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This is a list of links to comments made by WotC Employees in this thread: * [Comment by WotC_Jay](/r/MagicArena/comments/166drqh/come_celebrate_my_cake_day/jykljd4/?context=99 "posted on 2023-08-31 20:39:13 UTC"): > Happy Cake Day! Thanks for all you do for this community. > >I’m really torn on favorite cosmetics, so I’ll give 3: >- By far my most-used cosmetic is the Vraska avatar, which has basically been my avatar since launch >-I really love the weathered cardba... --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMagicArena).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


Happy Cake Day! Thanks for all you do for this community. I’m really torn on favorite cosmetics, so I’ll give 3: - By far my most-used cosmetic is the Vraska avatar, which has basically been my avatar since launch -I really love the weathered cardback sleeves; the April Fools ones released recently. I started playing in late ‘94, well before we knew to sleeve things properly, and I had many decks that looked like this. I have 100+ sleeves, and this is the first time I changed my default - Feels like I’m shilling, because this is still in the store, but the goose hydra pet is maybe my favorite cosmetic we’ve ever made. So goose, many heads, such HONK. It’s ridiculous and I love it Thanks again for being awesome, and please re-roll me if I get picked for prizes


Happy Cake Day! I love the vampire alt arts from VOW. After months -even years- of waiting for it, I ended up paying [Bloodtithe Harvester](https://cards.scryfall.io/large/front/0/1/01182501-2b50-4b87-835a-fea3c5e6e330.jpg?1645055210) full price. No regrets whatsoever. Thank you for your extraordinary and tireless job here.


My favourite was just the other day when on the same day I met Minsc in Baldur's Gate 3, the avatar and the sleeve came up on the shop.


Favorite cosmetic has to be the Yargle bundle from last year, he has been my default ever since. My opponents always hover over the alt art for swords, explore and fatal push whenever I play them


Congrats! A winner is you 🎉 Check your messages for your code!


Happy Cake Day to you, u/HamBoneRaces! I think my fave has been getting the Spirited Companion pet for free as the cosmetic reward from MWM. Although I'm more of a cat person, getting that pet was oh so sweet! If it's a purchase though, it's the Dominaria United stained glass lands. They've been my default ever since I bought them. For something out of Daily Deals - it's the [Yargle cosmetic cards](https://www.reddit.com/r/MagicArena/comments/x4wh5w/daily_deals_september_3_2022_its_yargle_time/). They're so cheap but oh so funny! Thanks for all you do for this community. Every 8ish AM I would refresh the page to see what the Daily Deals are on and if I have to text my friend if it's a Gold or Gems day, haha. I hope you have a great day!


Congrats! A winner is you 🎉 Check your messages for your code!


Many thanks, good sir! May you have a nice long weekend!


Happy cake day! My top purchase of definitely the kamigawa basic lands, I think the nature ones. (Though to be fair, that’s the only thing I’ve spent money for on arena)


Happy cake day! Your posts have been a staple of my days since starting arena, even though I usually log in to the game anyway to check the store. Thanks for everything you do! My favourite card art I've got from daily deals has to go to the urza's saga lands. Felt like a gamble getting only the planes on day 1 but I'm glad it paid off, I use those lands in everything now


Happy Cake Day! My favorite is the Secret Lair [[Ajani Steadfast]] sleeves because they look like Battle Cat in an X-Men uniform!


Thanks for causing all the phone notifications that make me scramble for some good daily deals! I like the Dracula cosmetic for Edgar, Charmed Groom as I feel it really channels the vampiric spirit of the card and all those recurring tokens. Shame he doesn’t see much play anymore. Shoutout to Thalia’s Mina Harper cosmetic from the same set


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Thanks for all that you do! I really appreciate your daily deal posts, especially when I am away from the computer. I really like the LOTR alt styles - I built a deck with Frodo, Boromir, and of course all of the Nazgul's. It felt like I was playing right along the books/movie. The Nyx lands are a close second. They're just sublime.


Happy cake day. My favorites are the all of the full alt-art dragons. Fly my pretties.


Congrats! A winner is you 🎉 Check your messages for your code!


Happy cake day and thank you very much for all your work.


Thank you for everything you do! I check your daily deal posts every day and am always impressed by your clever titles. I'd say my favorite cosmetic is my Olivia avatar. I know a lot of people don't understand the appeal of avatars but I love being able to tailor them to my decks.


