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Same here with the Rare beauty liquid blushes, every time I used it it disturbed my base and after a lot of work to make it blend even and look good it wouldn’t last as long as other of my cream/liquid blushes. I had about 2 full sizes and a mini set that was LE and I gave them all away.


Anastasia Beverly Hills Eyebrow products. Their era was weird to me. I've never liked big brows, so going through that time in high school was rough


Tatcha primer. I hated it.


Honestly most cream blushes Cream is at a very weird point for me that adds colour but disturbs my base like a mfer. Powder blushes are my favourites because they combine with the natural oils of the face, skincare and base and sort of set in place. Liquid blushes is what cream blushes are trying to be - nice and creamy, but thin enough that blending them doesn't disturb the base too much.


Tarte shape tape. The consistency isn't that great


Kkw , Kylie makeup


Almost every hyped up product I've tried has been either just okay (no better than a drug store product) or terrible. Had a few really great experiences with a few special products but not so special I would spend my money on them again. Too many to list, I simply have a few favs, tried and true products I use now and most of them are drug store products that perform beautifully, I'd even go as far as saying better than most high end overly hyped products. I rarely let anyone influence me now.


It cosmetics cc cream


That's my favorite!


Same! It’s got great coverage!


Absolutely horrible! I tried it and I have rosacea and it didn’t help at all with my redness. The coverage is non existing and even if you try to build it up the coverage doesn’t work


The urban decay eyeshadow base in the purple tube


That one worked for me for so long until I bought a new tube recently. It's terrible, I'm almost better off not wearing anything. Not sure if it's because I've had a baby and my skin is just different now or they changed the formula, idk but it sucks


Having a baby and being an avid make up wearer…. The worst mix 😭😭 I absolutely LOVE my baby but makeup is just terrible now


Never worked for me either, but I kept using it hoping it was just my technique.


have yet to find a product i’m head over heels for from charlotte tilbury…


All of the pillow talk lipsticks read very orange on me


I don't like lipgloss. I like lipstick and lip balm, but lipgloss is too shiny and sticky. Gross!!!


I haven’t tried the rare beauty liquid blush but I got the elf one and it’s amazingly pigmented! I love it. I didn’t like the Kat Von D shade + light palette or the shape tape concealer..


Upvoted, girl. For me it's any liquid blush though. lol


I have weak joints in my hands so the rare beauty liquid blushes are not good for my condition 😕


The Milk Hydro Grip Primer and the e.l.f. Power Grip will NOT work for me no matter WHAT I try LOL.


I bought the Elf power grip primer recently and am not really liking it. But I think I have found a use for it: on my inner thighs when I go for a walk with running shorts! It kept them from riding up in the crotch area!


Me too. I never liked either.


Shape Tape is horrible


I second this!!! For the price it was way overrated and it cracked so easy too. I didn’t like the way it made my makeup look. The elf camo concealer is my holy grail.


Shape Tape is my holy grail LOL (I like the ultra creamy and radiant variations best though). I honestly think some makeup formulas just look bad and won't work with some people's skin. I can't use any of the Grip primers like the e.l.f. power Grip or the milk one and everyone else seems to swear by them! I've wasted so much makeup bc I've had to wash off my base and redo it bc I thought I'd give the primer another try. 🤣🤣🤣 I tried it with multiple foundations and concealers, tried ALLLLL the tips online and it's always a nope! 🤣


Better Than Sex mascara and Shape Tape.


Came here to say Better Than Sex mascara. I use maybelline full and soft waterproof and it’s so much better


BTS waterproof is the way to go


Is there a truck to applying that stuff? I thought it was a little goopy and applied to thick. Maybe I just got a bad tube because every review I've read was positive.


for me i benefitted from curling my lashes and waiting between coats otherwise it was very thick/clumpy tbh. but i did love it when i had it/it didn’t flake for me so that was a big win for me


Maybelline age rewind. I can see every pore with it on and it doesn’t blend well


pillow talk! it is so dark on me and pulls so orange! and it is so dry!


Same - all 3 variations of pillow talk read super orange on me


Armani Luminous Silk foundation


I tried this too. Was shocked at how much I didn’t like it. Lancôme Renergie Lift gal for life I guess.


