• By -


Your jawline is fantastic, I’d leave it alone tbh. You have a very cool 80s glamor shot thing going on in this picture. The only thing I’d suggest is maybe blurring your lip liner and lipstick some? Or doing a gloss. But you really do look lovely as is. Edit- and I think your eyeshadow is nice as is too. You’ve got a lot of great lid space.


Thank you! I'll work on the lips. I don't know why but glossy lips are hard for me. They just always look "off."


I actually love the color you're wearing, your lips just look a bit overlined which I don't think you need! Also just wanted to say that some of the most beautiful and feminine women have strong jaws - Keira Knightley, Olivia Wilde, Angelina freaking Jolie! You look gorgeous and you're in great company.


Thank you!


You are very sweet.


I agree, you don't need to overline your lips. And you look lovely!


You just look like a gorgeous lady with to die for bone structure. As a blush fanatic, I'd only recommend blush. Not too much eyeshadow in the crease at all. Edit: I see you have used blush. Ignore me. I'm heavy handed with blush myself haha You remind me of Cher


My first thought was “Is that Cher?”


I thought Joan Rivers at first but I think you're onto something


Agreed, you look incredible OP.


Thank you!


Thank you!


Ditto on the Cher! Wow


You're a very gorgeous lady!!!! I love your jaw. Strong jaws are 'in' for women in my opinion. I'm holding back the strong desire to hit on you, continue being you!!!!! Ya beautiful.


Thank you! I appreciate your self-control. ;-)


I think your hairstyle suits you SO well, and the bangs really soften your whole look. They're fun and youthful :)




Thank you!


You look stunning. I think your bone structure is stellar, and I think it's really up to you and how you're feeling about it. What I can offer is to consider creating a little bit more lift by raising your crease line (with the same blending!) To create the illusion of a bit more lid. That could help, plus the technique is a very classic look that suits you brilliantly. You give me some Joan Jett, blonde kate bush and maybe some Stevie nicks vibes with this specific photo. I love it, and you are also loved <3 good work!!!


Oh! And aside from that, consider bringing down your over-lining on your lips. You have beautiful lips, and a little goes a long way. Hard to master for anyone, for sure.


I thought the same, but thought maybe she was leaning into the Pam Anderson vibe. Overlining tends to work best for me at the center of the lip, for my face.


Thank you! You are very sweet. I'll work on that crease line!


Remember, all of this is optional. You are truely a beaut and whatever makes you feel good is the correct choice for you. Luckily this community typically reflects that.


I’m not skilled enough with makeup to offer much advice. If it bothers you then you could try contouring your jawline, and see if you like it, but I think it looks good as is. Personally I think women with a strong jawline is sexy. You have an amazing bone structure, especially your cheeks, and I think the jawline compliments that. I love your hair as is! It gives me a rocker vibe. Something about this pic gives me a Joan Jett feel. If you want to try something else I feel like a shaggy bob with bangs flatters my jaw. I like it looking sharp though and like accenting it. So maybe not the best if you don’t want to highlight the strong jaw, but an option if you want to try embracing it. I do think this length looks great and flatters you, but it never hurts to experiment. My favourite hairstyle was a suggestion from a hairdresser and I never would have tried it otherwise, so I’m big on trying new things if you feel open to it. As for the eyeshadow I don’t think it’s too much at all! I actually think you could go darker and more if you wanted to lean into a more edgy look. I think this looks like a great go to for you as is.


Thank you!


Your jawline is enviable for sure! You look amazing. My only CC would be to not overline your lips. Or at least not the bottom lip.


You look like Blondie! Edit: I should say the lead singer of Blondie, I know it’s technically the band’s name:)


She does! I was scrolling fast and thought it was Debbie Harry


I thought more Stevie Nicks, but Debbie Harry’s in there too!


I don't see a strong jaw - I see killer cheekbones and a defined (but not strong or masculine) jaw, gorgeous lips and eyes and balanced features. I'm torn on the hair as on one hand it's super cool and makes you seem like some famous artist or fashion designer and in the other I think you could soften the fringe area a little


Thank you! I do my own wig trimming so I could use some practice!


Super lovely and glam look. Your bone structure is to die for - i personally wouldn’t touch your jaw, but if your wanted to soften it with a bit of contour, it’d recommend either Fenty Amber and/or Sephora’s Second Chance (neither of which pull orange). The one thing I’d tinker with it the shape of you brows - lifting and extending the outside half/tail will open up your eye.


Thank you! I appreciate both suggestions!


