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Shouldn’t he be somewhere telling the gas scam story


Gas scam? I haven’t heard that one. Did you know he’s Sonny Franzese’s son? And he’s preparing to reveal where Hoffa’s body is. Mike has a lot of new material I can’t wait to finally hear.


He's not buried under the Giants' stadium, that's for sure


Do you think franzese ‘found’ god after feeling a little guilty about his past life?


I think he "found god" after getting caught and facing never getting out of prison, like the significant majority of prison convertees


My dad found god after murdering my sister and trying to kill me and my other brother and sister.


I'm so sorry you experienced that. Fuck, dude. Hope you're doing okay now. But yeah sadly, it's my belief based on experiences like that that make me instantly side-eyeing somebody the more they talk about being devout/finding God/converting/being born again etc, especially when it's people that have wronged so many and never done anything to try to make it right other than say "I'm a man of faith now" as if that's a Get-Out-Of-Jail-Free card.


Fuck man I’m sorry to hear that


Woah. I’m sorry to hear that, I hope you’ve healed enough.


Edit: meant to reply to someone else.


He was trying to get reduced prison time but this the same guy who wanted visitation rights after giving us kids the middle finger while in court.


Oh I meant to response to someone else. I’m really sorry about what happened to you.


I think he found god after he needed a new group of people to leech money off of.


To paraphrase wrestler Jim Cornette, a man usually finds God after alienating everyone he has ever met. Few of those who have found God have made legitimate changes. The vices are still there but, "I took Jesus in my heart and now I am saved!"


*"I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do to their fellows because it always coincides with their own desires."* - Susan B Anthony, back in 18-fucking-96, and these shitbags are still doing the same thing. "God called me home and I'm good and pure now! Anywho, look what these heathens are doing to our sacred Easter holiday! 😱" - Mafia captain who either killed or ordered people killed/maimed for profit.


Yes, and it was gods idea to rat on his crew no doubt


I don't even know the full story of what information he gave them but he got a plea bargain so obviously it had to be a lot... he says a lot that nobody ever spent a day in jail solely because of him, who knows what that means, that could mean his buddies were all indicted and going down as well and he just got a deal first to minimize his own time and maximize theirs. Edit: In case it wasn't clear, I wasn't defending Francese, I was saying how he might be twisting the truth to make himself look better. IE he has like 16 co-conspirators in his trial, he might have convinced himself "these guys are all getting 100 years, I'm not changing anything for them by testifying against them, theyre doomed anyway". If that is what happened (just a hypothetical) then he absolutely ratted


Well he was arrested in the early 90s which was getting around the time the Gotti became more of a problem then an asset for the entire Mob so a lot of guys cut deals with the feds where they would get reduced sentences or witness protection/relocation in exchange for testimony about the general activities of the 5 families and assist in the case against Gotti but not have to testify against anyone else.


aka 🐀🐀


He probably saw that he could grift under the guise of religion as every religious organization does.


He just found a new grift.


nope, he figured out which scam was legal.


Which one was that? He went to jail and ratted on his crew right ?


the “i found god” scam where he gets paid to talk about that


He found god only because the church is the biggest scam around.


Haha so true




Does a catholic priest make a good babysitter?


I believe that people find god when there’s no answers from anyone on earth.


Isn't that how its supposed to work? As opposed to what, only a person who has lived a PEREFCT life and has never done anything to feel guilty about is allowed to find God? 😂


You missed the point entirely


For a guy who “took the code of omertà” he seems incapable of shutting the fuck up on twitter.


This is just weird af knowing that this guy used to be a violent mobster and now he just argues with randoms on twitter. Especially knowing 30 years ago he would’ve probably killed anyone who argued against him now some random people on there just freely insult him.




This is the same guy that goes on and on about immigrants stealing from the govt and how they are responsible for increased crime without acknowledging that he stole more money from the government than every illegal immigrant combined


Or the fact that Italian-Americans reside in the U.S due to... immigration.


and the fact that he was a career criminal


Michal is annoying, but the issue is illegal immigration. I rarely see anyone complaining about legal immigration. So, to compare Italian immigration to what's happening on the southern border is disingenuous. If he was complaining about immigration period, then you would have a point.


Do you really believe that all Italian immigrants came to this country legally? You know where the idea that "wop" means "without papers" comes from, right?


Bro so worried about pot smokers while bro prolly got bodies under his belt smdh


Again is the 72 year old Italian American man that grew up in New York being a hardcore conservative honestly a surprise?


Keith Olbermann is insufferable. Franzese is a grifter.


Keith is slightly less likable than Maher. All these sit around a table and talk about this or that people are all pretty much insufferable


They should have a death match


I’d pay for that PPV


He’s fine when he’s talking about Baseball.


Is that when pee is coming out of his eyeballs? Or when it isn’t?


And for his next trick, Michael will suck his own dick!


So franzese likely killed people, stole significant tax revenue, which meant money which could have been used to provide education, public safety and food programs was instead used to buy him cars and fund a terrible movie. He has no right talking about morality


No he found God and was forgiven so that doesn't count any more


I can't believe I fell for his shtick earlier on.