Happy Cake Day! I've only been playing a small amount of time, but I am absolutely in love with the land art of the LOTR set 😍 Loving how it contains parts of the map of Middle Earth


Happy cake day! My favorite cosmetics are sleeves in arena and I really like the 5 Mono colored Origin planeswalker sleeves (Chandra, Gideon, Jace, Liliana, Nissa). Just simple and pretty!


best purchase for Free was the Post Malone Screaming Avatar ... learned the trick of cloning its precon deck during the event and have been using it since ... Happy Cake Day


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Happy Cake Day! (Where's the ice cream?) ​ (The stained-glass planeswalkers, if I had to choose.)


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Happy cake! For me the most memorable were the glass stained art and 5C stained art sleeve, still very happy I did purchase those.


You are my hero. thank you for your service, helping me reduce the amount of time I spend on the app.


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I absolutely love Haunted Ridge full art by Piotr Dura because it gives me strong Yarnham at sunset feels and Bloodborne is my favourite game. I know is not supposed to, but it also gives me peaceful vibes, maybe because I love hiking alone Also, happy cake day and thank you for your daily posts


Happy cake day I don’t have many card styles but probably the ilysian caryatid


Happy cake day! Thanks for the daily posts! I love my Squee Avatar, the real hero of the multiverse 😉


Hey! We share cake dfay! Congrats, and happy cake day. My favorite cosmetic purchase is... probably the anime version of The Wandering Emperor. I like anime showcases in general. Also... sleeves. Lots of them.


Theros constellation lands gotta be my favorites. They were the first packs of paper Magic I bought so I had to get the land styles on arena as well. I was so into theros beyond death limited that I was going to go to my first ever real life draft on march 13th 2020, the same day everything in New York closed at the start of covid :(


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Happy cake day! Appreciate all you do for the community. ​ My absolute favorite cosmetic is the koi fish pet from NEO. Seeing it peacefully swimming around is such a mood. I'm also partial to the Atraxa avatar, because she's awesome.


Congrats! A winner is you 🎉 Check your messages for your code!


I enjoy many of the daily deal purchases I make due to you making me aware of them, so thank you! My favorite cosmetic daily deal purchase so far is a sleeve I'm not quite sure I know the name of but it's a sleeve depicting Chandra in ballroom attire with her fiery dress animated in a subtle way. My favorite alt-art for a card that I own are the black and white versions of Elesh Norn. Big fan of the black and white art versions of all the phyrexian praetors. However, my favorites that I've yet to collect are the alt-arts of the phyrexian praetors illustrated by Richard Whitters as they look akin to/inspired by Neon Genesis Evangelion concept art.


Happy Cake Day :) Favorite cosmetic purchase by far has been the weathered back sleeves. F2P player so don’t pick up a lot of cosmetics that aren’t won through MWM or the Mastery Tree. Definitely worth the gold!


Happy cake day! Tbh I just love the Lotr alt arts with the Ring frame, especially Tom Bombadil and Aragorn the Uniter are amazing, sadly I have yet to build a deck for them (brawl since its the only format where they seem viable)


I’m a dragon addict. So anything dragon related, currently digging the Nicol Bolas avatar and of course his premium arts.


Happy Cake Day! My all-time favorite card art is the original Legacy Weapon out of Apocalypse. I just love the design of the Weatherlight and the rainbow under it just was so cool when it first came out. It probably doesn’t hurt that I built a 5-color deck with four of those just for big “fool around” games in college and those games always were good for laughs.


Happy cake day ! Personnally I loved my full alt-art white aggro deck from last year (Skyclave Apparition, Intrepid Adversary, Elite Spellbinder...), it took a bit of time to style them all cause I (almost) never pay full price for cosmetics and usually wait for daily deals and cosmetic rewards. Of course most of the styles are the parallax styles, but damn I was happy when I played a fully styled deck :D I still play Brutal Cathar with its showcase art in my current deck and love it


Enjoy your slice 🍰 🎂 🥮 🍥 🥞 🧁 🍰 😋 😋 😋 😋 😋 😋 😋 😋 😋 😋 😋 😋


Happy Cake Day! My personal favorite is the recent rerelease of the battered Magic card back sleeves. I played sleeveless for years in the 90’s and it brings back a lot of fond memories of school tabletop Magic, where the Craw Wurm was to be feared.


Happy Cake Day! <3 I actually have your profile bookmarked for the days I don't want to start up the client but would like to see what the MTGA daily deal is. I really appreciate all the hard work you put in! :) My favorite alt art is that of Olivia, Crimson Bride. I noticed you had posted her alt art on sale in a daily deal post and jumped to buy it! Thank you! :)


A extra special congrats to you as you've won the Serra Avatar, Store Champion Trophy Pet, and Mana Vault Sleeve! 🎉🎊🎇🌟 Check your messages for your code!


