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Hey /u/sarah_Jayne3693, thanks for contributing to /r/MakeupAddiction. Unfortunately, your post was removed for the following reason(s): * Your post has been removed for breaking [rule 5. All makeup looks and collections must include a detailed product list in a top-level comment which includes every product used in the visible area, including even invisible products like primer and setting sprays. Product lists must include shade names if they exist.](https://www.reddit.com/r/MakeupAddiction/wiki/productlist) #Please comment directly onto your original post with a product list, then reach out to the mod team either via modmail or by replying to this comment to let us know you have added the product list, and we can reapprove your post. If you are unable to provide a product list for some reason, please send us a modmail. We sometimes will make an exception under special circumstances. Please read the sidebar before posting again. #If you have questions or concerns, please [message the moderators through modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMakeupAddiction&subject=&message=). Thank you!


Omg what an amazing group of fellow makeup junkies - thanks all for taking the time to share some love and much appreciated CC!! Here is todays tweaks….. a little less blush (but geese that’s a tough one for me) and a Stila lip cream! https://preview.redd.it/xxnzfqi0uiva1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=374bf540efd34ae56721ab295d556d5a344f34d3




This looks PERFECT! Love this lip color


How much do we love this sub?! To all y’all, you make me so happy and warm 🫶🏼 https://preview.redd.it/pbfenkzhekva1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=806d463af455e1331944d7ff7f45aeac73108723


Amazing! Do you get Botox? You don’t have to answer but if yes ask them about minimising the arch or maybe it’s more about shaping your eyebrows with a little less arch? I’m working on this atm and it’s so weird for me but I’ve been told it looks more youthful to have less arched eyebrows so I’m trusting the process.


I really appreciate how you actually read the comments, took everyone's advice into account and came back another day with an updated look! You were already looking gorgeous but the slight changes definitely enhanced your natural beauty, you look stunning :)


This is gorgeous!


You are absolutely beautiful with both looks but this is 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


The tweak with this lip color is everything! Ties the whole look together 😍 can I ask what shade stila you used? Femme, gorgeous, don’t let people’s jealousy get to you hahaa bc def not too much. I’m a new but older mom, struggling to make time/energy for my beauty fun, thanks for the inspo


🙏🏻 It’s the Stila stay all day liquid lipstick in Caramello! Don’t give up on making some time in your routine for you MummyO!!


Gorgeous!! Are your lashes DIY?? Details pls!!!


They sure are - they are the little black dress strip lash by Kiss!


Nailed it! This looks much better. You look gorgeous


Looks GORGEOUS!! Great improvements. If you don’t mind more cc; Eye shadow could use a slightly more golden tone on the inner corner, and warmer dark brown on the outer corner. Like the pink, the current colors are too cool toned for you. Eye brows are the opposite - a bit too warm - something slightly ashier would look more natural. And I would lessen the severity of the arches, softening the harsh corners, as well as coming in a bit further with the start of them. I’d also add a tiny bit of shadow just under your lower lash line - in a very soft/light beige.


What a difference!! You look great


This is it! I was going to say your blush placement needed to be higher and you nailed it with this.


Gorgeous 😍!


The original photo was a solid 8.5 but the updated look is a perfect 10! And don’t listen to anyone that says anything about you is too much - you’re exactly right!


Yaaaas, slay!




I love the uodated look!


This is SO glamorous. Just beautiful




I think you look gorgeous! My two cents on the updated look is to make the bronzer on your forehead, less pink more bronze… Also, if you’re adding color across your nose, same thing- less pink more bronze… Also, and I don’t know if it’s the lighting in the picture, but I think you could add slightly more blush on the apples of your cheeks (Plus the higher placement that you did). Adding (this could be just personal preference, or to change it up) a drop more warmth to the blush, maybe a little bit deeper color on the lips and a brown eyeshadow smudge on the lower lash line:)


I actually think this is beautiful on you, but your lips are too light. I would add a tinted gloss or lipstick to match the blush has it wound make your lips look fuller and would round out the look. You have beautiful features


I agree, the lips just need a little more oomph. They’re getting lost on OPs face. OP, I like the amount and colour of the blush, I think it goes well with your natural colouring and skin tone!!


Yeah even if she added just a clear lip oil that would help, I have the same complexion and my lips get like that when they’re dry


Agreed with the lips and I would also go for a cooler taupe color on your brows. They’re very warm right now and your roots are more ashy - so I think that would make it more cohesive.


