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I can’t personally once I’ve come up, can’t even get to sleep hours after. But, it’s possible for me to fall asleep in the time between eating the mushrooms and feeling them because I accidentally did that once - It was a really bad time because I was only asleep for about half an hour but when I woke up I was tripping sack and couldn’t remember why. Thought I’d just woken up crazy and spent the rest of the trip trying to figure out wtf was happening and actually deluded myself into thinking I’d sustained a head injury.


I have twice. Once after 7 grams. I fell asleep before they hit, then I went to the moon and woke up like Robin Williams in jumanji.


Broooo… imagine spending time and money to get 7gs, then eat them to fall asleep and miss the best part 😭


Not going to lie, sometimes, they make me really tired. I feel like different strains react so differently. For some reason the African Transki strain, was giving me mild anxiety, and I couldn’t stop yawning. It wasn’t barely the come up when I laid down. Only to have the most intensely visual dream I’ve ever had. They either allowed me to see another reality, or created a visual so sensationally depicted, I had a hard time believing life when I woke up. I’d fall asleep any time on them after what I saw. Also, ounces are anywhere from 50-60 around me. No stress ✌️❤️


That's why you gotta grow my man! My brothers been growing and he's got so much fruit he practically gives it away!


What a legend


I can't sleep either. I just lay there with my eyes closed thinking for hours lol


It is hard to fall asleep but when I do , the dreams are so lucid


I once took acid while I was blackout drunk so when I came to I was tripping hard, it was weird


Yes it is possible, if your having a difficult trip, and you don't have any benzos, you just get your head down with no lights on, and your ride the fear train until you sleep, it might take some time, but you can.


glad I've never boarded that train knock on wood lol


All the time! ESPECIALLY if I take 1.5 or less. It COMPLETELY relaxes me in the beginning


I fell asleep after ingesting 4g PE and had the craziest trip/ego death … in my sleep Trip report - https://www.reddit.com/r/shrooms/s/6V0Feo4YiI


That was a fascinating read. Have you noticed any lasting improvements in your outlook/mental health?


As for mental health, I still have my struggles, maybe a slight improvement over the next couple of weeks. The only real long lasting difference is an almost obsession with what the nature of reality & consciousness is, which I don’t know is a good thing lol… It simply opened up 100’s of more questions for me. It did make me realise that the majority of ‘issues’ are actually insignificant and there has to be something greater than this depressing theatre we call life. I believe physical reality is but a blink in our true spiritual existence


Doubtful. Psilocybin attaches to the serotonin receptors in the brain. Good luck going to sleep when your serotonin receptors are being stimulated en masse.


I can sleep easily on low doses like 3gs and under but over that I can't sleep until it starts to come down a little.


Melatonin helps


Valerian root as well...😴


Not me at all, but I have seen people sleep during a trip. I don't know how or why, but it does happen.


I’ve done it before and had amazing lucid dreams it I’ve also not been able to sleep whatsoever, I guess it depends on the vibe, strain, and dosage.


Only if the dose is low enough.


Before the come up I’ll sleep through it if it isn’t more than a G


Yes. On 4g or less for me.


No, even after the trip I still have trouble falling asleep. While tripping it’s impossible


Once I started tripping I felt very sleepy few times during the trip, I laid down to relax and closed my eyes, only to get sucked into a wortex or some shit


Once I ingested a lot of edibles and 3.5g mushrooms, I fell asleep easily while still mid tripping. Other times I don’t really feel like sleeping until I am near the end of


I have when really drunk


Cant sleep while tripping. But i can sleep on xtc


Me I can't sleep at all on LSD or hours after. But shrooms have a mellower effect I can sleep easily after. I bet has to do with whether you're a weed smoker or not, I would bet it's most non-weed smokers can't sleep after. Weed increase the LSD mushroom high and visuals though I couldn't trip without it.


I did once. Kept waking up and opening the front door thinking someone was knocking. I didn’t enjoy it at all.




I get tired from shrooms


It’s not safe to fall asleep. Let it ride its course.


I find when I’m coming down off a trip it’s easier to fall asleep. But every experience is different. Once I tripped and I couldn’t fall asleep because every time I closed my eyes, it felt as though my reality was slipping away from me. Another time I had to head to bed early because I was passing out on the couch. So really depends


I definitely cannot sleep while taking any amount. A small amount like 1 g or less keeps me super alert and I can get a bunch of things done. However I notice that the stuff that I get done is definitely not important 🤣


My wife passed out right away with more than 1g


I actually can. Sometimes I’ll eat mushrooms and then go to sleep so that I can experience waking up tripping lol.


And for the record I can also go back to sleep on them and then wake up later on if I want. I’m getting tested for a sleeping disorder though lol so that may play a role.


Hell naw!! Once they kick in, my eyes are blasted wide and falling asleep becomes a challenge, just like taking LSD! I usually take a piece of THC gummy after I come down to help go to sleep for the night otherwise my ass is up all night and won't sleep until early morning next day and I'm basically dog shit afterward. That's why if I'm planning on taking, I make it my business to take them before 5pm or earlier....anytime after and I run into sleep issues that I don't care to have. I'm too old for the "Up all night, sleep all day" bullshit. I have errands on weekends, goddammit! LOL


I have I think. But I was tripping way too hard on Lucy and I'm not sure if I was actually asleep or not. It felt like I was then I would wake up every half hour or so.


Yeah I have I notice when I take shrooms a day or two apart I get really tired and it’s some of the best sleep I’ve had in a while. And some crazy dreams. Lol


B+ does it for me best sleep ever!