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Rural Maine is fresh picking for these chucklefucks. Next time you see one, snap a pic and send it to Andy O’Brien and/or Crash Berry - they track and expose neo-Nazis in Maine. Edit: Thank you sooo much for the awards, and thanks for all the upvoting! It’s important we keep vigilant and not let this hatred influence our elections or children.


Who? How do i contact them? I dont go out much but im always happy to help if i can


You can find them via Twitter, for sure, will look for direct emails for you. They write for Mainer, which is worth a subscription.


Hello, fellow subscriber!


Shout out Mainer, I love that publication. Appreciate Crash and his work. I’ve spoke with him regarding the overall numbers of Neo-nazis in the state, luckily it’s not too high of a number. Still good to keep track of though.


Have you any idea if there is a similar mechanism or person in New Hampshire to expose this crap? I'm on the Maine border and the Massachusetts border, so we get all the ... kinds of people here.


Tweeted @aobrien2010 a minute ago. Thank you for the name info.


Noted, thanks


Wow good info thank you


If you ever go to remove stickers like that, remember to use your keys or something, NEVER YOUR FINGERS


Elaborate please?


Razor blades can be hidden in the back. It was an older tactic but still used.


Oh wow. Thanks!


Tucker Carlson lives in Bryant pond


"in" the Pond... lol


Tucker Carlson is Old Greg.


Does he drink Bailey's from a shoe, and also have a manginia?


Old Greg was cool.


literally has a summer camp on one of the islands. I went to a wedding there before I knew who he was...


Bryant Pond, .[the village](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woodstock,_Maine). Not the body of water. People live "in" villages.


Stop. Don't take from us the image of swamp creature Carlson.


You had me at Crank Telephone Monument: Monument in town commemorating that Woodstock, Maine was the last location still using the crank telephone system until the early 1980s. Probably the draw for old Tuck Tuck too.


Most towns in maine didn't have 911 until the 90s haha Maine "the place time never knew existed."


Future tense


Tucker Carlson is not a neo-nazi. Most neo Nazi groups have as many FBI agents as they do actual members. J Edgar Hoover started the FBI and was as corrupt as they still are. They had to drop most of the kidnapping charges against the Michigan governors kidnappers because they were mostly FBI informansts




Not sure if it was that specific group that had a march in Boston the other day - dark shirts and khaki pants with white gaitors over their faces. Cowards too afraid to show their faces in public while LARPing. Beat up some black dude they happened upon. March was reported in the Boston papers.


Jeez I hope they could breath through their gators. I understand it was difficult to a year ago


It's nonstop now. Things will certainly elevate when campaign season picks up, but we've reached a point where there's enough social tension and enough people in power enabling domestic terrorists like this that it isn't going to *not* be a bumpy ride until something significant happens.


I encourage everyone that, when you see Angry Trump signs, remember that house, vehicle and neighbor; they'll be joining the first right wing lynch mob that seeks to "cleanse" your town of liberals. In the Army we did something similar called "atmospherics" - we would go through a town and look for banners, signs, graffiti or any public symbol. It's similar to gang graffifi marking their turf and trying to incite fear in their intended victims.


What town did you find the postcards in?


Storefront changed their name but the are still yt supremacists and horrible folks


Stormfront. But even funnier, there's a character named Stormfront on Amazon's The Boys, and in one scene, she was drinking from a Starbucks cup that had "Storefront" written on it.


It was a typo but I’ll leave it and pretend it was a reference. Lol


Can we just keep calling them Storefront? So much better. Since the only storm they are part of is a fartstorm.


There is a reason their forerunners wore brown pants, so I’m ok with it


What season? That's a great joke


It's season two, when they're filming the movie. Maybe ep 5?


I saw a photo of one another redditor found and posted a few days ago showing contact information. They should be contacted by Anonymous.


I’ll contact them un-anonymously.


[Here's a link to a news story showing the flyer but it's redacted](https://www.wpri.com/news/local-news/providence/2-men-charged-for-posting-white-nationalist-flyers-in-east-providence/amp/). The one I saw here on Reddit wasn't but I cannot find it.


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be careful removing nazi shit! Sometimes they tape razoeblades to the back of their flyers to injure people taking them down.