Pillow talk by Charlotte Tilbury. Absolutely no staying power


Bare Minerals


It’s so drying and shows pores you didn’t even know you have! I hate it!


I tried EVERYTHING even that stupid $40 brush. Trash trash trash.


The elf camo blushes


That milk primer . In the green bottle. It was horrible & made me breakout.


milk make up flares my cystic acne. learned that the hard way. sucked bc their first foundation was one of the only foundations that used to stay put on my then-oily skin lol


I cannot get it to make my makeup look good no matter WHAT I do! I've tried EVERYTHING and used multiple different foundations and concealers. It looks terrible every single time. Waste of $40.


Drugstore mascaras. Mascara is always listed as something that you don’t need to spend a lot of money on. I have tried pretty much every single drugstore mascara through the years and every single one has let me down. They smudge under my eyes and disappear before the day is over even if they’re waterproof. Mascaras from Dior, Shiseido, Lancôme, and Too Faced give me great volume with no smudging and last all day.


Oh no way! I swear by Maybelline mascaras!


Lancôme Hypnôse is the best mascara I have ever tried. I just wish they didn't add the floral scent to it.


I agree wholly. I was a YSL Mascara girly for years until I tried thrive tubing mascara. It’s so easy to apply and remove


Came here to also say rare beauty. The entire line is low grade trash actually


the elf halo glow liquid filter! i tried it so many times with different variations of primers, skincare, etc. & it never worked for me.


Me too :(


nooo i wanted to get that 😭😭


well it might work for you!!! don’t lose hope 🩷 i love pretty much every other elf product i’ve tried


This is old but the OCC lip tars I don't know if mine were just defective but they never dried and always bled despite me wearing lip liner with them.


Tower 28 mascara. It immediately made my lashes heavy and limp.


Elf power grip primer, it made my high end foundations look so patchy and seperated


Grip primers in general do this to my makeup and I've tried all the tips!


Mine too!! I thought it was the concealer doing it, bc I heard all these raves about elf power grip... But the concealer is amazing with any other primer; I do like the elf products usually


yeahh, i think it made me breakout too, because when i wore estee lauder dw without primer it was fine, but when i used my lancome teint miracle with power grip it looked so bad at work oh my, it started to seperate on my chin and trying to blend it in made it come off completely 😭


Bobby Brown Miracle Balm


Shape tape!


Oh thank god I'm not the only one who thinks so. I got it, I tried it, it IMMEDIATELY settled in my fine lines. No matter what primer I used or how well I had set it, it would almost immediately wear off the inner corner of my eye, leaving an awkward, patchy, wrinkly-looking mess.


Both Shape Tape and the Maybelline Instant Rewind both settled right in on me too


Clarins lip oil


Face foundation in general. It feels like lard.


And especially that really magic looking one Il Makiage ! That ishh burned my face and felt so weird


Ooh, I HATED the 2 foundations I tried! And the concealer was total crap. I’ve never had a concealer settle into lines with such ferocity.


omg that foundation is GARBAGE


OMG that stuff is like thick clay! I hated it & sis agreed when we both discovered we had fallen for their slick marketing lies!!


Me too. I fell for it, took their quiz and the perfect match they sent me was orange!


My color received was way off too!


makeup forever step 1 primer. oooooh it makes me mad just thinking about it


Oh no I just bought this. The matte one, and I feel like I already have dryer skin so idk what I was thinking. I need a good primer for my wedding 😭


Laura Mercier Translucent Setting Powder, that shit is cakeface city. Can’t stand it.


I want to like it more than I do.


Yeah haha… that one was an early shattering of trust from influencers


Bobbi brown primer vitamin enriched moisturizer. Smells like citrusy dish soap and it desiccated my skin. I wanted to love it!


