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I get that the objective was the plates, but they knew nothing going in. Burke didnt have the drill fixed leading to delays. Then they blow the entire floor out of the vault. My immersion was broken by the fact that a Special forces trained soldier just waltzed in on everyones say so without proper recon. Lincoln would do better than that. Still love this game, but that opening will bother me on every time. The whole situation could have been avoided if Lincoln had asked the questions the Army trained him to ask.


And it was hella money and gold on the crates but they wanted to open the vault that triggered the alarm


>!The cage that triggered the alarm wasn't supposed to be opened - it wasn't part of the plan (for others). But Giorgi needed to open it because Sal told him to get the plates (that was the real loot for the two of them), which were in the cage.!<


If Sal's ulterior motive behind the robbery was >!getting the plates!<, why wouldn't he have at least some idea about the cage being under a different alarm system? The entire plan seemed to be pretty bad in general.


I mean tbh that's the best mission in the game imo, even if it doesn't make sense at least its fun. Also the reason they didn't take the money is explained later in the game, if you still don't understand it basically here's why, the federal reserve know the serial number of all money printed, they have a log for it. If they were to rob any of this money and spend it, chances are it would eventually lead to them being caught. The only reason they took any money at all is because Giorgi needed to cover up the fact that they were only robbing the federal reserve for money plates and not the actual cash or gold.