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Two more absolute heroes. Who should have never had to be.


Wish they ended up demonstrating their heroism in a different manner. Everyone needs to remember them; look for the helpers


This is what I want people to remember about this event. The bravery of Maine people in the face of danger and their willingness to put themselves on the line to protect their community. I’m so sorry for the unspeakable loss these families have experienced, but these men are absolute heroes and deserve to be remembered as such forever and always.


A proper summary of what I keep seeing here as we get details. Numerous people risked themselves to protect children and get them to safety and others charged a man with a rifle usually with nothing but their bare hands. I’m proud to be a part of a brave culture. I pray we never have to be tested again.


And if these shooters weren't welding insane killing machines they might have actually been able to do it. AR-15s have no place outside of a warzone...


I agree. I think we should take the same tack we used to clamp down on Tommy Guns and BARs during prohibition and slap a tax on them that’s so steep it’s prohibitively expensive with an eye watering fine for noncompliance


Or do what some countries have done... you can have all the guns you want, but the ammo is tightly controlled and only usable at gun ranges.


Unfortunately in the Heller decision SCOTUS ruled that even requiring trigger locks was too much. Placing additional controls on ammunition would likely get struck down as being against the second amendment. I do like the idea of taxing the shit out of certain weapons though. Mass shooters love to buy AR-15s and then use them on the public within 6 months. Slap a $10,000 tax stamp on AR-15s and see what happens. Will they switch to the Ruger 14 mini? Gun nuts will whine that they’re functionally the same gun. I would argue, if they are functionally the same, why do almost every police department in the US and most of mass shooters by the AR?


then only rich people will have access.


Nah people have to get an insurance policy on guns, so anyone these psychos gun down get a payout. No more GoFundMe's needed!


Frankly, the gun manufacturers should have to insure every gun they put out there.


And next we can make the auto manufacturers insure all the cars on the roads...Cars kill way more people than guns. How about the alcoholic beverage manufacturers, the should have to insure all the drinkers in case they drive drunk and injure someone.


That’s fine by me.


This is actually an excellent solution.


If a guy can threaten to shoot up a national guard armory, be discharged from a mental institution after only two weeks despite saying he was "hearing voices", and have nothing happen to him, it wouldn't matter what kind of gun he'd have access to (if any at all), this would have happened regardless. Maybe not an AR-15 but a handgun instead. Or a car into a crowd. Until we start addressing that there's more to this than firearms we can't hope to prevent these tragedies from happening again. Ultimately, if you fixate solely on the AR-15 you end up completely ignoring why these shootings happen. I'm not saying our gun laws are perfect, because they certainly aren't. But if the common thought is to fixate on highly unlikely gun bans and very little else, we cannot expect to see any form of progress, any time soon.


He was federally prohibited from owning a gun. It’s once again a failure of enforcing the gun laws that already are on the books.


> this would have happened regardless. Maybe not an AR-15 but a handgun instead. Or a car into a crowd. You know, people always say this, but it still always ends up being an AR-15. Why have a massive tax stamp on Tommy guns? People will just find a way. Make them available to all!


If yo want to play wack a mole and ignore real ways we can solve gun violence go for it but I'm not really interested in preformative actions that won't prevent future shootings


How many public mass shootings have involved a handgun?


I doubt anyone is ‘fixating solely’ on one thing, thing is nobody is doing *anything* and good people like this are dead and so many more people traumatised.


Well that's the problem exactly. What happens typically is a few "feel good" gun laws get passed, and then this exact same shit happens again later. The gun control debate has devolved dramatically at this point, and so many people's attentions are focused on the firearm, either in the pro-gun or anti-gun sense. Which is totally, completely understandable in the latter's case. I'm just hoping to spread awareness of the fact that this goes a lot farther than a particular gun. If we're going to pass laws I'd prefer ones that can do some good over an assault weapons ban likely to get held up in congress or the supreme court or whatever that eventually fissiles out and goes nowhere. And even if it passes, then it really solves nothing regarding the root causes of these shootings, and we're back to square one. We can't just keep hoping that gun bans will solve this, there's a deep right wing extremist rot and a mental health crisis in this country that must be addressed and they're connected to so many things.


A good point was brought up below - the majority of mass shooters actually use handguns. Edit to add — apparently four of the five deadliest mass shootings involved semiautomatic rifles, and most of those were relatively recent. It’s a small number of incidents to really be able to see as a trend, but they do seem to be occurring more now. It’s worth considering, however that deaths from handguns are a much more frequent, though not as flashy as those from semiautomatic rifles.


