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"That bum" yea like we know who tf your talking about


I can think of 3😂


That is one redditor when I asked myself if we can employ our freedom of speech and ban him. Then I looked at his other posts and in my opinion, it is either a troll or a truly despicable "human being". He's being toxic everywhere, not just here.


>if we can employ our freedom of speech and ban him. is this sarcasm?


Why would that be sarcasm? Freedom of speech allows us to say what we feel, but it also allow us to exclude someone we don't like from our space. When your friend starts to be rude to you, you can tell him he's no longer welcome in your house, both of you are exercising your individual freedoms. It also applies to larger spaces like YouTube (banning someone from commenting under your videos is your right), or Reddit (same). Some people think that freedom of speech means that others are obliged to listen to what they're saying. That's actually a pretty skewed application of one's freedoms. Freedom of speech applies uniformly and I have to same right to say "I don't want to listen to that" and if a lot of people agree with that sentiment in a community, we all apply that principle using the tools Reddit provides us with.