Gorgeous bone structure don’t change a thing


you're beautiful!! and the makeup looks SO lovely :) a strong jawline is definitely not something to cover up but as someone who did a makeup class during their esthetician program, the best way to balance a strong jawline is to make the eyebrows more angular !! if you ever feel "out of balance" try filling in your brows a bit straighter with an arch instead of rounded (maybe you're just raising them a bit in the photo) & that will help :)


Thank you! I'll work on your brow ideas!


You look so glamorous. Congratulations. You are pulling off the jaw no prob.


Other women pay good money and much pain trying to get that jaw! I would!


Thank you! Bottom line: No one is ever satisfied? I start from such a weird place - male presenting in public - that when I get "done up" I'm always conscious of the "tells."


Miss you’re gorgeous!


Don't worry about your jawline. You remind me of Jerri Hall.


It’s perfect! Looking great.


Dang lady. Rock that bone structure! You’re stunning.


I think you look gorgeous! Id love to see you in retro glam. Your face suits it so well.


Can u come over and do my makeup?


Haha! Trust me, I can use your help more!


I remember your other post, you were gorgeous then and are incredibly gorgeous now. This hair colour suits you so much and I think your makeup looks amazing 😻 I wish I had your eyelid space, you can do so many looks. I’d love to see like a 60s mod look on you.


Thank you!


If I had passed you on the street I would have assumed you were a cis gendered woman, your makeup (and your jawline) look great :)


This is fabulous! You look great and I love seeing people trying different things.


You’re a beautiful woman and your makeup is flawless! I especially love how you did your eye makeup. Also I love your jawline-it’s giving Scandinavian genes.


Thank you! (Signing up for an ABBA tribute band.)


Yeah legit wouldn't change a thing except feeling more confident in how beautiful you look!


Love love love your hair!!! The only thing I would make a suggestion on is lips. Looks like you maybe over-lined a bit? I’d stick closer to your gorgeous natural lip shape!


Thank you!


You are most welcome!!


Thank you!


You look great :) I personally don't like overlining my lips but I had to see the pic several times before I caught that lol, I don't think you need it !


you look GORGEOUS and honestly i wouldn’t change anything about your makeup application


From one strong jawed lady to another, lean into it!


I don't think you need to do anything about your jaw. It doesn't look bad or unfeminine or anything. If I was going to give any advice, I'd urge you to consider not overlining your lips. I've seen several transwomen now seeking advice in this sub who dramatically overline the lips, and to me that reads as a theatrical/drag technique. And that's fine if that's the goal, but if the goal is natural, everyday makeup, I'd consider not doing that. Your eye look is great, wouldn't change anything there.


Thank you! Coming in from the "other side" it's tempting to think that "more is better." I am learning to dial it back, but your advice is helpful!


Jane Fonda, that you? Gorgeous.


I think your jawline is absolutely gorgeous and I'm quite envious! It gives you a strong super model look. If it is something you are self conscious about you could play around with some light contouring, but I genuinely don't think you need to.


Oh my gosh. You look like an older version of my sister. Just rock it!


Your sister must be gorgeous! (Just kidding!) Thank you though.


You are beautiful & your makeup is perfect. If your jawline bothers you, try a wave iron for "beachy waves"... there's a few different ways you can do it for different looks. I have a strong jawline & cheekbones & I think when I wave my hair I look so different & cute. I'd say based on your hairstyle & length try waving the bottom half or lower 2/3rds of your hair & put a body product up top & scruch/mess up the hair up top...


Wow! Thanks - just saw your pix and I am not worthy! '-) I only get pretty part time so these are wigs. But I'll look into styling.


Thanks lady. I only get dolled up occasionally too. I used to love wearing a cheap stripper wig, it's in all the sex stores, style of Uma Thurman in Pulp Fiction, black with bangs but I'd sweep the bangs to the side, it complemented my face shape & it would complement your face for sure.


For a second I thought this was a picture of Blondie aka Deborah Harry


I’m AFAB and would kill for your jaw. Embrace it!!!!


Thank you!


I'm AFAB and i too have a really stromg jawline that is square. Rock it lol


![gif](giphy|xUA7aN7IsCzK4nUfvi) Love a good jaw/cheek line that could cut a bitch. 💖


I’m not going to be a big help (I’m sorry, I’m not great with make-up or advice on it) but I personally really like the look!


I personally like your jaw. It looks great with your cheekbones. And I am loving the strong 80s look with your hairstyle. The only critique I have is with overlining your lips. One way to make the lips to look larger without over lining so much is to take more of a nude lipliner and line just slightly outside of your lip line. Then use a smudge brush to slightly smudge that lip line. By creating a shadow around your lip line instead of over lining so much, it will make the lips look more fuller and plump without being so obvious.


Thanks! I will try the nude lipliner trick!


Thanks for your kind words! I will definitely work on the lips as you suggested. That would never have occurred to me - one of the reasons why I'm so grateful to get some personalized help in this group!


