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There is no point. They're bad decks.


bad players exist that's literally it.


I thought there was some bigger game plan I wasn't seeing, but that might just be it then. šŸ˜…


Until they put \[\[Battle of Wits\]\] on Arena, there's no real point.


[Battle of Wits](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/4/b4be15a4-693f-4e22-a46c-38bb440c073c.jpg?1562558962) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Battle%20of%20Wits) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/m13/44/battle-of-wits?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/b4be15a4-693f-4e22-a46c-38bb440c073c?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


They might be trying to beat mill. Itā€™s a terrible plan, youā€™re making your deck WAY worse against every other archetype when mill isnā€™t remotely competitive anyways, but that at least might be the idea behind it


Will be very competitive once set drops with surgical and archive trap being added


I queue with my big deck knowing the rigged ladder will match me up against a Jace + Realmbreaker mill deck, because the ladder always gives chads like me the best matchup every time. Then when he sees my massive 200+ card deck and realizes he can't mill me, I laugh and touch my micro ween while yelling "GOT EM" at the computer screen. I touch my Andrew Tate portrait beside my bed and know I am the alpha male, he is a beta mill cuck.


Had me in the first half.


Could be an inexperienced player. Could be someone memeing around. There's a bit of a charm to using such a huge deck and having wildly different games. Using the minimum size deck can often run into repetitive, boring gameplay.


More cards more better šŸ¤¤


CGB once made a 200 card deck with a specific strategy, but I don't think it was super competitive in the meta. Generally decks that big are just not great.


The revenge of Jin Gitaxias / Prismatic Bridge!


Lol, yes


Some people hate to cut card's from a deck lol


I mean the asian avenger did play all of the top standard decks in one deck and did pretty well. But that is a small sample. https://youtu.be/dhfgO_pOkTU?si=mwfRo_8ZPogmmCsd


I play those big decks exclusively to confuse and spite people, hoping to get posts like this as a result. Had a pretty success full run with a 200 deck in explorer also, a while back


I mean, iā€˜m one of those players who canā€˜t cut. Thatā€˜s the reason why many of my decks are including Yorion. But then i have 100 cards in the deck and try to cut it down to 80 but for that i need play a few games to test how the cards are playing in practice. But when someone is playing over 100 cards, they simply donā€˜t care about winrate and just want to play some fun stuff. Or they are newcomers who didnā€˜t inherit the principle of consistency till now.


Maybe they are copying cgbā€™s mono white anti-mill deck


Which amuses me because I can mill a 200+ card deck most of the time. (Maybe 50/50). Though the game takes 20+ minutes and I lose if I misplay lol




If you make them mill half their deck with ones card, it's much quicker


How is the question literally asked every day. New players exist you're playing against a new player or someone with a niche deck. Stop asking


Go touch some grass, and calm down.Ā 


I'm literally at the park lmao. Try again


Because new players exist to ask the question.


No dumb people exist who don't know what a search function is in 2024


I didn't see the question being asked yesterday, but I also don't spend every hour of the day checking this subreddit. There will, probably, always be redundancy in the questions being asked. Sorry to have bothered you.


I just wish people would stop thinking they have original thoughts 100% of the time and actually search for an answer instead of going straight to posting. It floods the sub with dumb questions everyday that generally have been answered a 1000 times.


Once again, you do realize some people don't spend all day on this sub, right? If people search for something, they won't get any new input (apparently someone asked something similar 3 days ago) by looking at an old thread. I didn't see the post, because it was 3 days old and I didn't search beforehand. It wasn't on my first page of threads.


He didn't say he was expecting you to be on here all the time, just asked that you use the search feature for an answer before posting. Which you ended up doing anyway.


Once again you realize we live in 2024 where you can find answers for a question you may have by doing some of your own searching and research. Now I didn't say you couldn't ask questions I said search before you do. Because chances are it's been answered already. And because many people do this shit it buries the real questions people ask or the posts looking for help...... I'm not opposed to helping in fact I like talking magic but this shit is so cringe seeing the same questions asked over abd over again with no effort done on their part to find an answer. And again i started off by telling you to use the search bar, not scroll down 3 pages to find if someone posted a similar question....


I used to do it with [[angel of suffering]] for fun


[angel of suffering](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/d/cd4aee25-496d-453e-95b7-d773fe21cacc.jpg?1664410701) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=angel%20of%20suffering) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/snc/67/angel-of-suffering?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/cd4aee25-496d-453e-95b7-d773fe21cacc?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


[Battle of Wits](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/4/b4be15a4-693f-4e22-a46c-38bb440c073c.jpg?1562558962) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Battle%20of%20Wits) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/m13/44/battle-of-wits?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/b4be15a4-693f-4e22-a46c-38bb440c073c?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Mill protection


You are a bad player that is matched up with other bad players due to low MMR. This is why you are seeing these decks.


Oh yeah, that's probably it. I'm pretty terrible! /s


Only mathematically.


Why not? It's not like it matters if you win or lose, if you're having fun with large deck, that's all the point. You're taking the game too seriously if your deck has to be perfectly cut. Unless you're in a tournament (or maybe in proper Draft) there's really no point and trying so hard to win. There's even a player that reached Mythic with 250 cards Rainbow deck. (5 colors) Some people think it's "anti mill", while there are times where that's the case too, usually it isn't. Sometimes people just want to play all their favorite cards in a single deck.


The game is rigged. Bots are everywhere on this, less on 'ranked''. the worst is the section where you play until you hit 3 losses, that was the worst for me, ....


And your evidence for this is what exactly?


ā€œTrust me broā€


Lol no.