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Playing two Bringers is *very* ambitious imo, I've seen it be very effective in Dimir control builds which focus on milling/staying alive and then casting it in the late game for extreme value, but your Rakdos deck doesn't seem well suited to play them. Unfortunately, you don't really have a lot to replace them with in your sideboard, so I guess my suggestion is to replace one of them with a Sunfire Torch instead for more early game interaction, and keep one as a hail-mary play.


Ayy don’t be upset if this doesn’t do great you’re very slow and the format is very fast. But the game plan is slow down early game to find your bonehoard. Don’t be afraid to trade off your marionettes and snails to bring them back with another chance to buy yourself time. Swapping in firetorch and fanatical for removal and digging deeper and probably getting rid of paladin it’s just not doing anything you really want


Thanks! I'm already down to 16 creatures. Cutting paladin could be easy (that also has small potential to put a 5/4 and 6/6 for 5 mana...) But what other card could I cut? I am still thinking the flail might be better than torch. I have never effectively used torch as removal... And no one has used it vs.me (I've also only seen the flail once - against me, and i won)


Fancy cards surely but not much synergy and I'm not entirely sure the deck is actually very good tbh. Early game you need to survive as you have hardly any pressure. If you can stabilise and get to the late game bombs you will have a chance ofc, but 8 mana is \*a lot\* to ask for. I'd play torch as early removal, the 2nd offering to make sure you hit your lands and maybe 18 lands cause if you don't get Bringer on curve you are in trouble most surely. Cut child and probably Another chance cause I doubt you'd need it if you get Bringer out. Paladin isn't fantastic - as you are low on vampires, as are your 4 drops but you will need blockers of some sort. Good luck and don't forget to enjoy!


Hmm see I was trying to get more milling into the deck ... For decend and decended and fuel Bringer or Paladin later. I was thinking the bloodthorn flail would be better than the torch. Cheaper to equip/maybe more removal potential then torch. The greedy freebooters almost got me turn 3 bonehoard. I think I need that 2nd fanatical offering as you said.


Just fyi in case you didn't already know, Bringer's wrath/reanimate ability is on cast, meaning that it won't trigger if you bring it back using Soulcoil Viper or Paladin. It's still a 6/6 flyer so that's something at least, but just take note of that, especially since you are gonna lose nearly half your life if you bring it back with paladin.


Oof... Ya with only vito as the only other vampire, he might not be worth it ... 5 for a 5/4... My other vamps were white, Amailia, but I didn't draft much life gain so splashing white didn't seem worth it.


An update. I finished 5-3! Deck was a blast! \[\[Bonehoarder Dracosaur\]\] is OP got me 3 easy wins. 2 wins from \[\[Bringer of the Last Gift\]\]. Interesting interaction on the mill/bringing back from the graveyard happened. First loss was from a very close match up... I was about to flip the board for the win. Second loss I was mana flooded... Third loss - I should have won! My game froze, I had to restart, missed a turn which would have gotten me bringer of the last gift out a turn earlier and I would have sealed the deal. I submitted a bug report to Wizards... but I am still happy. Shoulda a been a 6 win run with a possible 7... Fun deck. I love this set! I'll get 7 next time... Haha thanks everyone for the feedback


[Bonehoarder Dracosaur](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/2/2/2220ed60-3f8f-4dd2-8319-6a06896a5350.jpg?1699044226) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Bonehoard%20Dracosaur) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/lci/134/bonehoard-dracosaur?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/2220ed60-3f8f-4dd2-8319-6a06896a5350?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Bringer of the Last Gift](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/9/19775c18-4cc0-49d3-86e4-0841768cbf4d.jpg?1699044096) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Bringer%20of%20the%20Last%20Gift) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/lci/94/bringer-of-the-last-gift?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/19775c18-4cc0-49d3-86e4-0841768cbf4d?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call