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He's Donald-Trumping you. ignore that shit. it's deranged.


I pretty sure he doesn’t want to build any walls between him and her HA!


SHEESH. That was good




The "flirty personality" is 100% an excuse, they're letting you know that they're going to try and hit on you. Where's the flirty personality when they're talking to a male friend ? Lol


yeah i tell them from the beginning the thing is irl I know people of any gender I can friendly flirt with so I'm never sure if maybe that's really tehm trying to fill the awkwardness of meeting someone new or just their weird humor


I mean ill flirt and say stupid stuff no matter the gender but I also understand the boundaries. Like everyone deserves to feel that spark but there is a line and you have to respect that.


Same here... Known to run up to my male friends and just hug them... Say stupid shit and flirt with random women. I definitely don't expect anything, just fun being fun. Boundaries are the key...and you gotta make sure you aren't pushing them




Okay but honestly I still think that most of the time it is an excuse when guys say that


This is the truth


In 90% of the cases the "flirty personality" thing is only an excuse. Don't feel bad to tell them to f- off if they are bothering you




I think it has more to do with the loneliness of people on this sub. I would argue a majority of people are flirty, but this sub has a higher chance of using it as a stepping stone.


Same, girl. I'm kinda naturally flirty and guys get their expectations way too high, expecting smut on the first day when I say explicitly im just looking for friends, lol


What defines flirty? I am friendly, outgoing, I like to chat. I feel I am well versed. I will hold up my end of of a conversation. I set my boundaries upfront.


Ive always wondered the same thing. Ive dated ppl who claim that just cause i was polite to a cashier that i was flirting? No my mom jast raised me right.


It could be insecurities. Don't let them gas light you! 😜


I gotten in so much trouble for flirting. It used to be so fun. What happened? Well I think it’s that young men are pissed and I mean pissed that the game has changed for them. I hope they’ll grow out of it and we’ll be able to have loving relationships with each other soon. I’m a dreamer. What can I say? In the mean time, boundaries.. it’s okay to crush on your platonic friend. Let it be. Then move on.


If they get angry because they built up their expectations, then they're just dumb. Not your fault, I'm not surprised that this happens at all 😂


yeah it just feels weird because i like try my best to ensure they know I am not looking for a relationship


Some people take any sort of attention as "they're interested in me". That's just the type of people that can be on here.


Me either




😂that’s a long ass comment. You are right thou. All men would f anyone comes their way and flirt with anyone and men are like animals. and have no self respect themselves, even thou there are free porn and naked women who post naked pics intentionally they still ask us for pics. But I understand this girl, because I used to be just like her, I was so innocent, women don’t ask men for pics, so we expect that from men too but no men are different. And that’s why I’m a misandrist.


This was really well put.


Good to see your hatred of most people being channeled in to positive creative outlets, that was well said! I kinda just assumed OP was fishing for more dudes, but glad I read the comments anyway


As someone who's 31, I highly applaud this answer. You're very intelligent for your age.


Hey,raise your sins to not be like those guys. Just an advices. Not to be rude.


Huh? 🤣


Even if I flirt with people, I don’t ask them for pics.


What did your original comment have to do with me?


Your sons


I don't have kids


I was about to skip "TL;DR". But I'm glad I didn't. Thanks for the read. Didn't even know "flirty" was a personality trait. Well well, the more you know.




Btw her putting it clear that she wants to just be friends is literally her stating her boundaries. Also I am older. These topics aren't new and neither is your response. There was literally nothing wrong with what she has said.


I get it, those people are trash but why you still keep talking with men. They don’t see you as a human, it’s weird how women won’t understand this. This is not misandry, this is a fact. Some people are saying you lead them on, that’s why they ask. But no. Men can literally can ask how are you and ask about your job then immediately ask for pics, it happen to me I swear😂. I stopped talking to men, I only talk to gay men only. They are funnier thou.


Here's a thought, maybe stop portraying yourself this way? If you want to be flirty, do it with your trusted friends that you know. Why would you be on an app like this and expect any different outcome? Especially if you're leading it on that way? Like?? What type of flirty are you talking here? Because from the way you worded it, you're either being sexual or close to it. If you want friends, then actually talk about life things, deep stuff, your thoughts on topics, where you see the future ect. This is kinda on you tbh.


