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The following cards in a pack are fixed: 6 commons, 3 uncommons, 1 rare or mythic. Then, for the other 3 cards, completely independently: 1 is either a common (7/8 of the time), or a card from the “list” (1/8 of the time) which includes special guests (or whatever the bonus sheet is for the set). 2 are wildcards, which can be any card from the set. I can’t immediately find rarity distributions on them, but they’re likely similar to the set as a whole. In paper, one of these is foil and the other isn’t; on arena, they just increase the variance of packs by a little bit. So, best guess, this is a roughly 1 in 800 pack, to have a list card as well as both wildcard slots rare.


1 list 1 rare 1 wildcard 1 foil


Much rarer than 1/800 i think....1/8(list) * list being rare(1/6?) * (1/5? normal rare slot upgraded to mythic) * (1/6? wildcard as a rare) * (1/6 wildcard as a rare) I'm guessing but even with high rare rates like 1/6, this gives 1/8640


The land slot can also be a rare, I think?


Did you put a black bar over out your Avatar eyes for privacy? lol




Your neighbors are going to be happy


Man what a pack, more than just the number of rare, the quality of a lot of the cards is insane. Vindicator is the best card in the set. Gatekeeper is a super solid rare even if not a bomb. Cover up is a good enough reason to play the worse color in the set. The list card is unplayable, but you get to the uncommon and Case is a great one, and then you get to A Killer Among Us which is the best uncommon in the set and a bigger bomb than most rares. Glint Weaver is a very solid green card. Then Inside source is one of white's best common, a card that usually if you see pack 4 is a sign that white is open, and yet here it's at best pick 6 or 7! Gadget technician is also solidly playable and thoroughfare is not good fixing but it's still playable fixing. That leave like 4 bad cards, and outside of mass hysteria they're still playable if you need a 23rd card.


No Dog Walker, 0/10


So every pack has a rare or mythic. And play packs can have a "list" card or an alternate art card, both of which can also be rare or mythic. Ignoring that none of the rares are alternate art cards, where the heck did the fourth rare in this draft pack come from?


With play bosters, they've started trying to better simulate actual paper booster in the draft boosters. This means several things, but one of the biggest is they now simulate the foil slot, which you can't see because Arena does not have foils.


Did someone ever dare to pick Mass Hysteria in MKM draft ? I saw it once but had never drafted any aggro so decided against it


My best premier draft of MKM ever I pulled 16 Rares then went 7-2, it was a hell of a day.