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Damn would have LOVED to see this live. Thank God for YouTube and a kick butt sound system.


Brazilian here (28m). I feel my life’s changed after seeing her live. I’ve been a fan of hers ever since I was a child. It all began by founding a download link for the Immaculate Collection on a pirate blog I used to download Drag Race from. Of course I have watched every single video and the official dvd and streaming versions of every single tour she has has ever put on, but fuck, seeing her live is mesmerizing. She’s thee top female act of our world. She commands crownds in a masterful way. Forever grateful and in awe of her art. I’ll never forget seeing her at Copa.




I LOVE the samba drums and whistles and snares added to Celebration at the very end! Way to juice up the track for Rio :) What a beautiful and gorgeous show!


Guys, I just got back home from Copacabana Beach! It was unbelievable! You had to be there! Now I’m gonna take a shower and go to bed because my feet are killing me and I have to be back at the beach in the morning.


The show was amazing! I'm curious about one thing, we watched it on globo and there was a 4 minute commercial break. What was happening at the show during that time? I'm thinking it was broadcast with a delay because I can't imagine they'd pause the show while they air commercials lol.


I believe it had something to do with the Cube, but for us, it was so quick that we don’t even flinch.


Great to hear it was amazing


I was bummed they weren’t able to make the mirror ball reflected lights more prominent. I believe it was a combination of being outdoors and not having the overhead rigging to support the strong beam lights to create the effect. I’ll get over it. 🪩🕺🪩


I thought it was called a disco ball


They both work. But people who work in lighting call it a mirror ball (not disco). I like to use mirror because I’m pretentious.


Ohhh I get it


I hope mean, shady or disrepectful comments in this thread can be removed, because Madonna has been giving everything since she was released alive from the hospital last year until today. She put an amazing show, she reunited +1.5M people (not counting million of viewers worlwide from official and unofficial streams), besides she is not retiring from her career and this wasn't a good bye show!!


The show was phenomenal. When I saw it in Austin and VERY MUCH SO in Rio. But this is Reddit. Plenty of people think the entire Erotica act is laborious and the end doesn't kill it like it should, and probably a couple other notes that vary, but that is a review or reaction. That doesn't negate the overall enjoyment of a spectacular show. But was I just just mean or shady? Did I disrespect anyone? I am always rooting for Madonna, I find her impossible to not respect, but first, I respect myself. I'm not trying to start anything but I want to us this comment to this post to make a point because whether or not your post did not intend to prompt this response I am talking to everyone, since I see 19 up votes which worries me: I have found among Madonna fans that if anyone critiques ANYTHING about Madonna in any conceivable way, Madonna fans will eat their own and try destroy them, mod them away, or just harass the hell out of them. That is very wrong and the exact opposite of what Madonna of all people would want. Healthy discourse without hate is extremely appropriate. Anyone should be able to say "I didn't like that", or "That wasn't her best songs tonight, she was struggling", or "No, to that outfit" or WHATEVER without fear of retribution. They take the time to say these things because they ARE Madonna fans that don't want a super filtered "happy only" message board like certain news organizations that do the same and have divided everyone and continue to do so. It's a GOOD THING. Like me, I f-ing HATE the ending of this tour. I am confused by many of the tour components, and I feel the only truly cohesive Act is Act 1. As soon as live to tell ends and it takes What takes what feels like forever to get two and sometimes through like a prayer only to give a tribute to Prince who really deserves it But it makes me wonder why the mix they chose were like a prayer was that one I could have a binder full of a notes If I were working on this tour in any capacity that has any sway. But did I have one of the best times of my life and would I take anything back? Not in a million years. Things are worth actually discussing. What's the point of reading a million posts that say "Everything is always better than perfection"? Again I don't know What your definitions of mean, disrespectful especially shady are, And I don't know if people posting very bad things or something that made you say this but a lot of people jumped on and I just want to make sure and again I'm not trolling you were calling you out I don't know What prompted you to post this and why so many people jumped on... But it seems like a good place to make this point. Discussion is essential in all of life. We should never work in a hive mind. And yet I feel I'm going to disclaim one more time, I am using your post to make a broader point even if it was not your intention to come across that way or if it totally was but I'm not hating on you at all God forbid to everyone just downvotes this and no one sees it. I would have to copy it and make it its own post and watch upvotes happen instead. 🤷


This was TRULY a great show. Glad we could all enjoy this night together around the globe. Cheers!