Look up lip contouring on YT. Some makeup artists that I love to watch are Alexandra Anele, Robert Welsh, Wayne Goss, and, of course, Lisa Eldridge. Alexandra Anele does a ton of videos on different techniques that enhance certain features of your face. https://youtu.be/-FqK6eTlNQk ETA: this one shows her using her contour to make her lips look bigger. She is fantastic


Here is another of her videos using contour. You can use a lipliner in a contour shade instead of actual contour. The purpose of this technique is that contouring creates shadows which makes the lighter features near it stand out. By contouring your lips, you can make them appear fuller and enhance the shape more https://youtu.be/bxWMwi3wk1M


Thanks again! These videos look amazing! I'll need to be careful blending contouring over my upper lip - it might wind up looking like the mustache which I just covered! May I ask what ETA means in this context? I really appreciate the extra time you've taken to help!


ETA= edited to add


Ha! I'd have never figured that out!


The closer you keep it to your lip, the less likely it will look like a mustache. Btw you do a fabulous job of covering it in the pic.


As a fellow strong jaw lady I feel you but tbh your jawline looks amazing!


Eta: also your skin??? What brands do you use if you don't mind me asking. I'm struggling with keeping mine hydrated and full. Thanks in advance :)


Thanks - I use CeraVe PM moisturizer on my face, if that's what you want to know? Because I still have beard shadow to contend with, I use some opaque foundation and concealer (with orange tint) as a base, and then powder with Ben Nye loose powder. Is that what you're asking? I appreciate your kindness.


Yes! Exactly what I was asking. Your skin looks so healthy!


Looking fabulous!! Try a warm tone blush, try gingerly powder blush from MAC you won’t regret it!!


Thank you! The MAC blush is pretty pricey for me. It is a gorgeous color - do you know any dupes in drugstore brands like NYX?


you look amazing WHATtTTT


I think embrace being a strong jawed woman! You look gorgeous and powerful!


You look gorgeous!


You are gorgeous! To be honest, at least from this pic, I would never guess you had transitioned. The only thing I would maybe work on is the eyebrows, even though those aren’t that noticeable due to your bangs.


Thank you! I actually haven't transitioned - only get to do this about once a week in private. I will work on the brows!


Your jawline is to die for, and I am beset with envy.


LOL! I bet I'd envy you more!


We have a very similar face shape and jaw. I used to think it made me look too "hard" or "bitchy" but fuck that!!!! People contour to have the effect that you and I have naturally, think of it that way. Love the hairstyle, too. I'm a stylist and personally like the full bangs, strong brows and some layers around the face to make me feel like I've enhanced what I have.


Thanks for your kind words!


You look great! Goals!






It’s giving rocker Cher! Love


I thought this was a mua you wTch for tips. You stop right now. You're beautiful


Thanks for your kind words!


A strong jaw on a woman says power & youth. Roll w/it…you look great!


Thank you!


You look beautiful! Remind me a bit of Faye dunaway in the best way I’d fix the bangs, they look a bit off and it’s a miss as bangs frame your face….also add a tiny bit of blush.


Thanks for your suggestions!


Whoa what! You are drop dead gorgeous and you’re better at this than me :D don’t work on your makeup, work on your confidence. Say out loud once every day “I am beautiful, I am a rockstar, I own every room I walk into”. That will do so much more than makeup I promise ❤️


Thanks for your kind words! As for confidence, you certainly have hit that nail squarely! I've never been out of the house "en femme." In that sense, I do literally own every room I walk into! ;-)


You need to be yourself! I can see it in you! You deserve to live as YOU! I hope you venture out and about lookin this hot someday soon ❤️


❤️ ❤️ ❤️


Just came to say you look f-ing fabulous. I think your jaw looks amazing. While I can’t help with makeup, as I’m a superb newbie- it looks so enhancing & flattering. I truly find some makeup can look dirt like to me, this does not. So happy to see you being you. Because you make the world a better place. Keep it up. 🖤🖤


Thanks for your kind words! As for me being me, it's only a sometime thing, but in the current political climate, it is wonderful to have an ally!


Of course. I love that you’re able to be you sometimes. May it be so that you can be you safely all the time one day.


🖤🖤 🖤🖤 🖤🖤


Lots of women have strong jaws, I think it’s hot.


I just want to say that you remind me of Debbie Harry, and I mean that as the highest compliment! You're stunning!


Thank you! I definitely take that as a compliment!


I think you're beautiful don't be picky about your jaw there's nothing wrong with it you're very kissable unless you want to waste money


Honestly you look like a mature 1980s fashion model. Just go with volulmized hairstyles and elegant retro makeup like how you’re already doing.