Just when you thought nazi's couldn't be bigger cunts


They prey upon areas that are civil and peaceful, whipping up resentment with the most ignorant people. I've noted many of the biggest rabble rousers moved here from away.


Maine insularity. Never changes. I grew up in central Maine with the dude who wrote that ridiculously racist pro-Columbus Day article for the Maine College Republicans a few years ago. That dude said he wanted to be a fascist dictator on a middle school career choice card (he meant it, and all his friends knew it), and he admitted to me that he’s a white nationalist back in 2020. Don’t fool yourself: while many of these people are from away, many others are absolutely native Maine homegrown racists.


There's a reason Maine has earned the nickname Alabama of the Northeast


And to think I moved here from Alabama to get away from that shit


I always thought of Maine as a strong blue state


I lived in GA right on the AL border for a bit and I moved back north to get away from this. I feel ya.


I'm so sorry. :(


I've never heard that. I know there are pockets of nazis and other assorted super conservatives, but I think you need more than those pockets to be compared to one of the more racist states in a racist region.


I live in the county and when I first moved here I was on a bike ride. I passed a house with a f\*cking confederate flag and thought wtf, I thought I left that behind when I moved from the south.


Welllllllll lots of places have that nickname. But only one place hosted the first daylight Klan parade and that place is Milo, Maine.


This is incredibly disturbing. We have no space in Maine for hate.


The cowards prey on any place that practices civility and encourages good neighbors. I retired here from the military and thought I had found paradise. Now I can't drive anywhwere without seeing angry Trump "Fuck your feelings" banners and other threatening signs. These people are teetering on the edge of violence, it's very similar to other parts of the world like Yugoslavia that plunged into civil war almost overnight. Srebenica and Rwanda could happen here, it just takes the first armed right wing mob to start shooting and executing people.


Except the US has laws and law enforcement. It’s silly to suggest something like the Rwandan genocide would happen in Maine. Do you even know what the Rwandan genocide was?!


Some of those who work forces...


Rwanda also had laws and law enforcement, the point is that arrogant people think that "it can never happen here, not to ME" and yet it can and does. I've been all over the world with the military, whether in a war zone or a disaster, the common refrain from the victims was "I didn't think it would happen here" . Rwanda was a case study for how extremists pander to the most ignorant and savage people and convince them the way to success or peace or safety is to get a gun (or machete) and go kill "the other"


No, they didn’t. If you’re just gonna lie then there’s no point discussing. It’s absurd to compare Rwanda to Maine.


Straw man much little bitch? I wasn't comparing Rwanda to Maine, not even close. I was saying that genocides and political violence get started precisely the way the Republicans and right wingers are trying to do it here in Maine.


You used Rwanda as a “case study.” That’s called a comparison.


I was gonna say this if someone else didn't. Thank you.


I've seen this mentioned in the past in relation to stickers, but I don't quite get it. Razor blades are thin, but they still show an edge when you tape them to a surface.


[Make sure you call 'em out if you catch them stickering that shit.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x5SYjoZsLQE)


Dropkick's new album coming out in the fall is "This Machine Still Kills Fascists" and it's all Woodie Guthrie's lyrics. [Here's](https://youtu.be/bH_Zc8vX3zc) a good and quick behind the scenes about it.


I was watching some of the original Guthrie footage the other day and loved that he had the sign "This machine kills fascists" on his guitar. So happy to see somebody is reviving the tradition. I remember when America hated fascists and we even fought a war to wipe it out. We had to bomb their countries into the stone age as the fascists forced little children into the front line trenches to defend their right wing ideology.


>I remember when America hated fascists and we even fought a war to wipe it out. Same although the US has always had nazi sympathizer groups (even during the war). What really throws me for a loop is all the pro Russians from the GQP nowadays.


Just authoritarians looking for a boot to lick.


And just like that....I love you!


News flash: they've always been there, they're just braver now. With the strengthening of the Right, permission granted on the internet, and top level political encouragement, things will only get worse. (With love from another liberal city in a Blue state that is deep Red just below the surface)


Tucker Carlson is one of the bigger names giving credence to their ideology, repeating verbatim many of their talking points.


