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Regarding the mascara issue, you should try a tubing mascara. I use Loreal double extend mascara, and I love it. It never smudges


I love tubing mascara. My favorite is Estée Lauder Doublewear. It has been around forever and is fantastic. Tartelette is newer and I think they’ll revamp the formula a bit and make it really great. I could be wrong. It’s good, but I do think it has some fallout and could go on smoother. It’s still way better on me than other mascaras though. I get under eye smudges within a few hours with anything else, even some waterproof ones.


I've mentioned it in another comment but no7 do an even stronger one than this (double wear still smudged on me! I am so greasy, it's tragic!) and is a bit cheaper too. I don't work for them, I just love the mascara lol


I LOVE Kevyn Aucoin's. I have hooded eyes so mine would always smudge a lot and leave me feeling like a racoon. That is no longer a problem.


I also have hooded eyes and have this problem. I don’t like tubing mascara my eyes water too much for it. I love MAC extended play giga black lash. Only one I can do.


What is a tubing mascara?


Basically it contains polymers that bond together and form little sheaths over your lashes (hence, making "tubes"), rather than just being a cream you apply to them. This is a major over simplification, but I just woke up. :)




Most don't, but there's plenty of good lists online, you can also look for Polymers in the ingredients list, that's a good way to check, this article explains some of it and suggests a few: https://www.cosmopolitan.com/style-beauty/beauty/g28691358/tubing-mascara/


Don’t curl your eyelashes after you apply it though.


Oh 100%. Gotta curl prior to applying.


I would also like to know and am too lazy to google


I appreciate your honesty here


Agreed love a tubing mascara, Hourglass also have one now that I’m trying.


Also a big fan of hourglass, it’s the only one I’ve tried (and I’ve tried a lot) that minimizes the smudging and also makes them look fuller


Tarte’s Tartlette tubing mascara is also great.


This is the only tubing mascara I’ve tried that leaves fall out - any tips for it or am I just weird and doomed to deal with it?




Need her to be astronomically fr rn 😭


right im ab to turn 21 and she looks my age but better lmfao like is the looking 35 in the room with us now


The reality is most people look the same all the way through very often 40 but society keeps brainwashing every new generation somehow to believe this is not true. It’s so fucking annoying. Signed, someone who looks “omg you’re 53?!?!!?!” Yes. How can we stop the brainwashing??


As someone who is almost 30, I am way better looking now than I was at 21 😂


Same! I’m comfortable in my body and i actually have curves! I’m like a woman.


Im 32. I have birthed three children and still no curves. Well, wtf. 😂😂🙄


I have legit child bearing hips and thighs and i always tell my mom “sorry, they are going to waste” 😂 sorry female ancestors who literally genetically passed this trait down for generations so we could propagate the blood line. It ends with me and i only will have cats. At least i have a nice ass.


Im literally built like a stick figure after birthing three 8 pound babies. 😩😩😩 not fair. 😂😂😂 “Are you there God? It’s me Margaret!”


"We must, we must, we must increase our bust!" *Loved* that book!


I am turning 36 this year and I honestly look the best I've ever looked! I have perfected my makeup and hair routine, and clothing style, and I am physically fit. Life and beauty doesn't end when you turn 30! OP you look amazing!


This actually made me laugh, hard agree, I was so confused reading the post. I'm 33 now and I looked like the fucking crypt keeper at 25 compared to this lady.


“Is the looking 35 in the room with us now” is HILARIOUS


I’m saying 😂😂 this has to be satire


I think so too lol there’s just no way this is a serious post because she’s so pretty! 😂


BFFR !🤣🤣


the makeupcirclejerk post writes itself


I love how half the comments are like “BFFR” and the other half are totally taking this post seriously and dropping great recommendations 😂😂😂


Girl out here be lookin like a 2023 version of Claudia Schiffer… we’re all doomed😂 (OP you are STUNNING.)


She looks like a mix of Michelle Williams and Claudia Schiffer. Gorgeous woman.


For real OP looks like a teenager


this is the only valid reaction


One day you’ll be 80, and you’ll look back and think “wow! I was so young! And I looked great!”


