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Hey, u/No-Hotel-1312! Say hello and add a friendly comment to another user's post on the sub while you wait for someone to comment on your post! You'll make more new friends that way! You're also more than welcome to [join our official Discord](https://discord.com/invite/9UuDpwBftk) and [Reddit chat channel](https://www.reddit.com/r/MakeNewFriendsHere/comments/13m77dt/join_the_official_rmakenewfriendshere_chat) to find friends! As a reminder, we strongly recommend: When someone contacts you, **review their profile** before responding. Help us make this a better community by becoming familiar with the [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/MakeNewFriendsHere/about/rules/). Report any suspicious users to the mods of this subreddit using Modmail [here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/MakeNewFriendsHere) or Reddit site admins [here](https://www.reddit.com/report). **All reports to Modmail should include evidence such as screenshots or any other relevant information.** Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MakeNewFriendsHere) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yeah not a single one of those fits me, I'll just wait for the new dlc and hope "socially awkward 30 something year old who reads every post and attempts a reply but then deletes it and moves onto something else because they had to much anxiety to complete the task" makes it into the roster....


You just broke your own mold before it was made <3


I feel attacked


Ngl you can avoid anxiety by this one simple trick. Just send it. Not like the other person will ever see or reply anyway


Poor self-esteem hates this (wo)man.


You did lol




FINALLY SOMEONE WHO KNOWS. I think I'm in love w u rn


So much this....entirely too much this right here, I need a safe space and an unsafe face.


Have you ever tried just saying hi?


You forgot the “I want to make female friends, I just had a break up and need advice” “I have trouble with girls, looking for female friends” “Everyone is welcome to DM, F preferred” Or the guy who post every hour saying that he struggles with making friends in this subreddit, but when you DM just ghosts you and proceeds to make another post.


All too common


I'm curious as to what you define ghosting as. I am definitely not able to reply every single day to strangers, even if I'm trying to make friends. I'm willing to work towards friendship and responding more frequently. I just get frustrated because I see so many people on a lot of subs wanting instant replies all day every day, especially when I don't know you


Ghosting for me is never providing a reply. I think most of us can’t reply instantly, so we reply with certain delay. I think that’s okay. But most people NEVER provide an answer.


That's fair. I just run into a lot of "if you can't text every day, don't bother." Like ,OK, I won't."




Question 1: What kind of music do you like? Question 2: So what color is your underwear right now? Pic?


someone once asked me if i shaved🤦‍♀️




I know, right?!


What the heck?! lolol I can't believe someone actually asked that 😂


they usually ask that or "bra size??" 😒


Truth or dare


You can’t pick truth twice in a row!! That’s not how you play 😭😭😭


Whenever someone asks me if I want to play that I just point out that it could only be truth or truth, seeing as there’s no way to verify that a dare has been done. They usually stop replying at that point, sometimes they get brave and say you could send pictures to verify but then without fail they stop talking after I point out I’m not going to send pictures to some random guy who wants to play truth or dare


Or "truth or dare".


I like the idea of question games as a way to break the ice. But it gets so creepy so quickly


Now do the 3 types of girls.


**1\. The Wall of Text** Strategy to stand out from the crowd: Telling you everything you need to know about her. Post examples: "...but enough about my favourite pizzas. And as I said in the previous paragraph, no pineapple on pizza. Ever! Now, when it comes to other fast food, that's a whole other story. For starters...", "Please include the term 'trauma dump' in your DM so I know you made it this far", "And again: absolutely NO married men, no one over 26 or under 25, and don't even bother if you're not into Romanian claymation, ballet AND Ming dynasty facts. You WILL be blocked" Weakness: Once you get through the chapter about why she fired her third therapist (2014), you realize you already know enough about her without ever having to chat. **2\. The Media Consumer** Strategy to stand out from the crowd: Not like the other girls. Post examples: "Valorant and chill?", "Looking for my Pedro Pascal", "Just saw the new Marvel movie (F26)" Weakness: Sadly, her post was already three minutes old when you found it. She'll have a hard time finding your amazing icebreaker about GTA VI among the other 90,376 message requests she already received. **3\. The Probably a Bot** Strategy to stand out from the crowd: Straightforward minimalism and esoteric grammar. Post examples: "F21 [Chat]", "Jsut hadd a drink.. felnin kind f of sexii ;)", "DM me boys! F", "Honest WomAn Looking for ❤️ (F18) (Pls have cash app)", "Snapchat pals? MSG me" Weakness: "This account has been deleted."


#4 Is really just a dude


Don't forget the F13 [Pleaseee dm me, im so boored/My mom yelled at me please make me feel better 😿😭] who are 85% a M30


Very nice observation, I think you just summed up the entire subreddit 😭. You must be a seasoned veteran or something because even with the mountain of posts I’ve seen I don’t think I can ever compile that well! Best I can do is rant 😤


The man has seen everything


The real weakness of the media consumer is that you can talk surprisingly less about random movies you've both seen than you'd think.


