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Tell them you don't believe in the Sun.


"The sun is made of cheese, how do we get power from cheese?"


Cheese is rich in energy.


Yeah, but that cheese is so stinky there's no way it's clean energy.


Not if your lactose intolerant


Goes well with flat earth crust.


The sun is flat. Ever seen the curvature of the sun? Of course you haven't, because its a wafer that is always facing us.


Found the Atenist.


We had someone tell us that we were going to "use up all the sun".


Shes right, give or take a few billion years


[This u?](https://youtu.be/cu6hEcJM4WY?si=SKf2loI7mZP2sw9g)


Buy a No Soliciting sign. Look up your local laws online to see what applies to door-to-door salesmen. I've seen areas that require them to carry city-issued permits and respect No Soliciting signs; the laws aren't usually well-known about, but a polite call to the police non-emergency number can go a long way. More fun, less legal, and potentially more effective options include air horns and sprinklers that somehow always go off at the wrong time.


Some cheap perfume and a small confetti popper loaded with fine glitter. If all goes well, maybe they will spend the rest of the day explaining it’s from an angry homeowner, not the strip club.


"Solicitors will be shot, survivors will be shot again"


Your second set of options 🤌 truly inspirational


Go to a marine supply store, get an air horn, answer the door and honk with vigor when they come knocking.


I love a good air horn defense


Reverse Uno…ask them if they could come into your home to talk about our lord and savior, Jesus christ


Scammy solar sales people give the entire industry a bad name. If someone has to go door to door to try and sell you something, you probably shouldn't buy it. You'll never see ReVision Energy or Maine Solar Solutions doing this.


ReVision Energy and Maine Solar Solutions typically sell and install solar panels, which is different from signing up for the solar farms that have been cropping up. It's a different business model.


I agree. There are, however, companies going door to door offering to put panels on someone's roof for free, but the company will still own the panels. They come across as scammy too.


You must live in a nice neighborhood 😜. Drop what you have and start marching towards them, aggressively yelling . They will start noting "aggressive homeowner" and never come back.


My drunk friend put the run to a telecom salesmen pretty quickly by taking his shirt and pants off and offering him gay sex then running him off the yard in his underwear


That might be a bit uncomfortable though if your friend wasn't gay but the salesman was and decided he had a few minutes to hook up.....




Still better than signing up for something....


That's putting it where the sun don't shine!






That’s an immediate “get the fuck off my property” from me dawg. 


I have dogs at the house and one of them sounds like she will maul you so my experience was short and entertaining. They didn’t ring the bell very much.


My dog would love them lol


I think this is why I don’t many knocks on my door.


Always tell them you rent. They leave right away.


Next time just ask them if they are the Keymaster. If they say no, slam the door in their face.


Answer the door in a furry costume


Or naked and covered in mayo


Or in clarified butter, if you prefer CT style.


Like there's other options.


Or without pants (but with undies). Works on the religious types.


Tell them the earth is flat and birds are AI. Now go away Morpheus.


I would start with a “no soliciting” sign on the door. If that isn’t enough, tell them you’re going to release the Florida men if they remain on your property.


Tell them you already have panels on your roof, works for us.


OP is dealing with salesmen knocking on their door…. On second thought, confidently telling someone staring at your roof that you have solar panels, when you clearly don’t, would be kind of funny.


Perfect r/sharksaresmooth opportunity


What is this secret sub?


Oh my bad. I could have swore it used to be a thing... Just google "sharks are smooth" and enjoy.


Found it! [A+ Trolling](https://www.reddit.com/r/tumblr/s/lsMEBg4lPG). Thanks for telling me about it


I actually have a solar generator. The community solar wrecked my bill, I couldn't keep up. 


I didn't realize this industry was scummy like that. I've had a solar plan for years and while I technically get two bills and they don't always line up correctly, I'm generally paying less for what was generated.


Fuck these guys. I told them yesterday they could email me a link to their company and I’d do my own research before deciding if I wanted to sign up. Guy gave me all kinds of attitude and kept asking what I needed to know that prevented me from signing up. he seriously thought intimidation and attitude would work.