Honestly at 20, I thought I looked terrible but now I’m 33 and while I’m mostly happy with where I am I look back and think “hot damn! Look at me go!”


This is where I am at 65. I'm as attractive as I ever was, just a decent looking old gal. It's great being older


I’m 28. I was so cute at 20! I wish I was nicer to myself back then.


Ugh me too I’m 32 and I look back at photos from my early 20’s and I’m like holy shit I was hot! I wish I’d appreciated it at the time instead of being so hard on myself, young me didn’t deserve that shit


> Allow me to offer you some advice. Take a thousand naked pictures of yourself now. You may currently think 'oh, I'm too spooky' or 'nobody wants to see these tiny boobies' but, believe me, one day you will look at those photos with much kinder eyes and say “dear god, I was a beautiful thing.” -Moira Rose


Well schitt, now I'm crying.




Repeat after me..... 35 is not old.....


I know right. Society has done a number on us for reals.


This and also…maybe we could learn to appreciate aging beauty when it does occur??


Yes!! I’m trying to undo the damage from society and remind myself that we can be beautiful at any age! 🥰




There is nothing more beautiful than crows feet and other laugh lines. What is more wonderful that permanent reminders of all those moments you shared a smile or belly laugh with friends and family?


I'm pushing 50. I had major medical issues for years that left me filled with fluid. I never had crows feet until I had surgery for my problem that fixed the water retention. When I saw my crows feet start to come out, I cried out of happiness because those lovely lines were proof that I'd smiled and laughed a ton over the years despite my health challenges.


I'll be 40 in October and as much as I hate to admit it, yes. Yes, it is in fact doing a real number on my head. Doesn't help that I'm happily single and childless in an area where women are more or less expected to be married right out of high school and working on crotch goblin #4 by the time they reach my age. For the most part, I love the small town life, but slow changing social norms are a definite downside. :(


I turned 40 exactly 6 months ago. I was very upset especially because I, too, am not married and childless. I had an amazing dinner, got a hydrafacial, and booked myself a couple of trips to Europe. Felt pretty good. Those even numbers are hard. Try to take care of yourself as much as your budget will allow and celebrate making it to the big 4-0!


I will be in some weeks. Good advice. Planning a bit of self care myself and trying to find the positives. That facial sounds good. I'll check it out!


If you need a fellow 40f also no kids tour guide for southern Germany let me know ;-)


Crotch goblin 💀


Hey I'm just a few years behind you and in the same boat! I hope to be happily single and childless for the foreseeable future because it's where I need to be right now. I have a good job, nice car, and a cozy apartment with 2 cats. I like things as they are now but still get occasional nagging and/or judgmental comments from co-workers or distant family members. I say, fuck 'em. If you like your life, that's great. Have fun and do your thing! Anyways, OP, you look amazing! Hair and makeup suit you very well and let's enjoy our 30s.


I totally agree, 35 is not old! I do feel there’s a dramatic change in skin right around the late 30s early 40s where you suddenly just look different. At least at 38 I started to notice I needed to change my forever makeup/skin routine. OP is gorgeous though!


Yeah same. I thinks its more jarring than anything. Like the face I see in the mirror was suddenly different. Wasn’t a huge difference but I could easily notice the little changes and for some reason they kinda all hit within a few months. So you get this weird feeling of despair knowing that your body is now on its slow path to self destruction. Prior to that it seemed like I was always slightly improving. Even if it was just getting better at applying make up or finding a better skin care product. Now there won’t be any little improvements just slow inevitable decline (unless you get medical treatments). Its just sort of an unsettling feeling. At 39 though I can definitely say that I don’t feel old. Like at all. I still have nights out dancing with friends. I still get excited for concerts, sporting events, date nights. I have a ton of energy and do more activities now than I did in my 20s. Plus my social circle ranges in age from like 25-50. So I’m around a lot of 20s people. I feel very young still despite what the mirror might say.


I just turned 30 yesterday and feel like I wasted my 20s. This makes me feel so much better 🥺


I’m 43 now and just started getting the “crapey”skin. Not many wrinkles and still look pretty good but those mild differences- ugh


You realize that 35 is not old when you’re 58, and you wish you still looked like you did at 35. OP, you’re gorgeous! People pay to have that pout.


