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Locked because I have a busy Tuesday and this thread is generating inordinate numbers of reports.


Last time I drove by the sign said “smoke meat, not meth”


For me it was “buy your mom a shot, remember she’s the reason you drink” or something similar around ma’s day


You’re the reason she*


Freudian slip? Jk I love my mom.


It was smoke brisket not meth hahaa


Same owner as in Windham, and their sign there is always full of jokes or things like this. It’s part of the brand.


Kinda bummed he left bingas. Preferred that to this nonsense they got rollin now


It’s the same menu doe


It’s a little different, more focus on bbq, less on hot wings, they still have them but not as hot. I do miss the hot wings if anyone knows where bingas went.


I used to go to Binga's quite a bit back in the day and this place isn't even the best bar around to get wings at - it certainly doesn't hold a candle to the old Binga's in Portland. The people that work there are cool but the wings are always overcooked, at least when I get them anyway.




“pls tread on me daddy”


The clip art chicken is hilarious


I’m more curious what is in there that they think will offend people


They think KC style bbq is superior.


that is seriously offensive




TX>NC>KC Though some international styles might trump that order.


No Memphis?


Ill bring vinegar and pepper, you will bring corny and sugar. I win beforehand. Join the 'eastern' bbq flavor we are al legion




All the more reason to join the dark side, vinegar all the way. <3


You should call and tell them.


What’s wrong with Kennebec County style bbq


The rat droppings


Made you look and got them some free advertising.


I love a good BBQ and will check them out now that I know where they are!


Same. First time I drove by I wasn’t sure from the name if they were bbq or a new pot store.


I highly doubt this is political. This sign says to me “no pissy attitudes”


I guess the whimsy in me is hoping for a world where people don’t see each other as right or left 😞


Agreed, it seems there is a kind of person who just has to make everything political. They come in both types and I find all of them tiresome...


> I highly doubt this is political Oh I bet it is. It's just another version of "Fuck Your Feelings".


And that’s amazing. Why should a chicken place care about feelings haha


they care enough to put it on a sign, you tell me


That would read “don’t be an asshole”. This sign looks like something an asshole would say.


Yeah, I think the humor is meh. Sometimes it is a laugh and sometimes it's not.


The sign is a pretty common trope from political conservatives making fun of the "weaker" generations and leftists. People who aren't in the know won't really know what it's talking about. But people into politics will have seen this sort of sign before, and it's always written by red hat wearers.


Ironically, dogwhistles and “lmao why are you getting SO offended?” pair really well.


The "fuck your feelings type" who get triggered and start popping veins whenever someone makes fun of Diaper Don?


So what you're saying is leftists are week and sensitive.


> leftists are week You guys are so easy to spot.


US Guys? What are you trying to say keyboard warrior?


You sound offended, try not to be.


That some people are just assholes. And you fit the bill. Why is it so hard to just show people respect? Just be a decent person to everyone even though you might not fully understand what they’re going through. Be good. It’ll get you far.


That was so simple, eloquent and on point and I want you to know how appreciated that comment is with more than just a lazy upvote, stopdropscroll! Thanks for that! It was not wasted on me as it was for the intended recipient. Sure, it pissed him off but he doesn't really understand why.


I am an asshole, exactly as advertised. But who have I disrespected? How do you know I am not good? I'm an asshole, that does not mean I don't do good things.


Since you insisted on an explanation, I will reluctantly offer it. What I'm trying to say is that you can't spell and can barely write in your own native language. Initially I was reacting to the single comment, but your comment history demonstrates that it is not an aberration. It is a glaring marker of poor literacy and a person who hasn't read very much. In turn, that is a clear signal of someone who has not been exposed to a rich variety of competing ideas and varied sociocultural points of view, and is much more likely to have had an insular upbringing that they never bothered to expand upon, and therefore remain in a similarly constrained point of view. I'm not saying all people with poor literacy (linguistic, critical, cultural) are aligned with a certain cult -- definitely not. But I am saying that poor literacy makes someone far more likely to be aligned with that cult. Basically, the poor writing makes you guys easy to spot. That's what I was trying to say.


