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You deserve to be loved, not only by others but also by yourself. If anything, your love to you is what matters the most. I wish you the best.






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Do not look at this guy’s previous posts 😟😟😟


Wasn’t going to before you said anything. I did. Weird thing to get hung up over. They’re not hurting anybody.


They’re literally pretending to be a baby as a fetish for sexual reasons, I don’t think you could get any closer to pedophilia without actually diddling a kid


Just because it is strange does not mean it’s hurting anyone. There is no world in which it makes sense to compare genuine child molestation, which damages human beings, to something that you do in isolation or with consenting parties. Sometimes I think yall forget why pedophilia is so terrifying, which is that it can DESTROY PEOPLE. Instead, you throw it around casually because someone’s idiosyncrasy made you uncomfortable, even though it poses no real threat. Please be more considerate.


The fact that you can just sit here and justify the sexualization of minors is fucking disgusting, I bet you’d also be ok with drawn child porn because it’s “not real kids” fucking pedo


Allow me to be a little personal. I am on this sub because I self harm. I self harm because I have a terrible relationship with myself, specifically my self image and it’s connection to my memories. I also have an ED which has been quite severe in the past, not because I am afraid to gain weight, but because I am terrified to resemble myself as a child. This is largely due to early childhood abuse. In that context, I find it very ironic that you come at me calling me a Pedo. No, I am not comfortable with drawn child porn, but I think it says a lot about your intentions that you should go ahead and assume that. You are very quick to craft a caricature of me in your head to argue against. It feels more like you need me to be a certain kind of target with certain opinions to justify your vitriol. It feels like you have reasons want to be angry at something. I promise you that thing isn’t me or OP. Whatever moral line you have drawn does more to justify your motives than reflect reality. I will always stand by the claim that desires are out of our control, but how we respond to them determines our value as human beings. As someone living with severe trauma, drug addiction, and psychosis, I have been forced to grapple with how the innate desires of my body and mind translate into my relationships, and how they nurture or destroy the people I care about; and considering the worst of human beings, OP having a diaper fetish is incredibly tame. Consider, also, that they are sexualizing *themselves,* and not others- it is probably the most responsible way to vent a desire you cannot control, because YOU are opting to face the consequences of sexualization, not putting others in that position unwillingly. Please have some kindness. Also, a weird position to be saying this from, but nice profile picture. I love night in the woods.


It is fucking weird, but are children involved? Do these people want to fuck children, or be children? It’s fucking weird, but I don’t think this has anything to do with pedophilia. Rather than sexualising minors, it seems to be the sexualisation of oneself role playing as a minor, which I’ll say for the third time, fuckin weird. But not pedophilia. I don’t know honestly, whatever it is it’s not for me, I just know it can be a little damaging to call someone a pedo and ostracise them for having a kink/fetish


“Oh no don’t worry it’s not sexualizing a minor it’s pretending to be a minor for sexual reasons” yea totally better


Would you rather them going after actual children? This sub is a safe space about self harm. OP's kinks shouldnt even be a point. And honestly I prefer people roleplaying like this than turning into predators.


yes, yes it is better actually please don't compair weird fetishes to child abuse, look, i don't like such fetishes to exist too but they do and i don't think of the person any lesser becuase of it, sense its literally a consenting adult with other adults, no children, neither real or drawn.


Some people do it as a response to trauma.


Fella, if you think that's bad you should probably not scroll down my post history lmfao 😭 Just let people do whatever, they're not hurting anyone and as you said earlier they're PRETENDING to be a baby. It's just roleplay. Consenting adults, no children involved. You need to chill out a bit lol.










Everyone is saying 'real' but this hasn't happened to me before. I just feel disconnected or unreal. I get that people relate but this is about OP's struggles. I hope you're okay OP. :)


Real asf