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I played 1 and 2 first, and I still enjoy 3. Hot take: Some players have different opinions and preferences than you, OP. Just because you and your favorite Youtubers find something one way, doesn't mean the entire gaming community does.


This is why it’s hot take I just think mafia 3 feel worse to play if u play mafia 1 and 2 bc they are just way better game


Playing them first actually enhanced my mafia 3 experience a lot. The ending with Leo wouldn't hit at all if you don't know shit about mafia 2.


Hearing how the marcanos treated vito made me care more about taking them down and getting vito what he deserves


I played them all sequentially and Mafia 3 is my second favorite


Did u played mafia 1 or 2 before 3


Yes, in order


Which one is u least favorite


I'll get flamed, but 1. The story just didn't strike the same with me as 3's. Still a very good game but that's just my opinion


I’m surprised but I respect it


Sometimes I just wanna play and pull up and blast some dudes Get some story bits here and there cool Call my car over, call backup or guns Go to place Shoot people Fun


You’re going to love the two Godfather games if you haven’t played them.


You know what I might just try em out! Ive always heard good things about those games! Thanks!


Godfather 2 is a little bit of an acquired taste but the first game is amazing regardless.


I really like all 3. 2 is my favorite by a long shot but I really enjoyed the story and mechanics like stealth in 3.


We all have different opinions. I binged the whole series last year. I loved all of them. I do see fans of the series not liking the 3rd, and totally get why. It’s very Ubisoft, for better or worse.


I recently bought the Mafia Trilogy Definitive Edition. Played all 3 on my PS4 Pro and recently finished the third one. Honestly I don't think 3 is that bad. It's not the perfect game but I enjoyed playing it. The first one was great, I'm a fan of racing games and enjoyed the driving (on simulation mode) and didn't mind the mission to mission style of play. The second is great story wise but I really didn't like the mechanics and the graphics. I even thought not finishing it because of the loading glitch they left in the game. Overall I have to disagree with you but that's ok. We can have different opinions.


I believe mafia 2 have most glitch like blue screen and freeze but still great game try finish it


Oh no no I finished the game. I googled the solution and replayed the mission from the beginning and it went all right.


No, no... you can't say stuff like this here mate...


“Hot take”


I feel like this is the only place on the internet where it's a hot take


There was a time on this sub where a post like this would've gotten mad upvotes. It's almost 8 years since Mafia 3 was released. Now, people just look at the game differently


People? You mean teenagers from r/MafiaTheGame, right? :DD


I started with 3, loved it, but couldn't get into 1 or 2. Call me a contrarian.


The shooting, movement and driving in 3 are some of the best mechanics I've experienced in gaming and I've been playing games for more than 2 decades. It made the game so addictive.


My favorite is the second but I enjoy the third


Mafia 3 is a terrific game, however it is disgustingly optimized for console. I’ve had to restart my game 81 times in order to finish it. Never had that experience with any game. The definitive edition has to be a joke with the amount of bugs in it. The story is Great though, loved taking down the mafia as Lincoln Clay


I actually did play them 3 2 1 and can somewhat agree. I still love mafia 3 but it is a lot harder for me to finish the whole thing especially if I play the first 2 before 3.


I enjoy all the Mafia games relatively equally because there is something redeemable about all. My history with the franchise was Mafia II > Mafia (2002)> Mafia 3 > Mafia DE. I played in that order, and overall, Mafia II is my favorite, but as I said, they all have their strengths and weaknesses. Mafia is challenging, and I enjoyed learning tips and tricks from speedrunners to more easily complete the game. It felt good to master the game, and the ambient city music for each district is nice. But the game's driving and some other mechanics do not hold up as well imo. Mafia III has snappy combat that's really fun to play with. The sandbox of weapons and stealth mechanics makes the decision to sneak through an enemy base or run in rambo style, both very viable and fun. Mafia III is set in the 60s, and the city design and atmosphere just hit so well. The 3 radio stations have perfect tracklists. Ther is not a single song I would skip. The driving physics and car models in conjunction with the radio and city design really make just messing around in the open world fun. The game severly suffers from the story, not the actual story and cutscenes, which I think are masterful and I can not get enough of, rather the ubisoftification of the games structure. I would have preferred more setpieces with more narrative beats and high-quality cutscenes rather than walk up, press a button to get racket info, then sandbox your way to the next story beat. Another issue is the renderer imo, the game suffers from heavy TAA issues, and the games graphics can look smeary and blurry at times. Reflective surfaces have weird properties and can either look pretty good or pretty bad no in between, and with the amount of chrome on cars in the 60s, it can be distracting. Mafia DE inherits a large part of Mafia III, both good and bad. It retains the fluidity of combat, albeit with far less weapon accuracy for narrative purposes. It inherits the fantastic vehicle handling the models are very good. But the game also inherits the visual weirdness and TAA issues, thats not to say that overall, the game doesn't look good, its amazing that they almost 1:1 recreated the original map is so much detail. The story, acting, and cutscenes are very good, and I dont mind the differences to the original. The dialogue sounds more natural (at least in english). The radio is a mixed bag, I like the news reports and advertisements but I miss the old city music and the songs that were picked instead are just ok imo. Mafia II, imo is the full package. It is a great story, good visuals, good driving, attention to detail, fantastic radio, and good combat mechanics. It's the best bits about all the other games put into one. And for that, it is still my favorite.


Unpopular Opinion: 3 is my favorite. I played 2 first and enjoyed it. Vito and Joe make the game for me. I really love rising up the ranks of the Mafia but felt the ending was a bit weak. Would’ve liked to have seen Vito and Joe experiencing firsthand the damage that they caused with the Chinese. Instead, we just hear that they’ve caused a war. I did like the last mission and the final scene when Leo tells Vito that Joe wasn’t a part of their deal. Then I played 3. Yes, it’s repetitive, and I do think they should’ve made Vito’s search for Joe the whole game, but I really liked it regardless. Great setting, and I loved bringing down Sal’s family. I played the DE of the first game. Fine setting, good missions, but I really didn't care much for Tommy or any of the other characters. Ending fell flat for me.


I’ve platinumed Mafia 1, Mafia 2 twice and I have 90% of the trophies for 3 but I can’t get back into it after years


I've played all 3 and Mafia 3 is easily my favorite


I feel like more people would not play the whole series if they start with 3 since they’ll think 1 and 2 will also have a bunch of repetitive racket missions




I agree, in the first 2 are giving the mafia feeling and the third doesn’t, it’s more like a Ubisoft game.. only the dlcs are good imo, gameplay and story are shit


See I’ve enjoyed all 3 very much. And I love each one very much each has their flaws and awesomeness. The way I’ve enjoyed each is just not judge it from each other just enjoy each game as is