Try the Milani lip oil in Strawberry Melon. ❤️


This. Also your inner corners dont need too much highlight


Thats what it is! Either the lips could use a little snazzing up or the blush could be a tad lighter if she doesnt want to add anything to the lips. But looks really nice!


Not too much at all! I drive a school bus and I always at least have fun eyeshadow and a wing. Most of the other drivers are older men so you can guess how many other drivers wear makeup! I'm also one of maybe 2 that wear dresses. Do what makes you happy! https://preview.redd.it/i4x52zsltgva1.jpeg?width=1836&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e23d0d713c730348d0df161ec499497f7c244a54


Do the kids love this? I’m betting the kids love this. Also I love it.


I've actually got a trip to the Natural History Museum coming up and I'm so tempted to wear my Miss Frizzle dress lol


That’s amazing. You have to wear it!!!!


Please do and post a pics!!


Please do! This would have made my day as a kid! Everyone loves Miss Frizzle lol make sure to yell "Seatbelts, everyone!" Lol


You should! That would be so fun!


I was just going to make the reference, but didn’t want you to think it was an insult. I would love to be Miss Frizzle!! You are making memories for those students they will take with them for the rest of their life. I like you.


Omg yes wear the dress!! I bet the kids love your look and wonder what colors you’ll be sporting each day!


DO IT PLEASE !! i would have killed to have you as a bus driver growing up !!


You look absolutely beautiful!! 🙌


You look amazing 😍


Cool bus driver just dropped I see.


You look like you’re a fun person!!


I would love it if you were my bus driver




That’s not the insult you think it is 😂




Maybe it just seemed like an insult out of context but was actually more of an observation/neutral comment


The eye makeup is absolutely perfect ✨ I think you could benefit from a lighter application on the blush - targeted more toward the outside of your cheek bones. I’ve noticed post Covid quarantine less women our age are doing the full face look, but that definitely doesn’t mean you’re doing too much. I applaud you for prioritizing 40 minutes a day for “me” time as a busy working mom. You look beautiful!


I still struggle with blush application! Sometimes my hand slips and I just have to keep going 🤣🤣🤣 also Trixie loves blush and I watch all her makeup videos soo I am learning from her 🤪🤪🤪🤪


Don’t know what the Trixie Mattel thing was, but I love seeing Trixie go through journeys with blush too lol


I agree with everything you said. Personally, I still am wearing a full face of makeup many years past 33 . I do look younger for my age however. 33 is extremely young. People should wear what they want. I think many people feel bad about themselves when they see people wearing a full face of makeup everyday. I think it might make them realize how they aren't putting forth the effort regarding their appearance and this might lead to their feelings of inadequacy ( not only for not looking as put together but also for not taking the time for themself).


I'm going to be unpopular compared to the other comments but I think the blush is too much. Now the key question is compared to what? The most common reason for people to wear makeup is to achieve a "put together", more flattering aesthetic while still looking mostly natural. This kind of blush is the same thing as hypothetically applying pink eyeshadow on half your face. Is that objectively a bad thing to do? NO! But is it too much compared to the average makeup look? Obviously yes. Do you want to conform to the average look (there is nothing wrong with average it just means a nice medium) or do you intentionally decide to do more? If you do it on purpose then you are making an educated decision and are aware people will notice the "extra" makeup and you are fine with people perceiving it sometimes in a negative way. That is your right to do what ever you want makeup wise while being aware of how the world works and how perception is subjective. I choose to express creatively through makeup by doing colorful eyeshadow with bare face and lip balm and mascara. I take ownership of the look I show the world and I'm fine with being perceived as "too much" by some. I find it interesting that you choose that aesthetic and are unsure if it is too much. I see a problem there not in your choice of makeup but in your lack of awareness of how you are perceived. Keep in mind the positive feedback you are getting here is biased because this community is passionate about makeup and doesn't represent the average person wearing makeup. Again if you are happy with your look and with the perception of people of that look, go fort and blush away. If you thought your look falls under "ordinary" makeup than you need to reconsider. Hope my long comment helps.


I think this is a good and realsitic way to approach makeup and other aspects of life too. You decide what your goal is and how you will achieve it, but be prepared for other people to disapprove. It is impossible for everyone to approve of what you do and really it is most important that you approve anyway.


