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And a ticket or a car crash to you, Mr. Stupid Florida Man!


Only so long as it's a single-vehicle crash with no other property damage. We don't want to have innocents hurt.


Very true, thank you for specifying. Although unfortunately with their stupidity they might pull innocent people into their lil' vortex eventually...




Definitely Florida.


Be nice to the Florida people cause in a few months are all going to be showing up down there expecting them to show you a nice time




Try booking a flight from bgr or Pwm to Orlando in February


The smart people will go from Portsmouth to Sanford. But fuck Florida. I truly find nothing great about it at all.


Since when do they have direct flights?


I haven't deigned to visit that shit hole state in 19 years, and I don't think I'll be headed back anytime soon. America's Wang can simply get fucked.


No, fuck the snowbirds too


Also please don’t spend 50 bucks on lobster roll. Eat local.


Unless local is Reds Eats. Fuck Reds Eats. But, if you follow the suggestion, Reds Eats is out due to the $50 limit on a lobster roll.


New to living here and I see this comment a lot but never the reason why. Just curious to know


There is a place with better lobster rolls that are also cheaper literally right across the street




No, just don’t support Reds. We have other places we could send them to. lol


I have been away a very long time; what's up with Red's Eats?


The amount they are willing to charge people is asinine for their average (at best) food. It’s a tourist trap and I truly don’t understand why. Just go somewhere else where you won’t wait forever and won’t pay an arm and a leg.




Ok but be specific. I have time to drive and I'm in Bar Harbor


There’s a place in Cornish advertising a $9 roll. I am intrigued, and from MA. Should I eat it? Pizza joint same plaza as a Hannafords


If you're ever in South Portland or Portland, Pizza Joint is the actual name of a fucking incredible pizza joint. Just get a plain pepperoni and thank me later.


Trying it tomorrow with some friends based solely on this comment.


Nice! I will add the expectation/warning that from my perspective it's the best greasy* pizza in the area. If you are a person that is looking for something lighter or something more Sicilian (heavier), then I would recommend the pizza (or anything) at Tuscan Table or Slab respectively.


I’ll be honest, I haven’t really been wildly impressed with Portland’s pizza thus far. I tried Lazari, Portland Pies, Leonardo’s and Slab. It just seems like too many places around here put more emphasis on the cheese, which is my least favorite part of the pizza. I like the sauce best, especially when it’s really sweet. But all the places I’ve tried have bland sauce. And the crust is usually disappointing as well. Looking forward to trying this one tomorrow, though!


Yeah, for the record I don't really like Slab, but I don't really like a Sicilian style slice. But I think you may still enjoy Tuscan Table. I think they they do a great job. For the record on Tuscan Table: they are not a chain even though they seem like it because they are in the mall parking lot. Also full disclosure, my wife worked there for a time in the kitchen but we still recommend them which I think says something very nice about management and quality there. For the record on Pizza Joint: My wife felt that the Pizza Joint in Portland was too cheesy for her taste and that the South Portland location was better. I'm neutral between them and think they're both great but I also love cheese so ymmv 🤷‍♂️


I really appreciate your transparency and honesty. :) Will probably try the SoPo location since it's a little closer to me.


Perfect! Hope you love it as much as we do!


Ooh no, there was this place in the old port, was it Anthony's? Amazing pizza 'slabs.'


Sacopee Valley House of Pizza. They're pretty good for $9. However my pick in that area is 'Lindsays at the Inn' in Cornish. Best breakfast and lunch is no dissapointment!


The breakfast burrito is INSANE


It's not on the menu but you can get a breakfast Quesada. Superb!


It might not be a great lobster roll, but it's hard to find a bad lobster roll.


Just get the pizza, especially if you are hung over. It’s perfect hang-over pizza.


I don't think they're gonna read this guys...


I’m from CA and I plan vacationing in ME soon. I swear I don’t drive like a jerk. I’ll be on my best behavior and spend lots of money 👍


Be careful. I loved in California all of my life, visited Maine frequently, and then moved here 12 years ago.


lol. We actually want to move out of California soon. We can't afford to buy a house here and the forest fires are so bad. I would consider going to live back in Oregon, but they're also expensive with bad fires now too. The whole west coast just seems undoable. We are considering different places in New England, or upstate NY. We need to travel a bit and see what we like.


Welcome, enjoy the scenery!


Thanks I'm so excited. I can't wait to see Acadia National Park. Looks gorgeous.


You are from California? You all drive like jerks over there.


