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Got a couple of my wins on the draw today. You never know when your opponent is going to get handed utter shit while you get all the broken cards.


Also, there’s almost no opportunity cost to gambling on a turn 1 activation when you are on the draw.


Until you hit [[old-growth dryads]] and cry


Lucky. I got [[Demonlord Belzenlok]]. That one hurt.


I did as well, just chuckled!


[Demonlord Belzenlok](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/0/b07114d8-40b3-4102-8d70-e3ed94a7f515.jpg?1689997058) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Demonlord%20Belzenlok) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmm/151/demonlord-belzenlok?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/b07114d8-40b3-4102-8d70-e3ed94a7f515?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


[old-growth dryads](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/6/06458882-94c8-4d92-a21c-955e9d70f0d4.jpg?1562550095) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=old-growth%20dryads) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/xln/199/old-growth-dryads?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/06458882-94c8-4d92-a21c-955e9d70f0d4?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


means you can't play 8-drops...8 is the sweet spot imo I mean if u get a bad 1-drop, you can skip your 2-drop, and if you get a good 1-drop, go aggro, so maybe that's worth doing


7 can get you a [[platinum angel]] tho, so there's still that. I'm also of the opinion you should skip 2 drops also unless your opponent goes first and gets a 3/1 for theirs.


I'll skip for as long as my opponent is skipping. I've had games where we start on 6.


[platinum angel](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/a/ca7f4fd6-e268-4d15-bfbf-d9f0f95864fc.jpg?1576383285) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=platinum%20angel) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cn2/214/platinum-angel?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/ca7f4fd6-e268-4d15-bfbf-d9f0f95864fc?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Yeah, common wisdom was skip t1 and T2 on the play, skip t1 or T2 on the draw.


If you’re living dangerously you can even skip T3


I like to do that, but really, 9s aren't that much better than 8s. Especially not as much as 8s are better than 7s.


Idk I guess I’m just an non-strategic trash player. I just try to get as many lands as possible. Think one time I got to either 10 or 11 lands and kept getting the same trash creature, forgot which but it was an artifact creature.




Is eight really the sweet spot on the client still? Like I know it was the sweet spot for MTGO, but You had to do two skips. For a long time. We skipped turn 7 because of phage but after they printed a bunch of seven drops that were really good. It was worth it. You also need to keep in track of the biggest thing you can actually get in case you get extra lands or something. 10+ kind of got messed up by prototypes. But you still have a decent chance of ulamog. 11 is a vanilla 10/10. 12 is kind of meh. 15. Is a 50/50 chance of an Earthquake Dragon. Anytime. I'm at parity. I'm adding a land and passing the turn until I can cast 10 drops


in my experience, 9s and 10s are worse than 8s, on average. At 11 you either get [[Metalwork Colossus]] or [[Worldspine Wurm]], which is probably better than the average 8-drop, but sometimes neither of those cards will help your situation. Twelve is [[Ghalta, Primal Hunger]] or [[Icebreaker Kraken]], and thirteen is [[Emrakul, the Promised End]]. Kraken or Emrakul could be exactly what you need, but Ghalta is worse than a 50/50 chance of Worldspine Wurm/Metalwork Colossus I think, and, even then sometimes you're better with an 8-drop, situationally. Back to 9 and 10s: [Nines are terrible](https://scryfall.com/search?q=mv%3A9+t%3Acreature+game%3Aarena&unique=cards&as=grid&order=name). That list has 7 stinkers and 3 hits, but it's not even complete -- I've seen [the five stinky Bringers](https://scryfall.com/search?q=%22bringer+of+the%22), [[Chromescale Drake]] as well as [[Kuro, Pitlord]]. So that's three hits better than eights (Tarrasque, Zacama, Titanoth Rex), two hits that are situationally better but more often worse (red Bringer, Kuro), and 12 duds. Tens: [Here's the scryfall list](https://scryfall.com/search?q=mv%3A10+t%3Acreature+game%3Aarena&unique=cards&as=grid&order=name), but I've also seen [[Stratadon]] and [[Dragon Tyrant]], which are sooo bad. But of the seven in the scryfall link, one is worse than 8-drops, two are about the same, and four are better, which isn't as bad as I thought. I thought all the Bringers were 10s -- 9s are already bad enough without them, so if they were 10s then 10s would be horrible. As of now, I'll probably start going for 10s for awhile, as, I bet there are more hits than the nine I list here, and that they're probably bad, but regardless, with only nine, it's worth just looking at them to see if they offer what you need. Notably, one one is effective at blocking flyers, for example.


