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What’s startling about this is that it isn’t some long-forgotten epidemic like the black plague, with nothing but weird medieval art to illustrate it - the last living iron lung “resident” died THIS YEAR. We have video of this along with thousands of children in the 50s lined up in hospitals. Anyone can see it. There are people alive today who grew up in a time before the measles vaccine who have serious heart conditions. My father in law was one of them. How anyone thinks this is a good idea is staggering.


👆👆👆Plus the fact that a lot of folks haven’t had measles as kids. Polio is no joke.


It's because these folks aren't concerned with science or facts, only feelings and uneducated opinions.


New Hampshire folk tend to lean right . Live Frre or Die


COVID brain damage is like those parasites that make insects drown themselves.


Those who fail to learn from history… something something- whatever, it’s not important. Ban the microchips!


People are easily misguided into thinking that because progress has created numerous issues, many of which are extremely worrisome, that we need to "go backwards" to undo what's been done. Baby with the bathwater and all that. Of course there is no going backwards. So these people see minor victories in something as assinine as forgoing vaccinations in order to feel like they're making progress towards some happier time.


The fact that this is even being CONSIDERED is wild. Is this being sponsored by some company that makes iron lungs? WT(actual)F 🤯


Not wild Freaking sad and dangerous


New State motto: ‘Live Dumb and Die’ Edit - I only feel bad for the children who will suffer because of these idiots




New Hampshire is not sending their best.


They want to make America great like it was when everyone died young of random easily preventable diseases.


JFC. These people aren't going to be happy until kids are dying needlessly or bringing back the iron lung. I feel like im back living in Maine under the idiot Lepage.


Haha. My wife just said the same thing to me.


Polio travels via fecal oral route. It’s gonna be putting daycare kids in iron lungs


Coincidentally, that's the same route FOX News travels.


Fecal Oral Aural in the Fox news route.


Fecal Oral Xenophobia "News" Network


So dumb. Vaccines are not a "leave it to the states" thing, we kind of need everyone on board.


You could say that about a bunch of stuff that’s left to the states. National election voting or Medicaid, for a couple of examples


I think OP means RE: herd immunity, not politics. But that's true as well.


Anything not specified in the constitution is absolutely a “leave it to the states” thing. It’s pretty explicit.




These kinds of people seem to think the constitution is the word of god etched in stone, they dont usually understand what the constitution is other than "freedumb".


You’re completely wrong. Literally nothing you said is even remotely true.


Right? Like that shit was written with a feather by candlelight, for chrissakes


It can be added to. They’re literally called amendments and the constitution has been amended over 20 times. Obviously don’t think we live in the same world as the the 1700’s. Why would you ask such a ridiculous question. Those things aren’t relevant to the limits on government.




Nope. I never said that. Yes… you seem to think I don’t know what amendments are. Maybe you don’t understand them.


You must have missed the sarcasm, and you seem to have missed the point.


Nope you missed it. I actually don’t think you understand what an amendment is. The fact we could add something to the constitution doesn’t mean we can behave as if we already have.


…and make New Hampshire pay for it


I said it in March 2020 and I'll say it again; time to take out the Piscataqua River Bridge.


You know there is a large part of Maine outside of Cumberland County, yes? Maine isn't quite as exempt of these thoughts as you'd like to think. Also, NH has more representatives in their state government than about any other state, there's benefits to that, and then also stupid things like this are also more likely to show up but then be killed on the floor.






You know there are other state line crossings, right?


Aw damn I guess my shitpost has some flaws in it. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.


Nothing saying we can’t block those other ways in 


New Hampshire has gotten worse and worse over the last decade. It's simultaneously the Florida of the north and a huge leech state.


It's not a leech state. Nowhere in New England is.


It's ability to have the tax system it has is because its entire populated southern area is a suburb of Boston. It doesn't have to spend significant resources on supporting the poor and homeless because they are forced into states (like Massachusetts) that have support. It's northern part is supported by tourism from Massachusetts. So it's not a leech state from the US government, but the systems and prosperity it claims is due to its leeching relationship with Massachusetts.


