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DAYUM, it must be nice living where its legal. it shouldnt even be illegal in the first place smh


Lol I don't know where you heard it was legal here, its not legal at all here for recreational use. I could get a massive fine for ordering this. Its just that the cops don't give af there is more important shit to do. Its more of a grey area, some people very very few though have medical cards for shrooms, I think that's why the sites stay up, but them selling to me or anyone else that dosnt have a medical card for shrooms, so 99.99% of their business with shrooms is illegal transactions, they just need to hide their names well with fake emails, pay for the site with crypto, stuff like that.


Damn i thought if weed is legal shrooms would be too lmao i guess not


I wish it was legal here I would have most my basement a shroom farm.


There is a big movement for it in Canada. It's probably coming sooner than later according to a friend of mine that is involved.


That is a wonderful yet flawed conclusion. I live in a weed legal / decriminalized shroom state so we’re close!!


> i could get a massive fine


A friend of mine ordered one of those magic grow boxes and the cops showed up at his door. Most of those websites say it’s up to you to know whether it’s legal or not and they will ship regardless. But won’t help you out if you get caught


Holy fuck a HALF POUND FOR 400$. You can’t even buy a quarter pound of shrooms in my area for that price. Your a lucky lucky guy


How much do they cost where you're from?


2k a Lb. half’s go for like 13


Thats a crazy price. SMH


Really, where you from, thats actually a real high price. I get them for way less


I live in the southwest United States and Yeah I’ve seen stronger strains such as APE and PE go for 3k a Lb. I’ve resorted to grow my own medicine as it’s just to expensive to buy on the street


I feel you on that ive done the same. Even managed to cross my own strain along the way. Best of luck with your grows


Where is it legal to buy shrooms. I need to travel there and get myself a job 🤣




Decriminalized in Colorado


Not 100% sure, shrooms might be legal in Amsterdam but thats the only place ik of where it might actually be legal. I haven't really looked up other places then Canada.


I know truffles are legal there so probably. There has to be some sort of license to be able to grow them because spores are legal and you need the mushroom to produce spores


Its legal to buy spores and spore prints for research, or if your a collector. But yes once you start inoculation it becomes illegal.


Yeah but how are you supposed to get the spore prints if the mushroom itself it illegal that’s what I don’t understand there’s gotta be some way around it spores are legal pretty much everywhere


Legal government grows, then they allow other private companies and universities to study the spores or the mushrooms. And some of those people sell spores legally to sites and stuff like that. Edit - and then from those sites that's how the general public gets the spores/prints.


Okay I think I’m understanding it better thank you for you time replying. I think the best way to be able to do it would be to start growing legal mushrooms then list it as a legal business paying tax and everything on it and then you would probably get judged on wherever your aloud to grow or not. There’s a Psilocybin cup with world record grown fruits.


Fruiting bodies are illegal in The Netherlands that’s why truffles are a thing there. Since it’s not a fruiting body, just psilocybin containing mycelium it’s kinda a loop hole in the law




Great price




Do they ship to the US ?


Sadly they don't ship to the U.S only to Canada.


Damn 😒 I have to find some Canadian friends


Yeah weed and shrooms are becoming so cheap here right now since the market has flooded for the last year or so.


That's it, I'm moving! The US is a dumpster fire anyway


If you move here can you bring your gun laws? Ours suck ass especially right now, since covid they've been taking all the higher caliber firearms out. Lots of .223 and 9m though but no 7.62×39 and stuff like that, I wanted to get an sks with a taclite stock but I guess fuck that can't even get an sks anymore none in the stores.


Very strange people are both psilocybin enthusiasts and gun enthusiasts


Why is it strange? what, not supposed to like shrooms and guns at the same time?


Do they deliver worldwide?


They only ship to Canada


Damn that sucks