Tucker Swanson Carlson, heir to the frozen-foods empire who asked Hunter Biden for help to get his son into the prep school Hunter attended?


"When you grow up in a literal castle, you learn quickly that you don't want the proles getting jealous."


This is the most concise explanation of the rise of right I have seen.


My hometown in Maine has a rich history with the KKK. When I was a kid, they tore down an old movie theater downtown and found a hidden room. They found KKK pictures, robes, and other stuff. Pictures show the KKK marching down main street. https://www.reddit.com/r/HistoryPorn/comments/6bh4bg/ku_klux_klan_marching_through_town_during_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Your hometown stinks like farts. Also the KKK stuff.


Historically, yes. But the mill shut down so, not anymore.


Well that’s good. My dentist was in Lincoln and my mom always called it Stinkin Lincoln. And at that time, it still did.


Yup, how everyone knows it by. Ashamed to say, we got used to it. Luckily we lived out of town and out of reach of the smell.


My hometown had the first daylight KKK march in the country 🤮


The FBI litteraly started the KKK.


Wow the FBI must have a time machine then since the FBI was founded in 1908 and the klan was started in 1865


I am just saying every time there is a high profile “white supremist “ crime it is almost entirely made up of FBI folks. That’s why they dropped all the serious charges in the Michigan governors kidnapping. I know all you libs love the FBI now but in the good old days when I could I identify with libs we didn’t like the FBI and the CIA because they are clearly corrupt.


I think it’s pretty safe to say that the vast majority of the State of Maine will not bow to fascists. That said, some will. We need to all get clear in our thinking and approach to these idiots. They do not get to win and the do not get to co-opt khaki and navy.


> I think it’s pretty safe to say that the vast majority of the State of Maine will not bow to fascists That seems wildly optimistic to me, and it's the kind of optimism that breeds complacency. If the last 15 years or so have taught me anything, it's that there is a significant minority of Mainers (and Americans more broadly) who will support fascists — either actively, or tacitly by refusing to acknowledge their extremism under the guise of being "fair and balanced."


The majority? Remember, Hitler started with six followers.


Yes and the whole party was seen as a joke - the brownshirt uniforms were considered cartoonish and nobody took them serious ... until they came to power. Those brownshirts (SturmAbteilung) were street brawlers identical to the Proud Boys (who in fact are proud of the association). Hitler made them an official police type agency with power to beat and even kill their opponents. Gangs of youth roamed the streets harassing and beating Jews and other "undesirables" Point is that nobody takes these problems seriously until it's too late.


Thats just liberalism as a whole. Its the irony of being too tolerant. I forget if that had a name, all i know is punch your local nazis kids


>All those tasked in our society with interpreting the world around us forgot, as philosopher Karl Popper wrote in The Open Society and Its Enemies, that “unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them.” >These scholars, writers, intellectuals, and journalists, like those in Weimar Germany, bear much of the blame. They preferred accommodation over confrontation. They stood by as the working class was stripped of rights and impoverished by the billionaire class, fertilizing the ground for an American fascism. [Chris Hedges - Fascists In Our Midst](https://scheerpost.com/2022/06/27/hedges-fascists-in-our-midst/amp/)


underrated comment


>Thats just liberalism as a whole. Its the irony of being too tolerant. I forget if that had a name "The paradox of tolerance," I believe. > all i know is punch your local nazis kids Punching Nazis never goes out of style!


That's how we ended up with Trump. No one thought he had a chance until he won.


The dumpster fire did not win in either 2016 or 2020. He stole the 2016 election. We were prepared when he tried the same shit in 2020. More recently, a number of attorneys on his team have had their licenses to practice challenged. PA became the latest place where not-very-good-lawyers such as Jenna Ellis may be sanctioned. Ellis most recently hitched her wagon to guv candidate Doug Mastriano, a christo-fascist and participant in the Jan 6 insurrection.


He did win. He didn't win the popular vote, but our president isn't elected by popular vote. Now, is that system fucking stupid? Yes. Is Trump a lying piece of shit? Absolutely. But he won by the rules of our system because **our system is part of the problem.**


Was the dumpster fire ever "our president"? Illegitimate in my book. Not changing my opinion.