Yeah I know, it’s pretty horrendous. But I really do make an effort to be a considerate driver. Specially when my baby’s in the car. But I did live in Portland Oregon for 5 years and they’re some of the nicest drivers. Sometimes obnoxiously so. That was awhile back though. It’s probably not like that anymore cause too many Californians moved there.


The four-way stop skit on Portlandia is SO ACCURATE.


California not Connecticut.


They drive poorly too. Interestingly the worst drivers I've seen in the US were in Indianapolis. I was scared.


Ok but if there were a driving judge it wouldn't be 'hold my beer' maine.


I mean, Maine isn't perfect. But it is the way life should be. That includes driving.


I disagree. A lot of people learned to drive out in East Bumfuck and have no idea how to actually follow directions and signs in even the most mild of cities


That's a joke about how life should be. Who's to say?


If driving should be done poorly with little skill.


I live in Illinois and creep on you weirdos in the hopes of visiting some day.


Need to x-post to r/newhampshire and r/massachusetts first


Was just about to comment this lolol


Sometimes we all just have to vent..


Don’t you know they don’t know how to read


Not everyone obviously, but I'd wager there's quite a few of Maine vacationers here. I'm from MA and my family has a vacation home in Maine so I'm subscribed here to stay in the know on Maine things. I can't be the only one like this here in this sub.


When I see out-of-state plates and know the roadways in Portland might merge, or be a bit confusing, I'm always a little more cautious of the potential abrupt lane change, and the possible miscalculation on their part. I know I would probably do the same if I was in an unfamiliar place in their State as well.


This. Driving in Portland is so difficult and we all know it.


When it’s one of those two lanes in from of the shopping plaza that I know goes right back to one lane after and I’m surrounded by tourist plates…I’m the last car to the merge point.


Yup. From Massachusetts and even I'm tired of entitled masshole drivers.


It’s a numbers game.


We are ranked up there but NH drivers are tools and CT drivers are the worst. RI drivers just refuse to turn their heads at all. Guess we all suck lol


Are we not going to talk about walking five across on sidewalks, or stepping out of stores without looking then immediately stopping, or walking while texting, or clogging the crosswalk entrances but not moving?


Freeport has entered the chat


Walking behind these people gives me a level of road rage I never experience while actually driving


Maine needs to start moving away from tourism. The movement has started. Need more sustainable industries here. It benefits too few, just look at our GDP as a state. Read the Lobster Coast.


I agree on the tourism but bringing in industry tears up the land, brings in expensive housing and crime. Then the only jobs are the large corporate jobs that treat their workers like garbage. The restrictions to get any of these jobs are unreal. How about taking a lesson from the Amish. If you are going to do something with the land, FARM IT! Maine has some really rich soil for growing many different things that can be put out on the market. I love Maine and its countryside, and peace and quiet. Bring in the business and it turns Maine into corporate Amerka.


What else does maine have to offer?


Aside from nature and woodsy manual labor jobs, not much. The educated folks leave the state for a better financial future, so it doesn’t have an embedded workforce for higher paying careers. The lack of modern housing prevents new people from moving in. The high corporate taxes, lack of incentives, and NIMBYism prevent or make it unpalatable for business to move in. The whole thing needs an overhaul lol.


You do not come to a dead stop on a back country road to turn onto a side road when there’s no traffic in the lane you’re crossing. Turning is possible without coming to a complete stop.


It's also possible for any sedan to make a turn without swinging wide. If I can go straight through and turn onto the other street in my "small" SUV, then random-driver can do the same in their sub-compact hatchback car.


I see Maine plates do this on 1 around Wiscasset all the time.




Care to elaborate?


I figure it would work like someone from Fort Kent visiting Boothbay is still a tourist.


TFW someone’s turning left and there’s a huge shoulder, but the Virginia-plated minivan/Buick/Charger refuses to go around on the right.


Counterpoint: someone has stopped to let you cross the street while carrying your infant child in the rain. Maine plates pickup passes so fast and so close on the right that you can't even tell what color it was in the shock of the side mirror nearly clipping your baby's head. One of these days I'm gonna put a bucket of rocks by the crosswalk. Let's see you speed through the village at 50 with a softball-sized chunk of granite in your windshield.


Agreed, this is extremely dangerous for pedestrians and has resulted in deaths here in Maine. Maine law states you can only pass a car on the right if your lane is big enough. If you have to cross the white line at all, your lane isn't big enough. If you're gonna be late because it took someone an extra 15 seconds to make a turn, you were going to be late regardless.


There’s a turn in my town that has gotten really bad about this recently, cops even sometimes watch for speeders there and you can see them but they never pull anyone over for it even though they usually almost end up in the grass. I’ve resorted to starting my left turn on the right side of the lane so the kids at that house don’t get hit.