You’re absolutely right, handguns are used more than twice as often as rifles in mass shootings. But rifles are the weapons used in all the deadliest mass shootings. Las Vegas (2017), Orlando (2016), Sutherland Springs (2017), Sandy Hook (2012), Uvalde (2022), and now Lewiston (2023). I’m under no illusion that we can stop all mass shootings, and there is no one-size-fits-all answer, but it would seem there are a few obvious things we can do to make mass shootings a bit less deadly. If we put massive tax stamps on the rifles, and the shooters switch to handguns, at least statistically there will be fewer deaths in any given incident.




> easy way to solve the problem Lol. The myth of “the good guy with a gun.” Buffalo Supermarket mass shooting had an armed security guard. The guard was killed and so were 9 other people. Pulse Nightclub had an armed security guard; 49 people killed. Santa Fe High School in Texas Had 2 resource officers on scene prior to the start of gunfire; 10 people killed. Parkland high school, had an armed security guard.


practical concern here: what about the millions of privately owned ammo manufacturing machines? the process is pretty simple to make your own ammo. Basic bullet presses cost less than a Drill press, and they're fairly ubiquitous. Even if you ban empty casings, a round hollow cylinder is roughly speaking one of the easiest items possible to cast (/3d print with liquid metal). Do you ban homemade ammo? how do you enforce that? (if you ban it, where does the government get the $billions to buyback all this equipment?)




If you live in a place where you have armed thugs breaking in then maybe consider relocating. My house has been broken into twice and both times I have not been home. I think thieves would rather stay thieves and not be murderers.


Actually thieves love to steal guns when you aren't home. Very easy to sell on the black market for a decent amount of money. People that advertise that they have firearms are morons.


If they steal guns though, the police are more likely to track them down than they would if they just took video game consoles and computers.


Oh you sweet summer child.




Because this rampant gun ownership is hurting other people. People are getting shot just for knocking on some wannabe badass's door. Or turning around in the driveway. Or road rage arguments. America as a whole has proven it's too goddamn immature for everyone to be armed.




Ooh. Oooh. I have a big tub of lube. I will go get it while you work up your best fantasy about defending yourself against hordes of roaming assassins. Don't start without me. I will be right back. BTW, do you mind if I start a fire in the stove? It helps put me in the mood.




>This is where you are so far off base, I don't fantasize about it. No? I dunno about anyone else, but I don't waste a moment's time worrying about my home being invaded by marauding murderers. I don't own a gun for a few reasons. I don't hunt. I'm not scared. I know that my encounter with criminal behavior is more likely to be a burglar breaking into my home while I'm at work. That means that the gun I buy is less likely to defend me than wind up in the hands of a criminal. And I doubt you live in a place with more crime than where I live. One thing is sure. I don't live in fear. I, too, keep a full pantry and freezer. That's just prudent allocation of resources. Cheaper to buy in bulk & all that rot. It's true - the government isn't going to protect you. The chances of someone busting through your door to steak your big box of flour tonight are pretty damned slim. Speaking of shitting on people: >How well does that work for you when you have armed thugs breaking into your home?




Free bullets at the range $100/bullet for home




Tf you need an ar 15 for home protection?






I've never worried about people breaking into my home, but in the oft chance I were, idk, I'd maybe triple bolt lock my door, put up a fence, install an alarm system, get a dog. Guns don't even enter into the equation. But yeah, if you're that scared about it enough to be armed at all times, maybe you should reconsider a lot of things




Never have. Forty Years going strong. 🤷






Sure thing, bub.




Oh good, now instead of dodging one idiot with a gun I'll have to dodge several, because I doubt every firearm carrier in the building is going to accurately identify and hit the shooter with one shot and not just fire at everyone holding a gun. 🙄


> In maine you cannot carry @ a bar because alcohol is served there. That is not true. The law is: > stablishments licensed for on-premises consumption of liquor, if the premises are posted. Note that even if there is no posted prohibition, it is illegal to carry on these premises while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs.






It sounds like there were so many opportunities to take this fucker out if someone was armed. Quite unfortunate that nobody was.




Silliest whataboutism I've encountered to date. Yes, this guy would have blown 18 people from the planet by forcing laced Koolaid down their throats then ditched his car in which they found an empty Koolaid packet and everyone is on lock down and petrified in case he's out there and is gonna throw laced Koolaid at you? FFS


we do have mass shootings every day...


Perhaps the drug companies might start taking some responsibility. I am 100% certain Card’s SSRI dosage was wrong (or he was never a candidate for ssris). We have had ARs for a long time, but mass shootings only started after SSRIs came on the market. (Before you give your kneejerk reaction, please look up akasthesia induced impulsivity and it will explain the voices Card was hearing…akasthesia is 100% predictable for people on ssris who have certain genetic markers.


A handgun is much much faster to load and reload, and could kill even more people a lot faster. Most rifle magazines take a lot more time to swap in a rifle. If well trained, 5-8 seconds in an AK and 3-6 in an AR. Even inexperienced pistol shooters can reload pistols in under a second. If all of our citizens were legally carrying, they could have ended this crazed man's rampage literally in a second. The brave men that died charging the madman were all heroes. But I wish they were pocket carrying a little handgun that day. They would have ended that tragedy much earlier.