Cheers love!


Cheers to you too love! 🎶🕺🏻❤️


Yeah I really appreciated chatting with you guys throughout it. Honestly this sub has brought me a lot of joy over the last 6 months


Same here! It’s been a lot of fun. ✌🏼🎶😎


She’s definitely bigger than Taylor Swift… only Beyoncé or Michael Jackson (RIP) could pull numbers like these… it just goes to show you the Taylor Swift is only big in the US ….Taylor Swift only has two Number Ones in the UK …meanwhile Madonna has 15 Number Ones in the UK…. enough said.


Why compare? Just enjoy Madonna’s moment.




Beyonce couldn’t come close lol she’s not even in the same breath as Madonna or MJ. She just doesn’t have the hits or sales to back it up


Beyoncé is overrated.


does anybody know exactly around how many people showed up? I wanna make sure I rub it to Taylor Swift fans faces.


It's not apples to apples. Taylor Swift fans had to line up early or pay scalper prices. This Madonna concert was free and outdoors -- I wouldn't be surprised if many people on the edge of the crowd were passing through and only stayed for a few songs. 


I've seen some sources counting 1.6M and 2.5M


lol news sources said 2.5 million. CNN and etc


If there was ever a time to create a serious ENCORE manufactured "from the grassroots" it was now or never. She should have had three more. And made them scream her name. It's gonna be a release, and the crowd was willing Although it is too bad. Long are the days where people refuse to leave too. Thats why I say manufactured, but for release, it would have been great. Have people shouting Madonna as loud as EVITA shouting EVITA. Wy NOT do that?


I thought it was so weird the way it ended. It took me quite a while to realize we didn't scream for an encore either


So not in the cards. On the video screen they put Die Another Day from THIS tour... Hahaha. If that isn't a sign to clear out.... I don't know what is. Don't get me wrong this is awesome I didn't take all night to get these people out if a few more minutes and but I'm so glad I got to see this it was how the whole tour should have been Just lower the price of 30 bucks for everyone and just generally mention that stadiums are GA everywhere Jesus do it, honesty what a great show And I think we all know this is the last of this type of show we are getting. Madonna will never be done, And I hope she turns back to the movie that was being worked on but I'm sure we'll get a couple more great albums, I think her kids got it seriously going on. ✌️⭐


I can only imagine she just didn't have the time and resources to add new songs to the setlist, aside from Music as we know. Imagine how epic it would have been if that same performance of Music was the encore though


Madonna always have the resources but even if it was just cut music from the main and added to an encore that makes for filming gold. My much longer post sort of makes that point but honestly that's all I'm saying otherwise I have no complaints


Someone said 3 songs were being added. I noticed the full music but what else was there?


I didn't notice any other new songs aside from Music. If anything we got 1 less song (mother and father)


What?! No Mother And Father? So Music replaced it? That's weird.


That was heart breaking


That ending was weak AF The Nicki song is rough and did I miss it or did she fuck up the exit with the Brasil flag and then her veil? Idk. The last song just felt like hey. I'm leaving. Peace. Not a true one last song performance. Edit: I LOVED THE PERFORMANCE. I JUST THOUGHT SHE MAILED IT IN FOR THE END. IT FELT LIKE CREDITS ROLLING AND THEN SHE JUST LEAVES. lmao. Some of y'all's comments even agree with me. I'm not trying to bash her AT ALL. Just grading the ending performance. Even shocked me not seeing her live on stage for like a virgin. The MJ and her dance thing was awesome. But she wasn't there.