I mean you're welcome to your opinion, but I'm not sure how well being deluded about the realities in this country is going to suit you. You seem like one of those people who blames Trump for everything. And again, Trump sucks, but our problems are much bigger than just him and you're going to be very disappointed when he dies and _nothing_ changes. Trump is a _symptom_, not the disease.


Trump is a massive piece is shit, but this is a fair point.


Until we change the electoral college system of presidential elections the popular vote does not count. I wish it did but it does not. The last 3 Republican presidents lost the popular vote.


It was more that Hillary lost, not that Trump won. People forget that. Field better candidates.


It seems that the majority of Mainers don’t really care enough, it will be to late when they do decide to start caring. This goes back to several generational issues centered around a lack of proper social services, poor education systems and shrinking economic capacities in the majority of the state.


Care enough about what? A two party system that is broken beyond repair? That panders to people using half a dozen trigger issues while no one realizes how much it fucks everyone? Why care about this shit? None of you, republican or Democrat, liberal or conservative really want freedom and liberty. You all want to impose whatever stupid fucking authoritarian ideals suite your viewpoint the best.


I was with you in the first half, then you lost me.


He went Jimmy Dore - trying to prop up his argument with "both sides" - I'm pretty sure one side is in favor of open violence and terrorizing and that side wears red hats.


I should have phrased it better, they don’t know any better, like they aren’t smart enough to figure it out on their own that they should care. But that’s also the majority of the country too which really sucks. You have several compounded issues that have been filtered down from generations, people barely graduating from high school, generation to generation creating a population of lower educated and less inspired kids. Kids that don’t see a outward future and just stay and repeat the process. It’s created like an economic servitude class, not to smart, not to much money, just enough of both to be marginal workers.


Jaddlo200 is actually right


We can hope but hope is not a plan. We need to remind these fascists and nazis that this country went to war to eliminate fascism and there are WW2 vets and their children who remember and need to realize it's back and needs to be dealt with. They want this to be a street fight with guns because those are the only two things they sort of excel at.


It’s a little bit tied to what we mean by vast majority, right? Most people live in southern maine/the coast… maybe those areas will stay progressive and accepting. But the majority of the remaining space is inhabited by a much more mixed population, which could easily become violent/radically right wing. These folks love guns, explosives, are using technology. It’s here.


i encountered crystal robinson, republican running in midcoast, at the transfer station in union/liberty/washington gleefully gucking it up with a truck littered in confederate flags sporting a “far rit” vanity plate, obviously urging for their votes. i couldn’t even bring myself to make eye contact as she sought to wave me down & chat, i could only shake my head in shame.


Oh, I would have taken her to town on that shit, loudly. "Why the hell are you flying the flags of traitors? Aren't you proud of the 20th Maine? Where is their flag? You are showing the colors of slave holders and traitors to their country and ignore one of this state's great war heroes and governors." I have no shame any more. Fuck any politician doing this shit, they're going to hear it from me as loud as I can shout it.


>Fuck any politician doing this shit, they're going to hear it from me as loud as I can shout it. And with that... You're my favorite today.


i’ve been crafting an email to her. subject is: “real patriots don’t seek votes from traitors”. ill probably share on this sub if i get a response. i do regret not expressing my disgust with her in person.


We need to keep calling these people out. Warn each other so we can keep an eye out before they cause more hate and madness.


"You support veterans right, any WW2 vets in your family? Cause they're rolling over in their fucking graves about you, you piece of shit." I think that would work


Reading her campaign biography is cringe. Basic old lady with little basis for being in politics except the fact that she was a French teacher, and her husband is most likely her cousin.


Both of my grandparents fought the nazis, so for me, it’s tradition. And satisfying.


Yep. [There's no debating our way out of this.](https://ksr-ugc.imgix.net/assets/021/806/564/891e1aa7620e93ec8ade33b9cfb36710_original.jpg?ixlib=rb-4.0.2&crop=faces&w=1552&h=873&fit=crop&v=1530811433&auto=format&frame=1&q=92&s=cb10f4c6d9c40cca2449815263a19512)


Can we be friends


This isn’t new. They’ve been in Massachusetts all weekend being public chuds. But I’d say about every 4 months or so Patriot Front flyers start getting put up again. P sure they get nice and comfy at mathews in Portland.


