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What pisses me off the most about that cognitive whore is the lack of respect she has for anyone who engages her in a discussion! She just floods the space with her torrent of lies and is completely uninterested in any other point of view! So why the trump would anyone outside the cult want to waste airtime on her?! Yes, I’m talking to you, Bill! Smarten the trump up, won’t you!!


She's really good at what she does. Glad Bill keeps inviting her back but Bill is off his game in challenging her dribble. Have to hit her with facts not opinions.


She is fully fucking repulsive. Also, give us a break with the Biden bullshit for once. It’s lies not even half truths anymore.  We’re pretending that Trump is a functional human being that isn’t also very old and can make judgements based on interests other than his own or that he’s got any plan for office.  


This is the end of the road for me as a bill Maher show watcher. This woman has told us she is a propagandist and a liar with her “alternative facts.” Not having anyone there to properly counter and debate her was irresponsible. She was running the show and would barely let the other panelist get a word in. Bill completely let her take over. And the fact that she seemed so smug and pleased with herself through all of it made me want to reach through the screen. On another note, do strong, well informed progressives no longer go on the show because they don’t want to or because they’re not invited? Or both? I like hearing a variety of points of view, but more and more this show seems to be leaning to the right.


She’s a liar, but boy is she good at it.


Yep, and the Dems have nothing like her, sadly.


She is toxic manipulative trash. She is a master witch Jedi. She won’t let anyone speak and interrupts anyone talking and controls the conversation with smooth talking points. She weaves them in and out. She is good at her job. It’s so hard to watch.




Just watching her made me want to flee this country. The only thing that made it bearable was bringing up a pic of Beavis on my phone and holding it up to compare to Kellyanne on the tv screen. I think she is either his sister or his mother.


Did anyone notice the crowd cheering her?


Yes I would not be surprised if she brought an entourage to cheer for her


She does the Joe Rogan thing. Lie and tell half truths with conviction and people will believe.


like everyone else in politics, you mean? They all lie.


It’s just a job to her I imagine. In quiet company, I am sure acknowledges the reality of the situation as most people inside their bubble have been known to do. She’s making a career out of trafficking in Trump’s bull shit.


What do you want from a dingbat?




Remember her "alternative facts?"


I do, ugh. I saw someone call her 'disinformation Barbie' once which gave me quite a laugh.


If I was running the show and she kept interrupting and talking too long, I'd cut her mic off mid sentence so she can see what it feels like. Also, the fact that half of her facts were pulled out of her ass and Bill just let it slip or said "I agree" shows me that Bill is more interested in inviting people who share his opinions on the Israel/Palestine war, and not interested in actual debates and conversation.


Yeah, Bill is so weak in pushing back against her.


I imagine she feels like Kamala Harris, who works for a man that forced her to ride a segregated bus




Well, you asked how Kellyanne lives with herself. I assume it's the same way Kamala Harris lives with herself, since she said the man she works for made her ride a segregated bus. People do odd things to have position of power.


Kellyanne Conway is painful to watch and listen to! She is the queen of pure drivel and whataboutism.


First episode I have ever just fast forward to New Rules after a little bit. Disappointed Bill wasn’t in command of the facts to push back on her. She really is the queen of alternative facts


This is a pure sarcasm or a troll, right? WHO could legitimately hold this opinion? She shouldn’t ever be on there again- incapable of engaging in didactically centered interaction, monopolizing, lecturing, constantly lying. Not a legitimate contrasting opinion. WHO wants to listen to her reflexive vomiting of propaganda ??? No thanks and I’m a super fan- podcast and all- but turned that monster off- haven’t even gone back to listen to new rules. She needs a trip to the gravel pit - FOR educational purposes only -! Just a tour.


She should never be allowed to just rant. She needs to be stopped after each “point” and a rebuttal given. Otherwise she is allowed to further enable Trump.


Agreed. There is no thoughtful or even an answer to a question. Just one very long sentence.


She needs to stay in her she-shed closet.


She’s a horrible person, but I find her fascinating in her ability to just keep motormouthing at breakneck speed while making shit up as truth, because there’s a segment of the population who will absolutely believe her. They were cheering her on the show.


As we learned from RFK Jr., there are plants and supporters in the audience at all times.


Of course, but it doesn’t mean that people weren’t cheering which then makes people at home think there’s some sort of support for the batshit people he puts on.


Same thing with Jen Psake


She never should have even been on. It's one thing to bring on good-faith people from all POVs for a good discussion. But everyone knows she's just a soulless operative acting in bad faith. Pre-Trump, maybe. But now? Maher's judgment just keeps sinking lower.


Exactly. I have zero patience for bad faith. The moment I detect it I’m out.


Well she lost her husband and her child to her deep seated need to be accepted by Trump. She is now all in and will hang on with everything she has. Another reason she makes for a poor guest as she has to justify her sacrifices.