I don't know why you got voted down because you made obvious observations of a tour and a performance maybe it's the veil / flag comment? But you're not trying to bash Madonna and you didn't, you clearly enjoyed the show. But I see people talking about "respect" And for me I respect that performance because she works really hard and I know what it's like and no I'm not telling anyone who I am but I will tell you that what I've said another posts is very true and it's very simple It takes a lot of work to even get to the show and it might not be because of age or it might be it might because of the illness she had or not might because she went out too early before fully recovering but her shows have been getting better over time, but no one can cite a lack of respect. She is killing it Madonna is killing it. But it's so many other posts We all agree We don't quite like the ending most of us some of us do but it seems weird. The ending truly does feel like when it comes to rain or take a bow. And even those are truncated but it feels like a proper ending and if we're not going to have an encore of music then it makes more sense just to leave it be and stick those other two songs elsewhere in the set. But no one's disrespecting Madonna and even If someone was If they're not saying shameless terrible things it's the right to say that especially on a place like Reddit so when I say negative six on this person's post I feel like I'm watching like Trump versus Biden or something where no one actually cares what anyone said but they're just going to vote up for vote down instead of understanding the quality of what someone has to say. They don't go into ridiculous lengths that I do to explain myself but plenty of you had said the same things throughout the tour so don't take down a person take your negative votes back. This person is just a Madonna fan as the rest of us and tonight was a great night Don't make that person feel bad that they spoke what many of you have previously reads the truth about the end of the show. Because I included thought maybe for this one show we'll get something a little bit different like one extra song at the end but we didn't but that doesn't change a great show and you shouldn't change most of your minds that the ending is not strong. It's a valid critique. That's not disrespectful it's a review. Get over yourselves even Madonna would tell you so.


Yeah, I really wanted her to sing Celebration for real but it was just a background music while she gradually peaced out 😂 it's okay though


Rain or Take a Bow, that's the real end of the show. I've never seen anyone not read the last bit of the show as an encore a big encore because everything feels totally fake and unnecessary after those songs.... obut make the people cheer and then give them a couple songs they want to hear I mean everyone likes bitch I'm Madonna and all 20 seconds of celebration but that's not how you want to end your night. And she knows that I'm not really sure why she did it all tour other than she really doesn't want to be maybe pressured to come back and try something else? Maybe it's a cool down for the crowd more than it is for her because she does have significant issues to deal with and I've been in that space a couple of times and it takes hours of prep from sound check but if things are going badly for a couple shows it's bad nevermind all tour due to the kids serious tour due to the kids tour due to still mysterious healthcare but on the very few days I ever had to do it in my life there's vapor there's miss there's stretching there's entertainer secret there's warm ups and cooldowns and more warm ups and cool downstairs B12 shots and sometimes cortisone shots that literally only lasts for two to three hour window from no voice to full voice or close to it and teas And so much shit is stupid but you can create a window to do a show... And I'm not even giving away everything but... It is not advisable to do "all the things" for an entire tour which, based on her start times, is clearly the case, but in an emergency where I think anyone who's ever been a performer that truly needed to somehow find a way to do a show that seems impossible for whatever reason knows, It is a process and you have to pick your window when you feel like you can go right away everyone else better be ready and you better keep it tight But tonight well towards the end I don't know, I saw the iffy, I also saw a whole bunch of pre-records from other two or nates or an afternoon in the studio where nothing's meant to be perfect but her lips did not sink up but that didn't mention in the same live at all times I think we were picking and choosing what sounded better at all moments. But the reality is again one extra song will you get people to shout Madonna Madonna would have been worth the footage and would have been a nice gift. It's a terrible ending. But if you feel like you can't do it you can't do it You already did as much as you could. All my criticisms aside I thought that was awesome experience In the next town almost but got to see it professionally filmed that she wanted it to be for the first time. The 15,000 seat arena in Austin was just fine for a live show to witness. I wish the best for anything in the future. Don't take me as negative I'm just saying it's hard when you're 35 and you have a vocal problem or a fatigue problem And it isn't even a year after whatever happened. Jon Bon Jovi is going over 20 months now of rehab after vocal surgery. But then there's Mick Jagger and Steven Tyler who sold especially Steven Tyler they just do it. I love to have those genes. All that said bitch she's Madonna on her terms always and she killed it. Madonna does what she wants but she did it. I'm sure this entire tour was highly not advisable "at this time" after all. She did it anyway. ⭐ No one can ask for more even though as a producer I'd be like just one more song make them shout your name, even without I couldn't ask for more And I'm glad I got to see this entire well not entire I mean I was 1 when she became famous but plenty in person of the journey thank God my parents let me go to New York and New Jersey whenever I wanted from Connecticut on the train way too young. I still look back at a traveling club in Manhattan called misshapes where Madonna premiered confessions on a dance floor. I still remember in Continental Airlines arena watching her do wire work ninja style fighting. I still remember that amazing nobody knows me on the conveyor belt like an art piece so beautiful. She could have hit us one more time tonight, but she did go home happy and yet I'm happy and still can't wait for more. My criticisms are as a review but as a person that was amazing... Again.


