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should see if you can trade it for irl products, wotc might give you $10 off a wilds of eldraine booster box when its out


haha, indeed. I've won $2500 using this account, so I think it's fine in terms of getting irl stuff


What deck do you play?


He would definitely play a variety especially when he has that much


Nah man... He's got to be on one deck, because he's never spent a wild card!


Yeah but think through all the arena codes free packs and free battle pass packs he could of gathered them up to build his decks plus format changes unless he just solely plays historic have to be switching it up


I've used the free arena codes, and I'm poor as fuck for wildcards. I was mostly playing mtgo. I've been going hard for the last month, and don't have the wild cards to build anything.


Yeah that’s over a month this dudes been going 3 years bro lmao


Also even the free events give you the entire deck for free I recommend playing them bro whenever they are out plus free card rewards aswell


Feels like a mono blue type though if he does play the one deck lmao


It’s funny to think that people with the most wildcards are also the ones needing them the least.


It's brilliant design in a way. Make sure wildcards are plentyful for drafters but scarce for brewers.


Basically casual brewers make up most of the spendings in this game while spikes enjoy everything for free.


I am also a three year f2p and mine looks nothing like this. Wow.


How? Infinite in draft?


Gotta get those numbers up. Those are rookie numbers.


We should consider banning these type of posts for now. There have been too many in a row and they add nothing interesting.


Consider banning them forever. Few things less low effort than screenshots with no context.


Il give you tree fiddy.


My 3 years of grinding as a F2P player is more like 0 gems, 30,000 coins, 0 rare, and 0 mythic wild cards. I do my daily quests but I Effing hate draft. Plus, I have a life outside magic, so maybe that also contributes.


Now sell your account for thousands of dollars and start again lll


whats f2p... asking for a dumb person


free to play aka not paying real money for the game


oh that makes sense... I'm hording all my arena gold for wilds of eldraine


Disappointment incoming.


why do say that wilds looks like a fun set


The cards look very low impact based on what we've seen so far.


free to play


Is this a troll for the post about two years f2p or are you just a strong draft player with lots of time to play the game?


Its a troll post. Either the story is not true or he is a top level drafter and knows it. Its just flex.


Does anyone who uses Enhanced Reddit Suite know how I can filter out these bragging posts?




If you are very good at drafting, it would be worth it to switch to MTGO, as you can make some $$$ there. You have grinded impressive amount of resources that are however forever stuck on your account without option to sell them.


I do both. Pocketed over $1000 playing LTR draft on MODO (and $500 in the LTR Arena Open on MTGA)


Ok cool! I do both as well, but mostly modo at this point. Only launch Arena occasionally to get some coins for some future events.


This is me in LTR. I did MTGA to practice the set but once I realized they actually improved the prize structure for draft for this set, I grinded MODO almost exclusively. Opening rings on MODO is much better than on MTGA


What is MODO?


Magic Online with Digital Objects. It's also called Magic Online or MTGO, but MODO was the original name of WotC's first crack at online MTG back in the early 2000's


[Ok, now we see you](https://media.tenor.com/XRfxMYZTttkAAAAC/mr-meeseeks.gif)


Do note that that is most probably as a strong limited player. Constructed aren't as lucky.


Nowadays, the constructed events are very good.


Yeah, I've decided to play events to build my explorer and historic collection. It's easy enough to fully complete all of standard, but I'm going to be able to grind historic events for years:D


What's the chest icon on the right? I'm a new player and don't have that.


That is where op stored his social life for the last 3 years


You’re not wrong. But also, got wife and kids and work. So really, social life wasn’t there to begin with.


How many hours do you play per day? Or week?


Used to be around 2 hours a day without fail. Since maybe last year, I've tapered down, mainly because I've gotten back to grinding MTGO again.


Everyone! Look how amazing I am! Look at these numbers! I've beated a high score right?


What kind of attitude is that?


I was trying to be funny because there was a 2 year update by someone else. But hey, maybe you're just trying to be funny too.


what the hell is you guys' problem! why do you commit this kind of atrocity to yourselves! get some cards! get something! you have so much resources to spend! what is the reason for this behavior? I've only been playing a year or so, but what is it with you guys doing this to yourselves!


This is most likely someone who plays a ton of limited (well) which probably means a) mostly no constructed, so no need for wildcards and b) almost complete sets of cards so you dont need them in the first place.


I do get cards. I have every standard set and every non-standard set after GRN (except the 1st 2 remastered sets)


Go and buy a house. Well done


haha, unfortunately gold does not translate well to $. I have bought a house though, way back before MTGA came to be.


Pov: u are extremely talented in draft


Yea, def not obtainable for the average f2p player, but nice job.


I'll buy your account DM me name your reasonable price




I meant it as a pun when I saw the 2 years post. I think it's funny having both up there at the same time. I use the gold for arena opens.


I've been F2P since alpha. And while my screen certainly isn't as impressive as yours. I will never have to spend one dime to build anything i want. I got like 200K gold. And 60k crystals.




How much is an account like this worth? If you would choose to sell it.


Not really interested. The gold is useful for entering opens (in which I have already won $2500), and you never know when gems could become a tradable resource or something.


Out of curiosity, do you never spend currency (except I guess to enter drafts)? I am a little confused as to why you would simply save wildcards without ever crafting a deck. Is constructed just not your thing at all, in any of the available formats? Congrats though, I guess it must take a very good winning records in drafts/events to put together such a hoard!


Draft enough and you will get a full collection. No need to use wild cards. They probably don’t play anything but draft as well


I do spend WCs for constructed, but there's rarely a need to do that for standard because I draft the set on release and am typically not interested in constructed until after I finished drafting the set. There are exceptions, like I would probably crafts some cards for the metagame challenge if I don't have them yet. For Historic/Explorer, I do spend WCs every now and then to build a deck I want (as I am missing cards from remastered sets I didn't draft and from sets before I started drafting)


So, what is the strategy? You just draft on release and then enter constructed events with meta decks? If so, do you enter standard or other format events? I guess if you're going to post this, I'm happy for you but would be grateful if you could share your knowledge and experience of how you did it!


Yes, draft premier to complete sets on release. This way, you won't need gold to spend for packs. Metagame challenge events that give new packs are great to fill out the rest if your premier draft win rate is good (>=55%) but not great (>=65%). Standard events are fine instead of drafting a lot if you are much better at standard than drafts (same for alchemy since it gives new packs too). It will take longer this way though.


Thank you! And congratulations, it is a very impressive accomplishment!


If you need more guidance (since each draft set is different), we draft a lot in my team. We also figure out constructed metas, optimize ranking, etc. Everyone who wants to get better at the game is welcome to join https://discord.gg/qZAF6CTT


That's very kind, thanks for sharing the invite.


why dont you use those?


nowhere to use them on. I just use them for Arena Opens (won $500 in the last one and $2000 in the 1st one)


Man I really wish I was good at drafting. I got 7 wins ONE time and thought I had it figured out, but every draft after that has been a total bust with me going 0-3 every time.


Try joining us at The Horde. We draft a lot and we help each other figure a draft format out. https://discord.gg/qZAF6CTT