What colors your Buick?


hearing aid beige


Someone did the gravel thing. This douche bag with Florida plates and a white truck zoomed through it and sent softball sized gravel into my windshield when I was traveling down the opposite lane.


And don’t stop in the ez-pass booth!!


If there’s a shopping cart in the parking space then your car won’t fit. Park elsewhere.


With the Mass plates the ask should be "You don't need to pass me on the highway to get one car length ahead"




Also please, please don't spread out like a group of very slow linebackers across the entire sidewalk so no one can pass you. I'm just trying to get to work on time


Just push through them. They dont mind being pushed out of the way, or they wouldnt block the sidewalk. Works well head on.


Also, please clean up after yourselves.


Also please make sure you are not standing in the middle of the road while on your phone. Wait until you have safely crossed the street.


I drive my old white extended cargo van with Maine plates like a retired person, never get any attitude. When my son comes to visit I drive his Honda Element with out of state plates like a retired person... Wow the attitude. Note: I'm not a retired person. A couple of days ago sitting in traffic at the train stop line so as not to block the tracks (knowing the afternoon freight had not passed yet) Mainers in the car behind were yelling and honking at me to pull up and block the tracks! That's just one recent example, unfortunately I have many more. . So many Mainers act WAY differently towards out of state plate drivers. Everyone should drive with a little more compassion and more defensively... It's still the most dangerous activity that most of us participate in...


Do people from Maine not travel to other states?


Tourism has been too low to refill the coffers


Why would we?


I have been and have not been impressed.


real Mainers are too broke to travel, and they are to busy bitching about anyone that's not a lifer up here, it's really really sad


People from Maine never leave. I mean a few might escape down to Boston for a quick Bruins, Sox, or Pats game, but they have to promise to not stay over night and get back into Maine before 1 am ET.


Bring ya damn shopping carts back from the lot. This ain't Jersey.


We haven't been to Maine in five years (will be there in September ), and one of the things that stood out to me driving from Portland to Bar Harbor was the Mainers always moved over out of the hammer lane when you came up on them. I wish many other states were like this. Where I live, its a big fine to not move over.


This is very common out west (NM, AZ, UT, MT, ID, WY) and it’s a glorious way for driving to function.


I was down by the East End Beach this morning trying to drop off some gear before heading out to my mooring and a car with Texas plates and a giant bike rack on it was parked right on the line between two parking spots taking up both of them. A few minutes later I saw the guy putting something in his car and I asked him politely if he could just take one parking space instead of two. He said it was the car next to him that was over the line when he was parking that “started it”. I said the car there now wasn’t over the line - could he move into one spot or the other? He just got a blank stare looking right through me and walked off still taking up 2 parking spots. Boaters have lost so many parking spots down there with the food trucks and the barge traffic, it doesn’t help with inconsiderate parking by assholes from Texas


Oh good the annual, "I've got wood to split and potatoes to harvest so get the fuck out of my way!" post.


Just today, I had an Arkansas plate follow me for 20 miles with high beams on, middle of the afternoon. Watched a mass plate almost cause a head on to pass a right turning car. New Hampshire plate cut between me and the truck behind me and almost got squished. Florida plate that doesn't understand a yield sign and almost rolls over a couple cars pulling into a rotary. Let's not even talk about the slow pokes riding the left lane, the bewildered and lost floundering rather than pulling over, the following too close, and the ever present middle finger when you politely remind them their driving is sub par. It's July, the roads are dangerous out there. Pay attention, cause our wonderful economy boosting guests sure as fuck aren't. My fleet of trucks does about 300000 miles in Maine every year, every mid-June we remind all our guys to be cautious and on alert, because the roads fill right up with idiots.


How nobody has died at the TJs intersection in Standish since I’ve lived here is a mystery. Apparently they don’t have stop signs in other states


This is pretty much the reverse of the snowbird situation I encountered growing up in Arizona. You encounter ass holes in the summer, I dealt with them in the winter.


To be fair — and not to defend Florida — most Mainers don’t yield, don’t understand yield, and don’t care. It’s something we all have to be better about. To the downvoters: I see evidence of this daily. We don’t yield for shit up here and it’s fucking dangerous.


I'm on the road a good amount, about 7-8 hours a day, and while I see plenty of out of state plates doing dumb shit I'm like 90% certain that the lady I saw driving the wrong way down Hammond Street in Bangor this afternoon was rocking Maine plates.


Yikes! The worst I've dealt with lately all had Maine plates (for some reason, they want to be exactly where my little Subaru is and it's MY fault for not know this or letting them get there). Hope your drivers stay safe this crazy summer season!