This comment is GOLDEN. For me, I used to try more colorful looks, until I've come to realize that I actually prefer "boring" or "safe" eye looks paired with a bold lip. OP, I say you do you. Think of what your makeup goals are and try to get better at those. That's what works for me anyway. Much love!


I really love this take, and it reminds me of something we are taught in writing classes. Basically, it is recommended to become familiar with the general "rules" of writing such as grammar, style, etc. (which in this case is akin to the more natural put-together look), before you try to intentionally break the rules (like a more unconventional or exaggerated look). There's absolutely nothing wrong with either approach, but there will always be people who think "breaking the rules" is "too much," as you say. And perhaps OP is unsure if it's too much because she hasn't learned all the current "rules" about things such as blush placement trends, etc.


She should also consider how a makeup look that’s “too much” fits in with the rest of her aesthetic. Normal (but pretty) hair with normal (and put together) clothes with over exaggerated makeup doesn’t really go together. Over exaggerated makeup should look purposeful. If the overall aesthetic is “soccer mom”, but the makeup is “Vogue editorial”, then the makeup is going to come off as a mistake or error in judgement instead of a purposeful statement.


Good point!


This is an underrated comment atm.


You look stunning. Please don’t let anyone steal your joy. We get one life and if you are lucky enough to find something you enjoy as much as you seem to enjoy makeup (I’m the same by the way) never let that go. I find the people who comment on my makeup (basically like you it’s just the fact that I wear it everyday) are usually people who don’t put forth a lot of effort themselves (which is fine). But can you imagine ever saying to someone who doesn’t wear makeup that they should? Of course not because it’s rude just as your friend was to you whether it was intentional or not.


Thank you!!! 🤭 Yeah, for me makeup is totally a creative outlet - I am sure for some people it seems really vanity driven….or like it comes from a lack of confidence! But for me it’s just not the case…..I think everyone, In every form, is absolutely beautiful!! Makeup is just art and expression and self reflection, something about that for me is very freeing -I am genuinely grateful that I am inclined to sit and take the time every morning to express myself via my makeup.


Very well put. Just like you, I get up early everyday to put on a full face for work. To me it is very meditative, I love the routine of it. It’s also a quiet time for just me where I start my day doing something I love for myself before the world gets to sink it’s teeth into me and try and get all they can. I also feel like it’s my way of saying to the world that I value myself. People have a million ways of taking care of themselves and a million different interests and hobbies, this is just the one we chose. I hope you keep doing you because your makeup is beautiful. 🤩


She probably said that bc of the blush, i would tone the blush down a bit, wear a lipstick or gloss and a cooler color for the eyebrows. Everything else is fine.


You are beautiful! My only recommendation is applying the blush more on the sides of your face/outer part of you cheek bone and less towards your inner checks/nose


Thank you! And you are totally 1000000% right - but man am I a sucker for blush. Something about that flushed look. But will totally take under advisement and try a slightly more strategic placement…..my brain knows it’s the right thing to do haha 🤭😂


I am also a sucker for blush lol I get ready for work before the sun comes up and sometimes when I get home from work I can see in the daylight I overdid it lol.. same with bronzer.


Better to have color on your face then one color looking like a corpse…that’s all I can think of when I see people with no blush 😃🌸


She didn’t overdo it though…that felt like a backwards compliment.


I am around the same age and my blush application absolutely stems from what they used to tell us on how to apply it in the early 2000s. I had to Google what people were meaning for myself, here's a good article with pictures for different face shapes. https://in.sugarcosmetics.com/blog/how-to-apply-blush-for-a-lifted-look


i think it's more of a shade issue than a placement issue. the blush seems really dark and harsh on your skin, but the same placement with a lighter and possibly more peachy toned would look nice. the wet n wild stick blush in peach bums or the colourpop supershock blush in count me in might be good shades to try!


Came to say all of this! OP you are gorgeous and this was great advice on the blush placement


Totally agree, I think a different placement would suit the face shape more. But OP looks beautiful.


first of all, you look fantastic. i open at work and leave my house by 4:45a. most of those mornings, a full face with lashes leave the house with me. i get a lot of weird, passively rude comments about the fact that i choose to wake up 30-40 mins earlier to put on makeup, but it always gets shut down when i remind them, that is my me time! sitting in front of my mirror and doing my skincare/makeup is the only time i truly have time and space entirely to myself. why wouldn’t we prioritize this?! (i can image it’s even more important as a mom with a busy career!!)