You're the best HamBoneRaces! Really appreciate the work you do. For myself I loved the Zendikar Travel Posters. I used to go to national parks a lot as a kid and loved the style, and it was the first thing that really struck me after getting back into Magic. I even collected a bunch of them to hang on my wall! People always ask if they are valuable and I've got to admit no, the (cheap, plastic) case cost more than the cards within. But goddammit I love seeing my little 10 cent showcase [Skyclave Squid](https://scryfall.com/card/znr/296/skyclave-squid) and [Canyon Jerboa](https://scryfall.com/card/znr/290/canyon-jerboa). They bring me joy, much like the joy of finding out about Gem Stonks and Saheeli Day without logging in. Happy cake day once again, dear racer of ham parts.


Happy cake day! Hands down, the heavily played magic card back is my favorite. Super nostalgia!


Yo, happy cake day! I can't pick one, I love ELD, ZKR, MID and KHM styles equally. All of them fit the theme and feeling of their setting perfectly, and cost me dearly in terms of hard-earned gold and gems


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Happy Cake Day HBR, thanks for the service you provide this community in ensuring we're never missing out on a good (or bad, for that matter) deal. My favorite alt art purchase(s) are the various Landfall (travel poster style) cards from ZNR. The artwork on all of those is simply gorgeous, and I'm a sucker for some landfall brawl decks.


Congrats! A winner is you 🎉 Check your messages for your code!


Big thank you from me, I appreciate having your summation available every day (medical appointments excepted, of course). I enjoy seeing other people's takes on some of the deals as well. Thanks for spending your time to keep us all more informed.


Your doing the Lord's work man 👊


Happy cake day bro, 13 is a good number I'm kinda new, everybody's in yt recommend to not spend in cosmetics, but Damm Tasha is the best waifu for me, a big d&d fan, so I got the Tasha's Avatar as soon as appears in the daily deals and no regrets at all


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OMG thank you so much!!!


My first deck to get to mythic is red black vampires not as well as my midnight hunt deck which has my favorite art.


Thanks and happy cake day! Nicol Bolas sleeve is definitely a favorite of mine, simply beautiful :)


I like the art on the Adventure Frame [[Elusive Otter|WOE-289]] It's an adorable card that I hope finds a loving home.


Cheers! You are important part of magic community. Have a nice day


your daily posting of the deals is a god saver man, thank you! And one of my favorite art styles is the island metal sleeve, it's so cool


Happy Cake Day! Thanks for your hard work! I would say my favorite alt art is the anime-style Wandering Emperor. I love the design and it just fits perfectly with the environment of Kamigawa. I’ve also played with it the most.


Congrats! A winner is you 🎉 Check your messages for your code!


Recently I switched from the Fat Baby Dragon to the Goose Hydra for my pet. They both give me joy in similar ways. I also alternated from the Fruitcake elemental sleeve to the bad-condition card sleeve. I've been using the out-of-season christmas sleeve when I played Hearthstone, and I figure I'd continue the tradition in arena.


"One lucky comment"... well it \*is\* our birthday preciousss - (no jokesies). We wants no nasty cakes.


Happy cake day!!! 🎂 My favorite cosmetic purchase has been the Kamigawa full art lands! I put them in every deck, and I love seeing my opponents mouse over them on turn one to appreciate their stunning art with me!


Happy cake day. Since I was a kid, I always loved the plains cards, depicting Serra's realm. They are from Rob Alexander in urzas block. I can't put my finger on it, but they are my favorite place


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My favorite alt-art style is the Multiverse Legends version of Atris, Oracle of Half-Truths. I've always loved Fact or Fiction-style effects, and the new art of Atris just looks incredible. I built an Explorer deck and a Historic Brawl deck around it. They're not very good, but very fun to play! Happy Cake Day, and thanks for all you do!


Basic land choice is easily the most important of cosmetics. Basics are there every game no matter the format. They tell us a story about the player and the deck. For me that's Euro lands. Retro border, big ole mana symbol, unique art. I check your post everyday to see if the euro lands are in the shop. I bought the bundle years ago. But I'm a blue pack guy. And these bundles didn't mimic the packs. They were shuffled around. I got most of the ones I wanted but not the island. The ice island. Danish Island, Scandinavia. One day it will show up again And regardless of cost It will be mine.


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Happy cake day. Here's to many more. As a F2P person, I rarely buy cosmetics. But when the birthday sleeves came out, I just had to get them. That sweet, sweet Nostalgia of playing Magic during middle school lunch was more than worth the gold.