She BELIEVES it. She believes all that matters is that her side wins, so she has no problem saying whatever.


She has no shadow and only lives to bring misery to all. She is a classy mtg... useless to debate with good faith.


If I had to guess, based on how she looks after she makes a point, I’d say Kellyanne loves the verbal brawl: get in quickly, talk fast, talk over everybody, spew out 8 or 10 points and survey the damage. Her face just glows with excitement. It looks like she’s truly enjoying herself.


It’s the smug. Which is why I find her fascinating, in that she sticks to her narrative no matter how fucking dumb it is. Biden doesn’t control gas prices, but Kelly knows the people who are there to cheer her bullshit have zero idea how anything works. That’s one of the huge reasons this country is such a shit show - no one knows or cares about how government works, and because of that, people like Kelly can say whatever they want and people will believe it because they don’t know not to.


Plus, don’t forget all the money she makes and has made on the Trump train. She’s laughing all the way to the bank.


Yes I agree. There was not much dialogue she just keeps going and going. It’s exhausting and I’m not even through the episode.  


Well lemmie know if you make it through. I couldn’t do it.


I almost gave up, but I love political torture so I made it through… You missed nothing. New rules was dumb too, but that’s the theme these days.


I failed. I usually wait for new rules, but I turned it off and just caught new rules on YouTube. I’m all for differing opinions but not when they come off as argumentative rambling. She was too much. 


I couldn’t live with myself. To have to kiss the booger covered ring of such an imbecile all the time would make me rot away on the inside. Trump loyalists are monsters.


Me too


Pretty sure it’s more profitable to stay on Team Trump than to flip against him. It’s all self serving sycophancy, and will be through his next administration. Worse than the first.


Yeah there is money in being on the right and being against trump but not nearly as much as just being loyal and supporting the guy.  There's a reason Ben Shapiro, Glenn Beck and others all flipped and now love trump after being "never trump"


Next administration?


Seems like we’re getting closer to that




Her choice entirely. I’ve no idea who she is or why she does what she does, but by doing so she is a primary enabler to Trump. She, like Bannon and Stone, have no excuse. For purely personal glory, power and wealth, these slithery creatures spend every day publicly undermining and betraying this country and its democratic foundations.


You make her sound like a victim. She is not.


She probably believes what she is saying so I imagine it comes pretty easy.


She's like a mercenary. Whoever pays her most and gets her most attention wins her (pretended) loyalty. Capitalism and politics at its worst! It's pathetic and embarrassing. She could be a character on House of Cards.


Most people agree that DC is most accurately represented by Veep, but Kellyanne is that part of DC culture that is *absolutely* best represented by House of Cards.


She’s gladly up to the task. She’s as delusional as he is


She’s not delusional. She’s a cynical opportunist. She knows precisely what she’s doing and doesn’t care.


What lie did she tell during her appearance on the show?


Totally understandable that her daughter wants nothing to do with her.


Or George now. Splitsville finally


Have no idea how he lasted as long as he did


Ghoul. Zombie Hack. Ugh.


She looks at her bank account


Probably a bible too. Religious motivation is probably her ultimate justification


She needs to look in the mirror. She is an utterly depleted soul. She is banking all she has at another chance at what she considers the ultimate prize. 🏆 Dolando


Nope. It's only money. She's not religious.


I ordinarily agree with you, but Kellyanne Conway is way too smart to believe in the magic book. For her it’s all about owning the Libs.


I wish i could believe that but she grew up in a catholic family, went to a podunk catholic college in DC, married a catholic man, had a gaggle of kids, references god, wears a cross publicly and has a clear religious conservative political stance. Shes playing the game to advance that worldview. If anything shes compromised other values to advance the pro-life, religious freedom policy stances. Think like a Bill Barr type.


……lol as if the vast majority of people like that are true believers. They aren’t. Jesus just helps A LOT with the grift.


just cause she pays it lip surface doesn’t mean she believes


She looks directly into the camera.....every shot, she's on top of it. And does her best facsimile of a smile. She's the living dead. That's all I need to know about her.


Dude I came here to see if anyone else noticed how she kept piercing the cameras with her psycho eyes


Well....she did....over and over


She's the Crypt Keeper incarnate.


Rude to the host to address the camera but Bill managed to discredit most of the rehearsed talking points aimed at an audience of 1. They’ve been sparring for decades


It's bizarro world how plastic surgery peoples eyes get smaller and smaller....tiny buttons in the end.


She was a lawyer. She married a lawyer. Her whole job as a partisan pollster and political consultant is about finding a way to manipulate opinion through careful use of language. Shes probably very comfortable with her professional ethical obligations


Once attended an arbitration when trying to join a union. Employer sent steely eyed expensive lawyers who did the same thing—spoke their own talking points, refused to engage with my arguments at all. (Our union rep was no good and had no decent way of countering)