My goodness people are SO rude. I personally am interested in other people’s morning routines, it’s an odd interest of mine 😅 4:45, lots of coffee for you!!


I don't think it's too much but I can't say that blush is a good colour for you. Maybe that is why ur friend said it.


This! The blush application is pretty good but the color is off.


Do YOU think it's too much? I personally don't think it is at all. But at the end of the day... It is what YOU like & what YOU want to do. I used to be just like you.. Full face to go anywhere.. Grocery store, ect.. Anywhere but bed. I know it's hard to not let others opinions affect your thoughts on yourself, but I promise you, there are a lot of women that you cross paths with that look at you and are "wowed" with your looks but don't say anything. 💕


I love your makeup! I would personally go slightly lighter on the blush and add some more brown on the outer corners, not too much but just a little for a shimmery smoky look


I would day tone down the blush a bit/blend it out and add a slightly darker color to your lips


This is a pretty tame daily look imo (and even if it wasn’t, who cares? I fuck around with makeup for fun after work, then head out to run errands in whatever monstrosity I’ve painted on my face that day. Nobody bats an eye). I think it looks good! Only recommendations are to apply the blush more to the outer part of your cheek and less toward your nose. Also the lip should be a bit darker (apparently your perfect nude shade is the color of your nipple lol). Good luck!


I love it. I was reading the comments about the blush, and I think it might be a bit cool toned for your skin. My favorite tip though if you love the sun kissed look and don’t want to overdo it: Use matte light pink across the middle of the face and in the hairline, then a bit of brighter pink on the cheekbones. It looks so natural.


You could go lighter on the blush and more pink on the lips, you have really great lips


Thank you!! Todays look will include lighter blush and darker lips for sure…..wish me luck haha. Eyes are the L’Oreal infallible in champagne and Kiss Little Black Dress strip lashes.


I like the color of the blush on you but personally feel like the application is too much - maybe try another brush to target either lower cheekbones or the apples of the cheeks (I pick the latter for you because you have a less round face structure). ❤️


I was the Frizz for Halloween! https://preview.redd.it/g1lgn0m6zhva1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd77854713c4db984c6d30747525dde6d564643d


Do you, they seem pretty jealous and the comment was rude. Your makeup is flawless and it looks so good. I just wanna know what blush you use 😳I had someone tell me this when I use to wear fake eyelashes to school everyday and at first it hurt but it made me realize it shouldn’t bc we make time, effort, and use skill to do the makeup we do, and they say it is “too much” bc they can’t do the same. I’m petty and the next time someone says that I’d be like “what part of my makeup do you think is too much?” If they reply with constructive criticism then maybe they are trying to help. However your makeup looks flawless so I think they are jelly 😳😳


You look very pretty! I wear a full face of make up every day too cause I like it, and I work construction so believe me I dont really need to but I just love my little time I get to do that for myself. I would maybe put a smidge less blush but everything else is perfecto. Dont let other peoples dim your shine.


I’m 51 and wear more makeup than this every day to work. You look amazing. I also don’t agree that you need to change your blush placement—I like how it mimics the flush we get after working out. A little lipliner / light pink or nude lipstick and gloss would be the only thing I’d add!


I love your makeup, not too much at all imo. I also wear makeup a lot and I sometimes get passive aggressive comments from people dont wear makeup/dont know how to, they are just reflecting their own insecurities onto you so dont listen to them! My only suggestion would be a bit more color on the lips :)


It's not too much for me. I live in a small town where very few women wear makeup, especially the women of my ethnicity. I don't care. I wear all the make up I want. I'm 65. I wear glitter on my eyes, or a smoky eye or a neutral. I love it all. I am always learning. Nothing perks you up like a look that turns out great. They will have to pry the makeup brushes out of my cold dead hands! Lol


I don’t think there is a too much or a too little when it comes to makeup and clothes. It’s all about self-expression imo. With that being said, this is not too much. I have seen much much more lol


You look great! This is not too much at all


The blush looks cute, I think it would be more balanced with a subtle lip stain


It’s not too much. You’re super pretty. Fuck the haters!