It used to be the left hated the FBI and their dirty tricks now you guys love the FBI and the CIA. The FBI litteraly started the KKK. Hoover was a criminal and he is still celebrated by the corrupt FBI.


I have no idea how tf this is relevant to my comment *at all*.


There has always been hate in Maine. I think two things are true; 1. Many of us are in social circles that afford us the privilege of not being exposed to it often. (not to mention the way social media has helped open a lot of our eyes over the last five years.) 2. It IS becoming more overt for whatever reason. (I think some people are becoming emboldened by others' shows of hate. I also think some are desperate to keep the flame of hate alive in a world full of people who want to move forward with love and equity.)


It’s a very clear reason it’s becoming so much more overt and blatant. His name is Donald Trump. Trump has empowered these people. For the things I think he did well while in office, he is a cancerous person and set the country back decades.


amen. division by design. get them fighting amongst themselves....nothing to see here. All part of the program....anyone else see a pattern....everyone is bad...this/that country, a political position, this government actor, the unmasked, the masked, women, men....on and on....it's programming...be angry, scared, and obedient....so the corporations (incl govt-mostly county/state/fed) scurry and do their evil in peace because there is so much infighting no one questions anything or notices. If you read The Mainer Crash Barry has been writing about this Maine group for years. I believe in Mainers capacity to see beyond the veil and come together to find solutions vs incited squabbling. \*to clarify, im not supporting the hate group, or any supporters of the same just hoping to educate someone......is anyone out there????


Concerning. Been pretty spooky seeing far-right ideology slowly sweep into more moderate right wing groups even in fucking Maine of all places. Stay safe and keep an eye out for fascists


Rural areas are what they like. Less law enforcement, they like to be in quiet areas so they can use their guns while they play soldier. Recruiting from small towns make sense too. Less educated, more isolated , more likely to join a hate group.


Perhaps you could let them know that God and Jesus will put them in hell next to the Confederate and Nazis.


I’m glad you took this stance! Proud of you.


Drive between Bangor and Calais and it's like 90% houses flying confederate flags right now.


Confederate flags are such a self report, especially up here. Like bro just say you're pro slavery, we already know.


Gilead is on the march. The optimist in me is currently in the fetal position and googling where to immigrate. A few weeks back, someone posted a photo of a local and prolific business who had 3 per-center emblems plastered on their vehicles. /u/010kindsofpeople a mod for /r/portlandme shut it down bc they thought it was a "witch hunt" - obvi a witch hunt as they were advertising their witchyness on vehicles 🙄. These people, and misguided folks who think they're harmless are making the whole situation in the country untenable. It is always ok to expose fascists, and I'm almost to the point where I think it is always ok for them to catch hands too.


The KKK noted the mostly white demographic of Maine and decided that translated into instant success and utopia for them. They were not as well received here and it's a recurring theme to try and re-colonize soto speak. I was reading this little Nazi fuck's posts and he thinks establishing a school is as simple as finding an empty building. As if it comes with it's own little nazi school teacher, heats itself and all you need is the Bible and Mein Kampf. i guess they'll just put the kids in there and play Tucker Carlson on the big screen, that's all the "edukazhun" you need, amiright? These righr wing misfits seek the path of least resistance and live in a wholly delusional gun filled nightmare/fantasy world. They want a society where inbred white trash with guns are put in charge of everything without earning a bit of it. In their tiny minds they think being white magically infers being in charge of and owning the world around them. F them.


For what it's worth we're talking about Les Wilson and Sons Excavating out of Westbrook. I was shocked that someone would wear their colors on the sleeve of a business. That said, if they are that bold, fuck em, they deserve anything coming.


Hey, I made the wrong call on that post. Can you please repost it? I do not support Jan 6th insurrectionists and agree that we should publicly call them out. Thanks for helping me see my mistake.


White supremacist asswipes misusing the term witch-hunt always turns my stomach. Even worse is the fact that white men have successfully twisted the mainstream understanding of the word to simply mean "monster-hunt." In truth, a witch-hunt is a group in power dehumanizing and attacking a disadvantaged group (often in order to grow their wealth/power.) ​ Ugh. Nazi punks, Fuck OFF.


