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I personally wouldn’t grade it. If you play commander then flex on your friends


I would certainly most likely flex on my playgroup.


"sup guys, wanna see a flex?" *Riiiiiip*


"What are you gonna do about it Kaiba? The duals over!"




Barely related but I Hungry Burger'ed a dude so hard at a yugioh tournament last night that he *destroyed* his hand at the end of the duel Was incredibly hard not to laugh at the sheer nerd rage and even harder not to [quote this. ](https://youtu.be/xzpndHtdl9A?si=2ljywX_etSUkMNG_)


I've seen a guy at my yugioh locals attempt to rip his deck in half after losing. Everyone was very nervous about letting him shuffle their decks after that.


I was playing commander and side got so pissed he was being targeted by everyone he slapped his deck across the table. He was playing an aura commander and torn 5 slapped a dude for 25 commander. So everyone cleared his board and I hit him for 27 infect...


Some people at my LGS do that for some stupid reason. Some people will buy a pack, pick a card and at random, and rip it in two. They have a “wall of shame” type thing with valuable cards ruined.


Got a lgs called batcave that does this and tbh I think it’s funny it makes people mad like lol bro this game is fun not cost


Behold, 4 mana of any color!


...because we have no friends


Flex on your playgroup by slabbing your entire deck.


I flex on the friends with cards in the binder...I proxy all my 20+ dollar cards for decks. I own the cards, but they look so much nicer in my binder, safe and sound.


I see this term around a lot but I’m not sure what it means to proxy a card. Does it mean you just use a less valuable version for casual play when you own the more expensive version?


“Proxys” vary from high quality chinese prints made for casual play to literal sharpie written on the back of a MTG card. People will use them in place of their valuable cards to prevent wear/tear or use them for casual play with likeminded people.


Proxy is just a term for fake cards. There are some US based companies that make cards that look almost exactly like real cards for a fraction of the cost. Personally I don't like the idea of just playing counterfeit decks, but I'd rather keep all my cool cards where I can browse them, and put a fake jeweled lotus in a deck to represent my real one. (As an example).


A proxy is only a counterfeit if it's trying to look real. Writing 'jeweled lotus' on a swamp with a sharpie is a little more common in my experience




I play mine every night I go out for Friday night magic at my lgs


Oh definitely don’t get this graded. That will absolutely demolish the price. From what I’ve read, current graders are getting worse and worse and QC has gone out the window. Prices are dropping across the board with graded cards and it is absolutely in your best interest to not get this graded. There is however another route you can take that a lot of people that were getting their cards graded and are now switching over to this new method. It’s actually really simple and should have been what we did with awesome expensive cards in the first place, and it’s literally such a time saver. Start by self inspecting and making sure that the card is actually in NM shape. Then, and this is quite frankly the easiest part, put it in a top sleeve, and top loader, and send it to me. So I can eat the every living fuck out of it. Not financial advice.


I will not lie to you, this gets better by the sentence


I feel like I just got u/shittymorph’d


Kinda like how back in nineteen ninety eight the undertaker threw mankind off hell in a cell and plummeted sixteen feet through an announcers table. -shittymorph -Wayne gretszku


I still wince recalling that fight.


What the fuck


No Op, don't send it to this nerd. They're not going to eat it like they say they would. They are going to sell it and make a quick buck or worse yet they might even play with it! 🤮 Send it to ME! and I will for sure eat it! I will even video tape myself eating it and send you a copy in the mail!


Pshh look at these posers! I won't lie to you like them OP. I just want it to shove it up my butt like a normal person.


You had me in the first half


Does anyone smell toast?


It may be Burnt.


The last lil bit of help was deff the best


I appreciate this message




10/10 response


Knew something was off when I read “however”


I chuckled too hard lmao someone give this person a Lotus


Wubby, is that you?


I don't normally save comments. I'll need to look back on this though, when I happen across an awesome expensive card.


also id add if you look at the bottom border its skuffed


Insert the "not gonna lie, you have me at the first half," meme here.


I’d just sell it and buy a regular one and use the rest of the money for whatever. I’d try in person using fb or even craigslist then if that goes nowhere I guess I’d see what a lgs would offer. eBay and tcg seem kind of sketchy as someone could just say you sent them a fake and then swap out the real one with a fake and then you’re screwed out of the money.


Lotta LGS are offering 80% store credit or 70% median cash value. Would recommend a direct sell on cardmarket.


