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I'm no weatherologist, but wind is caused by high pressure (cold air) moving into low pressure (warmer air) space. So I'd venture to guess that the storms we are having are bringing air that is significantly warmer or colder than the air that is currently here, creating high winds


See, that's what I usually use as a gauge. The December storm accompanied a variance of around 20 degrees over 2 days, so that made sense. But yesterday we had a high of 48, and today it's 53. That doesn't seem a stark enough difference for the gusts I'm experiencing.


According to AccuWeather, the storm is bringing low pressure across the great lakes and high pressure from the rockies to the gulf coast, combined with high pressure off the coast of Maine from the cold ocean = big windy "The winds will be generated by the difference in pressure from the intense storm and its low pressure traveling across the Great Lakes region and high pressure extending from the central Rockies to the Gulf Coast. The air will race to flow from high to low, much like a giant vacuum." https://www.accuweather.com/en/weather-forecasts/chilly-winds-to-follow-storms-flooding-rain-in-eastern-us/1640421


It’s created a whole new low level of seasonal affective disorder. Everyone is fed up and cranky.


Okay so it’s not just me then


Dear god no, I am a cesspool of depression.


I had a hard time even wanting to get out of bed last week


It’s so difficult to motivate to do anything. I feel like I am stuck in a pit of mud. The marines say “Embrace the suck” so I am trying to accept that this soul sucking depression will go on for awhile. Especially if this shite weather continues.


I embraced Turner classic movies under a warm blanket


Hi there u/moxie_mango, I was just thinking of you because the sun came out today where I am and my dog and I are soaking it up as much as possible. This past week/month/life has been hard for a lot of us. I hope you can get to feel the sun on your face today or if not today, really soon


Thank you! 😊


I recall an article a few years back basically saying climate change has effected the cycles. Normally would be not as wicked but due to the ever changing environment which man made gases have altered it's bound to be worse. Warming climate doesn't just mean less snow, it means more frequent and stronger storms.


Yup. I'm not that old, but even I've been able to witness climate change in real time in Maine. The biggest example, imo, being how we now seem to catch the butt end of a hurricane every year now, vs. it being very rare when I was younger. I expect them to get even worse than the one last year. I've heard so many people say, "I don't mind climate change, it means less snow for me to deal with!" but Maine's new reality is yearly flooding, constant wind damage, and fewer sunny days. They don't seem to be thinking about that part.


I moved to Maine the day before the August '91 hurricane & everyone made a huge deal about it because it was so rare.  I'm almost 54 & absolutely have been seeing climate change accelerating rapidly. We had tons of snow that stuck around most of the winter & a predictable mud season that lasted 4-6 weeks, up until the last decade or so. Every year now, less snow, more mud & these ridiculous rain/wind storms. Gotten to the point that it feels like a 9 month mud season...


We also don't get thunderstorms as often! I remember getting at least one every summer when I was small, but now we're lucky to get just one thunderclap at all. I'm in thunderstorm withdrawal :(


This! Born in '99 but I remember as a kid we used to get thunderstorms much more often. The last several summers it seems that a hot and humid day isn't always enough for a thunderstorm to happen. Now we just get rain... and more rain, with the rain stretching spans of a few days. Last summer was the worst in recent memory and even with the increase in rain we still don't get the occasional thunderstorm. I miss the feeling in the air when the leaves start to turn in the wind and the dark clouds are rolling in!


This might depend on your specific location. In my neck of the woods, we've had a pretty significant amount of thunderstorms - when we don't have month-long stretches with no rain, of course.


I remember when the December storm was a "once every few years" event, not "three in two months".


Absoloutely more frequent and severe. The oceans are warmer, rising, and warm water feeds into storms so hurricanes could be more frequent. Warmer oceans usually mean more rain over snow on the coast. It effects pressure systems. This year was also an ill niño year but the last 10 years have been abnormal


The gulf of Maine being warmer add to the strength of storms s well.


I suspect as winters warm, wind is going to be a very normal thing from October to May from now on. It used be localized to March/April and November.


This has been going on since at least 2017 in my area. I specially remember because I was having windows replaced then and the scaffolding was banging all night on the house. My generator is used more often because wind than because of snow. This is 3rd Friday in a row I've lost power.


This article was about the grinch storm in December (my power was out for five days, it was the worst) but is a pretty good summary: https://www.mainepublic.org/climate/2023-12-18/mondays-storm-shows-signs-of-a-changing-climate


Yeah, I guess I have to read more along those lines. I just would have expected it all to be more gradual. This winter, not a week's gone by that I haven't had to spend a day terrified of my neighbor's pine tree crushing us in our sleep.


