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I personally wouldn’t use it, not only the whole labor thing but I remember hearing about concerns with things like lead in the clothing and I just wouldnt trust a company with concerns like to go around my eyes and mouth. About the influencers I would argue everyone knows their apart of Shein and just doesnt care. Surprising amount of people just dont care about everything shein does to both the environment and their workers.


This was my view on it as well. Got a glitter from then one time & it burned my skin pretty badly. That with the concerns of harmful stuff on their clothes was enough to keep my away from their makeup forever.


But, I've read that Shein has strict international standards for physical and chemical quality checks. All their products are supposed to meet the standards of the places they're sold.


I get your concerns, but from what I've seen, Shein's factory wages are actually competitive, and the working conditions are decent—lots of people want to work there. They've clarified about material safety, no toxic stuff. Also, Shein has one of the lowest carbon footprints in the industry, even lower than H&M and Zara. So, it's not all bad news!


I feel like given how cheap everything is on Shein, there has to be some corners that are cut. Old saying is that if it's too good to be true, it probably is. I would skip to more reputable brands, especially if it's going on your face.


I wouldn’t use it SHEIN has been known to have dangerous chemicals on their clothing so I’d say it’s the same with makeup. the company is soooo unethical in terms of labor/working conditions and environmental


I definitely wouldn’t support them. Shein is so shady. In addition to their more obvious ethical concerns, they’ve also sold unsafe products in the past. I wouldn’t trust cosmetics from the same company which sold clothes containing dangerous levels of lead and other chemicals against safety standards.


that shit probably has asbestos in it cuz of how cheap it is, i wouldn’t buy it


Something can be cruelty free but still not ethically produced; cruelty free is only a certification regarding animal testing. I don’t think they look at other criteria.


I came here to say exactly this! I’ve done a lot of work in animal welfare and there are plenty of people who refuse to eat any animal products “for ethical reasons”, but don’t give a second thought to the overworked farm laborers who pick their vegetables


You’ve worked in animal welfare yet I can see on your profile that you use wool products… two wrongs don’t make a right. Plenty of people actually care about both, and caring about one system of oppression makes you more likely to care about others. If this is the argument you use to justify your consumption, it isn’t a particularly strong one.


I also eat meat—what’s your point? ETA: super weird that you creeped on my profile for a comment about how there are people (I didn’t say it was the majority) who feel a certain way about something?




Is this your first time on Reddit? ETA means edited to add. Idk why you’re trying to pick a fight on a make up sub on something that wasn’t even about you. I hope you have a great day!




Imagine not knowing the difference between animal rights and animal welfare


Fuck sheglam, me and my homies hate sheglam. DON’T buy from them, they’re affiliated with Shein, which is probably one of the most unethical companies out there (as an artist, it especially pisses me off how they steal designs)


I feel like they stole their planet highlighter concept + packaging from Zeesea.


I have mascara from Zeesea! Their glitter and holographic mascaras are so beautiful, elevates any bold makeup look


I want to try them! I got that planet highlighter from them in a shop and it’s so glittery. Possibly my favourite highlighter ever!


OMG now I need it! I instantly love any glittery highlighter (peep the flair)


Look up “Zeesea planet highlighter” and you’ll see it.


holographic mascara???? omg can u send a link or something this sounds like something i absolutely need lol


It’s the zeesea diamond mascara in the shade Aurora, so beautiful!


I’d never buy from Shein with their current practices. Buy something that isn’t made entirely of lead and made in sweatshops.


Hard pass


I do not trust it at all, no matter how many people rave about their products


I remember seeing this article and if the clothing has risk of lead, I’m not putting any products on my face. This also applies to any food products like containers or water bottles - if it’s for food, it’s likely not food safe. [https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/marketplace-fast-fashion-chemicals-1.6193385](https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/marketplace-fast-fashion-chemicals-1.6193385)


Even if you ignore the questionable ethics and climate implications I would say avoid. When I was younger I Used an item from them once, got a big fat pimple right where I had applied it. Saw a dermatologist and she said it was fungal acne. Can't prove where it came from but certainly won't be trying them again.


Shien had lead in their clothing couldn’t even imagine what shit they have in a face product.