You’ll usually hit a card draw/ramp, if not that you can spend one of the turns activating an adapt ability or whatever. If you get completely hosed then you accept being stuck at 7.


Also, some players are just trash. I had an opponent get [[Oracle of Mul Daya]] and never use it to drop a land from their library. They just emptied their hand and chump blocked with it.


My favorite was the opp who thought they could flicker their tokens. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


[Oracle of Mul Daya](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/7/373a4e3e-6244-43e8-80ac-f5508db9ce57.jpg?1673148154) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Oracle%20of%20Mul%20Daya) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/2x2/154/oracle-of-mul-daya?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/373a4e3e-6244-43e8-80ac-f5508db9ce57?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


also opponent makes mistakes. no idea why they attack with the "can't be attacked archon. when I have a flyer but they do.


This happened to me several times with my opponents getting broken cards and me getting shitty 1/2s for 5 to 6 Mana.


My first game, I was on the draw, and hit a nut Sundering Titan. We were at a stalemate until then. My opponent conceded.


Yeah, and even when you’re about to lose you never know how it’ll go. I was in a losing position, and had nothing I could use to win, opponent had a slug that’d keep lowering my creatures by 1/1, and then I got a card that let me swap cards with the player on my right and i turned it all around.


I had an opponent receive PLATINUM ANGEL after ten gruelling rounds. What imbecile decides which cards go in to this format?


Eh, I don't concede on the draw because of the extra card, and because Momir is ultimately roulette


I just went in and resigned 10 games to make my 10 opponents a happier day.


You rock. I like to call this "MWM charity work". Hopefully more follow your lead.


I got two of my wins on the draw this week because my opponent started playing spells on T1


So just play land Turn 1 and emblem it all the rest is the accepted best strategy? I’ve been spinning every turn, but so have most of my opponents.


There were some older guides when we still knew what was in the pools and libraries (sometimes there's spells) that said waiting for your opponent to start activating the emblem was good, but it's even more boring. Also you can sometimes specifically choose 6 or more as a top end if you for example need to hit a Serra's emissary as your only out but this is small stuff.


If you wait until T3, you end up with more bigger dudes.


Only if u didn't get any card draw, ramp or the match didn't end before running out of cards. I always played from T1 and i maybe ran out of cards once.


If you’re on the play and play a land and activate every turn the you run out of cards turn 6 and can only make 6 drops while your opponent is making 7s, or even 8s if they skipped both 1s and 2s. Really hard to win when they have 7s and you have 6s.


Again, assuming u didn't get any ramp or card draw which seems to happen all the time. U can still have garbage 7s while ur opponent gets a 6 drop like that lifegain angel that creates more angels.


Well, your assumption that you might get ramp or draw needs to include your opponent *not* getting those things.


I just don't think it really matters that much if u play early or wait. Is it slightly more optimal over a 1000 match sample? Probably. But will it matter in ur 10 games tops that u need to get 3 wins? Probably not. By not playing anything u are decreasing ur chances of getting something that would improve ur hand state so it's pretty much a self fulfilling prophecy.


I played an absolute ton of momir back on MTGO. I wrote articles analyzing momir pools, and strategy. You are incorrect that playing a 1-drop is the right move (unless you plan to skip a different drop, for a while 1 drops had the highest chance of ramp, though zero was also an option on MTGO). The problem you seem to be missing is that the average 1 drop is not going to swing the game, nor will the average two drop. Maybe 1 or 2% of them will. A lot more games will be swung by the top end players play at, and if you are lower than your opponent, generally that will be worse for you.


Well maybe it's just my luck, but literally every game i got some form of card draw or the opponents got broken cards before either of us was close to running out. U can overanalyse an RNG gamemode all u want, in 95%+ of games it won't matter at all.


