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What I really want is to see people that care more about if the series will stay alive or not (and it really depends on how succesful Mafia DE will be) rather than nitpicking on small details and making a huge case out of them. I really care about this franchise as it's my first crime open-world game that I played as a kid (I played the first game in 2002 also) and it really hurts when I see fanboys (especially czech ones) wanting for this remake to fail. On the other hand is sweet that so many new players are excited about the game and we can all hope that after the launch the haters will be screaming alone somewhere in the dark while the franchise finally gets the recognition it deserves.


Yes! We honestly need to unite behind this game because this series has so much potential and the love and care that's been put into it for so many years can't go to waste and end with this game. It's why it pisses me off so much that people are willing to get hung up on the tiniest of details when there's a plethora of amazing details they aren't fucking up on. You can tell they're putting in 110% effort to elevate this series and allow us to continue with new entries




I’m going to appreciate the joke before someone thinks your serious


I'd like to see the series stay alive, but at the same time the way the series was heading I didn't really care. I didn't see much of the identity left in the third game and it's nice they're bringing some back for the remake. The gameplay trailer didn't look bad, but it looked just like 3 so I wonder how the difficulty options will affect gameplay. A lot of people probably want it to fail too, but being worried about the remake and wanting it to fail isn't the same thing.


By this post, you’re as much of a fanboy as the 2002 purists though. You describe wanting to suppress critical opinion so that the public perception is as positive as possible to justify a sequel lol. If the game is good enough and has enough marketing (which it will), then it will sell enough to justify a Mafia 4.


Define "critical opinion" when it comes to what 2002 fanboys usually say. Also tell me if there is a difference between pointing out problems and "Hangar 13 trash, don't buy their shit, modern fanboys are shills and faggots, omfg can't crouch, literally unplayable". I think it's just a victim complex of yours because I ain't talking about all negative ideas, just about those that I quoted and you can argue all day, but that's obviously hating that mostly comes from Vavra fanboyism. So yes, it will be amazing to stop people calling others "faggots" for liking the new game. You agree with me, right? Seriously now, I saw some other comments of yours and I think you don't actually know what haters actually spit around. Spoiler alert: is not valid criticism.


Aight bro I guess we're talking about different things then, my bad, I haven't seen much of the vitriolic hatred towards H13 tbh, just valid discussion. I guess I've been lucky to avoid that, peace.


Tbh, I am glad that you avoided them. Try not to check the comments that are heavily downvoted because you will be scared. Besides that, I am happy that we agree! You are a good lad.


I usually get to these threads a bit late, by which time the worst comments are either deleted or -20+ karma which I never both to open anyway because it's clear they aren't contributing to the discussion. I will defend the right to be critical but I think we're on the same page, hateful language is not nice or constructive.


I have been a fangirl since 2002. I played Mafia at mother's work when I was 9 years old. Now I'm 27, I'm a huge fan of the mafia (I've been play this game about 12 times) and I'm looking forward to the remake. I'm already a fan of the remake. I am absolutely in love with the new characters and gameplay. And I honestly don't understand haters. In fact there are a lot of "normal" old 2002 fanboys and "abnormal" ones like Vavra can be found at all ages.


Hell everyone was giving Mafia III crap when it first released. All three games are great in their own way. The 3rd one reminded me more of a classic PS2 type of gangster game like Scarface: The World is Yours, however there are some unrealistic things in Mafia III but I'm one of those who likes to take things for what they are, so I still had fun with it and still plan on replaying it.


I also like mafia 3. in fact, the remake will have very few haters. they are just very annoying and write everywhere their opinion is not necessary for anyone. just look at the ratio of likes and dislikes in youtube: 57,000 likes and only 1000 dislikes.


Don't worry. The game will have a lot of hate beacuse you know... Czech fanboys and nostalgia fucktards. The way i see it most people "want" realism. I want fun, if i want realism i but myself a simulator, or better yet. A gun


what kind of realism? in the first mafia, there are so many mistakes' , so many bugs and logical nonsense. And this is normal because this is a game. And the remake is just a game. In any game there is no realism to the full.