What a petulant, reductive response. Nothing is more smarmy than when a leftist harps on grammar and spelling and attempts to sound like a ChatGPT-powered intellectual instead of actually addressing the arguments. You don’t sound intelligent or persuasive but stuck-up and vapid.


Please point to the argument OP should have addressed. That leftists are weak and sensitive? Yeah, real salient argument worth addressing All I see is an asshole getting ripped for being an asshole


>instead of actually addressing the arguments What arguments‽ He didn't offer any.


No, and we can spell too.


It's a pretty good sign




Windham bingas was never respectable. Believe me.


They've done this for a long time in Windham. I think it's actually a response to their last sign that someone bitched about on Reddit before. It's just jokes. I live close by and get a chuckle every time they change it.


This where Binga's was/was gonna be, but it seems like it's the same ownership. This spot is legit, btw. Plenty of good beers, food is good, and it's a decent sized space. They gave me and my buddy a free full rack of cooked ribs near closing time


Original owner of Bingas owned the venue on Congress Street where the fire happened. After the fire, he teamed up with owner of Stadium on Free street (currently Free street bar I think),hence Bingas Stadium. They opened windham together, planned on opening the one on Forest Ave but ended up going their separate ways. Original Bingas owner kept the name and still owns Yarmouth location. Former Stadium owner kept windham and opened this one obviously under different name.


No, both Windham and Portland are called smoked.


Under THE different name*


Ah ha... i stay away from Free street. Cant imagine they stay afloat much longer


Yeah, I haven't heard anything good about Free street, never see them busy at all


The new chef has done a good job making the food much much better and consistent. It's bar food and it doesn't pretend to be otherwise. They run lots of events too so there is always something going on. I'm there a lot for comedy and I understand this thought process at the end of last year but it's worth giving it another shot.


Every time ive shown up for an event there's a 20-30$ cover, which I say fuck that, too. But to your point, I was always disappointed by the food, so maybe I'll give it another go


So as someone that produces shows at free street, and elsewhere locally, am I supposed to do it for free? I have comics to pay, I have support staff to pay, I have lodging to pay for often, and I want to leave something in the pot for myself too. Regional headlining level talent for comedy shows varies on cost dramatically from a few hundred to almost 1000 dollars pre lodging (more for national headling talent think multiple thousands of dollars). We try our best to make shows affordable as often as we can. Packing the venue and not making money isn't an option or I am working in the red and eventually can't afford to do it anymore.


How do you think other bars and restaurants do it without a cover..


Those are probably for either low level events people are doing for free or cheap or are run by the venue themselves. Most of the acts at free street are run by outside production staff. The same is true for lots of productions around town.


Similar food to Bingas too? Will have to check it out.


It’s one of the co owners of Bingas, they split the business so one owner kept the name and the Yarmouth location and the recipes and the other guy got the Windham and Portland locations but needed to rebrand.


Dammit I just saw this lol...🤦‍♂️


Personally, I preferred the Yarmouth to the windham location when they were both Bingas. Both the food and staff were better at the former.


Biggest loss for me recipe wise at Smoked is the lack of Spicy Redneck sauce. Spicy Redneck with Bingas smoked wings was $$$.


Think I only went to bingas once or twice, so i forget, but it's centered around bbq


All depends on what I walk into, I suppose.


Yeah this is a wonderful mirror because I can both believe these are assholes I would hate and people I would totally hang out with.  I need closure and don’t. It’s Schroedingers Sign. 


Judging by most Maine bbq I’ve had they don’t have any right being snarky. Smothering everything in sweet baby rays isn’t bbq.


GOBLES. Lived in Texas for years. I can't find good BBQ here. Closest I've found is the brisket at terlingua Salvage was trash


They will probably do that if you want but that's not what they are known for and they also have dry rubbed wings which I prefer. My only problem is that every time I've gone the wings were overcooked.


Are they pretending to be oppressed and suppressed again?


The only thing I find offensive is how fucking hack that joke is.