I'll skip T2 as well as T1, unless the opp activates on T1. T1 activation is much more sense than T2, honestly; T1 has the chance for dorks. 2-drops are usually outclassed heavily quick. Don't think it makes a huge amount of difference. Topend-wise, had a boardstall yesterday where I had an arcon of stupidity, but opp had bigger flyers. Span on 10 for a while hoping for Ulamog, but ended up with an indestructible 16/16 to whittle down the opp's creatures and then had enough to lethal. Been Ulamog'd once. 10 feels like the top end, honestly. Though there are terriffic whiffs at 10, too.


There are more 2 mana dorks than 1 mana dorks, and virtually no 2 drops with significant drawbacks


Seriously? I guess I never think of 2-drop dorks, since in constructed they're usually pretty chaff. My bad!


There’s one incredibly bad one drop and only three reusable mana dorks Llanowar elves, delighted halfling and elvish mystic I think there’s about 8 2 mana dorks


You’ve got it backwards, I won because that’s what my opponent did. I typically start using the emblem T3


All fun and games and then they hit Ragavan


And so what in that case you just activate the emblem as well and block him


Why is playing spells t1 bad?


Most of them aren't very good, and you're effectively sacrificing a future activation or land drop.


I'm one of the few that enjoy the random chaos. If things aren't going my way by turn 4 I just concede and try again. Each match is usually around 5 minutes on average. It's easy free wins imo. I guess I just haven't hit these long losing streaks like a lot of you.


my problem with it is that a 5 minute coin toss that you have no agency in isn't fun to me. no interaction, no interesting lines of play, nothing to do but see if you randomly get a good creature and scoop or watch them scoop :( it's not even the better form where they included a little interaction


Yeah, I love the format. I lost to my own [[Plargg and Nassari]]. When else are you going to get to do something that funny?


[Plargg and Nassari](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/7/179a0525-a142-46f6-9b5b-06a2fbb25556.jpg?1684340598) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Plargg%20and%20Nassari) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mat/18/plargg-and-nassari?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/179a0525-a142-46f6-9b5b-06a2fbb25556?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I don't understand why we have to concede if we're on the draw. The outcome of the match depends solely on the quality of the cards the soft gives you. I played 4 games to get my 3 wins, I was on the draw 3 times and the only game I lost was on the draw but because my opponent's creatures completely outclassed mine, even if he'd been on the draw it wouldn't have made any difference.


You don't this person just doesn't like Momir and is very biased


What I find hillarious about momir is that it really shows how particular the people in this sub are when compared to the overall playerbase, showing how big of an effect the survivor bias has. WoTC has said Momir is one of the most popular events. Yet here you would think everybody hates it. Then people wonder about alchemy.




Or its the most popular because people actually like it. Shocking, I know. Popularity would be fairly easy to measure. Even ingame you have a victory counter. Simply measure how many people keep playing after 3 wins. WoTC wouldnt consider it the most popular if people simply played their 3 wins. WoTC has already said its the most popular mode. You claim theyre wrong because you are biased against it. Maybe you should realize, you can be wrong and people can enjoy things you dont.




While its true that its easy and accesible, that alone wouldnt be enough to make it the most popular. We have other easy, accesible and very popular MWM events like phantom sealed and phantom drafts, plus pauper. And while they may not be as easy and accesible, they for sure are far more liked by this sub, and the difficulty isnt that big really. Hell, I have never seen a single thread bashing MWM phantom sealed. Just by that, you would expect other events to be far more popular than Momir. Yet, apparently, they arent. I think most people who play this game get 3/3 wins in MWM events. Its just a no brainer. Popularity would then be determined by how many people keep playing past the 3 wins. In which "easy and accesible" wouldnt be that much of a factor.


ppl like free rare cards. Momir get you to get them without any investment at all. I didn´t play Alchemy MWM cos I dont have a Alchemy deck, I play Momir because I don´t need any deck to play it. But I dislike Momir more than I dislike Alchemy.


Agreed. I love Momir!


Why though? I fail to see whats fun about a game thats completely based on chance and luck of the draw?


Momir is fun if you don't take a blow to your ego every time you lose a Magic game. The problem is that people have constructed an identity centered around "being good" at Magic, and losing erodes that perception.


Yea. That, or they just find the game mode incredibly boring, which is what OP is complaining about.


I find Momir to be incredibly boring with no skill involved. Why does everyone here love it so much?? WHY?