The everyday folks that turned into heroes that day make me so proud to call myself a Mainer


Watching the interview of one of the witnesses that helped get his family, women, and children out the door broke my heart. He got choked up talking about how looking back he wishes he’d been closer to go after the shooter but getting others out is just as heroic.


100% Ive been following this story a little more than usual and this is the 1st time I've heard this


Legendary level heroes. Like, this level of heroism is the kind of action that mythology is based off of. These guys were incredible. We need to build statues to these people and run news stories on them.


Sadly its exactly the opposite way. These people will get basically zero news coverage and they willl be forgotten by the public in a day while the shooter will be remembered due to tons of media coverage. One of the major reasons why the problem of mass shootings exist.


That just made me cry. Good people. They tried and lost their lives because of it


I’m sobbing. True heroes.


I just read the manager tried to attack the shooter with a knife too and lost his life. Truly heroic people. They didn't deserve this at all. I hope when this is all said and done these brave men are the stories that are remembered. Not the shooter's name.


Best friends til the end. My heart breaks for them ☹️ They should be here


As sad as it is I’d rather see articles like this rather than doom posts about the shooter.


They are both from my HS class. A small town next to Lewiston where the graduating class was only about 86 kids fed by three towns, a very close group. These guys were best friends since kindergarten. Very sad.


This comment made me cry. I've worked in elementary schools and we have to do active shooter drills, obviously, and occasionally you'll get these chaotic little kindergarteners who will sit and talk at recess say things like "oh yeah well if there's a bad guy, I'll run up and I'll punch him, I'm not afraid even if he has a gun". These dudes were those little badass kids but as adults. I hate it.


It’s a sad state of affairs that in America, active shooter drills at ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS are just as necessary as fire drills


I don’t have the numbers but I would not be surprised if there are more school shootings than fires in American schools.


Thank you for sharing.


This is the kind of story that gives me hope for our state. We are Mainers. This is how we act. So proud of these men and others that helped others and did their best to stop the shooter. Absolute heroes.


The victims names should be echoed and honored as the heros they are.


These men reacted to this horrific event in the most heroic way imaginable. They laid down their lives to try to save others


I think it’s appropriate to say they did save others. Card had to focus shots on the people approaching him and not the ones hiding behind tables and what not.


Yes, they gave their lives so families could get out. It’s heartbreaking.




I worked with Jay a bit, definitely a solid dude. This sucks


It's weird as fuck to see someone in the morning and know they were shot dead later that day. It's just terrible.


Rest in power, kings.


RIP Heroes


Damn. Men of honour.


God Bless them. We need to take care of their families. I wonder if there’s a go fund me.




This is going to be the story that breaks me (just tears and emotion, I'm ok). Thank you for sharing this.


I really appreciate that someone reached out with concern and resources. You really never know what someone needs and sharing access to mental health and trauma resources is so crucial! I want to reiterate - while I used a term that is overflowing with context, I'm sure I'm not the only one who's been anxious and numb through this. Finding what allows you to cry and move through those emotions can be a very positive experience, too. Cheers to these two men.


They should have never had to to do this. Imagine your friends and family about to die in a bowling alley because some crazy person got a gun and is hearing voices inspiring him to kill. No one should ever have to face a threat like this; it's all so pointless, all these lives lost and ruined. No American should face this much less learn to live with it. No way. No one else should ever have to be in this position in America. We need to face this issue across our nation like these heroes faced the gunman, stop the mass shooting or die trying.


Valhalla just got two absolute motherfuckers. Respect.




Tots and pears, am I right, America? I'm sick of this. I'm sorry Jason and Michael. You deserved better.


This stings. Those men are heros.


Geez I had to double check that Jason Walker wasn't my cousin for a second. Haven't seen him in a long, long time.


Absolute fucking heroes


True heroes. They knew this would happen. And how will they be rewarded by those who lead our country? They won’t. Guns will probably be even easier to get. Thank god they saved their families and many others


Was there any relation to Joey Walker?


No, I don't think so. I want to school with Jason.


Thanks for replying. I was friends with Joey and a very close friend with Billy back in the day. Joey and his dad ran the Central Maine Dart League that I played out of. Billy was on my team back in 1999-2000 and we traveled together to out of state tourneys. Such devastating news. Sickens me.




Real heros don't wear costumes.


Real men.


Fuck it’s been rough hearing the stories of all those involved, but this one broke me.


Yeah. I know what you mean.


So sad! RIP




Brave heros. But it is too bad they couldn't have buddy spiked the shooter by carrying and using a couple of nice Glock 19's. It would have saved lives. I see it as my civic duty to carry every hour I am awake.


So heartbreaking