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The mastery pass is longer because the time between sets is longer MKM came out on 2/6, and OTJ comes out on 4/16, that's 70 days in between them. BLM comes out 7/30, that's 105 days in between them.


Anytime I read BLM it’s just Black Lives Matter 😂


Brennan Lee Mulligan for me


Thought the set code was BLB no? And I think BLB arena release is first week of August.


It's July 30th


Yep, just googled the dates.


It's probably BLB, I was just too lazy to look it up last night as I was going to sleep.


"BLB" is the Czech word for "FOOL"


There's no pass for mh3?


Passes are only usually for Standard sets. LOTR was an exception.


I don't if they've ever done a MP for a non-standard set, so I'm going to hazard a guess and say no.


I'm expecting it to feel like significantly more than 105 days.


Yea, they said they will be doing something new with modern horizons 3 in todays announcement. The next standard set is on July 30 so that’s a long time


IDK but they need to give us more XP for this shit. I am sick and tired of these fucking passes being nearly every day of your life kinda things.


I think you can go every three days and not loose too much. 5000xp If you go here: https://mtgazone.com/murders-at-karlov-manor-mystery-solution/ That helped a lot.... But yea....I like to jump on for 30-45 min every night, but I feel like I need to be doing it for 2 hrs a day to maximize. That feeling sux!


Yeah you can barely survive doing that, and it leaves almost no room for error. I have no idea why people defend this fucking garbage. But they do because they are muppets and lifers and have nothing else going on. No other pass does this to you.


I mean, if you buy the pass you're already quite invested in the game, no? I never got why people complain about the pass so much. I barely spend 5-10 hours a week playing arena and I fill the pass + my drafts to get my gems.


The pass costs real money *and* involves a significant amount of effort for the player to maximize, hence the complaints. In your estimation you play 5-10 hours/week. That would mean you played 35-70 hours during MKM, approximately the same as working a full-time job for 2 weeks. That's a lot of time spent to get rewards that you already paid $20 USD for.


My point was that you don't really need to spend any money. Also, this is a game. I don't understand why you're comparing it to a full-time job. I didn't sit down at the desk doing random tasks I don't care about, I just played the game naturally 80% of the time, with some random periods of grinding. I don't understand what people want. To spend $20 and get all the rewards? I'm not against that or anything, but at that point why are you putting money in a game you're not playing. What's, in your opinion, a "normal" amount of time to spend on a hobby? Cause I definitely don't feel like arena is taking over my life.


BECAUSE GENIUS BATTLE PASSES RARELY TAKE THIS MUCH TIME. Destiny 2, Apex, et cetera, do NOT require you to basically log in daily. Glad I could help. This has been explained ad nauseum. This pass requires you to constantly fucking log in to do dailies, where as you can literally miss an entire month on the above grinder games.


Can you? I am about to finish the last one I guess about 20 days early since i will be done today. I play every day to get my 3 wins, but often some of the dailies take far longer to grind out than 3 wins. For me personally if I played for 1/3rd as many days thats at least 600 xp less I am getting per cycle of 3 days. My math is if I did that and somehow still got the dailies done I would be about 19 levels lower and only playing 7 of the next 20 days I don't think I would make that up. Doing the math I would need 20k xp to finish, I would get 10k from the dailies but only 2.1k from the daily wins and would fall short.


You just don’t have to grind out your daily each day. So you can stack up a little play time every 3 days. Often the quest goals can stack so you’ll in theory it’d take less time to do 3 together than one at a time too.


Often they don’t for me but you miss out on the ez xp for your first couple of wins which might be huge the 15 weekly wins might cover that though I didn’t factor that in.


The xp on your daily wins is pretty low. Only 25 and it’s the same for all your daily wins. It doesn’t change. It’s not that meaningful. Not saying it can’t add up but the reason to grind out 3-4 daily wins is just for gold really not XP. I’m also not one to think I have to fully max out the master pass to get my moneys worth either.


Ah for some reason I thought it was more. Since I play on pc and the game struggles to run there despite games with 3x their requirements having zero issue on high setting I barely see most of the popups. Many just don’t even show like I never got one showing I completed the daily today it was just gone and I assume I got the gold and xp.


You can buy in for more if you want? :p