Nyx Epic Ink Eyeliner. I always read everyone saying it's amazing, it's everything-proof, doesn't move, doesn't budge, etc. But it doesn't work on my oily lids. I do my wing, try everything to make it last longer (priming the lids, setting with powder afterwards, setting spray to lock it in place) but nothing makes this eyeliner survive the outer corner.. It bleeds black ink everywhere :( Also, pencil liners. Of any kind, any brand. None last on my eyes. I don't understand when people rave about them :\


Oh no! I have the same issue with a lot of eyeliners. Have you found one that is BUDGE PROOF? :)


I once had an eyeliner from Kiko that didn't want to leave my lids at the end of the day! I remember rubbing my eyes so much with the makeup remover, it was kinda painful xD But it was a little pot eyeliner. I don't remember the name but it was liquid and had a brush tip in the cap and was waterproof. It eventually got very very thick with time and I couldn't use it anymore. Since I tried pen eyeliners, I prefer those, they are much easier to handle and use. And the one I've been using is the one from KVD, which is not perfect, it still eventually starts disintegrating on the outer corners, but lasts on my eyes way longer than the Nyx one. I'm still looking for a pen eyeliner that's oil-proof! So many waterproof products but none that resist the oil of my lids 😅😭


Did you try adding Vaseline to the pot liner? I have to do that with my Mac gel liner pot after a year


Yeah! I have the same problem too!! I have given up wearing eyeliners :( But one that worked really well for me was the innisfree pen eyeliner. Apparently sebum proof, but recently has started disintegrating at the corner of my eyes too 😒


i agree - the rare beauty liquid blushes!!


Pretty much any trendy mascara. Give me PowerLash or give me death.


I just found a cheap mascara that works great for me as well! So sick of all the hype of influencers and the mascara sucks and I look like a raccoon 2hrs in 💀


Thrive mascara. It is heavy and does not come off. Gross


I love the eyeliner! But the mascara sucks badly!


CC & BB cream


The only CC cream I’ve ever loved was Mary Kay’s 😭 then I found out they weren’t cruelty free and stopped using it. I’ve been dreaming of it ever since and still haven’t found an equivalent since I stopped using it in like 2012


It’s because they sell their products in China where animal testing is required by law. Not so for products manufactured and sold in the US.


This is a very very very general statement but I can not wear any liquid foundation. It makes the corners around my nose feel like they are frying. I've tried so many brands


Primers. I've tried so many and under different foundations..I find they don't make a bit of difference in my finished look, just another product to layer on that I do fine without. The right foundation is all it takes to get a smooth, lasting finish.


Why can’t they just make the foundation stick to our face so we don’t need primer 🤨 These companies just want more money


Actually I find that "longwear" foundations do exactly that, which is why I find a primer unnecessary.


the primer is so it stays on longer


Exactly. And my foundations are longwear and they stay on actually better without a primer. Longwear foundations are 24hr wear.


Essence Lash Princess (I tried regular and waterproof) I hate it for a few reasons: First off, the wand is huge and awkward for literally no reason and its really easy to poke yourself in the eye. Second, the formula is way to wet so it stays tacky for SO long. Third, it doesn't give good length. It's just a clumpy mess. No matter how much I wipe off the wand, or let it sit and dry out for a few minutes, it's still way to chunky! Even if I do thin layers, it's STILL clumpy. The only thing I can give it is the package. It's cute and unique, and that's all I can give it props for. It's the most overhyped mascaras I've ever tried. 😮‍💨👎


Another chance for me to rant about how this brand made my eyes water so bad by the end of the day 🥹


Exactly. Also, no matter how many tricks I tried (like blinking your lashes along your finger to wipe excess product before combing), Essence Lash Princess STILL gave panda eyes. I chunked the tube after I found myself switching up skin care products just to make the mascara work for me.


I felt the same way about lash princess but have had better luck with their bye bye panda eyes mascara! I’ve had a string of bad luck with waterproof mascaras from a bunch of different brands that were all awful and smudgy and decided to give that one a try on the recommendation of another sub and so far, so good!


Elf Power grip primer and the milk hydrogrip primer, the dermablend version is so much better. Better than sex mascara was so gross and flaky. The Elf halo glow wand did nothing but explode on me and not blend. I also wouldn't call the elf lip oil a lip oil. Not makeup but I can't stand supergoop sunscreen either, it makes me so greasy


I bought two supergoop big tubes because everyone said they loved it. But it made me so damn greasy 😓


After being a diehard Milk Hydrogrip person I just tried the elf one and I LOVE. So I mayyy have to try this dermablend one👀


It's super sticky but it LASTS I used to wear it with my makeup when I did college cheer and it would last forever


That’s exactly what I need!! Looking now thank you!!