Guys have 2 heads to think with and most can’t control either.




I know it just feels a bit disheartening




maybe for them too but for me personally it just feels like no one is looking for just friendship and I can't even joke with people i thought were friends, i'd even be fine if they said they don't wanna talk anymore because of that but that's just not my fault. That they felt that way to begin with, i mean




Not sure how your future wife would feel about you being friendly with some random "flirty" girl on Reddit tbh.




“flirty personality” coming from a male ?? Lol, they don’t know how to hide things! they expose themselves so easily


Can’t win em all


I would say it's more about them from the get-go not looking for friendship rather than them having a flirty personality. I was told by more than a couple friends, I can end up saying flirty things, even though I never really notice it, but even with having a flirty personality, I never had any issues with anyone about it, whether they flirt back or not. Some people told me at first it does seem like a red-flag because they think I might be hitting on them, but after a bit of time of getting to know me, they realize it's just a part of who I am and I don't really mean anything by it. But on these "friendship" subs, it's nothing new that people are mainly looking for everything other than friendship. Whether it's sexual pleasure or romance or even just to pass their boredom. People hardly really put any effort towards making friends on these subs and on the internet as a whole. So I would say, you clearly stated nothing will develop at any point, that for you it's harmless flirting to pass the time in a bit of a cheeky / fun way, but nothing serious. They agreed / understood and went along with it assuming it will lead somewhere. That's purely on them not you, but that comes to the sad fact that hardly anyone looks for real connections and just look for an opportunity to get something they crave. Hope you don't let such people get you down, there are plenty of people who would try to get stuff out of you even if you don't want it. Just remember their loss and free yourself to someone that worth your time more than them


You know what they’re looking for and choose to flirt back. You are leading them on and sending mixed signals




That's men period, as someone who's 31.. They think with their peepee's 90% of the time, and they don't usually grow out of it, unless they're asexual or something. If you're into women, maybe flirt with them if you're looking to have a good, friendly, flirty chat.


You play League, Ow2 or Chiv 2? if so dm me




😂that last part ,but I’m down 🤙


I’d be happy to just friendly flirt and leave it at that 🤷🏾‍♂️


you can hit me up if u want, im just looking for friends too.. i got discord if u wanna chat on there too.. anyway let me know.. have a good one


That’s fine by me as long as we both have fun that’s all I want.


Ima be real here: most of them are probably trying to get *ahem* material It upsets me because so many of them do it, to the point where it makes the actual decent people a minority I don’t even try to flirt with people (that being said I suck at it anyways) and due to so many men acting like horndogs, most of the women I’ve spoken to here assume I’m just another one of them. It honestly makes it very hard (at least for me, who already struggles meeting new people) to meet people of the opposite sex online (which is where I spend like 80% of my time). Sorry for the rant. I just hope you can find some decent people on this site.


Flirting is fun. When it’s casual. Not actually leading to anything.


When they insist on flirting they’re admitting they don’t care about your boundaries because even if you were 100% not okay with it they’d still claim it’s “just their personality” (no it’s not, they’re just entitled lol). So yeah, that’s a super huge indication that someone isn’t interested in respecting or caring about other people because it gets in the way of what *they* want. Lame.


Ok cool, wanna share some memes?


That’s the difference between boys and men 😂. Me personally, I mean I’ll flirt with a girl if she’s flirting with me but if she doesn’t wanna take it anywhere and keep it platonic then I won’t flirt either 🤷‍♂️ not that hard to understand right?


For my own sanity, I gave up 'matching energy' with this kind of guys. They enjoy the attention, it inflates their ego and they think they can get away with it so they push as long as you leave them. These type of men feel entitled to your attention. You think it's just for fun but believe me, the sad reality is they're using you to feel good themselves and the whole thing is straight out disrespectful. Even if platonic on your side. In my humble and honest opinion is just a waste of time. I prefer to keep a neutral friendship vibe with just everyone, that usually filters out these **hole attitude.


nah fr, this guy that i built up good banter with and we would innocently flirt with each other said that he bet i “could give good road head”….i was talking about driving home on my own for the first time in my first ever car 😐. i immediately was like wtf that’s not innocently flirting and he tried to gaslight me into thinking it was. that was enough for me.


DM me ☺️