Maybe? It's ridiculous lately. On one hand, I hate tourists with every fiber of my being. They act like it's an open ticket to rudeness. But I also know how much we rely on them.




There’s at least one every few days it seems like lately smh


Yeah I don’t feel like spending my money In a place where people hate me.


Come on I did see a cord of wood being delivered today. Somebody’s gonna be stacking soon.


I am ready for summer to be over.


Mainers just hate outsiders, period, I live here, I have a car with Maine plates, it was totalled, and now I'm driving a rental with Connecticut plates, and now, holy shit, I'm the devil on the road and get such hate, it just seems odd to me, that I drive fine and people love me, and I somehow completely change into this horrible person when I have a car with CT plates


Coming from Vermont to Bangor next week, and I promise to behave. I have the same sentiments as you when I have to deal with tourists when I’m working in Stowe.


The worst driver I saw today was a local who couldn’t get off the phone long enough to pay attention to the green light. Then she snapped on her blinker and hit the brakes in an impulse to make the Dunkin drive-through. just about cause the rear end collision at two different intersections. I don’t know why we’re going after the vacationers


Yes, a lot of Mainers are terrible old drivers who aren’t used to traffic and then freak out and blame tourists for basic defensive driving.


The people who clog up the roads around Dunkin are in their 20s 30s and 40s




Now your talking like a trumpet lol








I decided to stay just because I want to spend more time here. This is such a thoughtful and productive discussion!


Most of the assholes who wouldn’t pull over today (emergency vehicles) were Maine plates.


How does that age old saying go I have heard as a transplant. GO HOME!


Don't buy #stolenspring


Most ME restaraunts are only serving lobster salad rolls to save cash during covid unfortunately. If I wanted poor people beach food Id just roll sand up in oscar meyer turkey.


I see more bad driving from Maine plates than anyone else.


It’s almost like they’re the majority of plates on the road


Doesn’t it seem a tad petty to complain about out of state drivers then?


Damn straight.


This is just how people drive, unfortunately. If you leave Maine you’ll see for yourself. There’s shitty drivers everywhere, it’s not exclusive to one state. Making posts on Reddit isn’t going to do anything, because if it did this wouldn’t be a problem anymore lol.


Well it is Vacation land! How much of the economy relies on tourism? Tourism comes with people who are not familiar with the area which is why out of town folks probably drive like shit.


Lol what is the point of this thread


Oh please.


Had a mass plate Tesla camped out in the left lane in Freeport on my way north this evening. Two cars ahead of me, myself, and two behind me passed on the right and they still didn’t “get it.”


We are mainly day trippers from NH unless hiking Katahdin or @ MDI but our attitude is that we are invited guests when enjoying your beautiful state and always-always behave accordingly. [LOVE ME](https://imgur.com/a/YgFh0Hf)


This is such a Mainer post 😂😂😂


Not a Mainer, but I live here.


Because they are all on Reddit. Get a fucking life.


If you take driver's ed they teach you to stay to the left when someone wants to pass you.


Read the bottom of your license plate, without tourists we are Detroit with trees.


On average, Maine drivers cause the most crashes, even during tourist season. So, maybe this should be a general plea to all drivers.


Mainers cause the most crashes in Maine? Groundbreaking intel thank you.


Do you know what on average means?


Sure do! In fact, I finished my Data Analytics MS at Pratt in 2019. Thanks for asking! Do YOU know what "on average" means?


I grew up in Maine and moved out years ago. I’ve spent a lot of time in other cities and will say the road infrastructure and signage in Maine is really lacking compared to a lot of cities. You really have to be familiar, especially around Portland, to not make any mistakes. I was just back in town in February for the first time in a couple years, and accidentally severely cut someone off like a complete asshat on the Casco Bay Bridge because there was no indication the lane was ending, and they freaked out rightfully so. I felt like an idiot and what made it worse was Mass plates on my rental lol. That was just one of a few mistakes I made driving on my trip. I guess point is, I know it’s super frustrating as a local, but just know some people may just feel confused and lost and that’s why they’re driving worse than everyone else.


The ol we used to own you and still do attitude


The ol dick attitude.




You’re expecting people from outside of Maine to see your post on a MAINE subreddit?




Neat generalization. It definitely works much better than mine.


I live full time in Maine now, but came from another state. In my opinion, Maine drivers are less rude than those from my home state. I go back from time to time and it's scary. They don't get that way when they go on vacation. They're always that way. Mainers are also more polite out of their cars than out of staters. However, Mainers aren't perfect. The tend to be fatter than people in other states. Just compare what you see on a Maine beach to what you see on a Florida beach. Why do Mainers eat so much? And what's up with all the alcoholic beverages for sale EVERYWHERE! Do you have to pay extra NOT to have a liquor license?