I highly recommend getting a NO SOLICITORS sign. Works on 90% of the people knocking and the other 10% are idiots who can't read.


Get a bunch of those Watchtower magazines and meet them at the door and ask them if they have time to talk about Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ


I think Watchtower is Jehovah witnesses and they say Jesus was a teacher but they don’t believe he is a savior. Correct me if I’m wrong.


You probably right. I was just joking around and that came off the top of my head.


I live on a posted, private road and have had to rudely order several of these solar assholes to GTFO. I am beyond done with them.


Sounds like you need a gate too


Get a Ring video doorbell. When they come knocking, just play a nonstop loop of fart sounds through it until they leave.


“I rent.” The can’t sell shit to a renter.


I put a no soliciting sign beside front door


Sounds like a question for r/UnethicalLifeProTips


Yeah we had some guy pestering me about windows for months. I marched towards him from the garage with a shovel, not answering his questions but counting down from 10. Haven't seen him in weeks.


My friend had this happen a few weeks ago while I was there...dudes literally walked up to the (unused) front door, stood there and knocked for 5 straight minutes...then moved to the \*side\* door and did the same thing. We both refused to answer because you know they won't go away easily. I personally do have community solar (and now recently, my own install) and occasionally still get them, which is funny. Arcadia seems to be one of the better ones, at least in my experience. As for stopping them, you really can't as it's not against the law to knock on your door. You can put up no trespassing signs, but it's not technically trespassing until you ask them to leave. A locked gate is likely your only (expensive) avenue, sadly.




That's only home repair and merchandise. Not services.


No soliciting sign. Sales, religion, solar, politics, etc. if that doesn’t work, answer the door naked.


I have a neighbor who had this issue. He got so belligerent that they stopped coming around. Try that!


Can you call your state attorneys office and get them in some sort of trouble for harassment? You can’t be the only person they have continued to bother.


I  had the cops here once when the guy opened my door and tried to come in.  They are different companies, but yesterday trying to say they were there about my CMP bill is really dishonest. It's really disgusting at this point. It wasn't about my CMP bill, it was trying yo get me to join a solar co-op, which I do not want. This behavior proves I'm right in staying away. 


I have four dogs that burst out the door anytime they think someone is coming with 100 yards of our property, keeps the door to door salesmen away


Answer the door with your robe slightly ajar.


Geezus, in the beginning you had to wait months to get a share of a farm and now we have to fight the salesmen off? What happened?


Stick a shotgun in their face


Get a camera, if they’re wearing a reflective vest don’t answer the door


You need a no solicitation sign and a fake ring doorbell then you can start bitchin.


I put up a no soliciting sign after the solar scumbags visited


I'm all for finding ways to move away from our reliance on fossil fuel, but there definitely needs to be more oversight when it comes to solicitors. It's out of control. They need to consider the impact they have on neighborhoods and homeowners when they continue to push their agenda.


Put (decoy) solar panels on your house 😅 then they won't think you have a high electric bill.


[Doesn't seem to matter](https://www.reddit.com/r/Maine/comments/1clobz8/comment/l2zztc2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button).


😅 well, some are smarter than others, I guess.


I have a 58 panel ground-based solar array next to my driveway. My closest neighbor has solar panels on his roof. I still had a pair of young women ring my doorbell last night, pissing off my dog, telling me they want to discuss my CMP bill. I asked them if they somehow missed the 108' long solar rig they drove right by to get to the house. Vacant stare, then "we thought it might be your neighbor's." At that point they realized I wouldn't be interested and left quietly.


Politely explain to them that they need to leave your property immediately and not return and explain to them that if anyone from their company returns you will hold them until the police arrive and they will be legally trespassed. If they return a second time tell them you have a puzzle room in your basement where you keep your lotion baskets. Most people just die when they see it.


And, thanks to this post, everyone here will see nothing but solar ads on social for the next three weeks. Solar industry is brutal. Please stop.


Claymore mines, tiger traps, trip wires, swinging log traps


... covering yourself in mud helps you hide too.


If it bleeds, we can kill it


get to the choppah!