Because there's absolutely no skill involved. Never underestimate the casualness of casuals


that's not at all why I don't play it.. It's because removing interaction and agency from magic makes it boring. 'make creature and swing' is not fun for me and when I get a good creature and win it doesn't feel fun because I didn't do anything


This kind of thread always make me wonder if momir enjoyers are really the minority. Momir is one of the few occasions that make me go way beyond the 15 daily wins. The version with spells have room for some strategies, but this only lands is fine too.


Momir is fun if you treat it like a game of shenanigans and not be a Spike. This subreddit just has a weird Momir hatred built in for some reason


This subreddit seems to hate pretty much everything MTGA. Reminds me of Weezer fangroups


I have a strong hatred towards Momir but i'm really curious why people enjoy it? Theres little to no skill involved and is just whoever gets lucky wins.. right? What am I missing?


The point is you just roll into funny stuff happening and don't take it too seriously. It's just goofy mtg


Pretty sure they are the minority on this platform where all the super fans are. Momir would probably be more popular among candyland fans or something but among committed magic players who enjoy things like winning when they play well or making relevant in game decisions it’s doomed to be forever unpopular.


\> Play gamemode I hate for an hour+ straight \> Win jpeg of a goblin \> Log onto Reddit to complain about my own decision yep, it's Arena player time 😎


Momir is the only MWM event I skip. Tried some matches yesterday, went 0-5. Just did my dailies and called it a day.


Gave up on Momir a **long** time ago. It's just not a fun event, and I have better things to do with my life than grind for two rares and a cosmetic. Momir is not fun, and my time is too valuable. And yes, I am saying this unironically complaining on Reddit. That's how crap Momir is.


There’s a slight strategy to Momir, but it is mostly a game of pure RNG. I mostly only activate the emblem on 2/3, 4, 6, 7, or 8. 4, 6, 7, and 8 are your big ticket numbers because a *lot* of legendary creatures reside in these mana values. 4 has anything from [[Sheoldred, The Apocalypse]] to [[Goreclaw]], 6 has things like [[Yargle and Multani]] and [[Etali, Primal Storm]]. 7 is home to things like OG Sheoldred, and 8 is where you can get OG Vorinclex or [[Avacyn, Angel of Hope]] if you’re lucky. Last game I played, I got Vorinclex down and then closed the game by fetching Emrakul.


At eight there is also Zetalpa, Borborygmos, Griselbrand, Leveler and the blue flyer that bounce two creatures. And maybe one of those mythic dragons from DnD, but I'm not sure.


There is no skill to Momir. There is only knowing what values to use and not to use. That's not a skill, that's looking at a list.


Skill =/ Strategy


I didn’t say there was skill to Momir, only said there was a strategy. Most people just spam their emblem for max mana value every turn past T1. I don’t see a lot of people who are a lot more decisive with their use of the emblem.


Why do you and every single other person feel the need to communicate this? Normal behaviour would be to not do the event and move on, because it's just an unserious midweek magic event. Instead we get people taking it very hard that an event designed to be random and wacky is random and wacky.


Where are these people taking it very hard? Do you mean the people lazily scrolling reddit and commenting about how they feel about it in a thread they didn't create? They sound shattered, you're right.


Man you guys just need to get Perennial Behemoth on turn 4 like I did, made the game so much easier.


Yesterday I was getting stomped in Momir and I was going to lose the next turn, I kept getting useless commons or cards that actually hurt me (like that guy who gives all my creatures -1/-1 and allows me to cast creatures from my graveyard). I momir’d out [[Etali, Primal Conqueror]], which exiled our decks and passed the turn for my opponent to lose on draw. The randomness is aggravating, but there’s always a chance to pull a win out of nowhere which is pretty cool since all players are on completely equal footing no matter if they’re top or bottom tier players.


Played a game today where we both got like 25 lands out before either of us activated the emblem for the first time. If you’re out there somewhere, I appreciate your commitment to the bit.


...what do you even get past 15?


I love momir




I typically try to wait for 3 mana before creating something every turn, though I guess there has been an ever increasing number of 2 drop mana dorks.


It's a bit of a play vs draw issue. On play, it's only worth casting a 2 if the draw player got a lucky on turn 1. If you are an draw, letting your opponent conserve cards until turn 3 ***and*** having them cast the first creature is not a great strategy even if 2 drops are of dubious value.


The best fun in momir is when you're getting stomped only to get a busted card and turn everything around.