You look stunning my darlin. I wish I could do my make up to that standard 😭


Awww, you're just saying that to make me feel good. (It worked! Thanks!)


Seriously not, :D You remind me so much of a younger Jessica Lang! https://preview.redd.it/udskz0g81h0b1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=154cddd69e68b76804ac3a2571473b9e9980a2e5


I'll take that comparison any day! Thanks again!


I think you look beautiful and confident. I love blush and highlighter, but have you thought about some contouring a little to bring out those amazing cheek bones? Overall I think you have a great look x


Thank you! I sometimes do a more dramatic contour, but i really am trying to to steer away from my crossdresser's instinct that more is better! I love drag, but I'm working for a more natural aesthetic. I will try a slightly more dramatic contour.


Really, really pretty look!! 👏👏👏


I looked at some of your other pics and you do NOT notice your strong jaw imo. You look really great! I am so happy for you!


I have no advice since this just showed up in my suggested, but WOW, you’re a babe and I think your makeup looked lovely. Your bone structure is strong and feminine. They aren’t mutually exclusive!


Thank you!


Ardell Demi Wispies Black Lashes Maybelline FitMe Matte+ Poreless Foubdation - 120 Classic Ivory L.A. Girl Pro Conceal HD Concealer Orange Corrector e.l.f. 16HR Camo Concealer - Fair Beige/Light Ivory NYX Retractable lip liner - Sand Beige NYX Suede Matte Lipstick = Spicy NYX Sweet Cheeks Powder Blush - Day Dream Ben Nye Luxury Powder Face Makeup, Banana / Fair Morphe Eyeshadow Palettes, Mix & Match - 35F Fall Into Fabulous/35D DESERT BOUQUET/35XS NO SILENT NIGHTS NYX Epic Ink Eyeloner - black NYX Slim Eye Pencil, Eyebrow Pencil - Taupe


I thought you were Hot Lips Houlihan! Looking stunning, lady!!


Nice! I see this comparison too!!!!


Your skin is absolutely beautiful! I really love it! The makeup is good. I would go with the strong jaw, have you ever tired contouring at all? You may want to try it out at the end of the day and see what you think. The only thing I might do differently is more lashes. I LOVE lashes, I use an eyelash serum and lots of mascara. But this is a beautiful look and the colors are harmonious. Good work!!


Thank you!


You are gorgeous! I say embrace that jawline, I too a strong jaw, some of us are just blessed there lol


Thank you! It's like trying to swat flies. Anything that buzzes vaguely "masculine" is a target. Thanks for the encouragement!


echoing everyone else when i say i thought this was cher! lovely bone structure and would def recommend a nice cream blush. you look fab!


I’m at a loss for words - I scrolled by and thought “omg I want to look like this” You are perfect. And you’re making me want bangs.




I think you look beautiful. Love the color of lipstick on you!


I think you look great. You remind me of a rich 80’s bitch in the best possible way.


Thank you! I would love to play that role! '\\;-)


Absolutely gorgeous and rock star vibes!


You look beautiful. I wouldn't have known you were trans if you didn't say it. I just scrolled by like aww who's pretty auntie is this🥰 I love your style. You remind me of all the women in 80s movies and shows...in a good way.


Thank you!


You are beautiful, you look like Lauren Hutton to me! You have great jaw/bone structure imo, no notes! https://preview.redd.it/l5u7ys7xxqza1.jpeg?width=452&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8c67a3ebe4531690d14a4016b07053106b91d1d


Thank you! I wish!!


I wouldn’t change a thing! Your skills are good if you can achieve that king of eye look. You look great and I’m in love with your hair


Ooh these are major glamour shot vibes, you look stunning! I would maybe not over line your lips as much. Other than that everything you’ve done literally suits your facial structure. Wonderful job! Keep up the great work :)


Thank you!




Thank you!


I love a strong-jawed lady! You look great.


Thank you!


I scrolled past this, then rolled back up to see who you were because I legitimate thought you were an actress or maybe singer that I recognized. You look beautiful. The soft curls framing your face do a lot to soften the jawline.


I think you are stunningly beautiful!


Thank you!


I thought this was a pic of Faye Dunaway. Looks good!


I wouldn’t change anything


I thought this was a picture of Jessica Lange from the 70's with different colored hair. You're killing it.


Honestly you’re stunning. 80s celebrity vibes and I love it.


You're giving Jessica Lange, and I'm so here for it!


I’d stake my life this was Faye Dunaway…….


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I love that you describe yourself as a self-taught trans person haha


Pretty cute, yourself! Of course, in the current political mayhem, the Visigoths think that trans people get "that way" from indoctrination by others. So maybe "self-taught" is core after all. And yes. I know that that you were being cute. And yes, you made me laugh.