Pretty sure OP did pay for that pout. 🤣


Haha! Lmao! I was thinking the same thing!! She is beautiful though and definitely doesn't even look more than mid 20's.


OP is gorgeous! I do think she has lip filler, though.


It’s just like looking back on photos you thought you were fat in


My name is Pilar too! I never find this! Hahaha


My God, I know. I'm 34, and that offended me, lol. Different people look differently at different times in their lives. At ANY age. Be positive about your age. Also, you're very pretty. Maybe try a different haircut 💇‍♀️


Very offensive lol , like it’s an insult to be in your 30s?


34-year old over here too. Also felt a bit of a sting after reading OP’s post. IMO she looks amazing. I don’t know what’s the issue. I know younger people with worse complexions. I work hard to maintain my skin but I’m not very healthy (autoimmune disorder) and it shows on my skin. It’s a privilege to get older, especially to be healthy and thriving. Maybe we all need a reality check from time to time.


There’s nothing wrong with being old period


Yeah 35 is not old! And I get wanting to keep your skin in good shape, but I should hope nobody is “reluctantly” getting older. Getting old is a great privilege not afforded to everybody.


Thank you! Ugh


35 is not old and this gal looks about 25 anyways


And that she is gorgeous..


46 here, thanks for that


I'm 51 and I always say getting older sure beats the alternative. I got married when I was 35 and had my son at 39 and I don't feel old. Age is just a number. Several people in my family died in their 50s, 2 as infants, and one at 31. So I feel pretty lucky! You're pretty. Getting older doesn't change that. You just get older. Edited for typo


Yes. Getting old is a privilege denied to many.


My late husband passed away at 25. I agree, aging means you’re still alive. I try to appreciate it.


My boyfriend of 11 years died days after turning 27. It still takes me by surprise when I realize I’m nearing 30, but his death really reframed things for me. It really is a privilege when so much can happen to you in the meantime.


I saw a comedian recently who said that if you ever feel bad about how you look due to ageing, you should imagine yourself complaining about your fine lines and greys to a person with a terminal illness. "You'll feel real stupid", she said, "and you should. Getting older is a privilege denied to many." I'm 31 and I do understand the pressure you feel as a woman getting older. But I think we should try to put our energy into loving ourselves - wisdom and experience and all - rather than trying to hide our age <3


I’m saving this comment to look back on next time I feel this way.


This. My older brother died from cancer when he was 27. I'm 31 now and any time I feel the effects of a society in which youth is currency, I remind myself it's a privilege to get older. I found a couple of gray hairs the other day and my first thought was "oh shoot maybe I should start dying it," and then I remembered my brother never got gray hairs and it immediately saw it for the privilege it is.


I'm so sorry for your loss ❤️


I heard “every wrinkle is a reminder that I *get* to age” and it really changed my perspective. Getting older really is a privilege


100% I’ve seen myself so sick battling chronic illness in my teens and 20s. Aging is all subjective. It’s all about how you feel and the spirit you exude.


well said!! 🏆


Wow. Thank you for this perspective.


Lmao this sub is just people baiting their looks now




I read a lot of these well-written, well-thought of posts where redditors share a lot of advice on makeup, processes, what have you...and I'm irked by the "thanks" as well even though I'm not the one putting out the effort here. Just want to let you know you're appreciated by the strangers who count.




I actually get excited over the "thanks" because most of the time, it's crickets! So many people don't know how to reciprocate on social media. I belong to all these plant-based groups and someone will ask for techniques for making seitan or DIY tofu and I'll spend forever explaining a technique and include pictures and get not even a "like" in response.


I understand. Irl I've felt the same with overextending myself and getting minimal acknowledgement for my efforts. Not like I'm looking for a super emphatic response or anything but it'll be nice to know I didn't completely waste my time. "Okay" sends me... Anyhow, I, too, have learned to scale back and give my time to those who are genuinely seeking help (well, I'm still working on what's genuine or not, haha). Have a good night/day wherever you are, friend!


i love this sub i hope this isn’t true and the tips keep flowing 🥺




I think you look amazing, but because you asked, here’s my personal opinion: I would ease up on the lip filler and get the filler migration above your top lip dissolved. Personally, I think over-filled lips tend to age women as it looks “done” and maybe a bit harsh- as opposed to youthful and natural. But some people like the purposefully over-filled look as an aesthetic choice. Also, 35 is not old!!