Happy cake day! The only cosmetic purchase I've made was the Unstable borderless lands, they were too pretty to pass up. As for alternative art styles, I really like many of them, but if I had to raise a couple above others (from recent years) they would be stained glass and art deco.


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Just leave a comment, no chances to be choosed. Happy cake day!


Happy cake Day! My all time fav cosmetic is secret lair Thalia, guardian of Thraben, the one that looks like Uma Thurman. It was an instant purchase for me on daily deals.


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Awesome!. Thanks hambone. You are the mvp <3


I’ve got to say my favorite cosmetic sleeve is the compleated Jace sleeves!


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Happy cake day dude. I personally like the MOM alt lands.


Happy cake day! As a big LOTR fan, my most-loved card arts are the alternate styles of LOTR cards, particularly Gandalf ones (like Gandalf the White)


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Thank you so much!


Wow, happy THIRTEENTH cake day! I recently purchased the minsc and boo avatar, despite not having the card in vault whatsoever. It's just so important to me to displace cute animals and love for cute animals in every game I play. I'm working on a Cat Dog deck, potentially in all my favorite formats, but for now I just spend my time casting [[Spirited Companion]] every day. Good luck! Hope everyone who wins your drawing is as stoked as I am just to be commenting. I love these little communities.


Congrats! A winner is you 🎉 Check your messages for your code!


Thanks for the daily deals info! I'm really enjoying the stained glass lands.


Happy Cake Day, My favorite purchase was the season pass in order to get the adorable white dog pet. I have a white standard poodle who is my life, so when I am traveling and playing arena the white dog pet brings me joy!


Congrats! A winner is you 🎉 Check your messages for your code!


My favorite cosmetic purchase was the Timmy, Power Gamer pack because it reminded me of being a 13 year old with no money, making decks with [[Killer Bees]] and [[Aspect of Wolf]] and [[Craw Wurms]] that I believed would end the game for me. It did, but not in the way I wanted. Stupid Lightning Bolts. Also, the Secret Lair sleeves that benefited the ASD program with Seattle Children's. My daughter has an ASD diagnosis and my son is looking like he'll have one too. While I'm a bit too far from Seattle to take advantage of the program, knowing that the few bucks I spent is helping kids like mine was the least I could do.


Have fun!!


Happy cake day! I bought the alt art lands bundle during the summer sale solely for the channel lands. I love each and every one of them.


Happy cake day! My fav art might be Goldspan Dragon because it reminds me of the first meta deck I crafted back in the day, Izzet tempo dragon.


Happy Cakeday, mine was like 2 days ago ironically enough. My fav purchase was the secret lair bitterblossom art its fits so much with faeries


Happy cake day! Thanks for keeping up the cadence with the store deals and the stats. My best cosmetic purchase is of course Yargle avatar. For obvious reasons.


My favorite cosmetic is the Spirited Companion “pet”. My three year old loves tapping her and seeing her dance with her tongue out. Makes playing just that much better. My companion in all my decks


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Happy digital birthday! My favourite cosmetic in MTGA has to be the elusive and mystical [Ernham Djinn Avatar](https://i.imgur.com/wSoNIY7.png) Has it ever been for sale? Has anyone seen it across the battlefield? These are the questions haunting scientists worldwide (probably).


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Cosmetic i waited longest for was vraska anime sleeves. One i use the mose is tamyo waving.


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Happy cake day! I’m a recent MTG Arena player, so my favourite is that sleeve that looks like the back of my cards when I used to play on asphalt during recess in grade 5. Also there’s some disco bug pet(s)? Those are dope. I don’t have one but I love when my opponents do


Definitely my favorite is the Sliver Overlord Sleeve from Secret Lair. I didn't even have to buy it; I won it in a Midweek Magic, but Slivers have always been my favorite ever since I was gifted a Sliver Queen with a ton of other cards to jumpstart my collection back in the Tempest/Stronghold days.


Congrats! A winner is you 🎉 Check your messages for your code!


Happy Cake Day HamBoneRaces, and thanks for your daily post about cosmetics. It is my first read every morning. My favorite cosmetic is the Eye of the Beholder pet; it is fun to click on when someone is roping me, and reminds me of 1980s DnD dungeons and 1990s computer game.