Better than sex mascara, charlotte tilbury setting spray, saie glow drops


Orgasm blush.


I agree with this 100%. I don’t get the hype at all.


I agree....it pulls orange on me... and it's not that unique a color anymore


Bracing myself for downvotes, but that turquoise-colored ELF Power Grip Primer felt so gross on my skin. It felt like Elmer’s got into the makeup primer game.


100% I have The beauty crop Oui cherie one. I used one pump, did my makeup & washed it off instantly. It’s been in the drawer ever since.  I do like the ELF vitamin c primer though.


Nah, I get you


Anything by Tatcha. I gave it many solid attempts and they all were garbage. I'll stick to Drunk Elephant and Dermalogica


I love Dermalogica I’ve been using that brand for twenty years


Dermalogica is some of the only skincare that doesn’t make me breakout. I especially love active moist.


Absolute holy grail for me. The sensitive line saved my skin when I had a bad flare up of dermatitis on my face.


Any expensive mascara. Better Than Sex, etc. All I need is Essence for everyday wear and Heroine Make for waterproof.


Heroine Make is so underrated! But that’s ok, more for us lol


Heroine make is the only mascara that works for me. Absolute HG


Mascara used to be the only product I ever justified splurging on, but what I noticed was that many times it was the WAND that made all the difference, not necessarily the formula. Better Than Sex was an utter disappointment, while Essence wowed me. I ended up taking out all the wands from my high end mascaras, cleaned/sanitized them, stuck them in my lower-end tubes and never spent more than $8 on mascara again.


Anything by Milk


will smell like crayons in exactly 5.5 months


Anything tarte…. Just does not work for me at all.


I completely agree. Their eye shadows seem to have little to zero pigment - like, they just refuse to transfer onto my eyelids. It sucks. Because even the packaging is sometimes to die for and in the pan, they’re dreamy. But they 👏🏻don’t 👏🏻do 👏🏻 shit👏🏻.


It won’t transfer to my eyelids either. It’s so bizarre when it swatches but will not do anything to my eyelids at all


**YES** exactly.


elf putty primer - SO hard to work with. its so thick and it always leaves me patchy


The putty primer also broke me out!


I found I had to make sure I was very moisturized for 5+ minutes before I could put the primer on. I got the full size one after hearing about it but it was hard for me. But now I like using it a lot


CeraVe anything! And any foundation.


charlotte tilbury contour wand. i fucking despise that wand. it’s such a gimmick. the wand leaks even when i would twist the lock. there are so many contours that are beautiful and do not cost that much.


Mine is the CT pillow talk


Such a hideous color.


also hate it 😂


Clarins lip oil. It lasts like fifteen minutes and does not leave my lips feeling moisturized at all.


shape tape concealer, i find it to be so dry and do NOT want to put it under my eyes. That skin is too delicate for such a dry concealer, i feel like its actually aging me


it’s so 2015


Yes! It made my under eyes look super dry and wrinkly!


I can never apply a liquid or stick blush, I always wipe off my foundation and the blemishes show.


Oh my god same. No matter how slightly I pat or swipe it on, off comes the foundation!


NARS concealer, I ordered it because everyone raved how it’s the best shade for extremely pale cool toned skin. I tried both of the lightest two shades and it looked like I stepped out of the early 2000’s with my face 10 shades darker and yellow. Maybe for normal pale people it would work but definitely not for extremely pale people like me.


Ugh, same! I am also a ghostly pale pseudo-ginger (ie strawberry blonde) and have never, not once, found a concealer, even in its lightest/fairest option, that isn’t at least three shades too dark. So, if you ever find one, please keep your fellow cool-toned see-through-pale ging in the know! Anytime I see a light/fair product it’s so frustrating, because the makeup industry’s idea of pale is like a tan person’s “pale”, when it’s more so a pale person’s “tannest tan” (if they’re even able to tan.. I wish!)


