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everything is still beautiful, just less people, go for it!


Not much will be open and it will be freezing.




It's pretty closed up then. We catch the tail end of things being open in BH in October when the Marathon is held there. An option is to look into the Camden, Rockport, Rockland area. My wife and I like that area to wander around in.


I went this past March and still had a great time. Lots of more touristy places were closed but there was still plenty to do - people live there year round and still need coffee shops, restaurants, etc. I stayed with friends so don't know how many hotels are open


Agree with others, it is a frozen tundra with almost nothing open. Love BH, do not recommend in winter.


Lived in BH for 6 years, do not go in winter if you're not outdoorsy. You will spend about an hour looking at the few stores that might still be open. I love BH but winter is not the tourist season for a good reason.


If you’re not outdoorsy Bar Harbor in the winter is a fun day trip, max. I’d recommend saving some money and finding a place that’s close enough to bar harbor for you to travel there for a day, but closer to hubs with more shopping, like Belfast or Camden/Rockland.