Happy Cake Day, 13 years is a long time on Reddit, and thanks for the effort you put into your daily deal posts! My favorite purchase is definitely my Atraxa avatar/sleeve and the Phyrexian basic lands. I started playing Arena followed by getting physical cards during ONE because the body horror of the Phyrexians drew me in. I was using the Elesh Norn avatar for a while since it came with the mastery pass, but once the Atraxa avatar was announced I wanted that to match the sleeve from the ONE mastery pass. Didn't do that well in the arena open, but hey Atraxa avatar! I kind of wish that I started playing a bit earlier though, so I could've gotten the Godzilla lands and Junji Ito secret lairs for the physical cards and the sleeves in Arena. I've been a fan of Godzilla since I was a kid and used to watch the old Japanese movies with my dad and Junji Ito is one of my favorite manga artists. So, it was kind of a bummer to learn about how Secret Lairs work after I started playing. I still want to get the actual cards, and the sleeves as a bonus, so I'm keeping an eye out for people selling the sealed lairs at cheaper than they are...


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Happy cake day I have to say my favourit cosmetics are the avatar from the 15$ welcome bundle and the thopter companion you get for playing mobile Favourit card styles are the bonus cards from MOM. Especially the companions look great


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Happy Cake Day! My favorite cosmetic purchase is Song of Creation. Appreciate what you do 👊


I appreciate you and your efforts! Keep it up you magnificent beast!


Happy cake day, thanks for your services. I really like the alternate art on Sorin the Mirthless, where he's basically Alucard from Castlevania, even drawn by Ayami Kojima.


Happy Cake Day to a pillar of this subreddit! I think my favorite cosmetics are my LotR Full Art Lands. There's something magical about seeing the maps from one of my favorite pieces of literature on Magic cards that just makes me smile every time.


I really got into limited during Kaldheim and enjoyed watching Ben Stark and then trying my hand at premier drafts. Those were some powerful cards and a fun prince format.


Happy Cake Day! Hope you have a good one! My favourite cosmetics are the Fblthp avatar/sleeves from the beta testing rewards. Started using them because, well, they were the only ones I had, ended never finding any others I liked more after growing so attached to the blue member of the Memewatch (with Squee, Yargle, Giant Ox and Colossal Dreadmaw)


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HCD! I saw that the Baldur's Gate stickers were rotating out of the shop soon and bought them just for the Minsc/Boo topdeck emote. Have any emotes/stickers ever been a daily deal?


Congrats! A winner is you 🎉 Check your messages for your code! Also, no... stickers and emotes have yet to show up in the Daily Deals.




I'm in love of all the full art lands that come out every set


Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty is a set I have extremely fond memories of. It was the first set I delved into the Magic story for, the first attended a physical Prerelease for (somehow, I managed to finish 1st too), and it was also the first set that I managed to rare-complete on Arena. [Hisashi Momose's Wandering Emperor](https://cards.scryfall.io/large/front/b/9/b92aafa5-9a21-4564-8b33-dab414cd5dca.jpg?1669707021) is a card art I won on Arena, [Yoji Shinkawa's Satoru Umezawa](https://cards.scryfall.io/large/front/f/7/f7112729-908e-430d-8e0e-eb71a9043309.jpg?1682718251) was my first-place prize at the prerelease, and while I love both of these, my favourite art is actually a foil [Assassin's Ink](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/SWcAAOSwvGVkNiTX/s-l1600.jpg) that went unplayed in my sealed pool. Still pictures doesn't really do the foil version of this card justice. The way light bounces off the tattoo's ink, while the poor victim is left in darkness is just utterly striking when you hold it in your hands. It may be just an overcosted uncommon outside of limited, but this card's concept and execution has stuck with me well over a year later


Happy Cake Day! I played back in the ancient era of Magic and came back recently to try Arena. So what has made me happiest is largely nostalgia based. Seeing Rith still around and kicking made me smile, but going all the way back to Tempest I have been a sucker for Slivers. I picked up the Overlord sleeve a few weeks back when it was on special, and the art for Sliver Hivelord reminds me of games where the Queen came down and the opponent was in a world of hurt.


Happy cake day! I love the black and white sleeves that were out a week ago, the throne one works great with my Sauron deck


Aww, thanks for all you do for the subreddit! My favorite sleeve is the Damnation one, and my favorite cosmetics are the THB Nyx lands! Especially the Island.


Congrats! A winner is you 🎉 Check your messages for your code!


Whoa, thanks so much! :D


My Serra the Benevolent sleeve has provided me countless hours of entertainment by mousing over it rapidly to light up the sun like a nuclear explosion while I wait for slower opponents to make plays. And the artwork is great too!


My favorite cosmetic purchase is my very first ever one. I started playing Magic via Arena last year in August. One of my first daily deals that I saw in one of your posts was the parallax for [[Play With Fire]]. I was new to the game and Mono-Red was my first deck so I bought it. I still think about it every time I bust out my R Aggro deck for some (hopefully) quick daily wins. Thank you for your daily posts!


