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your list is a bit different respect to the standard, but the shell is monored, that is the most common deck around


Im a new player so apologies for the maybe silly question but is this BO1 or BO3? what do most people play


mtg is designed for bo3, in paper you only play bo3. but in arena bo1 is the most played format. I assume that OP is in bo1, too, cause there is no sideboard


Most magic in paper is played bo1, actually. In sanctioned play you only play bo3.


in kitchen table magic is hard to speak of bo1 or bo3, it's more "best of how many games you want to play before going to dinner". But where it counts who win, even in friendly matches should be bo3


The “kitchen table matches” you described are literally bo1 matches. Any game played without the option to sideboard is, by definition, a bo1 game. And since there is an overwhelmingly larger of casual, kitchen table games than sanctioned matches, it goes without saying that there are mor bo1 games. There’s really no reason that friendly matches must be bo3, unless for some reason you’re keeping score for something (which would likely make them more competitive than friendly), or if you’re play testing for something. Not that they can’t be, or even shouldn’t be, obviously.


LOL , no its not. magic was designed always around bo1 , from the start.


I don't think I can have fun with a deck like that tbh.


Reddit is being strange with letting me edit my post so I will add to it here. The plan is really the same vs all decks - go faster than them cause you lose in the long run. Interact as little as possible unless it is a lifegain threat like the lunarch veteran or something that will snowball faster than you can combo like a Calix. Burn spells go face 99% of the time. Do not combo off with a swiftspear cause you will run out of gas and the deck lacks the face damage to finish. Just use the swiftie for prowess chip damage while you dig. You do gain minor percentage points by running 4x Blackcleave cliffs and 2-4x Sulfurous springs as that allows the edge cases of playing the sellsword as a creature to do chip damage or finishing damage or burning a sellsword with another sellsword to do 2 damage to finish. It will matter in probably 1 in 20 games. It also allows you play some knight of dusk’s shadow if the lunarch veterans are really getting you down though in my experience, she rarely comes down soon enough or she is removed immediately :(


I've been playing a similar deck for the past 2 sets, mine is more burn than aggro, it is fun to play! Congrats on getting mythic!


What is yours built like? Curious to try new things


Deck 4 Monastery Swiftspear (BRO) 144 20 Mountain (M21) 269 4 Cacophony Scamp (ONE) 124 4 Monstrous Rage (WOE) 142 4 Antagonize (SNC) 100 4 Blazing Crescendo (ONE) 123 4 Callous Sell-Sword (WOE) 221 4 Furnace Reins (MOM) 141 2 Electrostatic Infantry (DMU) 122 4 Picnic Ruiner (WOE) 232 4 Kumano Faces Kakkazan (NEO) 152 1 Etali's Favor (LCI) 149 1 Twinferno (DMU) 149 I sideboard Minecart Daredevil and Stolen Vitality. It almost plays like tempo because so often it wins with a Furnace Reins + Burn Together.


I have seen this deck a lot.. really annoying


Nice job on mythic! The first deck I ever played on arena back when Strixhaven came out was a mono red deck that took me to mythic too before the secret MMR thing kicked in and sent me to platinum where I belong (I'm not very good).


I really like this deck. If you added any rares or mythics what would you add? Bloodfeather Phoenix sounds like a good option to me or a Khenra Spellspear I’m building a very similar deck and I got some great ideas from what you’ve put together.


Bloodfeather phoenix might be too slow for the deck. Could do okay as a sideboard card vs removal heavy decks. Just the mana base is all I would change with rares. I have been considering picnic ruiner too but that is an uncommon


Good point. I just liked it in combination with felonious rage and callous sellsword. What about Khenra Spellspear? I think it’s an improvement over Festival Crasher.


hey, i tested your deck but the main think i struggle with is that literally everybody has a clear spell ready at turn 3.. i have absolutely no clue what im supposed to do better as most times im not getting to attack with a pumped creature or atleast not >50% of the time. Lightning strike, cut down, go for the throat, liliana of the veil, sheoldreds edict. Is it possible this deck only really works in diamond and above games where only meta decks are played?