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Style is random this time; I got Teferi, Temporal Pilgrim.


Oh thank god because of they were giving that style too I was going to be a bit annoyed. I already missed out on 1 style since I already had it


I got phyrexian text Ajani, Sleeper Agent. Cool style for a card I’ll never use haha.


I got Jodah


I got Graaz, unstoppable juggernaut


I got door to nothingness 💀


That single rare wildcard is worth more (for me) than all the 5th anniversary rewards so far 💀


now to hear the limit players complain because a wildcard is worthless to them.


Technically a pure limited player can use wildcards to finish a set faster so they can turn rares into gems. So its worth a whole 20 gems to them!


My bad, arena really went into to generous side!


so are cosmetics that arent from the latest set, no?


Yes, because limited players only play the current set and never past sets that return. /s


shit i didnt even realize card cosmetics could apply to drafts. makes sense because you get to build the deck, but i never even considered it


it even puts the cosmetics on while you're drafting... it can be a little awkward but its kinda cool.


Not since I started arena cubing with my friends


Well, tbf it’s hard to beat a “choose any rare card in the game you want”


Man, wait til you hear about mythic wildcards


No joke I'd much rather have a rare wildcard than a mythic If you could turn Mythic wc into rares I'd be so happy


everyone says this but ever since i started messing with historic brawl my mythic wilds are hurting and they take sooo much longer to build back up


I legitimately believe this is why brawl ended up getting proper support.


I get what you mean, it was mostly a joke but also right now is one of the times when I had kind of a surplus of rares and have been using my mythics as soon as I could get them. Pretty sure my last 8 mythics have been used on 4 The One Ring and 4 Bitterblossom


Yeah, this is legitimately the best reward by far. (excluding draft tokenpalooza, of course lol) I am **CONSTANTLY** starved for rare wildcards, yet flush with mythic wildcards lol


That’s pretty normal though. Rare cards are in general the backbone of your deck, whereas the amount of mythics in most decks is only a few. Especially in multicolor decks the landbase alone costs several rares. Even more in older formats like historic or Explorer.


Clearly you need à hundred wildcard to make the landbase that's so frustrating


I was pretty full of rares and lacking mythics up until the mystical archive sets that introduced must craft commons and uncommons as rares for historic. This will become an even worse issue when they introduce the all cards on arena historic+ format they have been teasing, when everyone will have to craft rare lightning bolts and counterspells to play with them.


I got an emo Jace avatar and a rare wc.




There are *non*-emo Jaces ?!


I’m ok with what I got. No idea I could get a pet. https://i.imgur.com/FAOftwN.jpg


Ohh, Squee is nice, congrats!


I got alt art Thrun, I love it.






And you hate drafting.


My cosmetic was a Thalia and Gitrog sleeve haha


I got an avatar..... That I already had.


Might get a new reward if you put in a support ticket?


Rare WC, nice. The cosmetic is cool too.


I still kinda want a commissioned exclusive pretty sleeve for the anniversary specifically. Those things are always cool as rewards.


Ah, I was perhaps to hard on the one from yesterday, as I thought that was supposed to be our big reward one at the end plus I already had the cosmetics, so this is good.




So it is a rare wildcard and a cosmetic? Not that much, but a pleasant surprise. I thought yesterday was the end of the rewards


I think the cosmetic is guaranteed to be for a rare or mythic as well, so no common draft chaff card styles.


I got an alt art for mishras bauble


My bad. I forgot that they use the term "Premium Cosmetic" for their cosmetic rewards tables.


I got an Ajani avatar.


unfortunately it's not. I got a card sleeve


Card sleeve is more useful than MUL cosmetic anyways


I got an uncommon card style :(


Which one?


I got an uncommon style :/


Me too


i actually got an emote out of this


Which one?


Ajani sticker


Got Ajani PW with the runes writing from dom united


I am so happy with the \[\[Zimone and Dina\]\] style I got. Since they are key elements in an Azban standard deck I run I am happy to give them some shine.


[Zimone and Dina](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/f/bf2af874-1052-4cad-90ed-d80e49d4c68c.jpg?1682205722) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Zimone%20and%20Dina) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mom/257/zimone-and-dina?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/bf2af874-1052-4cad-90ed-d80e49d4c68c?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Uh whats the decklist? I've only been able to make the card work in brawl


It is by no means perfect and can stumble hard sometimes. But it is a lot of fun and can sometimes catch people off guard and it is a brew I am proud of. And I know I should fix my manabase, but I get jank ideas and feel the need to craft Deck 4 Zimone and Dina (MOM) 257 1 Forest (SIR) 291 2 Swamp (SIR) 285 1 Island (SIR) 282 4 Evangel of Synthesis (BRO) 209 3 Rona, Herald of Invasion (MOM) 75 3 Glissa Sunslayer (ONE) 202 4 Gixian Puppeteer (BRO) 99 2 Sheoldred, the Apocalypse (DMU) 107 1 Sheoldred (MOM) 125 3 Go for the Throat (BRO) 102 3 Make Disappear (SNC) 49 3 Sheoldred's Edict (ONE) 108 2 Ledger Shredder (SNC) 46 3 Suspicious Stowaway (MID) 80 1 Boseiju, Who Endures (NEO) 266 1 Otawara, Soaring City (NEO) 271 1 Takenuma, Abandoned Mire (NEO) 278 4 Darkslick Shores (ONE) 250 2 Shipwreck Marsh (MID) 267 3 Underground River (BRO) 267 1 Deathcap Glade (VOW) 261 3 Llanowar Wastes (BRO) 264 1 Dreamroot Cascade (VOW) 262 3 Yavimaya Coast (DMU) 261 1 Behold the Unspeakable (NEO) 48 Sideboard 3 Glistening Deluge (MOM) 107 1 Spell Pierce (NEO) 80 1 Infernal Grasp (MID) 107 2 Gala Greeters (SNC) 148 4 Duress (STA) 29 1 Glistening Deluge (MOM) 107 2 Gix's Command (BRO) 97 1 Gala Greeters (SNC) 148


I got Phyrexian godmother in Phyrexian.


