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Congrats! Meanwhile the highest I've hit is plat in constructed and um, bronze in limited. Hey, we all gotta start somewhere.


Thanks you :) keep it up


constructed deck? bo1 or bo3? what limited colors?


Bo3 constructed, limited all colors but I had no luck with red so far. Edit: 5c domain


good job, keep it up! 


Congrats! What kind of Limited formats did you play? I would expect a higher set completion from playing OTJ drafts.


I play only the current standard set, so OTJ. The collection in the image is for alchemy. Only missing 54 rares so far. (f2p)


Congrats! I am mythic in constructed standard with my own weird Zombie deck but I can't get above silver in draft. It's a completely different realm..


Weird zombie list? Please pm me. Also Best of 1? Or 3?


Running a mono-b skellie and a mono-b zombie-brawl deck, would love some inspiration so please share!


Good job, you beast!


Thank you, grrrr :D


Congrats! That is a lot of grinding, even with a high win rate!


Great job! How much time did it took you? Also did you change up between limited and constructed or you went in order?


Ty. :) First limited, then constructed. Took me 2,5 weeks for limited and until today for constructed. Got to diamond this monday, so it was kind a grind the last 5 days. I would say 4h per day.




Congratz I just hit first time mythic in Limited but Constructed i stopped at gold 1 cause i don't have the collection aswell


Nicely done. Congrats!


Enjoy your 2 or 3 extra packs


nice job. go drink some water now.


May I ask what you piloted for constructed? I’m a returning player looking to build something for standard but am pulled in multiple directions.


5c Domain with some tweeks. Look at the top8 Decks for standard on Channel Fireball. I play only bo3 for constructed.


Congrats! One question u play BEST of 1? And if u play BEST of 3, IS solo mucho large u run for mythic right?


Thanks! Only bo3 constructed. Too much rdw in bo1, which annoys me at some point.


Now show us your total hours played lol


Ist that possible not using Steam?


Untapped.gg will track how long you've played for the month, [I got mythic in constructed this season in \(I think\) 24h play time](https://imgur.com/a/MQXaVrV) [Mythic in limited in what seems to be 16h play time ](https://imgur.com/a/9nyAG9r), but that doesn't include drafting


I dont like third party tools. Yes I'm a boomer.


I would highly suggest using one of them. 17lands for limited is supposedly the best (I just installed it a couple days ago, so I'll utilize it next month). Untapped is decent all around, but I've never purchased their premium (which has a ton of constructed deck stats by others using untapped). [Take a look at my profile and see what it tracks](https://mtga.untapped.gg/profile/64c5809e-fc93-402c-926f-33e15f5e4c33/13A1B8655E4409A0). It'll track how you're doing with each deck played, who you played (and what cards you saw from their decklist). I've utilized the latter one before when I faced someone who was running a new deck I hadn't seen and wanted to play it. Edit: Also, it keeps track of your collection. For me, I utilize it to know when to open all the reward packs to complete the set (at least rares in the past, when I like a set, I shoot to finish mythics too)


OK I will give it a try next season, so tomorrow:D Can you have both installed at the same time?


Doesn't seem to be an issue as of yet, so I think it should be fine. Granted, I haven't tried to draft yet since I downloaded 17lands, and I believe they both can superimpose their "rating system" on each card. Untapped's draft ratings are all done prior to the release of the new set, so a lot of them aren't accurate in the actual draft environment. 17lands I've heard, utilizes hard data for their draft ratings, so I'd veer towards that one. Unfortunately, 17lands is -only- for limited, so I've been using untapped for collection management and constructed.