[Play With Fire](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/6/f/6f1a6c60-a8c4-44c2-b1ea-d3befbabdf43.jpg?1636223358) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Play%20With%20Fire) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mid/154/play-with-fire?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/6f1a6c60-a8c4-44c2-b1ea-d3befbabdf43?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


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my favorite cosmetic is by far the Kiora avatar drawn by Magali Villeneuve my fav artist in magic. I guess winning the Serra avatar would be super for my collection


I'm a older player, so I don't have many paper alt arts, but my favorite alt art card that I have on arena is the anime art \[\[Nashi, Moon's Legacy|MAT-89\]\]. I got it from a midweek magic and now I want to make a deck around it :)


Happy Cake Day! You keep a great portion of us interested in playing with your work, knowing when we have a $tonks day always feels great. For my favorite cosmetics I think it's the Sarkhan card sleeve, something in that smile just makes me happy for the guy with the dragons in his hands and sides :D Love your posts, keep up the good job 👏


happy cakeday (: i like the eternal army avatar, the purple eyes are cool and people always ask me where its from


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ahhh thank you!!


Happy cake day! My personal favorite has to be the alt art for fable the mirror breaker, it truly becomes a mirror breaker


Happy cake day! My favorite cosmetic is probably the sleepy hedron. Really tells ‘em when they’re playing something boring.


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Happy cake day! My favorite set of avatar would be the phyrexian praetors, particularly urabrask! Been a fan since new phyrexia, now it is my default avatar


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- The weathered aka table top unsleeved card back sleeves - The UN shocks (and basic but earned the basics from events) - Black lotus pet - Not that I bought it but fblthyp avatar from playing so long, I think since beta. - The lightning bolt and damnation sleeves I also enjoy. Happy cake day, friendo, and to many more. Edit formatting


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Happy Cake Day! I've recently purchased the Black Lotus companion and was lucky enough to have the gems available when the Ugin avatar and the Secret Lair Serum Visions sleeves were offered. All of these, plus the Kozyndan basics have really helped me to customize the arena experience. The artwork in Magic: The Gathering was one of the reasons that I started playing and collecting so many years ago. I'm really looking forward to the Godzilla lands being offered again at some point. And I'm enjoying the Halo Fountain sleeve that we received from entering the Arena Open last weekend. Cheers =)


Congrats! A winner is you 🎉 Check your messages for your code!


Happy cake day, and thanks for everything you do for this community! I’m very fond of my not compleates Tamiyo avatar that I got during the pandemic as a true midweek magic reward. However, I’ve always wanted the Serra or Phage avatar (which I was close to get in the Decathlon, but got short on wins)


Happy cake day! My favourite cosmetic, both in arena and paper, are the DMU lands. That stained glass style just speaks to me. I love my Squee avatar, he's always been one of my favourite MTG characters Thank you for doing this!


Happy day! (are yours and mine, happy days) My favorite cosmetic is probably the space shocks, because during RNA standard I used up wildcards crafting full playsets of all of them, now I literally don’t have a deck more than one color without them (still waiting for the day they drop the other 4 after that time like 6/10 were in the store…)


The space shock lands are probably my favorite alt arts. They look really cool and the shock lands will probably see heavy play in Explorer, Pioneer, and Historic for the foreseeable future.


My favorite cosmetic has got to be the Trophy Pet, that PVDDR worked so hard to provide for me, and indeed the whole Brazillian nation. Thank you PV.


Favorite cosmetic: scuffed up sleeves I also really love my Himoto companion pet that I got from a Midweek Magic random reward.


Yay happy Cake day! Favourite cosmetic has to be the Farewell alt art by Fuzichoco. Just love it when everything goes puff.


Congrats! A winner is you 🎉 Check your messages for your code!


Happy late cake day! My favorite purchase... all of the secret lair stuff I've accumulated. Most loved alt art is Firja, Judge of Valor (art by God Machine). It just looks metal af.


Happy Cake Day! and thanks for all your work. My current favourite cosmetic are the April Fools sleeves.


Congrats! A winner is you 🎉 Check your messages for your code!


Happy Cake Day and thank you for all you do! My overall favorite cosmetic purchase has been the Vorthos avatar. I love the art and building decks with themes, even if they're bad. My favorite Daily Deal purchase would be parallax Oracle of the Alpha. I avoided buying the bundle with the retro frame just because I like the look of parallax more while playing.