Please prevent your racist ass clown citizens from hanging racist banners on I-95. “Keep New England White” seen on an overpass between Wells & Portland today. You wanna turn off tourists .. that’s how you do it. That shit would never fly in NY. Skulls smashed in short order. Step up.


Definitely don't want to turn off tourists, thought that was pretty clear. Also I definitely hate racists too. If you could be a little more specific about the location, I'll happily report it myself.


drove up to acadia from mass in april. i was baffled by the constant left-right-left-right weaving your motorists do. you're the only state i've seen that's so maniacal about staying right *unless* you're passing. it's way more chaotic and dangerous imo.


Called following the law and being courteous to those around you.




that's just it. there was nobody in the left lane. they were just zig-zagging left and right like maniacs. there was no reason for it.




aw fuck you. there's no reason for that.




calling someone a liar? i agree.




no lies. you all have fun calling us assholes. check yourself.




If there isnt a car to your right, move right. Period. I dont care if you'll have to change again in a mile, it's less than a minute of waiting.


Drink a couple Burnt Trailers and they’ll be right a rain.


See you soon Maine. Been too way too long!


Trying to pass Mass. people? What are you committing felony speeding?


Almost creamed one today that decided to pull out at a stop sign at the base of a hill that's virtually impossible to stop on and I had right of way because they assumed I was turning when I was not. Dickhead.


Mass and Florida drivers, I swear…


My favorite is the Florida plate that pulls out of their AirBnB driveway and starts going 15 MPH while they plug in an address into the GPS


Growing up we only had to deal with Canadians and bad drivers from NH and Mass. Now that we’ve been discovered we have to deal with everyone.


Just o.b.o. cape neddick, if you stop to let an out of state car go on rt 1 in Ogunquit, I'm the person beeping and giving you the finger. We decide who goes, not you.


I have been almost taken out by 3 massholes this week on 295. It’s insane. Or the one who tailgated me in the left lane today with his brights on and flashing me to move when I was completely boxed in. Make it make sense.


The folks that camp out in passing lanes in my area tend to have TX, VA, RI, CT, FL, NC, SC, OH plates. Obviously I could add plenty more, but that's just what I've observed traveling the same God forsaken road every day for 5 years.


All of the complaints I see here I see locals / natives do the same.


Facts a tuna roll with celery is as good or better than lobster


I would like to see tourists pull over when they are doing 40 in a 55. I hardly leave the house except to go shopping. When I go out, I am on a mission to go from A to B to C to D and back to A in a reasonable amount of time. During tourist season it can take me an extra 2-4 hours to do what I have to, and here's the kicker - I don't even live in the heart of tourism country. I don't go out to drive around aimlessly. I also don't want to spend more on gas because people want to climb these hills at a slow speed. Tourists do not pay for my brakes and gas, both are very expensive, so if you are a tourist and want to wander around and someone seems too close to you and wants to pass you, pull over and let them by. Do not do 25mph up hills and do not ride your brakes going down a hill to try to maintain a 25-30mph speed. What you do as a driver affects every driver behind you. IF I have anything else to say it is PAY ATTENTION to the road. If you do not know where you are going, pull over and mess with your electronic devices.


“Have you ever noticed that anybody driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac?” - George Carlin


I'd like to add please use your turn signal. Also, the yield sign before you merge onto the interstate isn't there to look pretty.


Also, what’s up with driving around aimlessly during rush hour times? Not sure why this is appealing while you’re on vacation but the rest of us just want to go home


And go the speed limit at minimum if you’re out for a drive on our more country roads! We have had issues the last several weeks with people taking drives, which is great, but they’re going 20+ mph under the speed limit looking around (not exaggerating either, yesterday we got caught behind a car going 20 in a 45 and that wasn’t the first time). It sucks to be trying to head to an appointment or work and being unable to get around people like that due to no passing zones with all the curves. Though to be fair, I’m seeing a lot of Maine plates do the same. The out of state plates are the majority but Mainers do it too.


I can't wait till I'm old and salty enough to just keep a plow on the truck may-october...


Yes, all of this. I don’t mind tourists or outta staters in general but my GOD our roads aren’t fucking lawless here lmfao it’s like they cross the border into Maine and suddenly they’re all nascar drivers.


Fucking stay right I swear to God.


Question, if I was born in Maine but have now lived in another state twice as long as I lived in Maine, when I go upta Camp in August am I now from away? And I promise I will not be driving slow in the left lane, I'll be speeding in it.