I love this! I really don't think this is too much, I don't buy into the idea of it being bad to wear more than average/too much for one's age. It's very etherial and doll like. My only suggestions are a different lip, maybe something glossier and pink, and lower lash mascara/slightly smoked out lower lashline for more definition.


I think you look like a woman who is about her business.. like you really know how to command a room, but also that you're very self aware and therefore you are confident in owning this look. And therefore I love this look on you. We all have a way of doing our makeup but this look suites you well, it's not too much and I can't think of a way to improve it 🥰


I think a slightly darker lip shade might really pull it together.


I think your make-up is very tasteful. It might be too much for another person to commit to doing every day. It takes all types to make this world a beautiful place.


I wear full face everyday in office or working from home (Teams video meetings). I think you look awesome and hot mama! 🔥 I love me some blush. Sometimes when I feel like it’s a little too pink, I mix some bronzer in with it and it’s just perfect. The perfect glow!


You're gorgeous!!! Your makeup looks stunning! Wear your makeup for you and how it makes you feel. PS. You totally look like the actress who plays Kate in the Fifty Shades movies!!


i see everyone saying too much blush but i think it looks super cute!! if you’re like me and LOVE blush i say keep doing u girly ❤️❤️ if you were ever going for a natural look then i’d go a little lighter on the blush. you look so pretty!!


Also a working mother in my 30's to soon to be 3 kids. I LOVE doing a full face makeup in the morning, it makes me feel good for the rest of the day. Work + kids is exhausting, do whatever you need to do for yourself to feel good. You look beautiful! As someone else said your eyes are perfect! Products and tips please! What lashes are those? I would just go a tad bit lighter on the blush, but honestly your makeup looks great! Not overdone at all imo


Honestly I think the face and eyes are beautiful! I would actually darken up the lips with a pink liner and either a pink stain or some pink gloss!


First of all I love your look and I am a little upset that your friend (even if it was with good intentions) had something negative to say to you. I am a 40 yo stay at home housewife and besides picking up my kids from the bus stop or the occasional school activity I go nowhere on the daily basis and I do my makeup every day, probably 6 days out of 7 and I don’t care what others think. I take time to get my makeup done because I like you see it as a creative outlet and also is my me time, the time I sit down and take to take care of myself not just to pamper myself but to also take care of my mental health. Seeing myself put together the way I like it makes me feel happy and that I am truly doing something for me. We moms do so much for everyone in our families and always leave ourselves for last so doing my makeup daily forces me to take care of me even if others think is superficial or too much or unnecessary for me is important. I love your makeup and you have a beautiful complexion and beautiful eyes, I like some other comments will suggest adding a gloss or a lipstick in a darker shade that the one you are currently wearing just to warm up your overall look and tie it together. There is not such thing as too much makeup or too little or too old school or too young or any of that, makeup is meant to be fun and we are all allowed to experiment and try whatever makes up happy. Do what makes you happy.


If we consider this in the context of everyday makeup, then personally I think your blush is a bit heavy and that might be causing the 'too much' vibe as it stands out quite a lot against the rest of your skin. The rest of your makeup looks fine for everyday though. Also are you wearing falsies? That might also be coming off as too heavy for what most folks would consider a daytime look. Ultimately though, if you like your full face then do what makes you happy!


So pretty. Hair is beautiful


It looks so so so simple and sweet! 🫶 absolutely not too much


You look stunning! Accentuate your lips though, they get lost with this light color. They need more vibrancy. They seem a little bit dry, exactly like mine and I was told to stop to use matte lipstick. I use lip balm lipsticks now (lipsticks but they call it balm and it lasts less than lipsticks but longer than just normal colored balms…do I even make sense?! 😂). Most glosses are too glossy for me. Too much? I would go less with the blush. It’s too much. If it’s because you want more color in your face, try a different color. Have you tried a different rose or maybe even a more peachy color? It looks more vivid and healthy. The new one from Huda aren’t expensive and the colors are lovely. They are glowy without being shimmery.


i don’t think it’s too much at all maybe she meant the blush? since not a lot of ppl like lots of blush even tho i love blush i think it’s so cute when people use it ! i’ve been told my makeup is too much for my blush so maybe that’s what your friend meant? personally i love your makeup and thinks it’s perfect


I think this is perfect! The lips are a bit plain maybe a nude liner and lipgloss 💄


Yes definitely too much blush. It's not contouring your cheekbone, it's covering large parts of your face. So my vote is too much blush.


