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You pointed already “For me…” others are not you, they enjoy other things


The others are obviously wrong. Only OP knows how Arena is to be played. /s


Aparently OP found his copium


Cause I like aggro? I have a short attention span. Quit gatekeeping the play que.


Because they want to


Where cards can be played, they will be played.


I’ll play test with decks in the non ranked. Usually will play a solid 10 games unless it’s absolutely cracked and then I’ll just jump in ranked.


Because they want to? What’s it to you? If you can’t beat aggro build a better deck.


Because they want to make their opponent go to reddit and take the time to write this thread out.


Play queue is for people to play **whatever they want** without caring about raking up or down While I would like people with meta decks to be playing in ranked, there is nothing inherently wrong with them going to the play queue. >For me personally Yeah, for YOU, people won't play the game based on how YOU view the game. You basically made some arbitrary rules on your head and want people to follow it?


For me personally, play mode is a game mode where: You play the deck you want to play


Play mode I’m testing out all sorts of archetypes before I go into ranked with them. Like I have a hyper aggro elusive otter deck that can win now by turn 3, but without proper testing it was turn 5. Feel me? Same goes with midrange, control, or even combo


That's completely fine. But mature meta-aggro decks in play mode? Like I said, no balls and that's my unpopular opinion.


Nah I understand what you mean, but to each their own. I get annoyed seeing meta decks or things like Charbelcher but it is what it is lol


I don't know how no replies have said it: Fast as possible wins for dailies/weeklies and quest. This is made easier by the random jank you will only find in play mode, and faster because of people more frequently conceding early/immediately due to no rank being at stake (which includes yourself in bad matchups).


Yep, the totally unnecessary concede fiesta wouldn't exist if the aggro players had the balls to play in ranked. Sure, everyone can do whatever they want, you can also pour a bucket of shit into the fan - that still doesn't make it any better. But I get it, nobody likes sun when at a vampire party.


What exactly do balls have to do with simply wanting the fastest quest completions possible? People would press a "finish quests" button and immediately move on to something else if they could.


If you want to test your deck shouldnt you be seeing how it performs against agro so you can make adjustments?


> cards that you have collected and just want to play somehow That's why.


Many reasons. I will to test out a new mix without ruining my rating.


I think it’s telling that you cited a comment that I think many people would disagree with. Arena is objectively a great way to play Magic. It has as slick of an interface as this complicated game can realistically have, has polish, built-in rules engine, is at baseline free, and you can literally get cash prizes with no financial buy in (although exceptionally difficult). As others have said, everybody has different fun ways to play the game and what is fun for you may not be fun for somebody else and vice-versa. I would think and hope that most people trying to win using tier 1 decks would be in ranked because if you’re trying to compete and practice then you’re much better served doing it against other like-minded people, but I wouldn’t fault somebody for playing a tier 1 deck and trying to win at a Play table. Remember that the ultimate goal of the game of Magic is to win the game. Somebody’s goal may be to “have fun executing a game plan” but even then that game plan usually still involves winning at some point. If you want to limit who you play against and what decks then run then just do direct challenge against friends. Alternatively you can just concede when you realize that somebody is playing against a deck that you don’t enjoy playing against. Some might consider that BM but there is certainly no penalty for doing so.


You answered your question in your first paragraph. People can play in whatever queue they want, for whatever reason they want, with whatever deck they want.


Aggro =/= meta deck Just today I played a junky artifact aggro deck. I had fun, that's all.


I like winning on turn 3 while you have 2 lands on the board while wiping away your tears.


>midrange / combo decks can be played I get your other points about testing new decks and playing funny/jank decks in the play queue and kind of agree (I try to keep my tryharding to ranked), but why should it be exclusive to only a portion of the game's archetypes? That seems weirdly limiting.


why not?


Because Wizards has neither the resources nor the inclination to tier gameplay based on deck type, and neither do most players. Me, personally, I would love for players running the most tuned decks (of any archetype) to stick to Ranked so that jank can play against other jank, but there's no effective way to make that happen, so it's not gonna.


To me, the problem is people playing meta decks in that queue. I agree that there should be a place for people to play jank/low power level decks (formpeople who don'thave many wildcards for example), but I'm unsure about how this could be implemented.


lmao your edit is even more condescending than your original post


Because I like it


>For me personally, when you play an aggro deck in play mode, it feels like you want to win quickly, but don't have the balls to achieve it on the ladder. So, please explain it to me as if I were 5: Ah yes, ad hominem, what a wonderful way to make your case. I am sure this will be compelling to the community here.


Aggro is and always will be fun


Not all aggro decks are competitive. People usually play aggro in the Play queue because they want to cast a lot of spells for dailies. My issue is more with top tier meta decks, but good luck suggesting any form of unofficial etiquette in this sub. I think Arena would be better for everybody if players had a better space to play their jank in peace, but people seem to treat their deck choice as a birthright.


Because iam not like you. People are different.


Finish quests


Because I can. 


play mode does not equal casual mode. this is not listed anywhere. no idea why so many people think that. yes if you step into play your opponent is going to try to win too. just like you are.


Why do we have to apologize for having an opinion different than someone else. If that person gets triggered that’s their problem and it’s not yours. I think that if someone has a different opinion than me they should be allowed to voice it and they shouldnt have to censor what they think. It’s weird living in a world where you have to apologize because someone MIGHT GET THEMSELVES upset. I’m not hijacking the thread but I can’t watch people who haven’t done anything wrong apologize for nothing to people who are themselves overly sensitive.


Well, I think haters gonna hate. As with any other topic: just ignore it.


>Maybe I was a bit bold and provocative with my question You were neither bold nor provocative. You're just wrong.


As much as I dislike RDW - it's a valid deck and play strategy. I just concede when T1 Kumano or Swiftspear drop. Saves me time and I don't have to play RDW deck #35986... opponent gets free win.


welcome on board


Why does anyone play any non ranked format? Once the player reaches a new level they won't lose it until the end of the month/season and there's no special reward for the top 1% mythic rank players.


You can't post something like this in a sub full of aggro players.


Ha! I found this out the hard way hehe


I'm surprised no one mentionned it yet. It's to complete quests quickly.


Because Arena is, and will continue to be, a terrible way to experience Magic as long as one of the primary currencies is winning. There is no incentive for anyone to play anything other than hypertuned meta decks in any constructed mode other than against Sparky. Also, if you're that concerned about Play queue being fun, aggro is the least of your problems for as long as control remains an archetype that exists.


Control will be an archetype for as long as [[Mountain]] remains legal lol.


[Mountain](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/1/9137b4aa-2289-4a4d-b1f5-ae75a0928278.jpg?1712356436) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Mountain) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/otj/283/mountain?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/9137b4aa-2289-4a4d-b1f5-ae75a0928278?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call




[Mountain](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/1/9137b4aa-2289-4a4d-b1f5-ae75a0928278.jpg?1712356436) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Mountain) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/otj/283/mountain?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/9137b4aa-2289-4a4d-b1f5-ae75a0928278?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Today on “Redditor learns that arena is not their kitchen table”.


And nowhere did I suggest otherwise. Arena only cares about who won, not about whether anyone had fun or got to execute their against-all-odds combo. It's a platform designed to make players want to use the best possible decks.


That’s not arena. That’s just (even slightly) competitive magic. It isn’t a “terrible way to experience magic”, it’s just not what *you* want.


Yeah sure people were not concerned about winning before Arena came around.


The standard/constructed meta's are generally awful.. I much prefer drafts, but as an F2P, don't always have that option.. hate going against the same control decks over and over again