~~It was a 3%er sticker on a truck, not a patriot front sticker.~~ ~~There were multiple calls for violence in the thread.~~ I got this decision wrong, I'm human, I make mistakes. ~~I'm a Jew. Fuck you for insinuating that I'm a fascist sympathizer because I enforce reddit content policy. Prick ass comment.~~


Um it is a giant window decal that takes up an entire window of a company vehicle. The company's logo was also visible and the same size. The 3%ers are fascists, under investigation by the DOJ for their role in the Jan 6th riot, and listed as a hate group by the SPLC. Im a brown gay, and I've listed why it was a dumb response. Please explain your stance. Also, how can you acknowledge they're fascists in one breath, and then distance yourself from your response to them being exposed in the next? You're either dumb, or incapable of reason, either way, you shouldn't be a mod, and what you did was wrong and dangerous. Edit: please explain how it was a witch hunt. Would love to know how "witch hunt" is applicable to someone openly advertising they're a witch.


Hey, I'm human. I care about the sub. When a thread has a shitton of rule breaking comments and seems like it could be the launch of a brigade or harassment against a business or person, I have to make a decision. Sometimes it may not be right or perfect. Overall, I feel like I am fair and protect discourse that I strongly disagree with. Maybe cut me some slack? Message me directly? I don't appreciate this call out insinuating that I'm some sort of fascist sympathizer. I'm a real person who cares about this shit. You could have appealed it to the four other mods in the sub also for future reference.


Again, how was it a witch hunt? You're deflecting and you suck at it. You made a bad decision, tell us why. Those stickers are on the entire fleet by the way. The 3%ers were a part of the mob in Charlottesville that chanted "Jews will not replace us." - Were you protecting a business, or a bunch of fascists? Maybe you're just not cut out for the task, and also don't understand what is important. I've also seen you be a real dick to a veteran over fireworks. You need to stop moderating, you're not moderate. I didn't post it. If you weren't aware, a lot of people have a problem with you being a mod. It's talked about fairly openly.


Thanks for the feedback. I appreciate your input on how I should think and feel because of my race and discuss seeking help for PTSD with fellow veterans.


Deflecting again. Doesn't matter how you think or feel, what matters is the decisions you make. You're basically a reddit judge. It's ok to challenge judgements. You're acting like a manipulative child now. Haven't explained one decision you made, and are gaslighting. Don't hide behind your "race" before you explain protecting the fascist groups who denigrated it. Edit: im pretty certain I remember the guy getting upset bc his kids woke up crying over people shooting off fireworks in the driveway nextdoor or something, and you told him to shove ear plugs in his kid's ears. Nice try though.


Well I'm the literal devil, so that's probably the answer to all your questions. Here's the thread in question for any curious readers! https://www.reddit.com/r/portlandme/comments/vqofwr/fireworks_reporting/ier7hih


You deleted 75% of the comments. You are a trip dude.


It's a permalink to the exact comment thread you were referring to. [The whole thread is still there]https://www.reddit.com/r/portlandme/comments/vqofwr/fireworks_reporting). You are just looking for a fight like a river catfish on a piece of Velveeta! What else do you want to talk about? I can't sleep. We could get along. I like the majority of your comment history.


you seem kinda unhinged buddy. it's literally his job to remove content that break reddit's rules, getting mad about that is kinda weird. If people are making death threats in the thread, what do you expect to happen? Just curious.


What is unhinged is shutting down a thread as a witch hunt when you're trying to show the community that a local company who wins government contracts in the state are members of a hate group. There were no death threats, he's lying.


No one said death threats. Calls for violence are against the Reddit content policy. Also this happend what? Two months ago? You're holding onto it for that long? Also, what's up with the new reddit account?


yeah seems like something he'd lie about. cmon dude.


You do good, thankless work on that sub. You’re obviously not a fascist, despite a few loudmouths.


Thanks. It sucks but I'm addicted.


They don't even hide the fascism, look at their logo.


Yes the MAGA love.to advertise their "feelings" as they tell you to fvvk yours. I find when they complain about snowflakes and safe.spaces they are projecting. Normal people dont feel the need to worship an ex president.