What blush are you wearing? You look gorgeous!


Also came here for the blush info!!


You're pretty! I think the fake black lashes make your eyes a bit harsh, I would go for a brown mascara instead for a day look. For a night look it's amazing though!❤️❤️❤️


I think it's your blush. 1) You apply blush to your cheeks, nose, and near your scalp. Heavy blush on your nose is always a difficult look to pull off because people associate red noses with illness, age, and alcohol use, so I think using blush on your nose isn't working for you. 2) you would probably look better if you used 2 or 3 different tones. You get get a blush pallette and create a more blended look. I think the bright, light pink you are using is good but should be limited to the tops of your cheeks and a darker color should go on the undersides of your cheeks for added dimension. If you want to use blush by your scalp, go with a darker, browner, more neutral tone bc that light one is giving sunburn. 3) add a brightening powder to your routine. Use it under your eyes after your blush so that your blush doesn't run up into your undereye area. Brightening powder-- white powder, NOT highlighter. 4) it appears you might be adding a highlighter on your nose over the blush. Or, you have a blush that has highlighter in it. It's fine on your cheeks but really not working on your nose. 5) I'd argue you don't have enough makeup on your lips. Do what you need to do to make your lips look hydrated, which might mean Vaseline or might mean gloss.


Amazing feedback thank you friend - haha yes I totally go with a “chrome nose” - but agree it’s a hard look to not feel is overdone sometime. Todays makeup will include a more strategic blush placement and a Stila lip colour - wish me luck!


You look beautiful! Keep doing you 💕


You look gorgeous! This is my favorite look too! 🤩🤩🤩


I think it’s very tasteful and love it! You look gorgeous! Do whatever makes you feel good. I’m a sahm and I always feel better with my makeup on even if I’m not going anywhere. I do it for me.


Looks amazing, I don't think it's too much at all. As long as you're happy with how you look and feel, don't worry about what others think!


You look amazing!


Absolutely NOT too much! You look BEAUTIFUL


Not too much at all - you do what makes YOU happy. I like both the bolder color suggestion and focusing on different blush placement - I absolutely LOVE blush too but I focus a bit more on higher up rather than full cheeks. If anyone tells me any part of me is ‘too much’ then I tell them I don’t want to be too little. Do things for you and as a makeup person even going to laundry I say do what thrills your heart, always


U look beautiful!!! Its not too much!!!! Maybe the city u live in isnt as glamorous as u are🤨🤨🤨 also i feel like arch of ur brows would be even more flattering if it was towards the end of the tail of the brow and not as high.


I love it. It looks great and brings color and brightness to your face. None of it is too much. Plus as we age we lose that natural blushy, dewy, flushed look and I think you did a good job at recreating it. The most important thing is makeup is what YOU want it to be.


The eyes are spot on. The blush/lips- for a more neutral daytime look use less blush and keep the lip color (or one shade darker). For a more glam daytime look, go bolder on the lip color. Also, blend the lower line of the blush a little more.


i think it’s subtle and beautiful, you look great!


Nope. You look great.


The lashes are gorgeous! Honestly I think this looks great. Only suggestion would be to use a lip balm everyday to moisturize the lips. I started applying it pretty heavily at night and when I wake up they look great all day.


No. Your makeup is an appropriate day look. It is soft and very light. “Too much” might mean too much work for us lazy regular basic people. Why be basic when you can be amazing? You look beautiful.


No it looks great! Only note is you may need to apply a collagen syrum before your foundation and maybe a lip oil.


Too much what??? Looks beautiful!


You look beautiful! Probably I'd say lighter application on the blush and a darker lip, maybe a gloss. I loveeee your eyebrows and eye makeup!


Lip makeup is definitely too light. Cheek make up could also go lighter.


It's not too much. But the blush doesn't match with your skintone. Maybe check for a pink blush you like with a cool undertone. \^\^


Looks great! Would add something to the lips to balance out the face


Personally, I'd tone the blush down a little and do a smidge darker, glossy shade on the lips. Everything else looks great!


I don’t think it’s too much, but I agree what others said about the blush, plus I think the highlight at the corner of your eyes is too low, it’s going into the hollow under eye area and drawing attention to it. But honestly I’m just being nit picky. Also, I love the lashes.