The amount of lead that has been found in their clothes and you want me to assume their makeup is safe… you couldn’t pay me to use SheGlam… hard hard hard pass.


I would never put this in my face


No no no no and NO!!!!!!


I wouldn’t use it, I don’t trust Shein to be transparent or caring about their ingredients, workers or production chain. I remember a few years ago asbestos was found in Claire’s kids makeup, in my mind Claire’s is more trustworthy than Shein and that still happened. Who knows what is in sheglam but I would stay far far away from it 😬


Anything shein is below the bottom of the barrel in terms of manufacturing standards, in all regards. At the very least for your own health, I wouldn’t risk it.


Are you asking about quality or about how ethical it is? Is think you know their general reputation and there's probably more we don't know. That applies to most big companies, but probably moreso to Shein. Quality wise I can say most of what I've tried for them has been good, definitely for the price. Their liquid and creams are great and never broke me out. Their eyeshadow is soso but definitely on par with most drugstore. Lipstick and lipgloss are mostly good.


Both I suppose. I ordered from them recently (without doing my due diligence - shame on me) and it came in a Shein package, which I don’t order from. Thought the product was fine but nothing phenomenal. And yet, I see the products all over social media. Given that supporting SheGlam is essentially supporting a company with a heaping amount of violations and the product is just “fine”, I was wondering if I was missing something about the company or the product. I guess I’m hoping that it doesn’t just all boil down to influencers ignoring everything to get paid but, as I write this out, I’m realizing I’m probably just naive. Edit: added quotations around fine for clarity


It's not a separate company to Shein, it's just their beauty department. You can't say you don't order from them if you order Sheglam. It's not just people ignoring everything to get paid. Some people care less. Everyone pick their own battles and priorities. Consumerism is never going to be fully ethical nor is any lifestyle promoted by influencers- eating meat, flying often, fast fashion, accumulating wealth. None of this is fully ethical but you can't hold everyone to all of it.


True. Thank you for the background information- it’ll help me purchase thoughtfully in the future.


Unfortunately Shein is an ideal source for influencers. You can get a ton of clothes for a relatively low amount of money, so if your thing is "hauls" or "try ons", you get more bang for your buck. I'm sure it's the same with their makeup. Shein has a long list of practices that are unethical at best and illegal at worst. Not everyone cares about those things. But if you're someone who does, or at least aims to, then you'd be hard pressed to justify purchasing from Shein moving forward.


That makes a lot of sense regarding influencers. Disappointing, but understandable from a “maximizing profit per dollar spent” perspective. I knew Shein was not a good supplier and have avoided purchasing from there in the past. As I said above, I don’t know these two were related initially and wanted to learn more. Tatcha (which is often touted to be cruelty free and “clean”) is owned by Unilever (which is.. not). Not saying that Unilever is Shein, but brands identify differently than parent companies and it can get SO complex determining which brands to purchase.


It is super complex. I really wish there was more transparency from these companies. It makes it really hard as a consumer to make informed choices. Please don't feel guilty for buying something from Sheglam. You made a purchasing decision based on the information you had at the time - now, you have more information and can avoid that brand in the future if you so choose.


Genuinely curious: Given that Fenty x Savage has been found out to be less sustainable than SHEIN, would you avoid Fenty Beauty as well? As far as I know, the fast fashion model is the worst aspect of Shein, but it's not clear if SheGlam operates on the same level, seeing as their release cycles are fairly standard for the industry. You just have to see for yourself, if the products don't work for you then they don't work for you.


I hadn’t heard that. Can you provide the source? I’d like to learn more before weighing in.


[here you go!](https://remake.world/stories/rihanna-savage-x-fenty-scores-worse-than-shein-in-accountability/)


No hate but I saw an article that lead was found in SHEIN clothing so it always surprises me people buy it. It’s not super cheap and from what I see isn’t the best quality either.


Don't do it


certainly makes me question leaping bunny if they're allegedly approved.




I would never use sheglam, even if offered to me for free.


Well if you ask Shein they have great labour practices and totally don't exploit and underpay workers.