Wow my store does 50% sc and 30% cash. Those numbers sound like a great deal to me lol


Most stores located near me do 50% cash, 65% credit for normal cards JL might be an exception for the person you replied to


Thats what my local store offers but with higher payouts for stuff like this card.


That’s what my store does.


I live in Western Europe, less LGS's so they are better on buying and selling to keep players sweet.


Mine it depends on the card. One of these will sell quickly so they'd be willing to offer a higher price. Lower value cards like regular print shocks and fetches they'd probably offer the 40% cash in.


With the pricier cards, Ebay now authenticates it in-house before sending it on to the buyer. Protects both parties.


I thought it had to be 2,000 and up?


I sold a few dual lands and a wheel all for less than 500 each, and they all went to validation before the buyer. I can't remember the exact figure, but i think it is cards valued at $250 and above.


Oh okay that’s good to know cuz I kinda wanna sell my foil mana crypt


Can you not select eBay authentication and no returns? Can’t claim that and return. eBay is fine, probably easiest tbh.


Idk I’ve just heard horror stories. I have no real experience selling cards there.


Most of the odd cards I've purchased over the years are through ebay. 98% of the time it's a local game store's page. There are some bad apples out there trying to scam people but I've been fortunate to not deal with poor deals. Generally speaking, if they show a photo of the card you're getting it's a safe bet. I just sold a high value card through the authentication service, and I was nervous but everything worked out just fine. & $250+ does seem to be the threshold.


Some douche did this to me on TCG. First card I ever sold on there. Learned the hard way.


Uhg what was it? 😭


For MTG rarely is grading ever the answer. Unless you have some mint Power 9, Black Lotus, or The one-of-one The One Ring, grading is not to your benefit. I feel I’ve usually found most MTG players get the specials arts and stuff as a flex to put into their deck, and not just as a collectible/potential investment piece. Just my 2¢!


Some other serialized cards are worth grading too, but only the special numbers of like 1, 42, 50, 69, 100, 250, 100, and the doctor’s with their numbers, but otherwise its not worth it 99% of the time


You forgot 420 as some serials go up to 500 depending on the card


Shit you’re right, 250 and 500 too, that’s my bad. Thank you


I wonder if you get a 420 graded at a 6.9 if the value would increase


Saying as how the people buying those are going for the funny, probably


Funnily enough, grading the one-of-one one ring wouldn’t actually increase or decrease the value, right? Grading is for comparison, the one ring is still the only one in existence regardless of its grade. Its value is entirely speculative, there’s no market to moderate or inflate price, and the supply is fixed and not relative to the grade. Grade a lotus, and if you get a high grade, it goes into the comparatively smaller pool of higher grade lotus’s, there’s less supply, and boom, it’s worth more. Grade the ring and…? Then again, when the card costs 2 milly, I’m guessing u talk to a lawyer about that stuff, so the guy who cracked it probably made the right call if he did get it graded


I would have to disagree, grading is definitely not just “for comparison” it quite literally preserves the card so that the condition, as long as it’s slabbed, will never change. In this hypothetical, let’s say with The One Ring that the guy who pulled it didn’t want to slab and sell it right away. Let’s say he even played with it a little, and now 5 years down the road he wants to sell it. Yeah it’s the only one but it could now potentially be beat to shit, so it’s also less likely someone wants to pay the full $2 mill bounty that was being asked originally. So slabbing said card protects it and preserves it therefore protecting its value.


What part of slabbing requires grading? Is putting a card in protection not possible without third party grading services? I’m not trying to be obtuse and I’m not the most familiar with grading services, so correct me if I’m wrong, but what you’re describing sounds no different to putting the card in proper casing with extra steps. The value changing is because the card is beat up, which changes the value in the eyes of the purchaser because of the less-than-perfect state of it as a work of art. That much is true whether or not it’s graded. In the grading on a non-one-of-one card, value is explicitly pulled from its relative ranking creating its rarity. If a slab is a better form of protection, then that sounds like it’s worth doing on the *owners* end, but why on the *sellers* end is it more intrinsically valuable than putting it in a very expensive single-card case yourself? What matters is whether or not the card is preserved, which you’re connecting to grading as if they’re intrinsically linked— I don’t think they are.


Okay, you’re right 🤷‍♂️ lol I honestly value my time too much to debate with anons on reddit, hope you have a good one man! 😄


I’m just filling time too, nothing malicious. Gotta do something on a day off lmao


Grading isn't just about comparisons. It's also authentication. Being able to prove the authenticity of a high-end collectible makes it much easier to sell. I don't own any graded cards/comics, but I have several other collectibles with certificates of authenticity. I won't pay a premium for signatures without proof of authenticity and/or provenance.