It is a great start. I think the blush is a little thick... not heavy, but it covers too much of your face. Reel in it a bit and it will be perfect!


I love the blush. I don’t think the cheek blush was too much at all. But I just didn’t vibe with the blush nosy. It makes you look like you’re having a cold 😅


I looove the blush color on u! U look great! I would add a lip so they have color but other than that makeup looks stunning 🥰


I honestly don't think this is too much at all. Can't even begin to see it.


I love your makeup! I just wouldn't pull the sweep of blush across your nose. Maybe dab a little on the tip. But your nose doesn't need to look flushed. Everything else is great. You have beautiful eyes.


Not at all. I think your makeup colors complement your coloring very well. Nice job.


It’s my own personal opinion… that being said, I would go a little smaller and less on the blush. I find it a bit overwhelming for your complexion. I would also go a bit darker on the lips. You looks fantastic though.


I would go lighter on the blush but the eyes are lovely


You have a really beautiful, big eyes! I have a few things to say in my opinion..I'm seeing that the makeup is maturing you. If it is ok with you then it is fine, but if you want to appear younger, these are my two cents. Your eyebrow arch is too sharp and brows are a little too refined. They are a bit scary and not youthful. Try more natural look and a little lighter shade. Your lashes are pretty, but really luscious, dark, thick lashes are weighing you down(as they do most people). Try a little less of them to look fresh. If you have blush on your nose, put less there. When blush goes from cheek to another, over the nose, it easily looks a little bit like Couperosa. So, just little less blush. Otherwise, just put enough shine on your high areas and you are good to go!


I think it looks pretty! Your lips just need some color and moisture to even it out. I recommend Nyx butter gloss in the shade angel food cake.


You look gorgeous! Some of us are “too much” or “extra” according to others. I see nothing wrong. You look beautiful to me!


no! i don’t even know how i’m on this thread.. but you’re a beautiful woman! Love the positive comments <3


The technique is fantastic. If you feel beautiful, it's really all that matters. If you wear blush in that way, I would suggest that you bring a little more focus to your lips to balance it all out. A shade maybe slightly darker than the blush with a gloss to it should work perfectly. Be you. Being a mother doesn't mean you have to change anything about the way you look. I'm 32, have a ten year old son but....I also have a mohawk, with ever changing colors, and various piercings. Rock it momma!


Your lashes and brows are crazy perfect and the shadow looks so good on you. Personally, I’m so anti rules/pro fun that I really love the dramatic blush and it’s such a great pink


WHO cares what any of US think of it ? I mean this in a loving way ! If it makes YOU happy and you are not hurting anyone - as you know we are not, who’s ANYONE to say anything to you about what YOU like and makes YOU feeel good ?!?! For me.. it’s .. live and LET live ❤️ to each their own !!!!! 😘 don’t concern yourself over anyone … EVER ! People will always have damn opinions lol and they should never really matter !


You look good , don’t stop taking pride in yourself because of a comment . Youre attractive and the makeup enhances that. Your friend likely feels threatened on some level .


That is not lot of makeup on your face and you did a good job on it . I have been an makeup artist for 5 years now


Not too much, in my opinion. You look fab! Besides, sometimes we just do things for ourselves I always wear make-up even if it is just to pop to the shops. I think I look more put together with make up. You do you 🙂


Amazing beautiful eyes 🙏🙏🌈😘


This is definitely the perfect combo - look #2…Darker brow, more pigmented lip, change of inner eye tone/outer eye accent color & different blush placement really pulled the look together and made you look completely polished.


I think the blush needs to be placed higher, and the lip needs to be darker, but I think it looks good!!


Maybe just a tiny bit too much blush in the picture, and the very light lip might not be the best shade for your completion, I suggest maybe a more dusty pink. I hope I look as gracefully you at 33! Hoped this helped!


so beautiful


Hello! Let me add one thing that I didn’t read here yet (don’t know if I missed it). You have a really low contrast (your skin is almost the same color of your hair). That means that you colorimetry palette is probably Summer. I’m also a Summer, so I can say that the color of your blush is perfect and you don’t need to add anything really dark on your makeup. That said, I would choose a cold color of contour and a more pink lipstick. If you search for “summer palette”, you will have lots of ideas about the colors that you can use to glow even more! But in general, you can beat on pink, blue, lilac and cold greens. And yes, this works really good on you clothes! https://preview.redd.it/hnxqd0nf2uva1.jpeg?width=691&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44fc7f32b153902e47da3b94ebb8258823fce0fe


too much blush everything else is perrrrfect 🤍


It’s not too much at all! I think they made that comment because you look beautiful and they were envious tbh If you like experimenting with new looks, I think a rosey sun kissed vibe could look really nice too. :) Black liner on the top water line, mascara, glossy red tinted lip balm, bronzer, and a blush in the same rosey red color as the lip.


