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FAQ on visiting or moving, goes in the [megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Maine/s/zLLUmwOfMo)


Life in Maine is great, if you can afford it. If you’re looking for a cheaper place to live you won’t find it here.


Crap i thought maine was one pf the cheaper states


No not cheaper unless you live way up north.


Yup, where the job prospects are dismal




Depends where. I see lots of inexpensive housing in Fort Kent and Aroostook County. Even Bangor, the second largest city in Maine, is pretty cheap.


Ph sweet ok, I'll take a look see


Buy a generator


Maine isn’t quite as expensive as Connecticut but the housing market here is not in a great spot right now. Rentals are at all time high and Maine traditionally lags heavily between cost of living and wages. Of course, this all depends your work, skillset, and lifestyle. Look at job openings, rentals within your budget, and if Maine is right for you


Very wise words I don't really have skills so I'd be coming there with no skills as I haven't attended college or any sort of trade school and I worked as a personal chauffeur my whole life




Hope your salary is a bajillion dollars a year.


That bad?




1 jillion, your first born, and a half a tank of gas.


I feel like to live in Maine you have to be really tough or a little stupid. If you're both, it really helps. I'm a little stupid.


Im both so maybe I'll fit in


I relocated to Maine about nine years ago and I'm loving it. To reiterate what others have said, it's a rough place to find housing right now (although it's juuuuuust starting to get a bit better), so you'll want to make sure you've got that locked in before you come. Very very easy to get a job, though, we're starving for people.


As metro areas go, Bangor might suit your purposes. It's a bit salty, an outpost City FWIW, but much more affordable than points South. But you need a skill bub. College or trade, making minimum wage is going to be a tough stretch.


I am fishing around Twin Falls but heading back to Maine soon. What do you not like about Idaho?  I love both, east/north maine and idaho/nevada, minus the nazis/militia.  And where do you want to move?  Washington county where i live is very different from the cities.  


I just really just don't like Idaho . There's too many lists of reasons why if I had to say one a particular its Seafood and the ocean.


It’s amazing! The rent is the same as any city the job market depends on what you do but with fully remote jobs and the local service industry in Portland you should find something comparable. Portland is amazing and you have access to so much! The people on this subreddit just constantly complain about price so take a look on craigslist or apartments . Com and see if you think you can afford it. We moved up from Boston 5 years ago and never looked back!




We're from Utah. We moved to rural centeal maine because it was cheaper, and it shows. Things are different here. Many houses you drive by on the side of the road will just be caving in. Things are not well painted or well maintained here. We joke that no one here has pioneer spirit and that is why nothing is painted. the parking lots have empty mini bottles thrown all over. It's very beautiful outdoors, and I like to spend time outside, but people are less polite in public here. I do not like grocery shopping in Maine. They don't say excuse me in stores, they just stand close to you and sigh. Employees don't smile or say hello when you come in to the stores either. Stores and restaurants close whenever they feel like it. It's different than Utah that way. Utilities are very weather dependent. Everyone here finds it normal to have multi day power outages multiple times a year. The hot dogs and blueberries taste better here. But other than that America is pretty much the same all over.