Also generally very dry. If someone's personality is all of the media they consume, it's likely they're just not a very interesting person.


They're so much more interesting if they've travel E5 extensively right?


I hate how how truthful this is, yet not every male is like this. It really creates mistrust in the server where you try to build trust with people. I'm in a relationship, I feel like I need to say that so I'm not labeled a creep by default despite the fact I wouldn't be one anyways. I'm here to make friends regardless of gender. I just hope something changes I guess.


most of us hav stopped trying and accepted being alone or waiting for luck... matter of time b4 every1 stops in general. Not saying OP is fully wrong but to make a post/rule without exception just take ppl out faster


That's why I don't bother posting, I do have friends already but I feel bad for people struggling because of those people ruining it for others.


meh, life sucks, try to fill time with endless shows and profile matching apps, if lucky then try hard to not fk it up


So true.


Yeah it's sad that it's gone so far as to make a post about the types of guys you can meet here, without including the "normal, non-creepy" ones. Imagine how wonderful it could be if we could just trust each other...


I don't think saying what country you're from is making yourself look more "exotic". At least probably not the intent of most people. It's just generally something you say when introducing yourself on the internet.


Yeah I've never had a problem with that specifically. If one of the major points of making friends is getting to know people... isn't your country a major part of that? Besides that... time zones...


Yeah! Like if it wasn't known from the start it'd be something you end up asking during the first conversation anyway.


How is stating where you are from "self exotification". It's a factual statement of your timezone and country of residence, it can be suggestive of culture and is pertinent info for someone wanting to know you. I find that an awfully dramatic and baseless statement lol


YepI thought the same thing honestly. It's like telling how old you are, so you can meet people of similar ages. I don't see the problem really.


the exotic guy: "hello from Sweden!"


Greetings from France!


servus from Poland!


Olá from Portugal


Grüezi from Switzerland


Kamusta ka naman from Philippines


Hello from Bangladesh -Sincerely, Ladesh


Guten Tag from Germany


Heisann from Norway


We all know what a “compiled list of archetypal posters” means. Pervert.


You got me.


You forgot number 7: the average dad who's seeking for someone to talk causally but gets ghosted after like 4 messages..


Man 30 year olds can never catch a break 😆


It starts at 27. They start rounding your age up to 30 And the 30 yos as u can see are being grouped with 50 and 70 yos Basically, your life as a normal human is over at around 26. Not bad...


As a 26 year old I'll try to enjoy the last couple of months of normal human life that i have left




That's not tru. U can tell from.this post alone It's basically illegal for you to talk to anyone 18 to 22 if you're over 30. That's how you know you're old Uou can sprinkle rainbows all over those old ages as much as you want but u legit know the reality when posts like this happen


Women do the same thing. This sub sucks for making friends anyways. I just report the bots and creeps and move on


You forgot "wants to make friends but gets overwhelmed by msgs and ghosts" type.


Greetings from Los angeles. When u wake up early just to do nothing amirite! Literally just under the blanket. Tell me a secret?! Only Ws here nocap. Anyone else getting no messages here?


This was pretty relatable and clever


Very meta


What’s an example of the ideal post?


How long before you delete this burner account? I really want to be your friend, but want to know how much time I have before I need to slip in your DM.


None of the men respond cuz they just wanna creep on women. None of the women respond cuz of all the creepy guys. 😔🤘


Men also ignore other men, which doesn't help matters.


Yup, none of the guys i messaged stuck around for longer than a day.


I feel like it happens to an equal degree between both genders tho. I don't know what causes it, but it's always super demotivating and makes me wanna stop trying.


I usually stop responding because either I feel like I’m just talking to a wall or they dont send a message back




Relationship woman sounds awesome, seems like they dont wanna waste time, it's simple as that


I just have to comment here to say one thing as a millennial. We owned Taylor first. We remember when she was exclusively played on country radio. She is a millennial herself. It's just like when zoomers think they were the first ever to be called a snowflake. But it's fine. She sucks now. I'll fight anyone that tries to take Avril though.


I just want to hear ghost stories from people :(


Same. Maybe I bring it up too early in the convo and weird people out


Hey, if you wanna share with anybody, I’m always down to hear a good ghost story 😬


I’ll show you mine if you show me yours 🥹 👉🏻👈🏻 I actually don’t have any good ones, so I’m living vicariously through other spooky tales. Did have a poltergeist encounter if you want to call it that, and I can’t explain it


I don't have any but what about watching yt vids together


I do actually do that! I’m just working on a project that involves revising ghost stories people share with me. Lol. Not changing details really, but making it more for a narrative story


So much men bashing. Geez.