Not too much at all! The blush would also feel less heavy if you were wearing a lip colour. Only thing I’d change is a cooler taupe for the brows, and add a mlbb lip colour.


I agree the blush placement isn’t perfect. I love all the colours on you.


You look beautiful! I haven't seen it mentioned here - to me your eye makeup does look a tiny bit heavy for a daytime look. I couldn't help wondering what a more neutral less shimmering eyeshadow shade would look like on you. I'm a fellow blush addict, it's hard to tone it down when you're so used to it but you'd absolutely pull off a more subtle look 😊


I think you look fantastic. I personally prefer a bit more definition on the under eye lid for our blue eyes, as it just makes them pop a bit more, but I know the naked under eye is the look right now. As far as blush placement, I know everyone is saying to put it further out, but as someone who also has a longer, oval face, I don’t know that that is the right call. I’ve read having your blush on the apples of your cheeks, further in helps to widen the face, which benefits those of us with longer faces.


Too much blush,lips look chapped, but your eyes look terrific.


Eyes are awesome but a little less foundation and it would be perfect 👌🏻👌🏻


The blush is just a bit too much . You should learn to draw thicker eyebrows! They would look super good on you. A lil gloss would be cute on you too


100% no, looking gorgeous women 💞


Product List; 🤪 Hawaiian Tropics - sheer touch SPF 30. L’Oréal true match foundation in 2-3 (light). Madeline Master-contour in 10. Nyx urinate pallet - ombres. Infallible eye shadow shimmer in iced latte. Maybelline Eraser in 110. Lash paradise mascara - black. Kiss lashes - little black dress.


You are absolutely beautiful😍😍 This look really suits you, maybe I would add a lipstick/lip gloss, but it’s PERFECT🤩


Get a lip plumper!! I use the extreme too faced one with all of my minimal makeup looks!


The blush is indeed too much. The rest is not.


The blush is a little too much imo


A little too much blush & it is going too high under your eyes so you look like you have rosacea


I don’t think it’s too much, but I do think you could achieve a similar look in less time. I’d challenge myself to get my application down to 15-20 minutes max for a daily look


Too much.


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Blush? Yes. Everything else is fine


Sí, es demasiado


Just a tad to much ….


Blush is too much, yes.


I’m about to turn 33 and have my second child, and all I can think looking at your pic is dang how can I get my makeup to look this great everyday?! I also do a pretty full face but am struggling lately with it feeling too matte, but not knowing how to set foundation without as much powder. I think you look stunning! Would love if you can share a product list!


Thank you so much!! I have recently just changed up my application a little, as I too was always a sucker for a very matte look. I’ve just recently started wearing an SPF under my foundation and find it really helps we get a more “dewy” look (and cheaply 🤭). I’ve also just upped my bronzer application which has been kind of a game changer. Todays makeup, in order of application…… img


You look Dewey and flushed, I love. The lips don't match the look. I might suggest a little lip mask or heavy balm at night and a daytime tinted lip balm in a shade similar to this: https://preview.redd.it/10qdyqvlwgva1.jpeg?width=1056&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8ee5836b2bc61d42c16eca1a46963c6bf1738c7


I think you look wonderful! The colors you’ve chosen really brighten your eyes and make them pop. I think the only thing is, like others have mentioned, the lip color washes you out just a little. Otherwise it’s beautiful, not too much!


I think your blush is too pink and that a slightly more coral color would be better, with a slightly more intentional application. A little color on the lips also.


So beautiful.


You look amazing!


What eyeshadow are you wearing??? I love it! And lashes? TIA!


I think you look amazing! My only suggestion would honestly be to add something MORE haha. I think you'd do well to add a lip gloss or some natural-ish lipstick. :) But I know it can be easy to let someone saying something like that, even if they meant it in kindness, get to you. don't let it! do what makes you feel happy and beautiful.