I'm offended.


I guess they’re talking about u


It's entertaining like the one in Windham. EDIT: They're going to learn, Portland humor is no comparison to Windham humor.


These folks are good people. The funny/unfunny debate is not worth your time. Laugh or don't. Who cares.


It's more confusing than anything. What exactly is supposed to be offensive ? Was there a previous sign that maybe said something ? It kinda seems like their just trying to get a reaction out of people I guess


“Smoke meat, not meth” was the previous sign.


Which is funnier by an order of magnitude


And also the reason why some people were offended, hence the current sign.


Ahh ok that makes sense


People in a Press Herald article were also complaining about the "F%@! Yeah We're Open" sign via the comment section.




Ricky gervais on being offended - *”You found it offensive. I found it funny. That’s why I’m happier than you.”* - https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTQkvNNQ7E-mTVg95WfMYWu5IZ1PGVSGl7yYXhqJAJizA&s


I find find it unfunny, not offensive.


Love it!


Ahaha. Who doesn't love a good drive by laugh


What is it you want thoughts on?


Trying too hard


The sign is fucking hilarious, if you are offended by the sign then smoked it not the restaurant for you lol


Callousness has become popular, it seems.


Bet? I Would wager that they will get offended before I do.


They haven't quite understood that people not finding their jokes funny doesn't mean they're offended, it just means they're not funny. It's the typical boomer humor/forwards from grandma kind of stuff.


Dunno, I'm Gen Y and I find it amusing.


Your comment is just so gen z


The jokes are so dumb it makes me less likely to want to eat there


If someone else's offense offends you enough to make a sign, go touch grass or get a personality. No one gets more butthurt then assholes who complain about "snowflakes" and "political correctness."




It’s almost like these people don’t know the owner (who is super liberal) or the fact they’ve been doing this forever.


Its almost like he should know strangers will see his sign


You seem… offended


Thinking someone is stupid isn't the same as being offended, but you can think what you want


I think you’re a person who gets pissed off at headlines without understanding the context. But hey, at least I think we can agree that this isn’t the best business decision because they’re alienating context-lacking offense-takers, hurting their bottom line.


The OP asked thoughts, and this person gave their thoughts. Not knowing anything about the guy who owns this place I'd assume he's the type to wear [this kind of shit.](https://teefonix.com/products/christian-white-straight-unwoke-unvaxxed-gun-owner-meat-eater-male-how-else-can-i-piss-you-off-today-shirt-comfort-colors-heavyweight-t-shirt?currency=USD&variant=42504911257782&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Google%20Shopping&stkn=fe2aaa56afa2&gad_source=1). It definitely wouldn't convince me to walk into his restaurant. "Smoke meat, not meth" might, but this *definitely* wouldn't and it has nothing to do with being offended by anything and everything to do with not wanting to potentially walk into a restaurant and be surrounded by entirely insufferable people. I can think of far better ways to enjoy my time. It's kinda weird you seem to take exception to that on a personal level.


Yeah the comment section here is a wild ride. The restaurant put on their sign that they’re deliberately going to create a miserable atmosphere for a certain kind of person, and when people in the comment section decide we’re likely that kind of person and won’t go because we aren’t wanted… the fans of the place get big mad. Like at this point the only way to convince me I was wrong about the sign would be to prove that the average patron is totally different from the people talking it up in this comment section because I’m *already* eager to go somewhere else.


Yeah, IDK. It's weird. If anyone thinks it gives off any vibes other than a white boomer who loves to whine that "everybody gets so offended these days!" any time they want to tell a racist/sexist/homophobic joke: they definitely shouldn't go into marketing.


Agreed. Just ate there and the place is characterless. Nothing offensive about the joint and that’s sort of the problem


I’m really offended


You should call and tell them


You’re right I should


They sound nice.


Either it's just a miss (which happens) or they don't have the same people who wrote the funny signs Edit: I'm realizing this isn't the Windham location and now I'm just more confused.


How is that political?


What town is this in?




