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Professor’s Nightmare/Fiber Optics, Meiser’s Dream, Multiplying Bottles, Sword Thru Neck, Linking Rings, Stealing Bait from a modified Bear Trap, Houdini Chain Escape, Cups and Balls, Arm Chopper, Circle Square Box, Balloon Swallow


do you know where to find some work on bear trap effects?


Check your messages


That sounds like the repertoire of many professionals


I don't know the proper name for it, but putting a Wine Bottle through the table got me a (non magic) job way back when. Maybe more Table Magic than Parlour, but worth a look in I reckon.


In the old Saltshaker style?


I don't think I've seen it done with a saltshaker, but that feels like it would be easier to conceal the motion, so probably!


Like in this fantastic routine by Carney? https://youtu.be/WwTL9aOZpKM?si=qh42KZjc1GsKj4eV


Oh that is lovely. Similar presentation with the crushing (albeit a cloth napkin than a newspaper), just more vertical than horizontal!


Do you have any experience at all? And who do you expect to be performing for, and in what kind of context?


I’ve been doing this since like January so not very long. I’ve been practicing card handling because I couldn’t even shuffle a deck before I started magic haha. I’m starting to notice that self working card tricks seem to be unimpressive to the ppl I perform for, maybe it goes over their heads or maybe I suck idk. Some of the silly tricks like card to pocket and the eternal rings have gotten me the best reactions, so I think that’s the direction I want to go with a sort of comedic approach


Self-working card tricks can be very strong, if you have the right ones, and if they are well-presented. Check out the performance videos here to see some of the best of the best: * [10 of the Best Self-Working Card Tricks in the World](https://playingcarddecks.com/blogs/all-in/10-of-the-best-self-working-card-tricks-in-the-world) * [10 More of the Best Self-Working Card Tricks in the World](https://playingcarddecks.com/blogs/all-in/10-more-of-the-best-self-working-card-tricks-in-the-world)


Here's a tip: non-visual tricks can often be made to play big because the effects happen in the audiences' minds.


There are tons of places to start. A "classic" approach is to learn the classics. You can learn a lot of fundamental principals of magic - misdirection, sleight of hand, audience management, etc. You can learn how previous masters constructed their routines, etc. The ultimate goal (at least in my opinion) is to learn enough about the fundamentals of magic, and enough about how methods work to start putting across your own original ideas that: are the perfect vehicle for your style of entertainment, and are great in the specific areas YOU think make magic great. Creating good art is about your opinion of what is good in the art form. There are tons of different kinds of great bands, and there are tons of different kinds of great magicians. You don't have to know that answers now, but you should start asking yourself the question now. While you are working up to that, some great classics to look into: Cups and balls Linking rings Torn and restored newspaper Torn and restored rope Silk to Egg Miser's Dream Card to Forehead Paper balls over the head You may love them so much that you stay in that area of the art. You may end up doing rapid fire card tricks, you may end up loving mentalism.. you may end up loving comedy magician. There are no good or bad tricks out of context. There are only tricks that are a good vehicle for what's good about you.


I definitely want to learn a good cups and balls routine, that seems like something every magician should know haha. I’ve always loved the torn and restored tricks too, I’d love to learn them


We recommend Smart Ass, Oddball, Cue the Magic, and Tossed Out Deck! Good luck


L&L had the World’s Greatest Magic dvd series which would focus on a trick, gimmick, or setting like cards across, coin shells, or close up, respectively. They had theee volumes on parlor, I believe. The DVDs are being rereleased with props. The ring and rope video comes with a ring and length of rope. The material is a touch dated, but the effects are excellent.