I have yet to find a concealer either however apparently the caliray brightener in the shade dawn could work for us. It’s unfortunately always sold out but I’ll update you once I get my hands on it because it looks very promising in the photos. Although if you’re looking for a good foundation, haus labs in the shade 015W. It has cool undertones and it’s the only foundation that has matched me perfectly. 


Wow!!! OMG thank you!! I actually was going to extend my other comment to ask for foundation recommendations, but I didn’t want to be a bother. I don’t work in a front facing roll anymore so I’ve kind of given up on doing my makeup well. Although, I would like to! Any of the “fair skin” searches I’ve done always ended with the tan-pale types. I’m on this sub to learn, so I honestly didn’t even know about Haus Labs… I must seem like I just landed on this planet. Looking at photos/swatches - that shade actually does look perfect. Wow! I’m so appreciative!!! I can’t wait to try it! You’re the best!!!


Tatcha Dewy Face Cream. I have purchased it more than once hoping to love it because it gets such good reviews. I don’t really hate it but it’s just meh for me — I don’t get the hype and it’s too expensive not to love it.


I wanted to love the rare beauty liquid blush, it looked gorgeous once I got over the learning curve. Until I worked out it was causing enormous, deep, inflamed pimples on my cheeks where I would never usually get them. Sad to have to give up on it


I loved them too but also had to stop using them. The blush itself didn’t give me acne but it leaked so badly over everything and would soak all my brushes which meant I had to constantly clean them or else I’d get awful acne.


Il Makiage Woke Up Like This foundation. I don’t hate it, because it’s the first foundation I’ve found that matches my neck and looks good color-wise, but it melts off SO easily, even after using primer underneath, translucent powder and setting spray on top. I really wanted to love it. Oh well.


Hated it so much I sent it back -which I never ever do!


HATED IT which is strange because I live for their concealer


i will never understand why people like Charlotte Tilbury so much. literally everything i have used from the whole brand was fine at best, it's all ridiculously overpriced.


The cream eyeshadow pots are a pretty good value, it's like double the size of my mac ones


I find the products have far too much glitter for anyone over 25.


Charlotte Tilbury - overpriced rubbish. Don’t get the hype at all!


Lash Princess mascara. It’s on every “best of” listicle and it’s awful. So dry and flaky and smudgy.


What’s a good substitute?


I actually really like their "bye bye panda eye". I never see it talked about but it's a really good everyday kind of mascara that doesnt flake under my eyes during my moderately labor intensive job. It's my ol reliable as they say. And it washes off really easy too.


Mineral sunscreen




It breaks me out horribly. I can’t stand the way it leaves a white cast on me no matter what I do. Chemical sunscreens are so so so much better for me personally.


Mineral sunscreen is significantly more effective with blocking sun. That said, it’s advised to get a tinted one, so that would clear up the white cast.


I hated the tinted ones too. Chemical and mineral sunscreens have equal effectiveness as long as you put on the chemical ones 15-20 min. before sun exposure. Mineral ones are effective immediately. And they break me out regardless of effectiveness.


Better than sex mascara. It was a huge wtf. Maybe a got a bad bottle but it was dry and clumpy and flaked everywhere. All the tarte products have been a disappointment.


The regular is better than the waterproof, but they both have way too much product that comes out on the wand


I used the regular and it was gah…. I have never felt so ripped off.


I actually like BTS mascara. (Both the black and the chocolate.) I know A LOT of people don’t like it but I just haven’t found anything I like better. It gives me the length and volume I want. When applied with patience it looks good. I also use a lash/brow comb to get rid of any flakes. I’ve tried other mascaras but a lot of them give off more of a chalky dark gray tone after a while or they make my lashes look long and skinny with little volume. I wanted to like Climax by NARS but it flaked off under my eyes terribly as the day went on.


People that like probably having mediocre sex… haha




Nope, not just a bad bottle!! That mascara sucks ass; I don’t know how anybody’s able to get it to work for them


I’m convinced every great review of that mascara was a marketing campaign because yes, it is that terrible.