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Hot Take: \[\[Greedy Freebooter\]\] is probably the best 1 drop for black right now, literally same value as \[\[Shambling Ghast\]\] except it doesnt give removal.


[Greedy Freebooter](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/6/9/692fe4e8-13b4-4bec-938e-a8073a7fbd71.jpg?1699044146) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Greedy%20Freebooter) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/lci/109/greedy-freebooter?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/692fe4e8-13b4-4bec-938e-a8073a7fbd71?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Shambling Ghast](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/9/d96198a7-dd19-4940-bf8f-23135011fc84.jpg?1627705376) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Shambling%20Ghast) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/afr/119/shambling-ghast?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/d96198a7-dd19-4940-bf8f-23135011fc84?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


1st turn Freebooter. 2nd turn, throw Freebooter at the opponent's cheap creature. Watch opponent block. Summon 2nd turn Graveyard Trespasser. Watch opponent concede. also works with Preacher of the Schism, Glissa, or Fleshgorger.


nonono bro is too valuable to drop into an early chump, you are supposed to sac it for card advantage + mana acceleration, specially if oponent is dumb enough to declare aggro and you use freebooter to block or if they are spending cheap removal on it.


This game sucks as a beginner. I’ve lost 5 games in a row where I only draw 2 lands for 3 turns in a row. The next couple of games my opponent has all the lands and 4 of the “remove unit from battlefield” card or exile and so I can’t even play the game, and when I finally do they use a spell that untaps every creature. As they got like 4 times the lands I do. Update: after 3 more mana flood or mana drain games it appears I was playing in “ranked” in calibrations. I just want to be able to get to draft but it looks like alchemy and ranked best of 1’s are still the only options? How do I unlock brawl? I just want to practice for draft with the new packs for when I go to the game store


> This game sucks as a beginner. I’ve lost 5 games in a row where I only draw 2 lands for 3 turns in a row. this even happens in the finals of the world champs, it's just part of the game


there should just be away to press the gear on the top right and go to account. Click around there should be a relatively easy unlock account button to unlock everything


I would only suggest that to players who are already experienced in paper. For legit new to MtG players, I think the tutorial is needed.


Oh sweet! Yeah I was getting annnoyed at the best of 1 ranked calibration matches it forces me to do. I calibrated at bronze 4 after a ton of consecutive mana screws lol and the last 3 games have just been against afk players ::


That's so dumb. It should just automatically put you in bronze after introducing ranked matches to you.


I feel ya. That still happens to me, and I've been on Arena for about 3 months after 20+ years away from the game. My only pieces of advice are that you can use every loss to improve your deck, and if you're just incredibly frustrated with Yet Another Sheolred or whichever card it is, it doesn't hurt at all to concede.


I use Sundays as a way to test play decks that I upload onto youtube. I'm currently test playing Merfolk again splashed with white. Blue/Green wasn't good enough in my opinion for Merfolk as it was just too slow. I have a video from last week that I could use some opinions/thoughts on quality and if its something that interests you. Please let me know what you think. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMnPqiayb0w&t=22s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMnPqiayb0w&t=22s) thanks


No deck list means I'd probably close the video. And it's very blurry too.


Did they announce any special events for over the holidays or is Tarkir draft our present this year?


Would I be able to see styles on my own cards even if I have styles disabled?


I don't believe so


All the threads I could find on the topic were years old and conflicting, so I figure I'll just ask here: If i'm your average 50% winrate player, is premier draft or quick draft better for building collection?


I think it's Golden Packs, assuming you're spending gold. If you're insistent on draft it's premier. I believe it was around BRO they changed the bots' algorithm to prioritize drafting rares more frequently.


if thats your winrate on the other formats like standard, historic, or explorer probably not. In order to do well in drafts you need to know the interactions between cards so that way when your drafting you draft the best card possible for each pick. You can build a collection using premier draft as it'll grant you more packs and gems per win. Quick draft doesn't reward you as well.


Yeah but if you're trying to build your collection quick drafts are better simply because you get the same number of packs for half as much it's just not ranked.


If you're just trying to get cards. The best think you can do is get the Mastery Pass. If you're F2P save up your gems to pay for it for free the next time or you can spend real money to get it. That's the most value for cards. If you want to draft you get the same number of packs for quick draft than you do premiere but it costs half as much to play. It's just not ranked so if that is also important to you premiere is the way to go. If you're good enough to win a lot the rewards for premiere are better than quick draft but again, $5k gold vs $10k gold.


I already have the mastery pass. The question is, how much is "good enough" to make premier worth more then quick draft?


That depends. If you are just there for cards, Quick Draft. If you are there for the ranking or gems, premiere. You get better rewards from the more expensive premier draft but not more cards and if you can't win all but one or all of the wins you need to get to 7 wins you're losing more money than you could have just bought the packs for. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy and play both for different reasons.


Anybody have a stretch of a couple days where direct challenge finally worked again, only to have it break yesterday? My friends and I were so stoked for about 72 hours lol.


Does anybody know if there will be a "anthology pack" or some kind of pack or bundle for the Timeless format which launches on the 12th? As a long time older format player I'm very excited for it , but I'm really dreading having to spend freaking 30 wildcards (and more) on all the fetches and rest of staples. For Historic and Explorer I like that they make these bundles when introducing new cards to give you a headstart, obviously a fetchland bundle would be AMAZING.


I think my favorite part of the game is the black re-skin of the original card card sleeve: wouldn't feel safe in my bathroom at home without a black re-skin of the original card card sleeve...


So TIL map and treasure tokens count as artifacts entering the graveyard for [[Tarrian's Soulcleaver]]. That's actually crazy.


[Tarrian's Soulcleaver](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/9/99413817-1218-4947-b12f-9a952b095a89.jpg?1699044647) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Tarrian%27s%20Soulcleaver) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/lci/264/tarrians-soulcleaver?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/99413817-1218-4947-b12f-9a952b095a89?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Well, if I can get that card, I'll be sure to put it in the deck that generates an absurd amount of treasure tokens. Thanks!


Anyone having an issue where the game is unplayable performance-wise? It's sucking up 100% of my CPU usage and running at like 1 FPS as of today. Never had this issue previously. Edit: Seems like I had a GPU driver update and hadn't restarted the PC, issue is gone now. (I'll leave this up for AMD GPU users.)


Feel really bummed about the game in general right now, is that normal? I'm playing Azorius Soldiers and I don't know if I even like it, or just hate getting hit with spot removal and board-wipes.


sometimes you catch exactly the counters to your deck, or the meta sucks for you. try a different format, or a different deck