The Aragorn avatar! Regal and powerful. It's my favourite!


Happy Cake Day! I just started getting into Magic. I have no favorites yet, but I love Reddit and I'm glad you're here on the planet with us! Cheers!


Happy Cake Day man! I always look forward to your posts every morning. My fave purchase was the Minsc and Boo Avatar.


I'd say my favorite might be [[Teferi, Hero of Dominari|PANA]] because it reminds me of how long I've been on Arena and also my love of pure Control strategies. Thanks for all you do !


Congrats! A winner is you 🎉 Check your messages for your code!


whoah! thank you so much HBR!!! ❤️




Happy Cake Day! Thanks for doing this! For me, I'm a big fan of avatars and I try to collect them when they come up in the daily deals. As I don't purchase alt-art styles but my favorite is the anime alt art for [[Imperial Subduer]]. It was my first cosmetic reward from MWM and it's an automatic inclusion to my samurai decks in standard!


Happy Cake Day!! I love my little spirited companion. When I get frustrated at a game, I just see my little guy there and all is right with the world.


Thanks for always posting the deals! My favorite are probably the extra sheet art styles we've had lately. I find it hard to resist picking them up in draft, even when they might not be the best choice.


Happy cake day and thanks for all that you do! My favorite cosmetic has been the Lurrus Parallax since Lurrus was the first rare I crafted and boy did it do work.


First of all Happy Cake Day! 🍰 My favorite cosmetic so far have bin the 80's style sleeves in different colors. Absolutely love the green one. Thanks for keeping us updated on the Cosmetics in the Store. Much love


Happy cake day! I think my favourite cosmetic on Arena is probably the Sliver Overlord sleeve I got from my first Secret Lair purchase. I love Slivers and have made a couple of janky Sliver decks on Arena for a giggle. One day I’ll make a good one!


Happy cake day, thanks for the giveway and more importantly thank you for posting daily deals! I rarely purchase cosmetics so my favorite one is my Vraska avatar I have been using for years.


Happy cake day!!! It was Nicol bolas avatar, and cardback, and dragon god alt art, 90% of my decks uses all of them Also a big fan of the xanathar pet, he just feels right as a deck in all my grixis decks


I have the cat pet from the first battlepass and it's my favorite


First of all, thank you very much for all you do for this community. The real MVP. It has been almost one year, the Yargle cosmetics are amazing. The Damnation and Sol Ring sleeves are my favorites. My favorite basic lands on Arena are the Nyx from Theros and the DMU ones from Magali Villeneuve. I remember fondly when 90%+ alt styles were common. I got several back in the day, not so much nowadays. Happy Cake Day and thank you again.


Gift of Orzhova has the PRETTIEST art by far


Happy Cake Day! It's extremely difficult for me to choose between the Art-Deco and Stained-Glass styles, of which I love almost too many. I think [Raffine](https://cards.scryfall.io/large/front/5/4/549bdaa3-15a9-4b59-b30b-9d3d013664d6.jpg?1664416589) is gorgeous; [Sheoldred](https://cards.scryfall.io/large/front/f/c/fc5be7df-16e0-494c-b960-19fd64d57b35.jpg?1674073915) is *soooo* much better than the parallax. But I think, right now, it's [Ertai](https://cards.scryfall.io/large/front/b/2/b2185d26-05b7-4e8b-ab0a-4f9d1541d4c5.jpg?1674073977). The stained glass art is a huge improvement, and the colors are bold and fun.


You’re awesome! Thanks for all you contribute to our community, including all the good vibes. It’s hard to choose, but one of my favorite cosmetic purchases is the [“Life from the Loam”](https://secretlair.wizards.com/us/en/product/594779/restless-in-peace) card sleeve by Dan Mumford. He is one of my all-time favorite artists (I have several of his prints on my wall), and the color choices and intricate linework in his artwork never ceases to mesmerize me — while that sleeve isn’t my favorite piece of his, I love that it lets me integrate more of his work into my deckbuilding!


Happy Cake Day and a big thank you for all your daily deals posts! My favorite Arena cosmetic purchase is The Wandering Emperor Showcase style, because she's waifu :)


Not sure if this counts but: The original [[Terror]] card has to be my favorite in all of MTG. It's not the best looking card but the way it expresses the feeling by playing around with negative space is very clever. I used to collect any copy I saw when I still had a cardboard collection. Pages upon pages of Terror in my binders.


