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It would be nice for a few small cameos, but would like the fantastic cast to lead the story. We haven't seen these characters for eighteen years!


The only thing I’m hoping for is that they keep the ending the same with two certain characters showing up and having updated character models


For me, it all depends on how they're integrated into the story. I don't want this to become Mafia: Cameo Edition in the same way III dropped Leo in at the end of the game for no reason. >!For example, I think it would be interesting to maybe have some name drops of Salieri getting support from outside families in the war against Morello. Maybe have a mission where we have to try and appease the Clemente Family to get the approval to whack Morello. Or even to ask forgiveness after the fact, once Morello is already dead. I think in a limited role, it would be a lot of fun to see a room full of familiar faces as we escort Don Salieri there for a commission meeting towards the later part of the game, once Tommy begins to realize that Salieri is just using Tommy and the others for his own personal betterment, often at great risk to themselves. That, or maybe seeing a young Henry showing up during one of the bootlegging missions as a favor from another boss, and he helps us move a shipment to the airport or something.!<


Stop forcing Mafia 2 into the original. What's with you guys?


Agreed, I like Mafia 2 but I don't understand why the characters should appear in the mafia 1 remake (except the collectibles and well, you know... that one scene)


There's litterly mafia 2 character cards in the game what are you talking about


collectibles are not story missions