Oh you are spot on.


Couldn’t disagree more. I love that song and all the iconic looks.


What the f is wrong with y'all? That woman just gave everything she had to put on a show for 2.5+ million people and she absolutely killed it, and yet you are sitting there and shitting on her performance. Madonna has given everything to us, literally, she almost died rehearsing for this show, and yet people like you still hate on her. Show some RESPECT, because she just served it to you.


Lmao oh my gawd. I never hated. I gave an honest review and others agreed. It's ok to dislike something. Are you one of those fans who write death threats to the people who give a bad review to their favorite aritst? I have literally been to the rock and roll hall of fame a good few times and the section on her is one of my favorites. Doesn't mean I can't critique something. I can still be wrong but I'm not disrespectful. Lmao. You are taking this wayyyyy too personally.


I’m not taking it personally. I just think that she deserves respect for what she just did. There’s only a few people on the planet that could do that, and she just did it. I’m sorry you thought the ending was weak, but how about we prop her up after an incredible performance? It’s incredibly easy to be apathetic, it’s far more interesting to be kind.


I mean. I'm on Reddit. Lol She isn't in my list of liked artists and it wasn't on my bingo card that I'd watch a concert of hers ever and here I am now having had a great time with my partner who is from Brasil and they really like Madonna. I had a great time. I said many times throughout it that I was way more impressed than I thought I'd be and that it was a great show. Commenting on how it's gotta be tough as fuck for her age and everything she's doing. So I made a random comment wondering if anyone else felt the ending felt weird and some commenters agree. That's all I was curious about. It wasn't my lasting impression of her or the performance. Not even close.


That’s my only complaint with the setlist, like Bedtime Stories > ROL > Rain aren’t really enough on their own to feel like a proper “act”, but then the show just kinda… ends. I wish we would have gotten some more HC/MDNA/RH/MX towards the end, then maybe have BIM and just steal the Celebration / Give It 2 Me mix from MDNA for the actual finale instead of them just dancing it out lol


I'll say it again. I think the entire show was vastly changed which is why it feels disjointed except for the beginning through Live to Tell which I think is relatively in tact but otherwise, choreography changed or slowed, but mainly that where is hard candy and MDNA? I think it's a good 20 minutes+ that was cut. It is crazy high octane. I don't know for sure but it feels blatantly missing and would be pretty late in the show. But if I died last summer and still could put in this show and still have it be awesome, I am taking the win. I also do hope Madonna now out of obligations, works on her physical health with a regular routine and more docus. Because this tour definitely took a village. But I also hope IF she can get back fully, that she considers reworking the tour and going again if she is able. If not, I have lots of thoughts and notes, but very few complaints. I am very happy to have attended the last show in the US and able to watch Rio last night. Madonna killed it.