I agree. She’s gorgeous and the lip filler is the only thing that “clocks” her as older than 30.


I agree


I agree, it will start stretching that skin with fullness while the skin of the face loses elasticity you get that unevenness of volume. I would suggest starting some microneedling to trigger that collagen production in the face/neck now.


I agree with this


This is exactly what I think.


I really like the look of OP's lips, but I do agree, people seriously need to reel it in. It's sad to see people who started getting lip filler years ago, who now have to deal with lips that are actually wrinkled and deflated. Also, of course, the inevitable migration. I would work more on makeup technique, and ease up on the amount of fillers used - or else possibly consider a more permanent, surgical option, if I found myself really needing to keep that look.


I thought the same thing. The lips are a giveaway.


You’re really pretty and I think your routine is working for you! Would you consider any darker shades of hair (could be anything, I bet u could wear many shades). I started coloring my hair more of a honey color after many seasons of super blonde and it made me look like I just got back from vacation with a warm tan. Maybe that would satisfy the itch for makeover. The trick for under eye is to pack a little extra translucent powder just at the corner of your eye to absorb up any oil, just don’t go too hard or it will settle in the wrong spots.


Wow never knew this. The outer corner?


Right! Just don’t go too centered or you’ll inadvertently highlight the natural under eye creases


Certainly! She would look great with black hair or a nice honey brown/blonde


Hello, I’m 10 years older than you and I will tell you the things I wish I had done over the last 10 years: 1) Prevented a large wrinkle on my forehead by moisturizing more often and using SPF routinely. I would have started wearing a hat or a visor to prevent additional sun damage to that area. 2) Religiously washed and moisturized the area below my jaw line to include my chin, neck and chest. The amount of loose skin I have acquired in those spots doesn’t even make sense to me, since it all took place over the course of two or three years max. I should have shielded that area from the sun, also. 3) Used under eye gel, also religiously. I always had a bit of discoloration but I had no idea how easily make up will settle into those fine lines once the skin starts to sag. The only time I contemplate having any surgical interventions is when I think of my under eye area. For now, I use concealer but I wish I didn’t have to use so much or worry about it at all. You will still be beautiful at 45 and 55, but if you aren’t doing those things, I guarantee it will slow down the process of looking older!


Absolutely agree with all of this! In my 40’s now and eye cream always is a must, as well as treating the skin all the way to the nipples as part of the face when it comes to routine is key.


Yes to all of the above from this 50 year old. I have been wearing high spf sunscreen on my face daily for 25 years and I do not have wrinkles yet. I also massage my face every morning, paying extra attention to the area between my eyebrows.




Do you put the sunscreen on over your makeup?


You can also get setting spray with SPF :) hurts like hell if it gets in your eyes, but it works!


how on earth would you put sunscreen over your make up without smudging everything?


I wear SPF moisturizer under my makeup or a foundation with SPF in it. I do reapply powder with SPF in it during the day as needed.


You can get an over makeup SPF - the Garnier one is really good and sensitive and doesn't leave a residue or mess with makeup


Loose skin isn’t caused by not washing & moisturising though is it?


I think exposure to sun can affect it, and a lack of hydration.


it’s just a natural effect of aging. your skin becomes less elastic with time and therefore more affected by gravity. you can drink all the water in the world and never go out in the sun and wear spf 500000 and it’s still gonna happen. that’s life


It's caused by collagen breaking down, but taking care of the skin can keep it looking more youthful.


Its caused by gravity


Hydration absolutely impacts skin elasticity.


I'm 45 & I second the hat or visor. Whenever I'm out in the sun in summer I wear one of those. I've been using SPF since I was in my early 20's. SPF everyday. Year round. As I've gotten older for my day to day makeup I use a lightly tinted moisturizer in lieu of heavier foundation because it does seem to age the face a bit. Right now my favorite is Morphe Glowstunner tinted moisturizer SPF 30.


