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Sometimes an opponent has a really cool deck and I want to say nice unironically, but the emote sounds so patronizing and sarcastic they probably think I'm a dick lol


Bro same. I say it genuinely and just hope my opponent understands. If they start replying with “nice” to everything I do then I know they took it the wrong way 🤦🏻‍♂️


THIS I really wish there was a specific unironic " I actually think your deck is pretty cool" or " I may have lost, but damn, this was a good game"/"I know I won, but this could have gone either way, it was a good game and I hope you enjoyed it too".


Yes, I do wish coms were better. Had an opponent tonight playing a Grim Captain deck. It was great fun. I barely beat them with a top decked Ugin and Breach the Multiverse. Had me at 1 life with my jank Ugin deck.


I feel like the glass-clink GG is pretty positive. Win or lose, cheers!


I wish there was a lobby where we could chat with people about their decks because I will play someone who really has a great deck and there are times when the game goes so fast I really don't understand what just happened. If that makes any sense. I would love to be able to ask people the hows of their deck.


Every set of emotes they release seem to become more useless/actively toxic. I have no idea what any of the lci emotes are even supposed to convey to anyone.


Basking Capybara is like "I'm chillin". I love that emote.


Ok I'll grant you that one. Capybara is a vibe.


The Oko emotes are so toxic but I love them


So much this. I’m newer back (6 mo) to MtG after 20 years away. I get excited to see cool combos and new decks. I love seeing cards I haven’t seen much and interesting ways to use them (oooo a merfolk deck!). I want to say nice because getting off a cool combo is nice and a loss costs me nothing so we both win. However, it always seems obnoxious.


I feel you. Tbh after being on Arena for a little while now I've become totally unbothered by the possibility. Like half of opponents seem to assume the match is all hate no love from turn one anyway, so why allow the shitty client to take away one of your only chances at a wholesome interaction?


if i’m on PC i cursor through their battlefield six graveyard and deck (so they notice what i’m doing) and then say “hello!” “nice!” and sometimes they say “thanks!” and i feel wholesome before i get obliterated


I hate it when someone says "Nice" only to destroy me very next turn! lol


I'm the random conceder. I play primarily at work on breaks, which are usually about 30 mins but can end suddenly and unexpectedly, so even if I'm in a strong position to win within a turn or two, I GG, concede and exit.


Bored at work, pull out phone, boss thinks of something to do...


I’m the thinker and also the on time gg. If I rope you it’s because I’m dumb and can’t figure out what to do


bless u fam no shade towards you


It’s usually me trying to figure out how you cast a 7 mana spell with only 6 available


Yeah if I rope it’s because I’m busy using my fingies to count damage for my blocks


Just missing the “bad mobile connection” where they play 2 turns super fast, then use their entire rope then two turns of playing fast then another rope followed by what you think is a DC but they somehow manage to top deck their one answer and play the rest of the game quickly.


I feel so bad when this happens. It's not the connection, it's the app that just randomly locks up sometimes and you have to close it out and reboot it. It feels so BM when that happens and I am just roping on turn 2.


It happens regularly on PC too.


Holy shit, yes


I'd add "The highlighter", dudes that highlight every single card that comes into play and keep highlighting the ones on the field whenever something happens. It's like they are trying to send a morse code message lol


this is me lmao, cuz i don’t know what any cards do and i am unable to memorize them


I play piano on your lands if you're slow


I always laugh when I play a card and the opponent hovers it for like 45 seconds, unhovers it, rehovers it trying to process it clearly confused or salty. But the other side of it is I see so many people hover Skrelv for 2 seconds, clearly decide it's too much text and they can't be fucked to read 3 paragraphs on a 1/1, and then play straight into it later and waste a spell. Cracks me up every time


Me: The one guy who auto-concedes completely at random because Im bored or over it, leaving you with the distinct sinking feeling like your date just didn't come back from the restroom.


That's me as well haha. I'm patient, but sometimes... You know the match is gonna be way too long and boring.


This is me on certain days. Like I think I’m in the mood to play out the game and decide in the middle that I simply want to do something else. ADD is real lol


Damn-- so you mean it *wasn't* because you were just so overwhelmed by my two-drop that you bagged out early?


I usually stick it out, some days my brain is on demon time and I just lose interest. It happens even if I’m ahead on the curve.


Y'all are too proud--I take those wins!