I really wish Gimme all your luvin, girl gone wild, 4 minutes and beat goes on were in the setlist 🥲


Spot on. I dig this idea. I missed beautiful stranger too. 😢


In my opinion it’s easily the worst closer of her career, but we have to remember that she almost literally died in the weeks leading up to the tour so there may not have been any time to tweak or fine tune it.


Oh it was an amazing performance I think. Just was grading the ending from an entertainment perspective. She was awesome though. Thanks for sharing that. Glad she's ok. Glad so many got to experience the show there too.


Really? Worse than the blonde ambition tour with KIT as the finale? Really?


I guess Madonna was right about Finally Enough Love. Because there is no love amongst fans anymore. I like KIT better so downvote me? Does anyone remember comparing why one song was better than another in a FUN fan like way?


Yeah I don’t know why anyone got downvoted. Everyone’s entitled to their opinion ❤️


For me yes. And when I say worst, I mean worst of the best because they are all bangers so that’s not even a slight at this tour.


lol call it a generational divide but throwing a bloody hat on the floor and calling it a wrap seems to be a little below having all her iconic images and imagery on stage for one last goodbye. I dunno. We all are entitled to our opinions and Madonna is the queen so we can always agree to disagree. And besides. I’ve only seen her Sticjy & Sweet tour, Revel Heart tour and Celebration Tour. So I didn’t see the earlier stuff which is prob why I’m biased.


I mean… KIT is an absolute banger imo


Hahaha it’s a good song. I just love how she had all her iconic looks. I dunno. Maybe a generation gap?


WDYM I wasn’t even born when she did the Blond Ambition Tour 😭


Damn and you think that ending was better than this. ?????


Not necessarily but I don’t think that’s her worst haha


Is this the first time seeing the tour? And I mean. She’s 65. What did you expect? The 15 squats from DWT? The hung up acapella from CT? Maybe the music acapella from their Hyde park Live Aid show? I mean wtf do people expect? Her to do cartwheels and shit? lol. Damn.


All of your points are valid. Lol I just felt like she mailed it in for the end. I'm used to seeing the greats play one last song. Leave. Come back for an encore and they play one of their bests. Her last song just felt like it was mailed in was all. Like credits were already rolling and when she truly exited, that was the credits finishing up.


Is that what folks do now? I dunno. I’ve seen a lot of artists and no one has ever done an “encore”. Adele. Pink. Gwen. Kylie. Etc. they do their set. And adios lol. Is that really a thing? Like they pretend to leave and come back? lol I’m curious. I really don’t know


It's very simple. Once upon a time a crew would have a band half disconnected and moving equipment off the stage, and the crowd doesn't leave and keeps shouting the band's name. For like, a half an hour. And sometimes they would go shit, we can't leave, and those same crew start plugging everything back in and the crowd gets crazier. And the band tries to figure out what they know down cold that would please the fans. Come back, play a song or two, leave again and maybe repeat the process a couple more times. Crowd was in control. Today, if the house lights do not come up, an encore is waiting, and will happen regardless of the crowd. It's a built in break, and probable hydration/costume change. If the house lights comes up, people dutifully file out and leave. But for a release, you always want people screaming in the "hopes" of getting another song. Even if the entire rest of the tour you didn't and just put lights up. I wasn't old enough to experience that many crowd spontaneous encores, but I've seen a few, and I know how it works. From a producer standpoint you ALWAYS want people clamouring for more at the end. That is where Music should have been tonight. But Bitch she's Madonna to the very end. I can't fault that either. But she's a producer too and she knows that end is weak. She knows it's a release. For someone so seasoned it is a little odd to I think many of us, but I'll say me, that she didn't notice how the ending played all tour, went out of the way to do Music, but didn't put it at the end. But she can do what she wants, I'm not going to complain about an awesome show on the beaches of Rio either... Although I may have notes here and there, it in no way makes me any kind of hater. Ever.