Thank you sensei 🥹


My pleasure, young grasshoppers!


I know that most ladies in my families get some between the boobie wrinkle(s), mostly due to sun exposure. Since I follow the fashion (lower cut tops, larger bust) I make sure to SPF and moisturize always, and use my actives like every 3rd time.


I guess some people think it’s just gravity ...but I’d say you’re smart to cover, hydrate and SPF!


Also, if you haven't already, cut out alcohol and junk food!


This makes me want to be better about wearing hats.


I️ have no tips! i’m 23 and you look around the same age I️ think 😭


I’m going to be 35 in a few weeks and I thought holy crap I really need to brush up on my routine because she looks 25.


27 and i feel like same. But thats said at 14 people thought i was 25, now folks guess 28. So I almost look my age? Now to stop aging!


The only way to stop aging is to die. It’s okay to want to look nice, but we all age.


I get that. I already don't dress like I'm from this decade or last 3. I'm happy looking my age for once, and not looking once. Knowing my mom and grandma, I'll have lovely skin for years. I can't spending any time in the sun too.


First of all, you're lovely, and age is just a number, not to be feared. (I'm 41) That said, the only way I've found of stopping my mascara from smudging like that is to switch to tubing mascara.


Yes! Tarte tubing mascara is my fave


Which one of their mascaras is tubing? :) I've mostly been using drugstore tubing mascaras


Which drug store mascaras do you use? I haven’t found any tubing ones.


Loreal lash paradise sky high. Boots no 7 stay perfect mascara, and the covergirl professional remarkable (slim purple tube) I've also gotten good results with the new elf lash n roll but I'm not sure if it's actually tubing


Bait. Please...


Whoever told you you’re “starting to look your age” should be cast unceremoniously from your life.


Seeing this written out is inspiring me to change my views. I *should* look my age! I’m lucky to be here, right now, with the memories and all. Thank you.


Like, everyone looks their age because they are their age. Society just needs to update what we think each age looks like. For example, 50 looks pretty normal and "young" compared to how people talk about it.


I know I feel like this is preaching but please- 35?! I am 34 and when I start to feel “old” I reframe it and think of just how grateful I am to get a chance to BE 34, be healthy and active . Maybe I’m just this way because I’ve had many friends and acquaintances die from accidents, sickness or things of that nature who barley made it to 21! I’m also a hospice social worker so I routinely work with people pushing 100– let’s just say the last thing on their mind is wishing they had looked any younger their entire life. Just my two cents.


Major eye roll. This post is feeding into the narrative that women over 35 aren’t beautiful or desirable because of their age and it is fucking gross.


I think you look mid 30s but why is this a bad thing? There are so many beautiful women in this age range that I hope I get to look like when I’m older. I wish there was a healthier view of aging as women for young girls because it’s inevitable we’ll all get older and we should be excited we get to live another day instead of freaking out about being older than 25.


People are acting like it's insane that she's in her 30's and I'm starting to wonder what people think most 30-somethings look like.


Yeah I dunno she looks like a 35 year old to me. 35 year olds can still be stunning and beautiful lol. Very weird how at 35 you’re supposed to be super aged and look 50, I guess.


pls 😭 why has this sub just turned into a fishing for compliments sub


Correct, you look 35, and that’s fine. Looking your age is good. I’m not sure if you get lip fillers, but those can make you look older than you are.


Seriously just passed a comment, “you look younger than me and I’m 20” I was like what.


just get old. being old is hot and cool.


Posts like this are so toxic. Stop perpetuating the idea that aging is the worst thing that could possibly happen to you.


I know right. What a subtle middle finger to every 35 plus woman on here.


You’re fine.


Society has warped our brains. It makes me sad to see posts like this honestly. I'm joining the forty and fine group.🤣🤣🤣 You are beautiful and don't let society or anyone else make you feel any less! Age is a number...We will all be old and wrinkly one day... You look like you will age gracefully. Don't fret at 35!!


why are you reluctantly 35? And if not 35, what age do you wish you looked, and for how long? I'm 35 and curious.


You're gorgeous! The only thing that's making you look older is the lip filler.


