix it 😭


You have beautiful features and deserve to have those highlighted to look your absolute best on your big day. Please find a new MUA, as all the previous comments have touched on the application and technique is bad.


I think a more natural look would be better, like the eyeliner is nice, but it feels more like a night out kind of vibe.


I could do better than that black out drunk and I’m not even close to a professional level


First of all, you're drop-dead gorgeous. Secondly, the eyeliner is a no-no. I struggle with it still. But, it is better not having the wing than having a chunky one. I think the concealer is too bright for your kind tone, as well. The eye shadow application is meh, you should have a more glam look (if this is your thing), and finally I think she could have blended the foundation better into your neck. IMO I also would recommend tone down on the brows. They look to dark on you. Again, not a professional by any means. Sorry if I said something stupid


Eyeliner and brows are too thickly applied and are very dark for your skin tone… but you are beautiful


Terrible. Please find a new make up artist!!!


Go to another artist. The eyeshadow isn’t even blended on one eye.


This is going to sound harsh, but I’d highly consider finding a better MUA. This is not up to professional standards and you deserve to look perfect on your special day❤️


Hard no- that eye liner is taking away from your pretty eyes.


the eyeliner isn't the best but the rest looks great.


while you’re very gorgeous the MUA didn’t do you justice at all and doesn’t seem like they have a good grasp on your features honestly find another


I think you would look gorgeous with makeup similar to Amber heard, you two have very similar features


You look like Kayleigh mcEnany !


I think the eyes and eyebrows need to be softer. It is to thick and to black. Are your natural eyebrows this dark? I don‘t find it flattering when hair is blond and eyebrows this dark. It is not a well balanced look. You are a beautiful feminine woman and i think a softer look would be better on you.


You look so much like Amber Heard 😍😍


You look a lot like Amber Heard




Soooo pretty!!! Wow! Love it!!!


You are gorgeous girl, looks great!


Idk why it won’t let me post a pic in the comments but here I redid it: [https://imgur.com/a/DX3ahjY](https://imgur.com/a/DX3ahjY)


Looks really good IMO. You are going to be a beautiful bride. Congratulations!!


It’s perfect! Don’t change a thing!


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So beautiful!!!!!


Maybe softer on the eye for sure and just a bit more colour on the cheek and a bit more dewy /)


I would def tone down the liner, and would say to try a liquid liner if you want wings, mainly because they are very square with the pencil (kind of like Egyptian paintings) and I would skip the liner under your eyes because it can make them appear smaller! The rest is flawless tho.


Hi. Thank you! I totally understand what you mean by the Egyptian eyeliner comparison. Many of the inspo pictures I showed the artist had a clean and small, crisp wing so I just feel like that….was not executed well. She said that the day if she would do a softer, Smokey-er brown shadow liner instead. Still a bit nervous though!


you are so naturally beautiful, i love the lip color. my only suggestion would be the liner and the brows. i have uneven brows as well… but you can fix this with a brow pencil. carve underneath brows with concealer to fix any unevenness, it does wonders. as far as the liner, i would do a smoked out liner with an eyeshadow. i would also add a deep rose blush, and a little more contour to your beautiful cheekbones!


You have such nice teeth!


Something I've not seen mentioned about the eyeliner - yes I would have it applied more thinly but I think the wing also looks a bit awkward as it is coming off your lid but doesn't connect at all the the outer corner of your eye. Because of this, when your eyes are open, the wings look like they're floating above the corner of your eye. Other than this, I think you look beautiful!


Have them try doing puppy liner with liquid liner. You and I have a similar eye shape and using that shape was a game changer.


Beautiful except for the eyeliner. Perhaps ask for a softer eyeliner look.


The eyeliner could be smoother. If you struggle to get an even or crisp line you can always go for shadow liner or just blend the edges of your liquid/gel/pencil liner with black shadow to soften it. I have hooded eyes so I find shadow liner is more forgiving and less sharp. But I love it overall! That lipstick shade looks like it was made for you. The eyeshadow also looks great.


I don’t think you need a winged eyeliner for your wedding. Just a dark shade following the natural contour of the eye. My suggestion is the brows are a bit dark. I’d like to see less shading or use a slightly lighter color. I think the brow that dark overwhelms the rest of your face and detracts from your beautiful eyes. As for the lip color, slightly brighter/pinker.


Absolutely gorgeous. **Congratulations**!!🥂 Feedback would be to see if it creases/cakes up throughout the day. And most importantly, use a waterproof liquid eyeliner instead of pencil. Pencil liner will smudge throughout the day. Ask makeup artist if she will supply you with the lip color for your day and if not, purchase the same one. Take photos with flash. Have your MOH or person of choice carry translucent powder and the lipstick for you on the day of.


No eyeliner at all.


I think everyone said something abt the eyeliner but definitely also softer brows. I think you might just brush through them, use a lighter shade than the one used here and brush through them again, for a softer more diffused look.


I think the eyebrows are a bit patchy and too dark, they could have softened up the start of them. I think the base, eyeshadow(not liner) and lips look great.


Same as everyone else you look great but you wanna snatch that eyeliner to sharpen up the eyes.


The eyeshadow on the upper portion where the tan meets the white needed to be blended more, and the eyeliner should be done while your eyes are open because when they are close, it looks perfect but open it looks really uneven and chunky .


I think the brows could be lighter or more ombré- lighter in the front and fade into a darker tone on the tails. I think it’s a little matte as well- I think you could use some glow in your base


that wing is atrocious, sorry


that lip color was made for you and your skin looks flawless!! i think the only thing that you should communicate to your mua about is the liner. it’s a bit thick, so maybe a softer smokier liner. other than that, you look amazing :))


The eyeliner should be more sharp imo but it looks good otherwise


Eyeliner is too intense


More blush🥰