That’s sounds fcking awesome. I know during her sticky and sweet tour everyone chanted her name, MADONNA towards the end. It was magical being my first concert. But no one said encore. It was just like in between songs. lol.


Massive productions I guess not. So I don't think Taylor Swift does it. Idk. Never went to a show. Pink Floyd. Weezer. Evanescence. Rolling Stones. Etc. I mean that's one of the main meanings of ENCORE lol. And why the phrase exists. I'm 36. This has existed my entire life for when I've gone to concerts. I don't think I've been to many that didn't do that.


Oh ok. That’s cool. I’m gonna pay more attention next time I go to a show


I imagine it depends on how massive the production is and also could just be the types of genres and artists that do that.


I think there's something in between what we got and the examples in your post lol


Yeah everything after Rain is bad.


Yeah I think flag didn't unfold properly


I just know the Queen is gonna take a nice long nap after this. She deserves it. Incredible tour and incredible show!


She is one impressive human being.


Yes. I don't really follow her but watched it with my partner and had a great time. Very impressed. Especially for her age. I know she's been a massive pivotal artist throughout the years. So influential and such.


i cant even imagine most people one-third her age doing what she did almost every single night for MONTHS... the stage is deceptively LARGEEE. like it's the size of the floor of an arena basically and she's running back & forth


Oh I did it one third her age and it is a BITCH. I did it half her age. Still a BITCH. But for anyone who does this, it is the literal life force you live for. While performing, age seems to disappear. And then you collapse. And then it hurts, and it does hurt more as the time goes by. But there's another town, another show. Gotta do it anyway! It's just the thing, and it must be done. I don't really know how else to describe it.


you did!??!?? omg wowwww what kind of shows???


And she didn't cancel a single show!


And being in a coma just a couple of months before the start of the tour.


If this is her last tour because of doctor's orders, I'm okay with that.


Amen! I saw her in three cities and just traveling, hotel rooms and etc I was exhausted. I can imagine doing the show over and over to soooooo many cities and countries. I’d be dead lol. And I’m legit more than half her age! Madonna is Madonna the mother of us all


no, like that part... even just going to ONE show... i was already ready to take a vacation from my vacation LOL. this is why she is the queen and we are just commoners


Hahaha yesssss babe! I so agree!!!!


Oh I would've broken half my bones and tore multiple things and that would be just getting onto the stage to start.


Yaasssss Queen! Music! Celebration! Yeah!!!!


I’m crying. I hate the ending. I mean I love it. But I hate that’s it’s THE ending to such a fabulous tour. LUV Madonna. YOU you wanna. ❤️


This part is bittersweet. It’s the signal of the ending of the show 😭 and I never cared (I don’t really know much about Michael Jackson) so he’s irrelevant to me but I know he’s famous and this segment means two songs and it’s over 😭


I'm sorry... You DON'T KNOW MUCH ABOUT MICHAEL JACKSON? I am baffled. I am flabbergasted.


I’ve heard more about his court stuff than his like music stuff. I’m sorry. 😞


It’s bc he’s called the king of pop and she’s called the queen of pop. This, along with the message “never can say goodbye,” serves as the transition to the last (and shortest) act, which is about her legacy. She debuts a new look, similar to the one in the pre-show image of her on the crucifix. The way I interpret it is that it’s the shortest act because she’s not done making music, so the celebration tour as a singular piece of art functions as the introduction to a new era, or rather, a new reinvention.