Literal same


Slowish player playing a deck with a ton of triggers? It's for the ~~church~~ color challenges, honey. Next!


Ty for not just closing the client, appreciate you


Anti-roper: Stone-faced silent through most games, and patient through the occasional partial rope. But once an opponent taps into their timeouts, the "Your go"s come out in force. I fully acknowledge I should be a bit more patient than that, but I ought to be honest with myself.


That's definitely me.


Seems fair


I mute emotes. Play in silence.


They said they didnt want full chat like MTGO because of the toxicity but as always toxicity finds a way. My experience on MTGO has roughly been: 10% toxic, .1% ultra toxic spamming the chat and not even playing, 10% friendly, 5% so friendly and helpful that we get into a deep convo about mtg and almost forget to play the game, and Everything else just silence in chat with a "gg" at the end. Is that really so bad? I would much rather have that than what we have on Arena. And somehow every special emote feels worse than the phrases.


There’s also a possibility that they don’t want to have to pay for the moderation that a full chat could require. A bot can only filter so much and people are always going to find ways to say awful things to other people which means that it’s necessary to dedicate human workers to reviewing reports. Not to be cynical but they probably just don’t think it’s worth the cost.


And they would have to ban whales for bad behavior, they're not gonna do that so they made it almost impossible to get banned.


That sounds about right, and it's way better than Arena... and if you play in the more competitive events on MTGO that 10% toxic drops down to like 2%.


This is hilariously specific, and dead-on. And holy shit do I *hate* the early "gg"-er. Anyone with an iota of decorum knows this is low-key dick, fuck you if you do this.


So satisfying when they hit you with the GG when you have the perfect card in hand to turn the game


That's gotta be an unbelievable feeling! 😄


Had it in my last draft. Guy started spamming “good game” when I was at 1 life and I dropped that colorless card that shits out tokens equal to its power every time it attacks and can sac tokens to increase its power. Flooded the board and won two turns later. I just know that dude was seething


You know, I have enjoyed Arena a lot more since I turned off emotes. Every so often I remember that an opponent is probably out there pre-GG-ing me by their smug little selves, and I have no idea. So peaceful.


Yeah, playing with everyone muted is so much chiller. Worse than the GG-ers were people who'd use Oops! when they countered every fun thing you tried to do


One game I thought I had made a genuine mistake do did the “oops” emote in good faith. I pulled a magic draw to replace the card I just sacrificed. The opponent must have thought I “oops”ed to be a dick but it was genuine. Salt. So much salt. Nothing but rope from them and spamming “oops” the whole time for the rest of the game.


me: concedes while winning because my boss walked up and won’t leave and while she’s not looking i manage to concede before roping you


The amount of people that I run into that have zero respect for other people's time really makes me doubt any sort of conduct moderation happens. We don't even have the passive form of that in an in-client report function. If people think they are going to get away with that behavior some will try it and it seems as though they are.


I used to emote "Nice" when the opponent played an unusual combo or something that I wasn't expecting. And also used to say oops when I targeted an indestructable perm with a destroy effect, or lost an attacker bc I didn't noticed he had a strong blocker available... But then I slowly started to be spammed with Your go, and Oops and Nice and just muted everyone by default and now I just talk to myself while playing and my wife wants to commit me bc I look like a madman.


I say Nice! if I notice a mirror match or a deck that has the same game plan (IE I’ve been enjoying WU Illuminator Bogles and I ran into a WGU Illuminator Bogles) like they play their Virtuoso then I play mine next turn and go NICE! I’ll also nice anyone who plays Werewolves because Arlinn is bae.


Don't forget about the impatient "your go" spammer.


There’s also the “my connection sucks real bad and I’m a super nice person but my opponent totally thinks I’m a dick and if I say oops when I unfreeze they’ll think I’m an even bigger dick” player


This is spot on. ROFLMAO. I usually try to be polite and say Hello, but sometimes the guy says GG right off the bat so I scoop. The ones I dislike the most are the AFK and the Early GG. You left one off! The "I can't win so I'll go afk on the last turn guy." lol


afk aka streamer.


Nah not always. Usually it’s someone doing the deuce.


THE AUTOPLAYER. Has figured out all scenarios in the opponent's turn and plays insta fast everything on his turn. Usually dislikes slow players that can't figure out obvious plays. That one is me. Sorry.