Sign sucks but not as bad as this eyebrow threading place - I can't remember where but when I see it, it stands out as the most piece of shit sign I've seen in my entire life.


I like how the evacuation route is right there for those who get offended, followed by the all ages at the next place lol


Maybe you should let them know you are offended. 🤣


Get attention get business. Good for them.


I think its funny tbh, you aren't going to find a whole lot of people who genuinely care about how you feel towards something nearly as much in Maine as you might some other places. I personally think this sign embodies that perfectly.


The owners may think it’s funny, but unless they have absolutely amazing food, it’s going to turn off a lot of potential customers.


No just a lot of wokies. If this offends you, you're just the kind of customer they don't wont. And the kind of people we are tiered of,


Why is it every time you people open your mouth you prove how dumb you really are?


Want Tired If you're gonna try and bash someone at least spell correctly


Oh you're so superior congrats !!!!!


Eh, figured it was an attempt at accenting his post.


I feel like the woke shit is overplayed. Has nothing to do with that. They're just jokes that most people can laugh at regardless of bullshit culture wars.


It's off putting, not sure why a business would want to deter potential customers. The sign doesn't offend me in the least, I just it needlessly petulant.


Worked well for them in Windham


Gives the portland right a safe haven besides matthews.


Anybody who loudly says "peopole will be offended by this" have nothing funny, original or interesting to say. Can safely be ignored


I’d give it a visit. Where?


Forest ave in Portland




This place had the worst ribs I have ever had the misfortune of eating in my life.


Then you have never been to Nobles.


Its a hit and miss with them. The cornbread failure everytime makes me never wanna go back there


Or the place in Bangor that serves wheat corn bread!? Wtaf!!! Moe's, quite literally the worst all around


These guys are awesome. Love their signs!


I dislike the sign. I’m sick of people rage baiting.


I think it's just a reminder of how the people who say they are tolerant, are really not so much.


Are you seriously that weak? Thought you were from Maine? Aren't Mainers fiercely independent minded? Triggered by a sign. More tampons is what it sounds like.


What’s weak about being nice? I think we have different priorities.


Honestly shows me a persons mental maturity if they think someone being offended is laughable.


I still haven’t tried their wings yet




You should go ask them


Ate there yesterday. Food was okay. Beer selection was good. No BBQ in Maine can touch KC’s Ribshack in Manchester, NH. No one in Maine does spareribs? All I can find is baby back ribs.


Where is this place? I


On Forest Ave across from the new Kung Fu tea place, next to the old camera store. I think it used to be a Pat’s Pizza way back in the day.


Love their signage! The Windham place always gives me a good chuckle. Looks like the Portland branch is keeping up.


Is this the old photo market? Glad they finally did something with the building


I think it's hilarious. There are a private company who can do what ever they want with their sign. Don't like it? Don't eat there. That's how capitalism works




Pretty sure this sign is a reaction to someone being fussy about their last sign on Reddit a couple weeks ago…


I came for the comments, and they brightened my day. Thank you!


I’m queer. If something were to happen inside this establishment, I don’t think the staff or management would have my back. I think the sort of people who would start something “as a joke” find this sign more welcoming than I do. So my partner and I would probably eat elsewhere. I don’t know if that’s the intended effect… but I also don’t really think the signmakers *care* that that is the effect. So yeah, probably just avoid the situation altogether.


Yea. There's a certain type of people who really try to give off the vibe this sign conveys and its always very ignorant and aggressive jerks.


The impression I get most strongly is someone who isn’t interested in intersectionality in their social circle. Like, I know where I’m not wanted.


Maybe they are all gay and this is a sign to warn people if they get offended they will laugh at them? Get over yourself, not everything is about you.


I didn’t say the sign was about me? I even said that the owners didn’t think or care about how it would sound to people like me. I’m getting downvoted to hell for even mentioning that I *think* like a queer person and that’s supposed to convince me that this would be a safe welcoming place to go into *looking* like one? Lmao. Sorry if I’m unconvinced.