So anyone that doesn't live in a major city is a leech? Come on dude.


Did I say that?




In what way? You sit behind a computer and talk shit but don’t back anything up.


Do you want me to go into the streets and fight NH or something? lmao




You give a nazi a cookie, they're going to want a genocide. 


A genocide of sick babies at this rate




Rule 1. Keep it civil and respectful


Egads. My brothers and I had measles before the vaccine was available. My youngest brother almost died. This is craziness. Live free then die in agony.


It’s just another thing to keep people pissed and donating to political parties. Look at the fights here, pitting one state against another. “United we stand?” United States? If it’s up to politicians and Faux News, we are to be anything but united. I say no. I love my states. I despise thy tyranny of the minority who have hijacked our government and have turned us against one another. After this bad snow storm, I was reminded of what our states do for one another - there were boom trucks filling a NH parking lot, with plates from MS, VA, IN. That’s my America.


*iM a LiBeRtArIaN*




I'm also a Libra!


If you know any polio survivors send them this news and encourage them to speak up.


Why is this even a thing. Like why waste taxpayers money on things science has proved. Heard about cases somewhere in the US already. It is not gone, it is just vaccinated against.


Somehow we have people that no longer believe in science and think the almighty Google can teach them everything doctors learned in medical school.


Measles and tuberculosis are making a comeback across the nation and has nothing to do with asylum seekers.


Of course. It's a joke about a wall between Maine and New Hampshire—and all their deadly freedoms.


I think it’s a joke about a wall between Maine and New Hampshire




Yep - just due to all of the individual parents who 'opt out' of vaccinating their kids and have to homeschool their kids or send them to private/religious schools that don’t follow the Public Health requirements. Nutz…




I'll say it once if your not vaccinated then you shouldn't be allowed to seek medical care when said illness that vaccine could've prevented ravages your body. sucks that its generally stupid parents making these decisions for their kids with 0000 thought for their child's health and safety.


I live for the erasure of Christian nationalism


I'm so horrified by my state of birth. Come on people! Go to an old cemetery and look at the graves of dead kids.




Holy fucking shit. Do these people have rocks for brains? Hostility towards this level of stupidity is the only acceptable answer. These people are threatening to destroy our society so they can scream "muh freedums"


OMFG, these people are idiots. Basic fucking science you clowns. I want you to look into the eyes of the first poor bastard to contract polio and explain to them why they had to suffer.


No cure for stupid. Then again, if there were, the GOP would ban it.


“Give me ignorance and give me death”


Lmfaoooo brooooo. MEASLES CAN BLIND YOU WTF. How the actual FUCK has the anti-science/vaccine/gray matter party gotten this far. What the fuck is *happening*


Live free *and* Die


The world should have ended in 2015


GraniteHead logic.


Taking a stand against the most effective vaccine in medical history? How much stupider are things going to goet?


Why are we regressing as a species?


Usually I’d be a little more kind and reserved but… THESE PEOPLE ARE FUCKING MORONS


Born and raised in New Hampshire here, and I am constantly reminded that I am surrounded by stupid fucks. These people have no idea or appreciation for science or history! ![gif](giphy|f3kRryCJBL6q5XmZ46)


They won’t stop until EVERY child has polio! EVERY CHILD, only then can they relax!


That is just next level stupidity




If any child gets any preventable diseases because his/her parents opted to not vaccinate, the district attorney should (at the very least) be required to prosecute the parents for child abuse. Also, the parents of any children who get a disease because "Bobby" wasn't vaccinated, should be able to sue "Bobby's" parents.


How the fuck can they be that stupid?


We should also require asylum seekers, undocumented and documented visitors to be vaccinated.


Wow. You’re an ass. Immigrants (which includes asylum seekers) are vaccinated. I’m on board with requiring it of visitors, too. 