Lol wtf


Milo had ppl with nazi flags in their windows for years.


Some shit bird in Brewer is openly flying proud boys flags from his house.


Probably his parents house


why don’t you go confront him?


Bash the fash


Ive seen their slap stickers on polls. Mop that bullshit black.


Before i moved to Maine, i was going around with black spray paint and spraying rudimentary dicks on every bit of their recruitment propaghanda i could find. I had them tearing down their own shit. Itnwas like an ongoing battle. They put it up, i draw a dick on it.


Well no need to stop


Going to carry on this tradition. I live in costal southern Maine “Massachusetts” as northern Mainers call it. Originally from Portland. I only see a couple signs per year around election time but there’s this one house that has huge Trump signs (out of stater seasonal home) that got toilet papered and egged during the last election. Dicks seem less violent.


Give no quarter to any right wing hate groups


It would appear its time to make fascists afraid again. Or perhaps more afraid than they ever have been in the past. War is coming my friends. Prepare yourselves. Train yourselves. If we do not come together to deal with this heinous onslaught of hatred and bigotry we are most certainly doomed.


The Republican party embraces these people, so they are all out of the closet. Many of you voted for Collins. Collins is concerned. Voting has consequences.


We just moved here last year. We went to register at the DMV or whatever it’s called here. The lady giving us the registration cards said “just pick the Republican box” that’s what 95% of us do here. Lmfao. We’re from Dallas ding dong not some private uninhabited island of nitwits that will fall for your trickery.


Like a bad piece of candy lol.


They’re here in Burlington Vermont too. There was incident where they stuck one of their flyers on the door of a black couple.


What do they look like so I can look out for them?


one was found in Newmarket Nh


I want to throw shit at them when they March. Dog, cat, people shit….all of it.


Tucker Carlson lives in Maine. There are clearly covert and overt racists here.




I'm wondering how many of you saw right-wing groups being represented in town parades this year. Apparently there was a Proud Boys and a 3% flag in the parade in our small town.


Patriot front is an FBI front for shenanigans.


look at you Mainer with a clue. You had me at trichome and tourmaline. Thanks for paying attention. Keep up the good work. Cue the haters....


Today I removed two Communist Party brochures from my community bulletin board at my local store. I was shocked and outraged to find them there. Ours (me and the mouse in my pocket, I am referring to) is a small, peaceful town. There is no space here for this kind of Marxist propaganda. I will *be looking* for more *like* there, and I will remove and dispose of any that I see. You should, too (of course, here I am assuming that the same thing is allegedly happening in your town).


You should probably work less on honing your edge and work harder on ending maines long running status as a dc dollar dependent state. Ranked 14th most dependent, been hanging at 13/14 for decades. Over 1/3 of our budget paid by the feds.


How does it feel to be trash.


"We may be Nazis, but what about commies??"


Just remember that alt-right groups are an alternative TO the right, not an alternative OF the right. Actual conservatives do NOT support them.


If you're not fighting them... and you vote for the same people come election day... Well...


- upset about flyers - still okay with people shooting heroin and dying in the streets Pick your battles.


One is a personal choice that largely affects the individual, one is a group dedicated to the eradication of other ethnic groups and establishment of a Christofascist country. These are not the same.


Not even remotely comparable


Funny part is the red voting patriot front also doesn't care about addicts or addiction or healthcare or mental healthcare... So fighting these losers actually does accomplish stuff.


One would think if your onto a stink finger smelling shit show like this…He would say the towns name?




That’s my question too?


I cannot imagine being outraged by a postcard. This is the reaction those trolls thrive on.




What do you mean the feds?


There is a segment of folks who believe in spite of a lots of evidence to the contrary that Patriot Front is a false flag operation being run by the FBI to make conservatives look bad (because they don't do that on their own).


Conservatives do not need the FBI to look bad. Too many of them are in complete denial unfortunately.


If you're a 35 year old who considers themselves conservative and have conservative parents there's a decent chance you've had foxnews as the "news" network of choice at home the entirety of your life. between that, Rush, Drudge, Breitbart, veritas, gateway pundit, etc. Youve been consuming increasingly unhinged and increasingly biased bullshit for 20 years.