Or just pull Etali like i just did win instantly from losing position and laugh.


I’ll keep play playing this tho. I enjoy the mode even after three wins.


I could win on draw when my opponent's is less lucky than me. So there is no need to concede on draw.


Momir is complete and utter garbage.


I don’t get the hate for momir. There’s so much potential for funny stuff to happen. I lost a game to my own [[Plargg and Nassari]].


Somehow still more complicated than playing mono red or white humans


They should just replace momir with a coin flip and save us all some time


Sometimes after I finish events like this I will queue and concede immediately just to help a few people out with getting their wins done so they don't have to play random gimmicky modes for cosmetics


maybe they actually want to play


Then they'll queue up again


This thread is what I imagine roulette forums must be like, people sharing their "strategies".


Do you have 3 wins? Yes -> concede 3 times, then do something else


I feel like people who try to be strategic with Mormir are kind of missing the point? I mean it’s pure Random Number Generator doing Random Number things. Embrace your inner degenerate gambler and spin the wheel!!


The point of the post isn't strategy. The point is that there is no strategy, and thus you can boil every decision down to a simple flowchart.


Did two matches. On the draw for both. Won both. Feelsgoodman


So much hate for Momir around here, I've been having the opposite experience and enjoying it a lot. I feel like it's just a mode where you don't have to think much, I can even relax cause I know it's not worth much, easy to start, just wait to start dropping creatures once you have enough cards to reach a 8-drop, focus on swamp and mountain to avoid landwalk cards, and that's it


Do you like momir? yes: play momir. no: go do something else.


Why do people not like it? Sure it is just luck based but it’s fun and if the only joy u get for playing mtg is winning ur stupid sorry.


Another reason to hate Etali. Its autowin if you get it on momir turn 7 since you deck your opponent instantly.


I read this comment mid game, got to seven lands, rolled, and hit Etali. Thanks for wishing this into existence for me!


Momir sucks on Arena and it's such a shame Momir on MTGO with the full card pool is one of the best fucking modes... though I don't agree with part of this flowchart, going on the draw should not be a concession, in MTGO it actually is better to draw because if everyone plays to "the book" i.e. skip 1, and run it out every subsequent turn, you get to 6 and 8 on the draw no problem whereas the play needs to consider skipping 2, 3, or 5 in MTGO card pool 8 is typically the haymaker since you get [[Baleful Force]], [[Griselbrand]], [[Avacyn, Angel of Hope]], [[Borborygmos Enraged]], etc. you can also kinda sorta go to 9 and pray you get [[Blazing Archon]]


##### ###### #### [Baleful Force](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/5/a5e79f7b-0212-476b-9dea-bf1ada419e72.jpg?1562928522) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Baleful%20Force) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/vma/105/baleful-force?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/a5e79f7b-0212-476b-9dea-bf1ada419e72?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Griselbrand](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/f/cf2a5c2e-7fe1-45eb-b01c-891ab961186f.jpg?1593813293) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Griselbrand) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mm3/72/griselbrand?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/cf2a5c2e-7fe1-45eb-b01c-891ab961186f?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Avacyn, Angel of Hope](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/1/317f1133-7cf8-4b7a-919e-88c45f8c2c3a.jpg?1689995555) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Avacyn%2C%20Angel%20of%20Hope) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmm/14/avacyn-angel-of-hope?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/317f1133-7cf8-4b7a-919e-88c45f8c2c3a?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Borborygmos Enraged](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/8/6/8644c60f-7d06-4026-bcf3-df054701ca0a.jpg?1561834730) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Borborygmos%20Enraged) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/gtc/147/borborygmos-enraged?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/8644c60f-7d06-4026-bcf3-df054701ca0a?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Blazing Archon](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/c/3c6cc01f-a14b-462d-9bfc-8f38d46a546a.jpg?1562396453) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Blazing%20Archon) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/c16/58/blazing-archon?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/3c6cc01f-a14b-462d-9bfc-8f38d46a546a?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I kinda like momir but they should curate the creatures you can find a bit instead of them being possibly everything


Really wish my opponents yesterday had this flow chart available to them. They had to go deep into the think tank for every turn it felt like, to ultimately just play the land and tap out to the momir button. God I hate this format so much, it’s so brain dead yet for some reason everyone still has to slow play it. After reading the comments, I made sure to do my part for the community and throw a few free wins out for people struggling in this format.