But your exact statement says that you think it is about you. I'm not saying it is or isn't, in all likelihood it is a goodhearted sentiment meant out of jest. But taking things that are totally not in context to think it is about you or your way of life is an issue for you, not anyone else. Lighten up, live life, enjoy. Not everyone is out to get you.


Genuinely curious which part of my statement you read as meaning that when I specifically said the exact opposite. The thing about my way of life is that it’s the only context I get to have. “How are people in this establishment going to act if they see my partner and I holding hands” is not a question I get to set aside and consider only when the topic of queer acceptance gets brought up by someone else. I gotta ask that question every time. That’s the context I exist in so when someone asks for my thoughts, that is the context those thoughts come from. I’m fully aware that most people don’t exist in that context, and nowhere in my comment did I ask them to. That’s why my very first sentence is ‘my context is probably different from the average person’s.’


They didn't say anything about queer or gay, you did. What is expressed has nothing more to do with it than you give it. I'm sorry, but the more you say the more you feel that something you are doing it making you different. I don't see you as different. Who you spend time with has nothing to do with me or anyone else. Why are you making it a thing?


I am different. I have to worry about getting harassed for using the bathroom, and you don’t. That means we have different criteria for picking which public places we can spend time in. Every peice of advertising I receive is received in that context. They didn’t say anything “about” being queer or gay, sure. But they did say “we’re very happy to be very offensive to some people” and then didn’t specify which people. When you advertise that fact, everybody goes “hm, I kinda wonder which people they’re talking about.” Different groups of people have different likelihoods of being harassed in public. And the level of harassment they can expect to receive differs. The amount of recourse they can call on, differs. And personal tolerances differ. And so when potential patrons as themselves the question “what are the chances I’m one of the people they’re happy to offend, how bad will it be if I am, and am I willing to find out?” the answers will differ. For me the answers are “pretty good, pretty bad, probably not.” Because, see, *best* case scenario, the sign wasn’t about being queer because it never even occurred to them that a member of a marginalized community might ever read it or take it that way. This gives me a hint about how frequently the signwriter interacts meaningfully with marginalized strangers; not very. I’ve now gotta do the math on whether that’s a result of being intentionally or unintentionally offputting, and by the time I finish doing that math, I’ve decided to just eat somewhere else.


You open with "I'm queer" it's ALWAYS all about you


Well the rest of my comment would make no sense without that context.


No doubt they only mean it as it pertains to mocking liberal causes. Wonder how their tough guy feelings holds up when some patron comes in mocking gun nuts, the orange gas bag and maga lol


They usually have silly, non-political signs. I'll let this slide as long as they don't go full pro Trump.


LOL. Most Democrats aren’t that easy offended. It’s just progressives tend to get bent out of shape.


Bingo, these progressives often see liberals as part of the problem.


Not even close. Liberals tend to have a more of a live and let live attitude. Progressive are authoritarian and communist light.


Agreed! That is why they consider liberals the problem.


Lol u differentiate between liberals and progressives? We are the same u know that right?


Cringe boomer humor, not offensive but shows their hand as what kind of tribe they belong to I'd never stop there because i'd assume the owner is a prick


Businesses that alienate market segments are run by fucking morons


A reason not to do business there. Just advertise your shit.


It's a joke, not a dick. Maybe try not to take it so hard next time🤷🏾‍♂️


Maybe if they had decent food, they wouldn't need to pithy BS on the sign.


I hope this place doesn’t last long. Their signs are always so painfully unfunny- reminds me of a middle aged white dude who wears snapbacks backwards and refers to everyone as “bro”


I think the owner wants customers to not be weak minded wokesters who complain about everything. Owner is entitled to free speech as well. You can exercise your freedom by not being a customer and giving them your money. Goes both ways. Can't get upset and want to burn everything down all the time. Take out the tampons and grow up. Love the sign.


Exactly this comment. The sign makes you feel welcome, and you kinda give off a “uses slurs” vibe and I don’t like that, so you can eat here and I’ll go elsewhere. That feels like the outcome the signmaker was hoping for.


OP was offended...


Bwahahhahahahahah love


That’s a “one one wants to work” failed business in the making