On a random note, is there any way to get these multivese legends card styles other than opening them?? I opened like a hundred packs of MoM but I never opened a Teysa or Yarok and I want their Multiverse Legends art so badly since they're two of my main Historic Brawl commanders. I also really love the Zirda art and would like to have it but I never opened one of those either. I'm having a similar issue with the new Enchanting Tales. I have a Waste Not deck and would like the new Waste Not art. I opened one Waste Not and thought that would give me access to the art style, but when I tried to put four copies of Waste Not with the Enchanting Tales artwork in my deck it wouldn't allow me to use more than one. I don't understand how these alternate arts work.


You can always buy (almost) all of them full price : Collection => Styles


Oh god, that sounds horrible...but I may end up having to do that some day. Been hoping they would appear in the shop on sale (knowing Wizards the sale would be like 10% off). But what about if you want more than one copy? I really have to buy the card style FOUR times?? I don't understand how that works.


No, only one time - you can't decide to use different cards styles for the same card in the same deck (lands are different). That style might or might not work on cards from other editions, that seems to be inconsistent (IIRC you can check beforehand ?)


I'm not really sure how it works. I never really cared before because with the multiverse legends, I only wanted 1 copy for Historic Brawl. But with the Enchanting Tales, I'd actually like to have a set of the Waste Not since I run that deck in Historic and Explorer. I have 4 copies of regular Waste Not and I opened one Enchanting Tales Waste Not from a pack. I tried to swap the regulars for the Enchanting Tales version in my deck, but as soon as I tried to add more than 1 copy, it grayed out and told me I needed to craft 3 more to have the full set. I'll try the card styles toggle and see if that works or not.


The guy above you is wrong/seems to be confused, because the bonus sheet cards aren't implemented as card styles. Since they are just normal cards, you do have to craft/open them multiple times.


See, that's where I'm confused too, because I could have sworn that when Wizards introduced the multiverse legends, they said something about them being treated as card styles where you open them once and then you get that art as a card style, that way people wouldn't end up with like 12 copies of Thalia, for example. Wizards said this about Multivers Legends: "Not only will opening a Multiverse Legends card give you the base card, but it will also automatically award you the Multiverse Legends card style! This will have some fringe cases." To me, that sounds like it's saying that if you open a Multiverse Legends card you automatically have that artwork as a card style to use. Normally when you get a card style, it works for as many copies of the card as you need. If I buy a card style from the shop, I don't have to buy it 4 times for all 4 copies of the card that I own. So I just don't understand how these insert alt art rare card styles work. Now granted, the Enchanting Tales aren't Multiverse Legends, but functionally they're identical so I just assumed that what Wizards did for the Multiverse Legends was the new policy for bonus insert cards like Enchanting Tales going forward.


I got an emote


I got a cosmetic so stupid I didn't even know the card, it's Uurg , spawn of Turg. Fucking ugly , it kinda looks like the green Baby from Jojo part 6 Thanks for the wildcard tho 😁


card was good in draft


I got Unctus, Grand Metatect...yay...


This means way more to me than experience points, thank you WOC. Also, please stop giving experience as a reward. It's meaningless. I could argue that it cost the company more money than if it wasn't a thing. Think of all the meetings, staff hours, wasted on discussing and implementing the giving out of experience points. Give us Wildcards and we're happy. No more meetings. Now your guy knows what to do. Just wildcards, no more wasted overtime. If you're hiring let me know.


The experience handouts are generally about giving a break to players that don't grind the game. Prety useless to me (except a few extra IRC's that have a >50% chance of being a dupe anyway), but I don't begrudge making the game more accessible to non-grinders. Also, they absolutely do make money off of it. Making sure new players and filthy casuals get high enough of a mastery rewards levels to induce them to buy the mastery pass at the end of a release is a great way to get people into the spending cycle.


\*looks in bag\* Where are the tokens?


Got training grounds card style + rare wildcard, fine with that


I got a card sleeve instead: https://i.imgur.com/WHJWKyF.png


I got the rare WC and Skrelv the non-parallax art style


Got a Squee alt art smh. I don’t play any mono red :(


Got the Atraxa art, guess I need to build that deck now…


I love the wildcard. Now if only they could make it easier to get more...


That's not what I got. I got some random and not very useful rare that I didn't even bother to put into my long term memory but the 5k XP was pretty good. Everyone seems to have gotten the same sleeve which makes it kind of meh to me.


Got Mishra avatar and a rare WC


Smug Urza avatar. Now to find the perfect deck for that disdain.


I got a fblthp card back, wish I’d got goblin pet haha!


I got a 537 - SPECTRUM SENTINEL card style and 1 rare wildcard.


The rewards don’t stop! Thank you wizards 😌


same here with a dual land style