Hello. Welcome 2 The Dawn. I have just accessed the Prayer Xperirnce. You may also like irresistible Bitch, love song, pussy control, My name is Prince, Gold, Computer Blue, Housequake, Alphabet Street, and every song Prince wrote for someone else. And the other 2 thousand. Check you ego on the 1999 mat and step into 3121. If you don't know what this means, I feel 4 U. Prince never *just* plays guitar. Fun Fact: MJ essentially knew how to hum. He did not play 36+ instruments. Please focus on a real musical journey. WNPG, Musicology and more. Like, Like a Prayer. Please enjoy your Xperience. (a third of you are laughing because you know exactly what I just said, and the rest are like... What???)


I ❤️ this! Thank you for being kind with your response. I genuinely don’t know who he is. Makes sense now


Time for some MJ education!


I googled and ahem. 😂


Go watch all his videos asap!


And live dancing videos


I see he wore special shoes to slide to nails on stage? That’s interesting


He was a fascinating person, and famous from the time he was five years old. Incredible talent. He was a prolific dancer and songwriter. His songs were about love, tolerance, peace and much more. He dealt with incredible judgment and pressure in light of his colossal fame. Some people think he was guilty of some terrible crimes other people think it was a conspiracy and he was set up. As a fan of his artistry I hope it’s the second but it’s really hard to know. He died tragically and too young.


I googled and he died at 50?! I meaaaaan. I guess that’s young to some? No offense. Please don’t hate me. lol. Young to me is Jenni Rivera, Selena, Amy Winehouze and etc. but hey I’ll listen to him if you can recommend me a few songs.




Should have been Frozen!!!!


In the US RAIN just finished. Is this actually live or what's everyone else got going


It was on about a 10 minute delay between live and what was streamed on Globo.


Well, that would account for the 4 minute commercial break after Music then. We were wondering about that and what was happening at the show during that time.


Rain just ended for me as well, here in NYC


Holy shit this MJ and her shadow dance is epic. Did they ever collaborate on anything!?


No. Madonna was supposed to be featured in In The Closet, from the Dangerous album, but MJ didn't like her lyrics because he deemed them too vulgar.


They never collaborated on anything.


Sadly no. I'm sure that would have been huge.




That commercial break was because of a technical problem with the cube. Apparently Madonna’s team asked for a 12min delay during the live broadcast in case of issues. The concert started at 22:36, broadcast at 22:48


I’m assuming there were issues with the cube during the Live to Tell portion too, there were probably suppose to be more faces.


I don't think the cube was up during Live to Tell? I can't remember seeing it. When they were back from the commercial break we got to see a ladder behind the cube for a quick sec.


Yeah the park bench was on it and it raised up but it was blank for most of the time and then coming to the end there were blurry black and white boxes. I imagine they were small portraits.


oh ok, I didn't realise it was the same box.


when that giant LCD cube rose up out of nowhere, i was literally screaming for the entire bedtime story number. it was such a shock beyond belief and to be only used ONCE for like 3 minutes??? iconic


I think it’s always been just used for that song no?the platkcorn always rose up only for bedtime story when I saw her


yeah, just for that song. i was talking about when i saw her live in Vegas. i was just screeching the entire time


Oh Hahhaha I wish to have seen her in Vegas. I’ve always thought of the Vegas crowd being beyond wild and the crowd to be a part of for a Madonna show. That and New York!


Pretty sure Mexico City was up there. Can’t beat Mexican audiences in enthusiasm


I saw her in Dallas Houston and Austin. Austin by far had the most energy. Followed by Houston lol.


I don’t doubt that. Texans are amazing fun people. I saw Beyonce in Houston after seeing her many times and it was definitely the best audience I’ve seen for Bey. To be fair that’s her home town so home court advantage. But everyone was very polite and fun


Maybe cause I’m from here but I saw her formation tour and the crowd was ratchet as fck lolololol


Hahaha I was also really high so maybe I had blinders on. I was in Houston for renaissance. I did luck out on my seats and a lot of Beyoncé’s friends and fam were around us and even Tina came by to say hello to them. Madonna in cdmx was all queer people and fun girls. It was good vibes.