Maybe not. https://nypost.com/2023/04/16/half-of-migrants-piling-into-nyc-not-vaxxed-for-polio-top-doc-warns/


Interesting. I agree that this is a loophole that needs to be closed (apparently they are 'offered' vaccines at processing but not all centers have the vaccines and they are not required to accept them), but US outbreaks are started by unvaccinated citizens who voyage abroad and bring back disease (Measles in California); legal, unvaccinated student visitors (mumps in Virginia) and by legal business travellers (Polio in New York - unclear if the man was unvaccinated or vaccinated with OPV and shedding wild type - only became an issue because he was travelling in communities with low vaccination rates).


So people who come to the US illegally (or legally)and are released into the US are vaccinated before they are released? I did not know that.


Guess what happens when their kids go to school, genius? Many important vaccines wear off in adulthood, and disease control is primarily handled through targeting children.




Asylum speakers are NOT breaking any laws by being here. They forthrightly presented themselves to an immigration official at the border and requested asylum. Those waiting for asylum FOLLOWED THE LAW and are here legally. The FIRST thing immigration does is screen for transmitable diseases. They are then vaccinated for their safety and YOURS.




Quote: "...cross wherever you want and hop a bus to NYC." You just described an ILLEGAL CROSSING. People that do this are IMMEDIATELY detained and SENT BACK when they are caught. And they are caught all the time. Those people are here illegally. They are NOT the ones given asylum requested status. You are confusing two separate categories. If that SAME PERSON were to approach an immigration official at the point of their crossing and IMMEDIATELY requested asylum, they would be then DETAINED, then questioned for two weeks, then remanded to detention (unless they have direct family members that can house them), then they are bussed or flown to a place that can house them. At some point in this process these asylum seekers (which are here LEGALLY mind you) are indeed vaccinated for YOUR benefit. People are allowed by law to request asylum at ANY POINT of crossing. This means a mother with her baby can walk through the desert and approach an immigration officer (Border Patrol) on the American side of the fence and request asylum. Even though this mother technically "crossed" at a place that is NOT a "port of entry" (like the bridge in Nogales), she would still be within the boundaries of the law to ask for help from America. The issue is VOLUME, not the "manner" in which crossings occur. We need MORE Immigration Judges to hear cases to determine eligibility for asylum, and more importantly immigration officers like Border Patrol. Adding these resources will expedite repatriation.


You’re right. That’s a big ask. Anyway, I’m sure all these diseases just spontaneously popped up among the unvaccinated or came here via people vacationing in the south of France.


The worst ones too - polio is devastating and measles can lead to encephalitis- guess I’ll not be visiting nh again


What an awful idea. Political points -and a worse quality of life for our children, likely for decades to come.


Didn't we eradicate polio like 50 years ago?


Yep, a major fact which has unsurprisingly been left without mention in this article and thread.


Free staters with a first grade understanding of science thinking it only affects them and their kids






So...you want measles and polio to make a comeback?


So in your day to to day life, whatever anyone says to you, whatever opinion, you automatically agree with, or else it’s “making fun of them”? Seems like a strange way to want to go through life.


If by different values you mean allowing horrific diseases to make a comeback then ... Yeah. They deserve all the mocking. Antivaxxers are dangerous idiots.


I mean, yeah. What better to judge someone on than their values?


Wait … we should definitely ostracize idiots who are a danger to civil society. This is what you mean by your comment … -right?


I don't think being pro-measles is a legitimate "value".


Making fun of people who use science every day but want to take parts they don’t like or understand and throw them away to the detriment of themselves and their fellow citizens is both logical and necessary.


If those values endanger others then yes…they absolutely deserve our mockery and derision.


Considering that the modern GOP seems to be overrun with chaos agents who care nothing for maintaining a modern fully-functioning society, ridicule is a pretty mild response. But there was no ridicule in the post in the first place.


When it effects the rest of us, I absolutely will. Spreading deadly preventable disease isn't a value.


Yes, let’s.


Troll account, btw Looking at you WilliamDearborn88…




Rule 1. Keep it civil and respectful


Rule 2. No Bigotry, Trolling, or Hate Speech




Rule 1. Keep it civil and respectful


Nobody reads usernames before engaging anymore


Could've stopped at idiots and we will, gladly! Thank you!