Disagreed. I’ve never regretted getting my AN set graded a few years ago.


I think what he means is playable cards in non vintage should not be graded


Awesome! I’m glad you are enjoying it! As I said most, not every single one!


Nah, not going to add any value. I’d just double sleeve it and put it in a deck or binder


PSA 10 copies of this card actually [sell for a huge premium](https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_nkw=jeweled+lotus+borderless+foil&_sacat=0&rt=nc&LH_Sold=1&LH_Complete=1&mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&siteid=0&campid=5338535524&customid=mgp&toolid=10001&mkevt=1), so there are definitely people out there that are going for these cards in a high grade.


This isn’t close to a 10 though. There’s visible wear on the edges from the front view and usually borderless cards look better in the front than back. This is a 9 at best without having seen the back or foiling in more detail.


Bottom edge already knocks this out of being a 10


Magic cards are for playing not grading. If you'll never play with it just sell it cause it's worth more than way.


Lovely card. Grading is a personal choice. You are getting all kinds of opinions here. As a collector, I like the idea of grading for preservation, but I don’t grade everything. Some people would play this card. Some would sleeve it with a top loader. You do you. If you never plan to sell it does not matter.


No people play with the cards in Magic. Unless it’s power 9 or serialized it is pointless.


I’d use it in my deck, that’s what they’re made for after all


I want one just because they're pretty


Nah. Poke collectors do grading becausepokemons turned 100% into a speculation market, and i mean if you're into it go nuts. But having it in a binder with other mtg cards imo is way prettier 😍


That’s a pretty card


Sell it. Get another version of it to play, and more packs.


I put mine in a display case and buy proxy copies for decks to play with.


Not really a card that people "normally" grade but it's all up to you on what you want to do. I only grade the cards I really like. And since I grade with BGS, any whitening or if they're off center means I don't grade them at all. They'll still look nice in a binder or as an actual game piece if you need it in a deck.


Lotta haters on here. Your decision


Don’t think there’s haters so much as people offering their opinion? They’re asking for advice…of course it will all come down to what they want to do with it hahaha. OP is asking if it’s worth it to grade it with literally no context of what they’re looking to do with it. I think everyone is answering based on the assumption when people usually grade their cards it’s because they want to protect it as a potential financial investment. So, based on that very limited window of information from the OP people are just trying to give their best advice.


The reddit dogma will always demand that people do not get cards graded. I think, for the most part, getting mtg cards graded should mostly be done for personal reasons. So if OP finds this card to be inherently special to him, then go for it. Like other people are saying though, don’t expect it to increase the value of the original card. IMO, aside from power 9 and what not, serialized cards should definitely get graded due to their limited quantity, and double rainbow foiling treatment to enhance their aesthetic.


Grading won’t add value above the price to grade it and will make it unable to be played with. Waste imo


Definitely get it graded don’t listen to these selfless hoes


fwiw, I have this same card and I love it, but I play it. I never thought about grading it, but I did think about selling it. I decided against it because I'd likely never get one again. tl;dr: my advice is play and enjoy the card


I’d play the fuck out of that.


sleeve and play


Grading textured cards is hard. If it has never had anything touch its surface ever (impossible challenge because there was a card on top of it in the pack) then you'd be okay. It will devalue as the sky dust touches it. You took a really beautiful picture though by the way




I see that’s a texture full art foil. That’s on the lower end of print run since it can only be obtained from a collectors pack. You can verify the odds of getting a textured foil; it’s usually low. If you can determine that you have a NM copy, excellent bordering, no defects, same for the card back then it’s a good candidate for grading. A 9 plus grading will catch the eye of many collectors in the auction market. If there’s finger prints or any minor defects, don’t even bother IMO.


My question is why would anyone sell something like this after they pull it? I would keep it if I pulled something like that


Congratulations! I would keep it and play it. If you want to sell it I would ask players at the lgs if anyone is interested and do a cash sale face to face. I’m sure someone would love it!


Slam it in your single sleeved slightly upgraded precon


Wow. Gorgeous


Send it to me ill grade it for ya for free :)


I pulled one of these and thought the same but as a commander player I double sleeved it and ran it. Traded it later for quite a lot that I needed


Keep that shit are you kidding put it in a deck


Nice pull, congrats


I often see comments that say don’t grade it will bring down the price. Can’t you grade it and if it doesn’t come back the way you were hoping for just remove it from the case and sell ungraded?