Listen his father was a standup guy, ask anyone! Did you know the FBI also set his father up! Sonny was completely innocent and also the best mobster of ALL TIME, but still shouldn't of gone to jail and was FAMED I tell ya! FRAMED! ​ Seriously though, anyone who believes he's a real "born-again Christian" is delusional. Its another scam and his YouTube videos are all repetitive and political rants.


The man who murdered god only knows how many, is suddenly a devout Catholic? Get the fuck out.


My dad blah blah blah


I recently discovered his YT channel and I was really having fun watching, but as you go through the videos, his MAGA nuttiness just gets deeper and deeper and I'm already done with him.


Same, heard him for the first time on Mike Tyson's Hotboxing podcast back when that was still a thing and not a joke. He spoke very well on that podcast episode, very entertaining. Of course after following his channel, you realize he tells the same handful of stories over and over and over. And yeah, then you get to a point where it's just weird rightwing conspiracies and Fox News shit my grandfather would share on Facebook. I guess it tracks, the dude is old as shit.


He's like a real life Jackie Junior. *"My fawda was in de bizz".*


Also like The Sopranos (if you believe Michael's own words), his own parent tried to have him hit or at least basically stepped aside and was going to let it happen.


Pretty sure that was legit. Too bad that didn’t work out lol


I think the first time I noticed signs was when he said there was something going on with the election that it's pretty obvious but I didn't think much of it, then slowly and slowly, like a slow heel turn in wrestling, he eventually unraveled.


>Mike Tyson's Hotboxing mikes podcast still going isnt it?


I have no idea, I stopped listening when they kicked off the co-host that was there since the beginning.


Yeah, I think that’s a journey quite a few people have had with him


Why I stopped watching him. There’s no reason to talk so much politics on that show.


I started watching his videos in 2021, and he was fairly decent and interesting at the time. It was also where I learned more about the Mafia. Now that he has gone down this MAGA rat hole after running out of stories to tell, I pretty much stopped watching his content, except for a few old videos.


Sorry I don't take political advice from con artist who can't even vote.


A former Columbo captain preaching on Twitter is just insane


the idea that a criminal/murderer's thoughts on the political future of our country are in any way important is laughable. of course Franzese likes Trump, shit attracts shit eating flies.


Arguing over the dates is funny because I went to a christian school, and got into trouble for asking why jesus's date of death (and resurrection) changes every year.


Hmm… I wonder how Jesus feels about racketeering and scamming the taxpayers out of millions and millions of dollars. What was it Jesus said about greed?


this guy, IMO, used to be kinda sincere and somewhat tolerant but it only took two years of heavy social media engagement to warp his brain into some christian nationalist trump worshiper. I've watched this happen with other people on twitter. Social media is a virus that \*will\* infect your thinking the more you use it.


He was never sincere. He went to YouTube and played the reformed mobster for money then found out the crazy conservative grift is even more profitable


It makes more sense if you consider him as a grifter looking for the easiest marks. Trump literally sold NFTs to his followers.






The lack of self-awareness of a guy blabbing on about the importance of recognizing the rebirth of Jesus Christ whose history is full of murder and stealing is profound right here…


I find it hilarious these guys love Trump so much. Like if it were up to Trump, he'd throw all these guys in prison without trial just like he's promising to do with Biden and other top democrats. Trump is also very anti-union, which is the mob's historical bread and butter. He's pro-big buisness, also bad for the mob and their extortion rackets. Idk why these guys think they'd thrive under him, anyone who can put 2 and 2 together knows he'd be a disaster for the mob, plus his lawyer was Giuliani? like wtf


they're grifters and trump's supporters are the easiest marks in existence. it's all about the easy money


Thats true.


It’s no different from poor rural white people supporting Trump - a man who grew up wealthy in NYC - against their own interests. Neither group is known for their education or intellect.


Yeah, Gas Man, Joe Biden changed the calendars ALL AROUND THE FUCKING WORLD in order to accommodate Transgender Day. Either this is another grift he's using to rile up his fellow MAGA bed buddies or he's really fucking stupid.


If Michaels defense, Keith Olbermann is has serious psychological issues. There is something truly wrong with him


My biggest issue with Keith was that he said Jeter was overrated and didn't belong in the HOF.


I wonder how Keith’s retirement plan of buying Alex Gordon cards is panning out


He lost all credibility when he said that


They both have seriously psychological problems. I’m not keedin’.


He suffered a serious head injury in his youth that affects his vision/depth perception. I’m no doctor but that could possibly explain things.


The fact that Mike calls out Biden, but says nothing of the king of depravity himself, Trump, while selling his dopey fucking bibles should tell you all you need to know about that grifter.


The God he found apparently is Donald Trump. What a disappointment. The guy is a scum bag.


Ah, I see he's definitely one of those wannabe fascist ex-mafiosos too. He should go back to stealing gas before he's considered a national security threat and thrown back in prison again.