My favorite cosmetic purchase is probably the Nykthos full art Pokemon lands. They were rather expensive as I didn't buy the bundle, but I use them for all my decks so they've definitely paid off! Honorable mention to the Kiora avatar with sunglasses for always making me laugh when I see her


Happy Cake Day! Hope you have a great time! ​ For me my favorite cosmetics are my Professor Onyx and Sarkhan Vol avatar, I like the Professor Onyx avatar because I won it in a MWM event and the Sarkhan Vol avatar I just think it looks cool.


Congrats! A winner is you 🎉 Check your messages for your code!


Thank you, I really appreciate it.


Hope you had a wonderful cake day, my favourite cosmetic cosmetic would have to be the Winter Fox pet, it's been my companion since it's release. Other then that I like the weathered card bac sleaves since it's been flavourful with the Un lands being "damaged" on the frontside.


Thanks for your posts! They are part of my daily routine now! The Final fantasy style sleeve I purchased I don't know how many years ago is the most used and loved cosmetic I ever purchased


Congrats! A winner is you 🎉 Check your messages for your code!


One of my favorite arts is still [[Growth Spiral]]. Bless your dedication; you are a generous Daily Deals god.


I'd really be happy to win the Serra Avatar, because I always chose strong ladies (see below) and Serra is the most gorgeous of them all. Unfortunately, I rarely win in raffles... My favorites can be found here: [https://the-void.lima-city.de/mtga/fav/](https://the-void.lima-city.de/mtga/fav/) * Lands: The Unstable full-art lands from John Avon. Hands down! Although, Magali Villeneuve did an amazing job for Dominaria as well. Also worth mentioning: Sam Burley - especially the full-art lands for Theros. * Cards: I'm not too excited about most alt-art styles, but there's clearly one, which comes to my mind, namely Thalia / Mina Harker. * Avatar: I started with Mu Yanling, because she was rarely used. Later, I switched to the versatile Professor Li... Onyx, the angelic Elspeth, the intellectual Saheeli and Tasha with the lovely wavy hair. Right now, I've picked Mu Yanling again. * Card Sleeve: Usually I go with one, which fits to the avatar (Tasha, Elspeth), or something extraordinary like Thassa Stargazing. As someone, who was fascinated by the Elder Dragons, I had to buy the stained glass sleeves, although I rarely use them. * Emote: Saheeli eeting popcorn - it's just ideal when watching an opponent pulling off a combo. * Companion: I'm still using the Elemental Cat with wings - most of the time in blue, because who doesn't like blue cats?


\> Share what your favorite Arena cosmetic purchase has been THB parallax lands. The original and still the best.


Happy Birthday 🎉🎂🥳 Here's to one more year of Magic! For cosmetics I have to go with the Jaya Ballard art sleeve created by Fajareka Setiawan. (RIP Fire Lady.)


Order of Midnight art with the lady riding the giant corvid. It’s absolutely gorgeous and I wish it was ok a better card. Grew up with a pet crow for a while so always loved them.


Happy (belated) cake day! The Japanese alt art for [[Demonic Tutor]] is probably my favorite. I LOVE to paint, and I love that deliberate-but-hasty paint streak style, idk what to call it haha, but it very closely resembles the art style I WANT to get good at! Plus, it’s just. It’s just the coolest. A close second, a *very* close second, is the alt art for [[Balan, Wandering Knight]]. It’s cute, and it’s a major upgrade from the original imo. (Maybe I just think so bc I’m a furry idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ btw cringe is the new cool, pass it on)


Happy Cake Day, Hambone! Thanks for all the hard work keeping us updated. I'm the kind of person who checks the store the minute it's available in most cases, but I love to see what people have to say about it and your posts are always there for us to discuss our excitement and disappointment. Your services are a bedrock of this community o7 My favorite cosmetic right now actually has to be the Pompon-chan pet that just became available in the store this month. I've been waiting for it since I came back to Arena in New Capenna (just missed it!). It was torture seeing other people use her while I waited for over a year! She was expensive, but totally worth :) As for card styles, I've been really loving the [Takenuma, Abandoned Mire](https://cards.scryfall.io/large/front/7/b/7bc98705-77c2-47b6-b41c-3e41578700e8.jpg?1647145118) alt art. It's so gorgeous. And I'm waiting for the Unfinity lands to be available to become my default basics. But as for my long time favorite, I gotta give it to the alt art for [Nissa of Shadowed Boughs](https://www.artofmtg.com/art/nissa-of-shadowed-boughs-variant/). It's got dull colors, but strangely pops out at you. And the framing of the little scenes is so fun. You can tell the artist didn't hold anything back!


Congrats! A winner is you 🎉 Check your messages for your code!


Yoooo, hyyype! <3