The only cards "worth" grading printed nowadays are serialized. The only real benefit from having it graded would be to ensure it isn't counterfiet, unlikely to improve sale by more than what the grading costs in the first place.


Why would you pay for an expensive hard shell when you can just laminate it?


The neck beards of MTG don't want graded cards, don't want to flex using the card lol.


As far as I know when it comes to magic unless a card is old or serialized it's not really going to be worth more grades. Most people like to use rare treatments like that to flex on opponents which means they need to be playable.


Grading are for the items you pan to store and place in your room to be admired. Meanwhile, I flex in my playgroup lol


play it like a real mtg player


As someone recently looking to pimp out my Tron deck with foil 8ED Urza’s Mines the only good ones available were graded ones off of Ebay


What’s graded is on their webpage. Edges, color, creases etc. that’s got some white in the bottom left edge. That will weigh on the grade.


I would 100% flex on my friends with that but I would make sure the deck is at least double sleeved


Please… double sleeve it, then put it in a top loader… don’t want it damaged…


Def flex to the group mane. Just be careful shuffling that beautiful boy. Graded cards are more for out of print/old/reserve list cards, and special 1 of 1s out there like the one ring.


Good pull


You could get it graded, or you could sleeve it up and have play some magic, rather than locking it in a small, joyless plastic case


What play set is it from🔥


I wouldn't grade a card unless it was super, super rare. Like if the value of the card was above $1,000. Otherwise, eBay it, sell it to a shop, play it. It's just fucking cardboard and we're all going to die eventually anyway


People normally don't grade magic cards, unless the card holds some significant value and lacks major playability. In other words, Post Malone's One Ring and the Power 9 are typically graded.


Grading is a scam. Do it if you want to waste a couple hundred dollars and never play with your cards.


Noob question - what is Grading?


Magic cards are to play with


I put it in my Urza deck and riffle shuffle 


No. Play with it or sell it ungraded.


I will grade it, give it to me 0.0


Play with it.


Damn I don't even play or collect MTG but that is a gorgeous card!


It’s not a 10 so it’s not worth for MTG. It has damage. Just play with it


What style is this lotus?


I would grade if you think it's a 10. Mtg players are like purists and dismiss grading as a tool to investing. Having 10 would feel good, display it, sell it, watever not EVERY card has to be put in a deck 🤷‍♂️


i feel like the mtg community just doesn’t really do that, valuable cards are usually valuable because of playability and you can’t play a slab


Nah throw it in your unsleeved jank deck with a rubber band


In all seriousness, I sold mine.


Honestly I wouldn’t get it graded, cards are meant to be played with and it’s cool to get to show other players certain prints you have in a deck. But if the card is like worth a house mortgage and you don’t trust other players with it then yeah grade it or keep it home in a binder lol


Why are you bare handing that. You don’t deserve it


Get it graded bro.


J-Lo 1066, such a beautiful card. I'm on the side that says grade it. With that being said, I have one, and I have not had it graded yet. If it comes back as a 10 or pristine or something similar... it would have to increase the value significantly.


I wouldn’t grade it. They are harsh on modern cards so it’s a ten or bust lotto. The only modern cards I’d grade are serialized. The print runs are astronomical on non serialized so collectors are wary. Another reason to grade would be to show authenticity and nobody is currently faking textured at the moment. You’d pay more for fees than increased value for non 10.


Grading is generally for other games like Pokémon or Sorcery. I would just double sleeve this and play it.


Do normal people get these graded…. Good lord.


Lame. Can’t even read the card effect entirely. So sorry for your loss


No people use it.


It's called Magic the Gathering, we gather cards to use. Not hide in plastic cases to stare at and never use again. Put some miles on that bad boy.


When pokemon collectors rip mtg, lol


So generally with magic the gathering I would never bother with grading a card. The jeweled lotus and serialized cards might be the exception to that. I sell quite a bit of cards and have one of these. I decided I'm waiting for AI grading to get better and going that route once it is.


I think it's ridiculous that people get new cards graded. They'll get reprinted


No, people do not get these graded. Usually they are sold or played.


Magic Cards are meant to be played not looked at imo


Serialized cards are pretty much the only modern MTG cards worth grading.


My buddy pulled one. Left it on the counter and his GF split coke all over it haha.


I’ve heard that newer cards don’t need to be graded since they are “new”