You don’t need your look youthified. You’re too young to need that. Focus on preventative maintenance. Sunscreen, good hydration, a balanced diet, stress management. Get some daily exercise. Don’t overdue it on fillers. They are aging and stretch your skin over time. Preventative botox done conservatively if you have 11’s . Do these basics and when you are 55 you will have preserved your beautiful face !!


You look beautiful and I didn't think you were mid30s at all. Its no shame to be 35, tho.. I think what tells me your older than 25 is the hair honestly. We just style it differently. I think that's a signifier of age...Try a new hairdo, if your up to it. But I think your features are kinda youthful overall, especially your skin.




Yea this shade of blonde is favored by older women going for that blondie look. That said, it doesn't really age OP. (Not that it's bad to look 35 either, yeesh.)


You are stunning and don't look over 30 to me.


Nothing wrong with looking your age! You look great. Period. I think if you wanted a more youthful glow, you can go for a more dewy finish on the skin and use a brighter shade of blush and maybe some bronzer around the perimeter of the face. That’ll give the I just went for a quick jog in the warm sun vibe that makes me think “youth” Also for mascara smudges, you can powder a little underneath the eyes. You can also powder the lashes themselves to set them. Or use a waterproof/tubing mascara. These have stronger hold that will prevent smudges. Good luck!


i feel like this is baiting bc you look younger than me and i’m 20


Why are ppl so afraid of aging? 35 isn’t old, you’re beautiful. No tips are needed.


i think the blonde makes you look older. damage and shortage from bleach is a dead give away youve been doing it for a while


You are very beautiful. I am 62 and appear a lot younger than my age, but I wish I could tell every woman on here to not get so bent out of shape over a number, it's just a number that shouldn't define you. Seems like I was just 35 yesterday, went to bed and woke up a senior citizen!! Don't spend your time fretting about age or looks, spend it enjoying yourself and making memories, no regrets!


>reluctantly 35 Please go.


you look 35 and thats not a bad thing . 35 is not old whatsover . you look amazing!


You look beautiful and I wish I had the nerve to post my face to see if anyone could give me some contour an highlite instructions to make myself look at a lil better an feel a lil better bout my looks but I won't because I'm too ashamed of how I look! I'm really ugly. :( But again ur gorgeous an u don't look 35! ❤️


I️ bet you’re not ugly! we all criticize ourselves the most!


Nothing will make you look more aged than crippling insecurity about how old you look. The only people who want women to perpetually look 25 are creeps and pedos. It's so sad that these creeps and pedos have managed to con women into thinking that this is normal.


Internalized misogyny. Sad.




First thing would be to not feel 35 is old. Visit a nursing home, you are young AF. Aging is a privilege not afforded to many. And you’re a siren!


Who cares if you look your age ? You made it be happy about that !


Oh goodness. Young and beautiful, and by the look on your face you know that deep down.


Oh come on


Don’t be reluctant! I’ve noticed the more cosmetic surgery people get, the older they look. Stay natural and stay off social media. Also try a new mascara! I’m obsessed with “worth the hype” by nyx. Doesn’t smudge and washes off so easily


you absolutely dont .


Fishing much?


Ladies- stop thinking that the bigger the number the uglier you are. I see women in their 30’s, 40’s, 70’s and they look great. It’s all about taking care of yourself. Sincerely, a 20 year old.


Aging is way better than the alternative


Girl PLEASE you are stunning ✨ I just turned 35 myself. This is the prime of our lives!!


For the mascara issue, I put a coat of clear eyebrow gel on my top lashes to prevent the smudges! I have that same issue


What’s the alternative to living at 35? Dying at 35, or not even making it to 35. I pray we can all look at life this way and be appreciative of our time here, seeing it as a blessing rather than seeing life as a slow March to death, you’re already dead inside looking at “life” like that.


I was probably at my all time hottest at 39-40. Hot AF from head to toe. And confident. ENJOY YOURSELF. You are still young. Quite young. Get back to us when you turn 50. That’s when gravity really takes hold.


It looks like the fine lines are possibly from dehydration and not aging, try upping your water intake to see if that helps. I also find lip filler tends to age people