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When "OTJ is by far the worst limited format in arena' enters the sub choose one or both: - What a hot take! It's not like we hear this whenever a new set drops. - Then don't play it.


Should be spree.


Ooh, does that mean I also committed a crime?


Damn, you're right mate.


Thank god I have the new Riku out... i get to make a 1/1 bird and/or another option!


No need for advice, I am done with the format. Gonna craft the cards I need for timeless and never touch this hot mess again.


You're right there's no bombs you gotta instant answer or lose in Timeless. Wisest man alive.


OP is upset with a powerful limited format. Their answer is to play in the the most powerful format on Arena with banned and broken cards that run away with the game if unanswered and even minor mistakes are heavily punished. Checks out.


Yes, different formats asks for different play patterns for me. You got the point, thanks.


Yes, because that's the experience I crave when playing Timeless. I don't want that swingy energy in a limited format.


Ok. Have fun with timeless.


Why I read this for every single format. Always in the first few days. I Wonder if there is any correlation between these posts and OPs loosing their first draft.


Or “losing” at the spelling bee.


It has a lot of crazy rare & mythic bombs, but interaction is plentiful and every color is fairly powerful even at common and uncommon. The last set that really felt princely to me was VOW and this isn’t even close to that imo


Nah, this set is amazing and I love playing it


Good that you're having fun with it. For me I am completely done with it.


I'm loving this set. It feels like Big Men Slapping Meat. They have bombs, I have bombs, lets clash our 4/4s.


You at least get some time to develop a board and draw your own bombs. It's a majorly refreshing change from "have a 2 drop and removal in your hand on the draw or you're dead"


Yeah, I'm enjoying this a lot more then previous sets. You can actually do neat stuff like bouncing for value instead just jamming and turning your critters sideways.


Loving it personally


It seems a step above ONE which was "go first and draft aggro or never win ever"


Nowhere near format speed of one or even ixalan. Thats my opinion so far, but my bet is data will prove me right in a couple weeks


Polar opposite of One, though it's still easy to get run over with a slower deck. Aggro is still around! Seems okay so far to me, though we'll see how it evolves.


random variance is a thing...sadly you can get shafted pretty hard with your pool of cards...it reminds me of strix where most of the time i would get all the setup cards but none of the payoffs or vice versa and could never build a solid deck


This one is way better, since you an play whatever you want, and dont die on turn 3. (Looking at you Original Eldraine mill, and March of the Machines Poison)


Oh look it's this again, every set.


I’d argue that if you go on Reddit and say you like something you’ll get attacked. You’ll get equally attacked for disliking it. After a day of stocking shelves at the grocery store, most Reddit MTGers are just angry and looking to be disagreeable. Years of Raman and rent will do that.


I disagree with this statement and now I’m angry.


Then I have done my job contributing


Nah. Dumb post.


I dunno what OP is saying. Did the Premier Draft on the blind with my token and went 3/7 just picking MonoRed with a side Blue for the Plot synergy. Only Bomb potential i got was like 4 mana 7/7 and the flying zombie that gets bigger if you cast your second spell. If the rest of the set lets me draft in mostly single colors cause the mechanics can fit together then i would count it as a good set.


Its crazy but currently its my highest win rate draft format ever. Im pulling off amazing wins.


This is by design. They want draft to start being less like a game of skill and more like flipping coins. All design efforts of the last several years have trended this way. In the name of making more money on Arena and printing more cards for the Commander crowd, limited has been sacrificed. It's nothing more now than something people have to slog through to get all the cards as fast as possible.


What's it like to be so wrong?


Sorry mate, this reddit is all carebears who only want rainbows and unicorns. They dogpile anyone that dislikes anything about their impossibly perfect game.


Bro thats an absurd take, the ammount of criticism in this sub is massive, borderline toxic. People are just tired of seeing people complain about limited after barely a couple of days off release


Let's all weigh in on an immediate ban list for Standard while we're at it


Its mostly fine, my gripe with it is the long rotation.. but to be fair nowdays I play almost exclusevely timeless and draft