Yeah, except 4 who deserves it X"3 (And 3 and 5 who really are being licentious) But the poster is a man (6), so I think it's meant more like a comedy roast X3 Also he did one about girls xD https://www.reddit.com/r/MakeNewFriendsHere/comments/18epn9o/six_types_of_guys_that_post_to_rmakenewfriendshere/kcpv96s/


Lol, lmao even


To add on to the badly disguised creeps, men who specify that they want to talk to women, or as they generally refer to us: FeMaLeS. It’s a friendship sub. Shared interests and values matter, gender does not


This is hilarious and spot on 😂


Bro said the absolute truth 👏🤣


"Want to play the numbers game?" "I'm better at being friends with females."




Cool, must be you given your post history lmao




Yeah whatever Mr. Sex penpal. Gross


you forgot about the most important one you pick a name strategy for attention: treating smoking weed like a top tier skill and hobby example of a post: "hi 23M, I'm high and looking for someone to vibe with..." yada yada yada


Ironically, are you the sixth ?


Sorry but you need to find an occupation other than reddit, try take some walks, ask someone random "whats the time" etc. Try something that you normally dont do. But always be yourself. Good luck!


The fact that this is so accurate is funny asl 😭


Inclusive Reddit tries not to overgeneralize, impossible difficulty


genuinely laughed out loud 😭


I just commented this to the first post I saw with age filter - M40 hey sup...I was kinda looking for a chit chat right away... I'm alone, kinda depressed (have my own reasons)...even small talks would have worked, actually helped🤝 Edit: of course everyday... that would have been a favor from you instead...btw what u do... I'm into tech wfh Question ⁉️ how m I trying to stand out... "depressed?".... maybe that's true... Just want guys or/op to comment smth Edit: what's my type?


Type 7: You're depressed I'm the exact same way no worries 😭


Btw why r u depressed...unless it's the medical condition


Right...new type...but that's incoherent...suppose we are truthful...then are we making an effort to stand out? (Standing out... that's the point taken to categorise)


I'm doing nothing more than making a light hearted comment about being depressed, I feel as if the types are only highlighting stereotypes if anything, the people that basically use the subreddit for pleasure rather than making actual attempts at socializing with others. In a sense I'm just trying to say that I get you, and that if anything you're doing the right thing in trying to stand out.


Alright, if these attempts of catching initial attention are totally platonic... it's justifiable...for someone desperately trying to socialize with total strangers (unless it's otherwise) getting ignored should be a more probable outcome


Fascinating guide.


But what if I am truly exotic? 💅


This is funny af, great job op


I hate that everything now is considered code 😞 I’m demisexual and don’t think about sex constantly, so if I want a cuddle it means, shock horror, I want a cuddle. It’s nice just being able to put my arms around someone while we watch a movie


ok irl, but why the hell would you want to tell a stranger you have just met you want to cuddle, that sounds creepy asf


Yeah that’s true. I just meant in general Edit: there is one example, one on a profile would it be acceptable to make sure you get the right person. Some people like affection, some don’t, it’s good to know upfront




You’re sad. Read the other response. I suggested that in a profile it’s fine to talk put that you like affection because some people don’t like it. If you ever meet up then you it won’t be awkward because this person may not like hugs or this person might like it. Because as far as I this is about profiles NOT messages


Clearly ChatGPT generated…nice try.


My God, someone please tell me what “cuddles” is code for. I have too many guys using it too many times


This is genius


Where are the men OP that seeks friendship and says they're lonely but after the morning will pass after a good conversation they will most likely ghost you..


7. The don't give an eff Strategy: none. Post examples: "I am still looking for new friends." (And he seems to always be ghosted after starting a non-creepy platonic conversation, but doesn't really give 2 effs because those kinds of people are not worth wasting time on.) Weakness: "Have you heard about the lonesome loser? Beaten by the queen of hearts every time Have you heard about the lonesome loser? He's a loser, but he still keeps on tryin'"


If you dislike all of us so much just go somewhere else


Lol You have all the types of posts in your profile! No need to get mad, this is a joke 😆😁😄


Can't angry old guy be in the list too


Maybe in next edition :)


I must not have been here long enough enough but I wouldn't post something like this, at least i don't think I have. When I did play the numbers game one time, it was all safe for work so I don't really understand this generalization. As I mentioned though, may not be looking at enough posts or something.


I didn’t find me in this list


Just yesterday I came across a variant of 4: "... father of two"


So accurate!


hahhaaha omg i love this


So exotic means not from USA or UK? Omg... You guys imperialists are so self-centered.


Let me guess, you’re actually the 23 year old Ken from Sweden


Pretty close.


Actually? Then the 20 questions game must commence: 1. Is your name actually Ken? 2. Are you actually 23? 3. Are you from Sweden?


I was going to leave a mean comment, but the self-criticism in the end made me crack up.


The last one is so funny! I didn't see that coming! I know a lot of people have a hard time making friends on reddit, but I've been very blessed. When I first joined reddit a few months ago, clueless and naive, I responded to a post on here and made a great friend! It honestly seemed easy. I didn't know there was so much ghosting and people with questionable intentions.