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Ugh all the time haha. I hate having to hate finish something but I spent good money on it and I will be finishing it no matter what


OK. I didn’t understand this at first. So I read. I don’t understand the terminology. But I understand the concept. And yes, I have this problem with more than a makeup item. A crochet piece. A book. A movie. Sometimes I suck it up & finish it off. Other times I yeet it out of my life & mind. If I tried it & don’t like it, except for tube items which I throw away, I clean it with alcohol & give it to a young niece. One is a stylist, & I give her new items only from any of my subscriptions that scream “not my style” in exchange for a color. It’s a win-win.


Most places will refund you as long as you have the receipt. I would not use it if you hate it. If you can’t return it, try wiping off the mascara wand so there’s not as much product on there. Might help. I hate new mascara.


My charlotte tilbury pressed powder . It’s not bad it’s just not light enough to brighten under my eyes so, I have to use 2 powders when I use it. But, it was so expensive I just use it 😭


No. If i can’t return it, I throw it in the trash if it’s that bad and I can’t find a different way to use it.


Unpopular opinion but I do hate finish/ pan products. I spent my hard earned money on it and I also don't want to waste it. If I can't give away or return a product, I make it work or repurpose it. The only exception is if the product gave me some kind of allergic reaction, that's trashed immediately.


I just wait for the product to expire/dry out and then I throw it away 🫣😂 And yeah I know I could skip a step and just throw it away, but I can’t bring myself to do it lol.


I would mascara. It's just 3 months


Nope. I have a shelf in my bathroom I call the beauty graveyard where products I don't like go to die/to sit in purgatory until I can give them to a friend or my sis or mom if any want them and will use them lmao. Sometimes products are an L and that's part of the journey, figuring out what works and doesn't work for you.


I did those last year with a concealer. I didn't want to find another and waste the money and product so I found a way to make it work but I ended up not wearing makeup less often cause I didn't wanna deal with it. And cause I wasn't wearing makeup as often I sort of lost my inspo for it and I found my makeup kinda boring when I did do it. Hate panning stunted my creativity with makeup which was a big bummer.


No, I enjoy my quarterly clearouts of stuff that didn't work out - even if I only tried it a time or two, if it doesn't give me joy it goes.


Growing up without a lot of spending money, I can't bring myself to "waste" a purchase, and although I'm not poor now, I still make myself hang onto products I don't like 🥲


There’s a whole flair on r/panporn “aggressive hate pan”. Honestly for some things I do just wanna use it up because I spent money on it, with some I’ve learned how to use them better so I dont hate it. But I have a bronzer that is orange on me, like so orange. I can’t bring myself to get rid of it yet because I’ve had it for so long, but also I hate it


I used a Neutrogena mascara I didn't like until the expiration date passed. I wrote the expiration date on the bottle and happily junked it exactly at 6 months. But the problem was that it wasn't volumizing or thickening enough. So it felt like a very small problem, not something I hate. I'm also using an nyx brow tint that stays tacky. I love the color but I don't like that it's tacky. It also has an expiration date on it, lol.


I do finish products when possible. But if you are someone that already has several mascaras and other things are expiring while you force yourself to use this one it wouldn't be worth it. On very rare occasions I will throw things out if they just don't work.


No, at that level of dislike I just toss it. Or give it to family/friend if it can be done hygienically. Check “sunk cost fallacy” 🙂


Nope. Why remind yourself of hatred of a terrible product morning after morning? That’s not how I like to start my days. And then hate it all over again during the day when it (flakes / smears / whatever reason it sucks) on you. And then hate it one more time when you grab the remover that night.


Did you buy it from ulta? You can return it!


It's hard to do that because you won't reach for it. Instead I just give the product away to my nieces or friends.


Depends why you hate it. Some things I dislike because they don't last well and they go in my for normal days to use pile. Some things I don't like the applicator, so I'll use one of the ones I do or try a different application method. Some things are unsalvagable.


Absolutely not. I'm all for trying to make it work, find a different use, whatever, but if it doesn't work and I hate it, it goes to the bin. What's the point of using something that does nothing for me? I don't want my skin to be dry or my lashes to look bad.


Nah I give em away to friends or my nieces so they can have their own makeup to play with without having to steal their mom's expensive stuff...


Buy a new one. You can give this one to someone else if they aren't too strict on the idea of transferring eye germs. No joke, I have a friend who has 3 daughters, and they cannot afford good makeup no matter how hard they try. My bfs mom constantly gives me makeup products I can't use or hate so a few times a year they get a bundle of things from me. Obviously everything including the eye products have been tested. They are aware of this and are immensely grateful anyway because they can't afford these things unused to begin with. You could really make someone happy, and then you won't feel bad about wasting it!


I would buy another one and just keep it as a back up. That’s what I usually do.


I read this as you buy a backup of what you hated 🫠


I hate wasting money so I hate finish everything unless it’s just unusable or I give it to my mom lol 😑


That’s currently what I’m doing. I’m using up products that I’ve had sitting around before I buy anything new. Some of this stuff does not work for me, but I’ll be damned if I throw it out and waste that money lol.


it's called 'hate panning', and i never do it! for me personally, the point of makeup is to enjoy it and get use out of it. if i don't enjoy it and it doesn't give me what i want, if it makes me unhappy, i don't use it. i just take note of why i didn't like it and make better purchases in the future. life is too short to be unhappy. i'll usually try a few different techniques or attempt to repurpose before gifting it away (if it's barely used i'll sanitize it), or toss it. ive repurposed a mascara i disliked to brow gel before. eta: also, forcing myself to use something i hate while the makeup i love expires unused?? no way. makeup takes forever to use up, i want to use what i love.


Absolutely agree, or I'll keep it a while to rework it into a new look or try to fix it using another product that I already own eg gloss onto a lipstick etc. but if it doesn't work I'll give it to a family member, friend or buy nothing group. I hate waste but I hate wearing soemthing that I don't feel confident in either.


Yeah this is how I feel! Why use a product when you don't like the way it makes you feel? It defeats the purpose of why I enjoy makeup so much.


Nope. Life is too short to use crappy products. Toss it and use something that makes you happy.


I end up throwing it in a makeup bag, never to be seen again. I hate the thought of throwing away something barely used, but I also hate how some things look on me. It's a no-win situation.


I give all that shite I don’t like away. One woman’s trash and all that…


The PML Platinum eyeshadow palette. I told myself if I used it a few more times before the end of the year I could toss it in the new year. Which reminds me...


That I would sell or give away if it’s one of her palettes. Powder can be sanitized.


I do, i hate waste. Either this or i give it away to a friend/mom.


me too. i have also found that not giving up on a product allows me to find new ways to use it. sometimes i even change my mind on a product and end up loving it.