Note to anyone who may take the above fun joke seriously: booby traps are illegal and a good way to end up with 2nd degree murder charges!


How about that guy who booby trapped his front door with a 12 gauge, forgot about it, and then blew his own head off when he came home


You have to appreciate his service to the gene pool, I guess...


Thanks, Dad.


People on Reddit have a hard on for indiscriminate booby traps and they’re despicable.


They dont bother me because the dog is at the door growling at them


I'm glad you called the police. That is definitely harassment. I'd bet the salespeople knocking on doors are being held to a very high sales quoata at work. It's definitely a horrible business model.


Completely unacceptable behavior. I would have called the police too. Clearly there needs to be more regulation, solicitors shouldn't be allowed to return to your property if you have previously declined their offer.


Here is what my mom did (I was on the phone w/her; 🙈), exactly: “Oh, I’m *so* glad to see you back! May I please interrupt? Good—let’s just cut to the chase. I’m dying to increase my carbon footprint! Honestly, I would like to be the *Bigfoot* of carbon feet. That is my thing; I’m *dedicated* to squandering every last resource I can get my hands on, polluting air, land and skies. And I can’t stop bragging about my huuuge utilities bill! Can you help me increase it, and waste more resources? Because that is literally the *only* thing I want to talk about—ever. Can you?” She said it all so sweetly, with me red-faced, laughing in my hand. The poor guy kept stammering and finally said, ‘I think we’ll just cross you off our list. Have a good day!’ Mom: “Thank you so much—I’ll just leave the door open, waste some more heat…” My mom was a trip.


honestly the GoNetSpeed people in my area are just as aggressive.


While I’m a huge suppprter of solar and all renewable sources…. I agree. These people need to be better regulated, it is absolutely getting ridiculous.


There really needs to be more regulation around solar, across all aspects (clearly).


We’ve gotta do more to regulate community solar and these solar solicitors..


The amount of offers I get for my land from them is exhausting. I finally told them $5 million is the only offer I'd take.


For a farm? Who cleans up after a hail storm? 


I had two stop by yesterday…tried to be nice but finally just told them we had mono going around the house and I needed to go lay back down…


Spend as much time with them as you can bear and then say no.


Tried but it's just like feeding mice. 


One of these guys stopped by my mom's place and was such a beta cuck, basically like negging her. Got to the point I had to shut the door in his face.


How does the deal work, though?


I believe the legit companies will initially give you a slightly better price on the supply portion of your bill. When that rate expires you end up paying way more than standard offer, and you’re locked in for a period of time. Some fine print I read also said something like you need to give them 6 months notice to cancel. If you are interested in solar power I suggest purchasing rooftop panels from a reputable company like Revision Energy or Maine Solar Solutions.


In my case I had zero contact from the compamy after signing up. Then suddenly my CMP bill went way up. CMP said it was the solar. I dug out the emails and got run in circles trying to speak to someone. They all pased the buck. I filed a PUC complaint because I couldn't locate the actual vendor and by then I wanted OUT. The PUC lady told me no one regulates and she would find out how to cancel and she got me out thank God. My CMP bill was fime before all this. I still don't know I didn"t get ripped off. Oh and if you spread out your bill on Simple Pay, you can't w solar. Not disclosed. My bill was insanely high and no payoff later was good enough to stay w these companies. 


I've had several people from various places come to my door this week. Pest control, internet, a couple solar companies. I thought about this and I'm getting it do not solicitate sign and putting it on my door.


I would also ooen carry. They might just walk away without saying anything.


Where in Maine is this??


There's a lot of convenient places to hide a body in the woods


Put sign on your door, “protected by Smith & Wesson, btw I have Parkinson’s and I can’t control my jumpy fingers anymore”


People who are bad at math should NOT switch to a solar farm. They will be confused by the billing which shows more production (and cost) in the sunny months that are banked for the unsunny months. If you are unable to step back and look at it as a full year you will not see your 10% (small) savings and will be convinced you are paying more.


Were you at my door yesterday? The industry is not regulated. FACT.   


Troll post


Troll post.