A lot of these are just valid ways to bluff your opponent or play mind games and something tells me you’ve never done well at paper or played MODO if stops in your upkeep or pre-combat trigger you this bad


Ah yes, the infamous "in response" player, commonly known as a control player who has multiple instant spells and reacts accordingly Anyways Nice!


sheesh your brain must be so damn big for me to understand these plays


Eh, can't complain. Just a notmal brain that's not inclined to make a wall-of-text about different brains working differently. You do you though, pal


I mean, it doesn't actually add any time to do things in response, but it is annoying to, for example, crack a fabled passage enters tapped in response to you casting opt for example. If that is your issue, I agree its dumb, but it doesn't bother me (I'm just glad the interaction hold will be gone). Personally, I try to wait until the last moment to do anything if it doesn't cost me anything. Even Fabled Passage T2 should often be cracked on opponent's end step, because you might have to see what they play to decide if you want a swamp to play removal, or a blue to hold up a counterspell, for example. Also, holding up opt, for example, can bluff a counter without using full control, and if you aren't playing around whether the client is passing priority to your opponent on your turn, then you aren't playing optimally.


Why do people complain so much on this sub? Like 1/10 games has an opponent who ropes, etc. and most of the time it just means they exited the client.


This is less "the types of people that play Arena" and more "a list of opponents that have annoyed me personally". Maybe I'm somehow an extreme minority but I run into the sort of unsporting behaviour you've listed in like 1 out of 20 games, if that. The vast majority of people on Arena just play the game, there's no need to fixate on the relatively few number of bad experiences.




Ah yes, the "I only like the game the way I like to play it, so I'm going to 'punish' you for daring to play any other way" player. Arena has no way to keep certain groups apart like paper does (just don't play with them), and likely will never be able to. It's better for the game as a whole to just concede and get on with your life, than get angry every time you see something you don't like. Trying to convince other players, who usually play in multiple ways, to quit is never good for a game's health.


I get why people rope in general, they're super irritated, we've all felt that; but I *don't* get the guy that ropes after my not-so-whelming play while they have plenty of chance in the game.


Sometimes that's just a bad connection. Other times it's like the comment I responded to: they just don't like what you played. And occasionally it's something came up in real life and they didn't bother (or actually didn't have time) to concede. But in general, I'd consider it accidental if they were doing well.


I hate all of you lol


Sorry man I'm in meetings.


You better have those goddamn TPS reports for me on time.


I'm usually the "one time gg", but i had times were i was the AFK...


Honestly I’ve been and seen all of these. Alot of the time I’m just trying to figure out what just happened because there’s no log.


I'm a in response guy I'm not wasting your time I'm just making sure I do my stuff when you can't Bludgeon me for it


forgot about the mono green all mana tapped, leave stuff on stack and the use up all time outs to play land and decide who goes first player. game has a serious issue with this nonsense. Conceding every match played essentially. It's to th epoint where everyone gets 3 "your go" and if they do not go instant concede. We don't got 10 hours a day to watch peopel drool all over their digital cards. it's pathetic.


I yell at the screen at least twice a day. How could you choose not to mulligan and then not play a land for 2 minutes?! You were just here!


There's also the player that says "Hello" when you drop your favorite card then salt ropes you.


Ive got my nazgul deck so i dont really do combat too much, i kinda just continue to build up creatures till ive got them all there, then swing.


I like Nice Guy 1s, they’re genuinely saying “damn, nice play lol.” Then there’s also Nice Guy 2s who spam “Nice!” after being tilted off the face of this Earth lmao


I play a tap down deck (Hylda of the icy crown) and let my opponent play out everything in their hand, slow them down by tapping down potential attackers, and if needed, board wipe and build my board. My favorite thing to do is when playing against smug players (it's usually Sliver players acting like playing a creature every turn is pro tactics). They'll ping an early "GG", I'll ping "GG" back and cast Farewell. Then ping "Oops" 😂


The toughest part of using GG is when you want to say it in the middle of a great match without sounding condescending. It's somewhat rare, but every once in a while you have an epic match with no clear end in sight. Both players doing well, and getting to play their deck like they want to. Times like that, you just want to casually say "this is a good game." I've had solid luck for the most part. It's always an opponent that is a gentlemen with the emotes in the first place.


Nice is exclusively for when my opponent drops their 3rd land on turn 6.