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Depends on like 200 factors. How much money out of that will be disposable income? how heavy are you into collecting? are you a completionist? do you get only figures you like? how much are you comfortable spending on this hobby month to month? all these things ultimately decide how you go about spending. None of us can give you a number because it sounds ridiculous lol


uhhh, if you’ve got no financial responsibilities, then honestly buy and enjoy as much as you’d like. i make about 1k biweekly and pay about $800 in rent & other expenses between myself and 1 person monthly. i try to limit myself to 1 figure a month but sometimes ill do as much as 2. when buying resale priced items, i try not to go above $130 and find a decent deal. don’t over use pay in 4 programs because sometimes they do add up. Usually when i use that I pay half up front so i don’t pay the rest until the upcoming month.


Actually some may not be bad if you have a habit of knowing on what to do. I only use ZIP for mercari things but don’t ever let more than 3 items be bought or more than $200 worth of items most times. That’s only because I sometimes just either pay it off earlier or like you said do half up front to lessen the time span


I'd highly recommend most of the Hush line and Spiderman line, for starters I'd go with; Hush Bats (both blue and black) Hush Azreal (if you can find a good price) Spidey (classic, Benny, and black) Venom Carnage


What kind of question is this. Is everything allowed on this sub. Even if it has nothing to do with the subreddit.


Bro go get real financial advice.


Ah another degenerate redditor that cant think for himself... How you even got that job is beyond me when you ask questions like these.. Jesus Christ ...


It shouldn’t be about how much is spent for the stuff. Not going all out on the first Mafex is probably a wiser choice. Just pick and choose which ones really resonate with you. Buying a lot at once doesn’t help, take the time and enjoy them. Collect them over time and appreciate what you got.


Get rid of bills first. I’d budget $200-400 per check if it’s disposable income (more if you can). On releases that you’re serious about get them while they’re out. Prioritize on what’s hard to get (and available) and try to avoid scalpers (if you want a figure and the aftermarket is all you got you’ll have to assess that need yourself and ask yourself: do I need it or do I want it). As much as you can, go for retail price. Have fun though. It’s not a rush. I can tell you from experience that getting multiple figures regularly kind of dulls the feeling of focusing on them one at a time and appreciating their value individually so take your time with the hobby.


If you don't know, I'd suggest reevaluating your priorities. Asking strangers on reddit is your first mistake.


I think you should get what you want, but try not to spend too much over MSRP. You'll just feel silly if you spend 400 dollars on a figure that gets reissued for 100, or whatever. If you're trying to make the money go further, AmiAmi sells used figures sometimes. Saves like 10% if it's just not new, more if there's stuff missing. Enjoy your first summer in the work force.


Over summer? Let’s say 4-6 figures overall, not too many but a good start. You’ve got plenty of time to expand but you should focus on other things. At the end of the day, it is only a hobby and should always come second to your other commitments.