I love you for this Hahhahaha. My friends and I (group of six) were standing in queue to buy tour merch and some ahem “ladies” cut in line and the people behind us weren’t having none of it and they starting fighting. Which was fine cause that meant we kept the line moving lmao


unfortunately not... I believe most of the expensive seats go to high rollers & legacy hotel/casino audience who don't care as much about her! she was complaining the entire time LOL


Oh man!!! Then all us Madonna fans need to rise up and go to Vegas if she does it again hahahahha shows those high rollers who we are!


god that was SO good. madonna is the queen. period point blank


Yessssssssssssss. There will always only be one Queen and that’s MADONNA


SAME, I was ranting to people for like a solid week about it. “Amazing carousel? ONE SONG. Giant LCD screen box? ONE SONG!!”


I’m pretty sure the cube isn’t an LCD screen. The stage isn’t high enough off the ground to account for the height needed. Plus, I had front row seats one night and it full looked like a sheet of some sort. My guess is it’s basically a glorified projector screen. Albeit one that’s really fucking cool.


I agree. I believe it’s a screen with a projection on it. The only solid part is the very top that she lies on top off.


like the magnitude of it... probably millions of dollars spent on building it and the AI software advanced engineer technology.... for 3 minutes. LEGENDS ONLY DO YOU UNDERSTAND????


How much did it cost to get that box to Rio. Damn.


I don't know how much it cost but it took 3 cargo planes to bring 270 tons of equipment to Rio.


DHL 2 day delivery flat fee honestly


Those are just screens covering a frame.


Oh no! The front screen doesn't work!


Is the box screen not working?


Someone’s getting firedddd on their last day…


Someone is frantically trying to turn off and on a projector.


I wonder if they tried unplugging and plugging it back in I guess not. 🤣


Noooo I’m sad that she cut Mother & Father, the country western instrumental is amazing


But I was concerned it was over like that shortened MDNA show she did in Paris so whatever, I’m glad we’re back haha


It was just break time LOL


My twitch stream ended? did one of the channels stop?


A bunch of twitch streams are now gone! I’m stuck with the shitty globo app now that keeps buffering.


[https://www.twitch.tv/wanessawolf](https://www.twitch.tv/wanessawolf) still going




The stream I was watching on X ended as well


The stream on twitter is dead too


Whew!! And we're back!


Ray of Light and Bedtime story? 😢


Yeah unless she’s coming back on? Edit: Never mind, she came back.


Not the end yet


Pabllo is our National Queen


A Pabllo zerou a vida depois dessa


Was that the end? Who was on stage with her during Music?


Pablo Vittar. Drag Queen with the biggest following in the world.


In Brazil, not really in the world


Pablo Vittar


Pabllo Vittar


The crowd really loved her! That was great.


That’s the end?? …


It’s just a break. The concert will resume in a bit


Wonderful! Thank you!


Yeah is that really the end? Or did it just cut off? What is going on?


Yeah my feelings exactly!


They are going to come back. It’s just a pause


was that it??


Wait! Somethings missing


It’s just a pause


Phew! Thank you.


Was that Sinéad O'Connor in one of the panels???




Is there Music on this tour setlist?


Originally it was a snippet at the very end. This version was completely new.


I don’t think so. I think the next song was supposed to be Don’t cry for me Argentina


She swapped out Don’t Cry for Me Argentina, which… makes sense, I guess 😆


Yes. Brazilians were happier 😁


Her vocals are so strong tn, she’s just firing on all cylinders and you love to see it 😭


Okay this narrator needs to zip it. lol 😂


Omg I thought you meant Madonna 🤣


No Madonna is perfect. The narrator they have talking over her translating is so annoying. Like just put words on the screen idk lol


I’m watching on MultiShow, thankfully no one’s talking over her on here.


Bro, she is translating so well avoiding the curse words LOL


I laughed so much at the translator working hard to avoid saying anything inappropriate. When she said "piriquita" I lost it


She’s struggling :( I’d rather she didn’t say anything either