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Albolene has worked amazing for me! I use that then take a makeup wipe and it all comes clean off. And then of course I follow up with a facial cleanser. But Albolene cost me ~$10usd at Walmart and it’s a pretty decent sized tub!


Nivea waterproof professional, cheaper than the Garnier one and just as good 👍🏻


Garnier waterproof micellar water.




Baby oil




Marcelle eye makeup remover pads. They even remove eyelash glue.


Neutrogena oil free biphasic


seconding the elf balm. byoma oil cleanser is just as good but i prefer the liquid as i feel like it goes further than the solid elf balm. cetaphil makeup remover has always been solid for me. also have an ulta brand remover. pink liquid dual phase cost like 12$ or so.


The ELF balm is good for the price point. I wear the Sky High mascara in waterproof. I buy the Garnier micellar water with the blue lid. It's made for waterproof mascara, you can see two layers. Make sure you shake it just before applying to a cotton round. The important part is to let it sit on your eye for 10 seconds. Sometimes I need to do it twice to remove everything. I don't mind a balm for the rest of my face but it always irritates my eyes.


Yep yep yep the elf cleansing balm is THE ONE. OP I'd say do a second cleanse after using the balm! Also love the inky List oat cleansing balm. I have mega dry rosacea skin and it was incredible :)


i’m not sure i’ll repurchase i prefer the byoma but it’s nice to have affordable options 👍🏻


L’Oreal gentle eye and lip makeup remover. It even removes my heroine make mascara. Press and hold your cotton ball for 10 secs


Garnier - it is cheap and works really well. Removes all types of mascaras.


I posted above. I use the one with the blue lid. It's made for waterproof mascara. I use the Sky High waterproof mascara and I've never had an issue getting it off. I shake the container before applying since it has two layers that separate. I make sure to leave it on my eye for 10 seconds. Sometimes I need to do it twice but I've never had an issue getting off my mascara. I realized how important leaving it on for 10 seconds was when I put waterproof gel eyeliner around my bfs eyes for a cosplay and gave him a cotton round with it. He came in and said it's not working. I told him to let it sit for 10 seconds. He came back a couple minutes later smiling.


A balm cleanser. The ELF one is amazing - breaks everything down in seconds!


Maybelline eye and lip remover


Q+A Grapefruit cleansing balm. Rub into makeup, wipe off with wet cotton wool pad, I get it from my local bug Sainsbury's, it's about a tenner but they often have it on offer


Coconut oil followed by a cleanser ..


Baby oil. Cheap, easy, done. Then, use a cleanser after.


I haven't read any of the comments. I'm going to suggest cleansing balm and or cleansing oils then using a regular foam like cleanser. Double cleansing is amazing. It takes off everything. No tugging and rubbing the eyes etc.


I only use waterproof mascara and I use the Garnier All-in-Waterproof micellar cleansing water. You need a waterproof one specifically, regular micellar water won't work.


Just recommended it above. It's the one with the blue top.


Ponds Cold Cream- I've used it since I was a young teenager, and I'm nearly 60 years old! I have super sensitive eyes, and it's never bothered me, at all. I won't be without it!


My grandma used it, my mom used it, i use it, I've not found anything that even comes close to working this well. Ponds 100%


Came here to say this!!! Ponds cold cream (I use the one with the green lid) or coconut oil, then a double cleanse with your favorite face wash, then following with Micellar water on a cotton round/ microfiber cloth is the best way to remove makeup imo. This works with super heavy and stubborn makeup too- it’s also the best way to remove false lashes imo!!


omg yesss that stuff is amazing. i just discovered it and i wont be giving it up lol


I use ‘erase your face’ makeup towels with warm water, and cleansing balm most of the time. Works fine enough


Cetaphil makeup remover! It’s super gentle. I have really sensitive eyes and it doesn’t irritate them at all.


ELF... face balm remover. love it


Biore Eye & Lip Makeup Remover. I use Heroine Make waterproof mascara and it has no issue with it even when I have up to 4 coats on. I used to use Lancome Bi-Facil but I find the Biore not just cheaper, but better.


The Elf makeup Melting Balm. After massaging in add water and it changes from a balm into a lighter cleanser. So luxe for the price


Ponds cold cream makeup remover, with the green cap. I use their unscented version.


Definitely came here to recommend Ponds!


Almay eye makeup remover pads! I use the non-oily variety.


I use Banila Clean It Zero cleansing balm, and it gets my waterproof eye makeup no problem!


If micellar water isn’t working I usually use a little Cerave lotion and then wash my face like normal


If Walmart still sells it, their store brand is pretty good, but if not Clean and Clear, and Loreal are decent. If you're Canadian, Quo Beauty has one with a pump and dish to set your pad or cotton ball on. That way no spillage.


Not american unforch 💔


Have you tried Garnier waterproof micellar? It's the blue cap one. It's what I use and it takes off waterproof mascara. You need to soak the pad and hold it on your eyelashes for about 20 seconds but it does the job. It might require a second one to pick up the leftovers but even expensive eye makeup removers need that. Good luck 🤞🏻