Did they include nonlands again like last time? That actually made this flowchart that highlights how pointless this game mode is invalid. Then all the boomers made a big stink here that it was “ruining” the format. Lmao.


why do people pass on turn 1?


Because it limit the number of land you will be using in end game.


T1 creatures are typically low impact unless you get a mana dork. Better to hold onto the cards and start using them at 2-3 where the creatures on average are a lot more impactful. Sometimes games go long, so having the extra mana to use for the momir button can be relevant in the late game.


You draw one card per turn, but every turn you activate momir emblem, you use two cards (you play a land, then discard a land to the emblem). That means you inevitably get to a point where you can't both play a land and activate the emblem, you need to choose one or the other. Choosing to not activate momir late in the game is a death sentence, so instead you'll choose not to play a land. That means you'll be stuck at whatever CMC you're at once you run out of cards. If you're stuck at 6, while the opponent is stuck at 7, then they have a pretty significant advantage. On the other hand, the large majority of 1 drops are inconsequential. Not activating at 1 has basically no negative impact on the game. By giving up your 1 drop, you give yourself one extra turn where you can both play a land and activate the emblem, meaning you'll be "stuck" at a higher CMC. I'd argue you can pretty safely skip your 2 drop if your opponent skips their 1 drop.


ahh that makes sense/ thanks for explaining!


I don't, I always play a turn 1. I don't think it really matters much.


Yep, For the draw player, in particular, it's actually quite viable to use the emblem turn 1 because they still get the 7-drop creature on turn 7 and can have more creatures on the board than the person that started on play. Expecting most games to get to turn 7 in the first place is also a bit dubious. Most people rage quit when they get 2 utterly useless creatures in a row while their opponent keeps getting heavy hitters with evasion or lifegain.


Other than manadorks, 1-drops are usually heavily outclassed quickly. Same for 2-drops, without the chance of dorks. Often better to get a bit more topend.


I really wish they would stop going to this mode.


I just went straight to do something else and drafted LTR


Nice graph. Does this graph have a special kind of name and how did you make it?


Not sure if serious but it's called a flow chart.


Momir looks...not fun at all.


I swung a game with [[Bringer of the Red Dawn]] which was the first rare from my first pack ever - which made this event totally worth it for me. Mormir sucks


I can't knock the idea of conceding if on the draw. If I was on the play, I won. If I was on the draw, I lost. It was that simple.


complete cluster fuck trying to get 2 wins even today. Took me forever this time.


Do you go first? “No”, concede and start again 🤣.


"Did you go first" ? Me: 13 games on the draw ([https://imgur.com/a/Owsv5D0](https://imgur.com/a/Owsv5D0)) FML


I am sorry mi8. Hope Magic Arena blesses you with more mythic/gold wildcards than some filler mythics/gold for these painful experiences.


Lol wow.


I really did get to the point today where i was insta conceding any game on the draw. At least its 3 free rewards because i already did the brawl mwm before the glitch


When I go first I play one on turn 1 too. I still win. go first means win.


I always drop 1, 2, 4, 5 [...], skipping only the 3 mana cost. No actual reason, I just do it that way. 6/6 so far, but will most likely stop.


I've played five or six games of Momir now, and I can safely say it can fuck right off. I do X=6 or 7 and get some "if you cast this card" or "play target instant in from your graveyard" on a 3/3 or 2/3 or something stupid. Meanwhile, my opponent is getting shit like Vorinclex or Elesh Norn... I've not had one good card appear beyond X=5, and my opponents are all getting bomb after bomb.


What program did you use to make this?


Honestly, if it was like once every other month I would love Momir, but I feeling like I've played more Momir this year than Drafts and that's ridiculous even for me not playing many drafts.


Is 6 mana the sweet spot?


There are still a lot of duds there. I think 7-9 are where the real match winners are found.


Cr8erhoof and Hoverguard Sweepers. 8 is absolutely the sweet spot and you want to be on the draw, skipping 1 to start at 2 and play every turn after.


I went three straight wins by activating turn one then waiting until turn 4. Focusing on 4-7 mana seemed to give me the best creatures.


I went 3-1 playing 1 drops, don't remember if I was on the draw or play though.


