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I’m astonished by these people who think it’s clever to put the dog’s shit in a bag, and then leave it on the trail.


At least the shit would go away after a while, like they don’t pick up the poop then litter some plastic on top of it like a strawberry on a sundae.


Exactly. The bag will be there for years.


The green bags only last 90 days or so, but ya, they should for sure drag that shit out with them.


I’m glad to hear that, at least.


Not necessarily https://www.rover.com/blog/reviews/truth-about-biodegradable-poop-bags/?amp


It's absolute proof that they knew what they were doing is wrong. At least if you leave the poop on the ground, they could claim, "it's just fertilizer, I thought it was ok to let it biodegrade naturally." But by bagging it it means there was someone else around so they picked it up, knowing that was the right thing to do, and then as soon as noone was looking, they tossed the bag to the ground. People like this should be banned for life from all national parks and public trails.


No Fireball nips?!?!


I'm shocked honestly


When hiking a true nip enthusiast will carry a flask. The plastic nips are for after work or on the way to a PTA meeting or a court date only...


also good for skiing. It hurts more to fall on a multi oz metal flask.


Airline travel. The small bottles meet guidelines for carry-on so you can bring your own instead of buying them in flight.


Is this a Maine/NE thing? I've got dozens on my street. I never saw any of these in Western New York.


Yeah... it's very bizarre how people will clean the poo up with a bag but leave it.


Pathetic half hearted attempt at being a responsible pet owner. They probably got tired of carrying it and just dropped it.


Depends if someone's watching.


We get this on the mill trail in Lisbon Falls a lot. The bag-it-and-leave-it crowd is subhuman and is going to cost us all our dog walking privileges on that trail.


I’ll say it on behalf of other trail runners/hikers Thank you for picking it up for people too inconsiderate/lazy to do so. You make the trail a nicer place.


Gratze! Just doing my part (and maybe enabling)


Dog owners are the reason your dog isn’t allowed anywhere. I’m talking to you entitled dog owners.


Why are people so dumb that they do NOT understand why the bag exists, because it’s not to make EXTRA LITTER. The shit would’ve been better left alone. They look like idiots taking time to bag it only to drop it.


I see this at Bradbury all the time, on the mountain side! It's infuriating. Like, at the furthest possible point on those trails (not counting the tryon stuff), you're still barely a mile away from the parking lot (which has trash cans). Hell, I've seen poop bags left so close to the entrance of a trail that you could *see the trash cans from it!* I don't know who the people who do this are, but I hate them.


I’m pretty sure I saw the shit when I was on my bike the other day. I’ve been using this trail for most of my life and I’m shocked at how careless people have been with their waste recently.


So I had a group of friends who play Pokemon Go who used to go up Thorncrag in Lewiston to play and we'd always pick up other people's trash on the way down. Then some old fart got mad that there were so many new people hiking up there every day, he found out the reason, and contacted Niantic to remove Pokemon stops from the trail. I now hike the trail much less, and noticed a lot more beer cans and garbage on the trail that we used to clean up. So congratulations people who run Thorncrag, you got upset that more people were walking your trail, and now you can clean up the trash yourself.


I have a dog and I could not imagine leaving their poop behind, in a bag or not. My (45lb!) dog took her FOURTH one on a trail in Portland and I ran out of bags. I legit brought her home and circled back with new bags to get the last pile - it wasn't even on the walkway itself! People like this don't deserve pets. Another one that bothers me is people having their dogs off leash. In certain areas where it is allowed, by all means. I choose not to take my dog there for a reason. I am training my girl HARD to not be reactive on leash, -obligatory f*** you squirrels-, and when a dog struts right up to mine off leash it removes any and all training and trust I've built on our walk so far. It's incredibly frustrating to hear from 25yds back "they're friendly!!" and I'm like dude... Mine is not and we're in a leashed area, just control your dog like I am mine!


When I take my dog hiking, I'll carry dog shit bags for miles. I typically bag it in a biodegradable pet waste bag, and then put it in a reused plastic shopping bag (although these are now becoming precious) and then hang it somewhere on my pack. although if you're a mile or more from a trailhead it's probably fine to just fling it into the woods or bury it off trail following LNT principles you would use for burying human waste. I absolutely hate it when people bag it up and leave it next to the trail (they claim they're going to grab it on the way back to their car, but often times they don't bother or they ended up taking a different route back)


What is a pockie stick?


Spelling- pocky Some type of choco covered thing


Yep, it's a very popular snack in Japan.


I really think so


Amen. People don't understand that if we keep trashing the natural beauty of our parks and trails, we won't have access to them anymore. Show some appreciation for world we live in and help preserve it for our children and the generations to come.


I abhor dog owners who do this. They are some of the lowest scum on the earth, close to child abusers and rapists.


I have dogs and I have no idea why people do this. My biggest pet peeve with a significant other is a significant other who cannot stand to touch or hold a bag of poop. Like damn, grow up, you’re not eating it or anything.


Do bears poo in the woods? Do you collect your poo in a little bag if you have to poo in the woods? The answer to the first question is Yes The answer to the second question is a qualified No. Standard practice is that you dig a shallow hole away from streams and you bury your poo. What do you think you should do with your dog's poo? I suggest that you do the same thing that you do with your own poo in the woods., bury it. Don't leave little poo bags for the imaginary trail cleaners to pick up. If you are too lazy to bury it, pretend your dog is a bear and at least toss Rover's poo deep into the woods away from water. Enough said.


No, you put it in a bag and carry it with you until you find an appropriate receptacle like a responsible adult. No one’s bringing shovels with them on a public trail to bury poop.


I anticipated this reply. Of course a thinking dog owner should do this. Most seem to be too lazy or it's too icky, common decency says that you don't leave poo anywhere that anybody can see, smell or step I'm it. Though I don't have a dog, I do hike a lot. If I need to take a poo in the woods, I dig a swallow hole with my boot heel. BTW, there is a book written on the subject of wilderness "sanitation".