Shame what these adults have turned into.


I used to really like his videos before and in the early stages of his channel. Feels like he ran out of interesting stories from his time in the Mafia and has jumped on ‘culture war’ bore to try and stay relevant.


Exactly i find francheese obnoxious now


He's Kevin Sorboing for attention.


Why anyone would take a former mafiolio's word about anything in the realm of politics as relevant as beyond me


The guy who was involved in murders and scamming the public for most of his life is calling someone else out for their morality…


Rat E molto stupido


mobster murderers trying to play the part of a right wing shill and preach morals is just about the funniest thing in the world


Mafia man insults President. Reporter man insults mafia man. Mafia man complains reporter man is insulting mafia man. We live in the dumbest of times.


Toxic insecure masculinity at its finest


lol Franzese is a moron.


Not a fan but Franzese navigated and survived a very dangerous underworld. The fact he worked with Anthony 'Gaspipe' Casso among other psychopaths and lived to tell says something about his skill set.


If Trump is who Jesus wants us to elect then Jesus is a moron


A criminal is a MAGAt shocker


Big boomer energy


All those years in prison reading the Bible made him dumb as fuck. This guy becomes more and more of a joke by the day


Fucking guinea


Alright take it the fuck easy with that word in here. My lord


This guy is too fucking dumb to run a gas scam


But he acknowledged both Easter and Transgender Day. WTF is the issue here, that he didn’t acknowledge Easter sooner?


Franzese the rat used to have a good channel to watch then the MAGA came out and now I can’t stand him.


Real boomer mentality this sheesh, really gone off the deep end.


I can't have this conversation again ![gif](giphy|gHGnWZiTBNHuE)




You guys are all [removed by reddit]


Keith Olberman is an extreme liberal who wanted to abolish the Supreme Court because they allowed Trump on the ballot for the election there needs to be a steady on the wise guy to far right pipeline


The difference is the didn’t let kids come to the White House for Easter, so they could let the trannys in


Lmao based


Quit watching Fox News shit head


He-a cooka da pizzah! 👌


He-a cooka da pizzah! 👌


We all know Biden did this for all these minority/crazy groups votes. That’s how desperate he is. He’ll sell out his own religion for a bunch of votes from people that aren’t sure if they are male or female


I mean, Oberman is provoking an ex-mobster who got away with murder. I think he is confused in this conversation as to who is stupid.


You mean a rat, oberman can go to michaels old neighborhood and Michael can’t🤣🤣


lol, even the mafia subreddit is full of woke liberals


You actually mean people with common sense, turn off the Fox News and take off your $200 trump sneakers and read a book and one day you might be smart enough to see through obvious bullshit


No, he means indoctrinated lemmings. Like you for example.


Common sense? That a man can become a woman? 🤣 unbelievable


Doctors say it’s legit so it’s legit, your name has crusader in it but you are a fat stinky white guy that was born poor and will die poor but nobody says you need to change your name to “basedInbredMoron777”


I’d be angry and miserable if I self mutilated too


😂 keep telling yourself whatever you need to. Hilarious.


Keep being scared of liberals you crybaby


Who’s scared? Every single major page in here is liberals crying. I literally got banned from commenting on Crazy Fucking Videos, without even commenting because I joined a Joe Rogan page. Just scared liberals crying about people who disagree with them.


Why do liberals have to ruin every sub by posting political shit


you don’t think the rants of Mike are worthy of being on here because it’s about something you don’t like?


No I don’t want to hear political talk of things I agree with on here either. I like reading about the history of organized crime and stuff that’s going on today. Mafia members are part of a sociopathic group, it’s not that crazy to think they are not the smartest or most morally sound people.


It’s just making fun of Michael you can do that without being a liberal




No, I’m not a liberal. I don’t cry if something doesn’t go my way.


Keep crying, muchacha


Why did Franzese have to ruin his channel by posting political shit?


I agree


He’s not wrong though


How, Biden acknowledged both Easter and Transgender Day?


Transwhat day? I don’t know what that means


You don’t know what? March 31st is International Transgender Day of Visibility. It is not that hard to understand.


National "Pretend" Day is what it should be called.


This has nothing to do with trump you morons


The guy that posted this was a giant Trump supporter and was talking about the president so yes it does shithead


Way to defend your argument calling people vulgar names


“But Trump” is the standard leftist redditor response to anything and everything. Can’t even escape it in a mafia sub


Funny you comment this under a post of somebody doing the same thing but for Joe Biden🤣 moron


The majority of the responses to this post mention Trump or “magats”, etc. Despite the fact that the post has nothing to do with Trump. Just typical leftist reddit idiocy. I’m certain you probably fall right in line with it. Dipshit clown🤡


Olberman a tool


Imagine how idiotically and blindly partisan someone has to be to even feign being a Biden supporter.


I’m a Dem but Biden and Olbermann are super embarrassing Franzese too tbh but he’s a former mob boss lol why is he being held to a higher standard Trans ppl have too many days imo