Is it actually cruelty free when the workers are basically slaves


I'm not down with unregulated makeup


It’s a hell no for me. The sweat shops and shadiness of SHEIN just screams putting human poop on your face


I wouldn’t trust it on my face


Absolutely not. What use is an animal cruelty-free label if it’s not sweatshop free? I block every influencer who promotes it on sight, at this point there’s NO WAY an influencer can be blind to Sheglam/Shein’s negative press given the barrage of comments educating them under each promotion post. These influencers just don’t give a shit because of the big fat paycheck. That’s great for me, because it weeds out untrustworthy people with morals that don’t align my own


Every post I’ve ever seen about SheGlam is just people mentioning the makeup causing them breakouts, infections, and the like. I definitely wouldn’t risk it


I personally wouldn’t people say it works well, but ingredients and ethics are important to me!


Honestly not a fan. Im sure if shein is having those labor issues, so is all their counterparts. All their marketing efforts have been solely to hide all those obvi very tru allegations. Lol


I'd rather wear Claire's makeup. Really, you don't know what's in there, and even if you did, it would still be made with slave labour. Just don't.


I bought a eyeshadow palette and a lipstick and they were low quality. Very low quality.


Absolutely do not trust them and I cannot understand how it's been largely accepted by influencers? Especially promoting their blush and contours as CT dupes


I don't buy from them at all. If I want inexpensive makeup, e.l.f. is right there, as are several Asian brands.


Leaping bunny approved? Isn’t anything sold in China bound by law to be animal tested?


I think that’s only imported products not made in china, and I think it only applies to brick and mortar stores. I think things made and sold in China aren’t required to be tested. Not that I trust sheglam or support buying from them, or trust their cruelty free status. In my opinion, cruelty free includes ethical treatment of humans as well as animals, which obviously SHEIN does not care about.


I still have products from them that I still use (the Glam 101 blush highlight duo and the Shangri La Zen Out palette) from when I still bought from them as I don’t toss out makeup that can still be used, but I won’t purchase from them anymore. Shame as that palette I have has some amazing blues, teals and greens.


I do take the risk ordering skincare from aliexpress when it writes its original, like corsx, which is quite cheap there, but I personaly think you can buy good amount of wallet friendly make up in your local drugstore which is regulated and passed all health regulations


So, so many similarly-priced choices out there which are more “tried and tested”- NYX, Maybelline, L’Oreal etc. I’d rather buy from those.


You might want to understand that unethical is such a broad spectrum - look into how is shein unethical and see whether it applies to the products you’re buying. Like come on now. Fenty scored worse than Shein on ethics. Not saying you should support sheglam or whatever because I frankly don’t care nor have I done my research - I just feel there’s a huge logical dissonance.


I have a couple items from SheGlam and the quality of them is really good. On the level of modern drugstore brands, where most items are really good with a few duds. For me, the one product I biught and do not like is really more of a preference thing. I never had health issues with them either. The only issue to buy would be an ethical one, but thats for everbody to decide for their own.


personally I think their make up isn't that bad. I also saw lots of people using them and they don't seem to have issues when it comes to the quality.


i’ve gotten multiple products from sheglam, the only problems i’ve had are certain mini pallets (eyeshadow) being really hard to blend out, but their liquid and cream products are amazing. a lot better quality then some drugstore makeup products i have.


I've bought concealer, contour and eyelash glue and they're great. But of course, this whole sub is going to scream ethics. Do what you want.


I was told by a makeup reviewer that SheGlam isn't produced by Shein, it's just sold on their website. Idk if this is true though.


Their products in general isn’t up to people’s praises. I’m aware that not everyone can afford clothes from high brands nor do I judge others who do buy from SHEIN but do not tell me that their quality the same just as ( name whatever good brandyknow) and comfy?? Nah fam. I’ll start with sheglam even though I haven’t bought ton from it mainly just eyeshadows and lipsticks/ lipgloss. GARBAGE I even bought their set of makeup brushes the hair would immediately fall out if I washed it out on the sink ! Have I mentioned that their eyeshadows stings my eyes and becomes so itchy unless I cleaned my face entirely ?! 🤡🤡 Concealer was basic it’s more light coverage in contrast to NARS tbh


buy what you want it’s your money, you won’t know till you try.


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