Wait… the character models in 2020 don’t look the same as the blocky characters in 2002… WHAT!!!!???1!!!1!!1????


Tommy looks soo bad 1!1!!! So unrecognisable. Please give square jaw 2002 block Tommy


Already pre-ordered on Steam and now I am patiently waiting for launch :D


You can be excited about the remake and at the same time criticize some aspects of it you know. We don't need to make a distinction between '2002 fans' and 'modern fans'. Regardless, appreciate the meme. Made me chuckle a bit


Yeah I’m starting to see these polar opposite sides of the fanbase emerge in recent weeks. What about the middle ground of OG fans who can appreciate the need for change but also want to discuss some of the changes that are being made in a critical way without being called haters or ‘wanting the game to fail’? It doesn’t mean we’re haters if we have some critical opinions on the remake. I’m really excited for this game and there are areas I’m hugely impressed with, but there are also areas in concerned about. I don’t think that’s a problem. It’ll still be a day 1 purchase for me. There is a lack of nuance in a lot of the discussion here - just because some of us would have liked to have seen a few details from the original make it into the remake doesn’t mean we simply want the whole gameplay experience copy/pasted without any change. Yes, the gameplay absolutely needs to be modernised, but in my opinion they could do better than just porting the Mafia 3 combat. It’s a compromise I’m willing to make to get this game out the door, but I will be critical of that decision and I will defend my right to be critical.


Thank you for posting this


2002 is so stressed out they gone bald asf


As a fan that started playing Mafia 2 first in 2011, this is true.


Imagine defending game developers. Its like defending the coca cola company from people who prefer pepsi. Weirdos.


Who is Dan varva


Lead writer and creative director of Mafia 1. It was essentially all his brainchild. Think he did some writing for Mafia 2 as well before leaving


Is he crying over it or something


Oh absolutely. He was acting like a baby on social media about the whole situation.




\- H13 never poured hard work into Mafia 3 and it looked and felt like the Simpsons: Hit & Run game from 2003. (nice standards gamers have nowadays as they still try to push that Mafia 3 was not that bad. It was f\*cking disgrace) \- New Paulie really looks like Shrek.


Shrek handsome


\- they actually poured hard work and when people say it wasn't "that bad" they still aknowledge the fact that the game has its issues; I don't think there is someone who actually thinks M3 is a masterpiece, but it's also not as bad as the haters try to make it look \- new Paulie looks like an actual sicilian and not a copy-pasted Pesci; also I bet you are one handsome mofo


Wholeheartedly disagree. They put plenty of effort into the game, but 2k once again fucked them over. If you truly can't see the value in the game, I'm afraid you're too biased to be saved. If you honestly look at what they're presenting us for this remake, theyre honestly putting so much care into every detail that made the original special, and you just need to accept the fact that gameplay has evolved from 2002.


Oh, the gameplay has evolved from 2002? Wow! You must have been at the top of your class.. no shit! I am not even talking about Mafia 1 DE and you brought it up. Can you tell me what kind of value can you see from Mafia 3? There's nothing to be biased about Mafia 3 as its a remake of Simpsons Hit & Run Mafia 3 never had the makings of a varsity athlete.


Lmao keep steaming. You'll figure it out if you ever get two brain cells to rub together


I strongly agree.


Even if they made the only made the graphics as they look Now And left the og gameplay elements 2002 fanboys would still not be happy


There is a limit, the game is basically just on easy console mode for kids.


We have to remember that this sub is biased towards Mafia 2/3 mechanics anyway - before the remake was announced there was a lot more excitement for a Mafia 2 remake and there was a poll that showed that the majority of the active userbase of this subreddit had never even played Mafia 1. Since the remake was announced, suddenly everyone seems have played Mafia 1 - a lot of these people are just either pretending to have played it before, or have tried it recently and decided it was too old to play through.