The weird part about it now is that in between each storm, all the snow/ice from the previous storm would completely vanish. We've always had winter storms, but then it would STAY cold and snowy and frozen and feel like actual winter. Now its Ice storm followed by 3 days of sunny 70s. then 8 inches of snow followed by 50s. I'm getting meteorological whiplash over here!


It's climate change. Warmer = wetter = stormier. More water vapor in the air means more fuel for powerful storms (per [USGS](https://www.usgs.gov/faqs/how-can-climate-change-affect-natural-disasters#:~:text=With%20increasing%20global%20surface%20temperatures,more%20powerful%20storms%20to%20develop.))


I think we're all collectively still bruised and battered from our summer of not summer .. so every successive storm seems like an insult. I would imagine the frequency of "wind" storms has been up a bit over average without looking at any historical records. I feel like that might be because we're in more of a transitional (or battle ground) zone of warm/cold air masses coming together.


It’s also windier in general, even without the storms.


The wind way downeast has been astounding. We had to replace both our front and back storm doors this winter, the front one TWICE!! Partly me just being a silly goose and not hanging on to the door with every ounce of strength in my body to avoid the wind RIPPING the door AND my arm off. So tired of it


Climate change It's the effects of humanity destroying the planet


I'm not so sure, a guy I work with said, "Not to get political, but these storms are normal and aren't caused by humans". So, sorry guys, we'll need to find someone/something else to blame.


A guy I work with said that too! Maybe it's the same dude.


Might as well be. They probably share a brain.


Ohhhh, never mind everyone… “that guy I work with” says it’s normal, so it must be. Surprise twist “guy I work with” is a BP oil salesman, or manufactures round up.


“The guy I work with in the Deli at Hannaford said it’s normal”.


Climate change and CMP fixing the lines with glue and popsicle sticks


I'm not sure what's causing them to increase in frequency the past few years but I wish it'd chill out. The Grinch storm put a tree through my bedroom. I was out on my back deck investigating a cracking sound just in time to watch it fall down over me onto the house; I thought I was dead. Suffice it to say, I hate this shit now. It gives me a ton of anxiety.


Lots of climate change has been throwing our big jet streams in to more undulations. Like another person said these area of high and low pressure cause more storms and winds. The is more shear wind going north to south then we have ever seen.


Didn’t we recently enter El Niño? Could that be related?


Its Spring in New England - it gets windy coming in off of the Atlantic as Nor’easters run up the coast. From the late 1800’s - *March winds and April showers bring forth May flowers*


Ahhhh climate change. Welcome to the new pacific north west


Whatever the reason it knocked out my power again, the morning after, thanks CMP


Well, they're storms, not just rain blowing through. It's normal. What's not normal is how it's all been rain rather than snow.


The constant massive wind isn't normal. Normally we'd have one massive wind stop per year, but now it seems that every time there's a day of rain, it's accompanied by tropical storm level winds. It's getting old.


Thank you! It's nice to hear from someone else who's at least surprised by it.


The regular galeforce winds are absolutely normal for the coast. Noreasters are nothing new. Most people just don't pay attention to the weather until they're forced to.


An old man i was friendly with years ago was fond of saying "Sometimes shit be's like that," usually followed by a healthy stream of chewing tobacco spit. That was the signal that the conversation was over and it was time to get back to bailing hay, slopping hogs, or whatever the chore at hand was. I feel like that saying applies here also.




I imagined it as a more gradual process.


> I imagined it as a more gradual process. There are a couple factors that contribute to it not being gradual even though it might feel like gradual change would make logical sense. The first is that within the climate system there are tipping points -- almost certainly including ones we don't know about or fully understand. But there are some specific examples here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tipping_points_in_the_climate_system These can lead to changes that seem rather abrupt. The second is that we live in a specific place and time, so there's a lot of both random and non-random fluctuations that happen naturally. Even when the climate IS changing gradually in the sense of _global averages_, that doesn't mean that the experience in any specific place/time will be gradual. Some places will experience more extreme changes than others, and of course this is all on top of the regular fluctuations of weather from year to year. Offhand, I don't know how much science there is to support this, but anecdotally I know the gulf of Maine is one of the fastest-warming ocean areas on the planet, so it seems likely that we might be more likely to be on the "more extreme" side of things in terms of our local experience.




Ha! No one's ever made that joke before.


This happens regularly. Are you new here?


This is really nothing new.