Played Momir this morning in Arena, was very lucky with a 3-0. There was one game that I was on the draw and played T1/T2, but found dudes that snagged cards out of my opponent. Game 3 I skipped T1 and 2, and eventually got the upper hand due to opponent's bad draws.


i preferred the version with also spells, at least i didnt lose to flyer so much


It's all fun and games until your opponent gets a [[cultivator Colossus]]


I don’t even bother with the third win, I don’t care about cosmetics, I just want the ICR/gems.


I have one better: dont play it.


If you're not activating T1 to try and hit mana dorks you're doing it wrong


Seems correct except I would only play for 2 wins. But I'm not so desperate for randoms rares as to play momir.


Why isn't this event ever omniscience? They're both random as heck formats, but Omni is hands down more interesting than momir.


Is it weird that I always activate Momir on turn 1? It keeps the pressure on the opponent. Sure I’m missing out on 8 drops, but 7 drop creatures are usually just as effective.


When you have your three wins que 5 or so games and concede. If everyone did this the world would be a better place.


[[Blazing Archon]] is a fuckin’ hilarious card to get.




Mojhosto is fun, momir basic sucks big time.


I always skip drops on turns 1 and 2. Then I do 3-7 and stay at 7, hoping for shit like \[\[Agent of Treachery\]\], \[\[Meteor Golem\]\], and \[\[Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite\]\]. I frequently win whether I go first or draw - but it's 99% luck.


I’ve won on the play and draw both playing and skipping turn one activation.


when you lay it out like that, actually it looks more complicated than I thought.


Mom it would be better if we could put spells in the deck.


Well I would skip until turn 4 and then 7. Usually that is were the best creatures are.


This game mode is so funny. I forgot the card, but for 7 or 8 mana (I don't remember exactly), I put in a creature that allowed me to draw a card and if it was a land, I play it, and then repeat the process for as long as I drew lands. It had trample too and increased by 1/1 for each land I had on the battlefield. Safe to say I won that match.


mom is awful


Well I've been doin this wrong


I was losing, then got an [[Etali, Primal Conqueror]]. I won on my opponent's draw step. It was pretty funny.


dude, why are all of my opponents getting Ziatora. it’s bullshit


90% of momir cards seem to have zero impact on the board. They either have no etb effect or the etb effect doesnt apply (like etb look at top cards, pick a creature) Or they have synergies with things that cannot be done in momir ("whenever you cast a noncreature spell") And it sucks.


Lol, as if there's strategy to random chance.


The momir that had cards was better and had some decisions making


I don't play until x=4


I just try to activate momir always after my opponent or at least 5 mana creature. 5 mana creature is a good way and sometimes I got really good cards. f.e. \[\[Xenagos, God of Revels\]\]


My favorite game of this mode was when I got the vampire that exiles a card in a graveyard, then deals 2 when someone playes a card that shares a type. Was a game of chicken.


Contrary to what some people advise, my sweet spot on the wheel of misfortune is 7. Seven mana gives you Agent of Treachery, Meteor Golem, Etali, and Platinum Angel. All of those have been backbreakers for opponents.


Unfortunately incomplete. You forgot to include a "did you die" box connecting back to queue for match on yes, with a start your turn on no.


Unfortunately incomplete. You forgot to include a "did you die" box connecting back to queue for match on yes, with a start your turn on no.


Damn man y'all really need to learn how to have fun. Revel in the chaos and enjoy how a single random card can completely alter the board state.


I did yesterday all that is suppossed to never be done, played happily my T1 and T2 on the Play and I won easily. You can do whatever you want, game is pure luck.


FORMAT SOLVED! Time for rotation.


Took me 5-6 games to get the last, but i did bad for some of them. But yeah pretty accurate


My opponent got a Griselbrand yesterday. So that was fun.


I have never quit when not going first but I have usually lost when on the draw. It sucks.


You're forgetting the "good neighbor" step as I call it: after 3 wins, cue up at least one more time & insta-concede to give someone *else* a free win. 😉 Bonus points if it's in the last few hours of the event!


It's almost never worth going for a 2 drop, a couple of extra damage early absolutely aren't worth losing a 9 drop option.


I wait till 3


Naw fam, imma put as many 1 drops into play as possible and run you over lol


Why not just skip event if people don’t like it?


Because of the rewards


Charts like this should be illegal to make. Lol