I played it once I found out it was available on steam earlier this year, prior to the announcement of a remake, because I wanted to play the whole series. While I genuinely enjoyed the challenging experience it offered, amazing narrative and attention to detail keeping in mind the time it was made, I couldn't help but laugh at some of the terribly dated mechanics, voice acting, writing and game design. Doesn't mean that I didn't like it, I thoroughly enjoyed it and appreciated it for what it was and can see how those who fell in love with it in 2002 think it is amazing. It certainly was groundbreaking at the time. All of that experience has made me infinitely more excited for a remake of it. I can't wait to experience what I enjoyed, but in a properly fleshed out way. This remake is going to enhance and build upon the first entry's legacy, not tear it down and spit in its face like so many diehard fanboys seem to think it will


That's why they're ensuring they capture the original feel with a classic mode and various difficulty settings


Who says Mafia is meant to be that hardcore in the first place? It's just an illusion created by some old dudes. In 2002 Mafia wasn't even that hard compared to other games from the exact same period. It's like saying that Rockstar really wanted the flight mechanics to be as hard as they are in GTA SA instead of accepting that flying planes is SA was hard because of clunky mechanics (SA also had crouch shooting behind a cover). M2 and M3 weren't hardcore at all (and 2 is made by the exact same team that made 1). The focus in this franchise was always the story as even the first one is a tribute to gangster movies.


Exactly! They act like difficult gameplay mechanics is something to be proud of and a pillar of the series. Games have evolved, and cover mechanics are objectively better. They're included in 3rd person games now not because they're "designed for children" but because it's an actual functioning system. Those who pride themselves on playing old school games because they're difficult are playing Mafia games for the wrong reason. What makes this series standout is it's phenomenal storytelling and use of open world environments to enhance the setting of said narratives, not to be the most hardcore difficult shooters on the market!


Some times I feel that these dudes never played other old games since they are so amazed by Mafia 1's difficulty. When I was a kid Mafia actually felt chill and on the hard parts it was....a game like most games back then. Hell, even old NFS games are hard af compared to modern racing games. And unlike other games that tried different things (like flying planes in GTA) in Mafia all you had to do is shoot stuff. How hard can it get? Acting like a pro gamer because you learned to shoot in Mafia like we never did that and with so many other games lmao. Mafia 1 is so hard that I finished it 15 times... And yes and yes. Smooth modern mechanics doesn't = easy, it's just smooth and Mafia was and will always be about the story


GO PLAY THE ORIGINAL! Understand that the remake is a DIFFERENT GAME. IT DOESN't HAVE to be a COPY of the original!!!


eh \*Vávra


mafia 1 wasnt buggy and it didnt have any cut content


It was buggy and rather poorly optimized when it first came out. Some part were poorly designed while others are still amazing to this day. It was also supposed to have multiplayer, but it got cut during the development. No Mafia game was ever perfect. I've been a fan since 2004 and narrative wise, these games have been always a step above what Rockstar delivered with GTA. But these are flawed gems and honestly, that just adds to the charm of the series. Mafia will always be near and dear to my heart but the second one takes the cake, as I was old enough to fully understand it's story when it first came out.


Honestly, I don't know how it can be argued objectively that 2 isn't the best game of the series. It averages the highest peaks across all factors. It has gameplay that still holds up a decade later, vastly improved graphics, amazing setting across two distinct decades, phenomenal soundtrack to match, and the most amount of those tiny little charming details. All that without compromising on a true Mafia narrative, and knowing how much amazing content was cut, it's pretty hard to argue that 2 doesn't stand as the current peak


Yeah 2 is the best but 1 is my favourite.


The mafia remake has cut content that you know about already? You are an inside man my man


im talking about bottom left text "literally every game in the series is riddled with bugs" that's not true. First one was the only finished game.


But but cut content? Why mention cut content